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Hunt Gold Corporation (CE)

Hunt Gold Corporation (CE) (HGLC)

( 0.00% )
Actualizado: 18:00:00

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REAGAN REAGAN 1 semana hace
Holy crap.  People still posting on this stock scam!!!!  Circa 2009 stock scam.  I lost $1500 on this.  Bought at $0.0004. 
Dingbatt Dingbatt 3 semanas hace
Everybody is on Pins and Needles
ctrumabll ctrumabll 1 mes hace
Your "sources" are what? Some crank on "YouTube"?
Dingbatt Dingbatt 1 mes hace
As far as Fort Knox

And gold there is also the gold in vaults under The World Trade Center and the vault door being unlocked and thermomite piled in there that is a big story that disappeared too
If it was true
Dingbatt Dingbatt 1 mes hace
They have been saying that before the year 2000 same old story same why JFK only change in story is there were 6 shooters instead of Oswald keep showing the same old story pretending it’s something new
Over and over and over
brown4321 brown4321 1 mes hace
Looks like we about to go back to the gold standard if my sources are right I could be wrong and I could be right but time will tell I wasn’t born yesterday I born back when you used what you had tell you got what needed lot more hard work got to get back to work keeps your mind on your task at hand.
brown4321 brown4321 1 mes hace
Looks like we about to go back to the gold standard if my sources are right I could be wrong and I could be right but time will tell I wasn’t born yesterday I born back when you used what you had tell you got what needed lot more hard work got to get back to work keeps your mind on your task at hand.
Dingbatt Dingbatt 1 mes hace
Brown there appears too still be a little package hidden under the Christmas tree
And maybe it’ is buried at Fort Knox
brown4321 brown4321 3 meses hace
1 hour left on the Christmas rally I think it can make it
brown4321 brown4321 3 meses hace
Well now the stock is back where it is sopposed to be now if it moves back it’s not a fake move or trade it’s because it’s the stock market so I think the Christmas rally is a big possibility here I say we all got good news coming Merry Christmas And Happy New Year the money is coming
brown4321 brown4321 4 meses hace
You want one
brown4321 brown4321 4 meses hace
Just eating a wish sandwich
Zorax Zorax 4 meses hace
Problem is you're totally off topic on a dead stock board and don't know it.
brown4321 brown4321 4 meses hace
The problem is there was nothing to back up the 1500 point gain we saw except for the election so stocks are coming back down to fair value and soon
brown4321 brown4321 4 meses hace
The problem is there was nothing to back up the 1500 point gain we saw except for the election so stocks are coming back down to fair value and soon
brown4321 brown4321 4 meses hace
The current national debt that we have now is unsubstainble it’s only going to get worse this will need to be addressed soon
brown4321 brown4321 5 meses hace
Profit taking on gold today 100% but they putting it right back into the market smart move Election Day is close hard to say what will happen with these market definitely going to be a least 1ralley for sure
brown4321 brown4321 5 meses hace
Profit taking on gold today 100% but they putting it right back into the market smart move Election Day is close hard to say what will happen with these market definitely going to be a least 1ralley for sure
brown4321 brown4321 5 meses hace
Trillions of dollars with ll be added to the deficit no matter the winner it’s coming
brown4321 brown4321 5 meses hace
If you were to refinance the 37triillion $baby boomers would triple the 84 trillion maybe qualtripe
brown4321 brown4321 5 meses hace
If you were to refinance the 37triillion $baby boomers would triple the 84 trillion maybe qualtripe
brown4321 brown4321 5 meses hace
If you were to refinance the 37triillion $baby boomers would triple the 84 trillion maybe qualtripe
brown4321 brown4321 5 meses hace
If you were to refinance the 37triillion $baby boomers would triple the 84 trillion maybe qualtripe
Zorax Zorax 5 meses hace
like you me are shit out of luck we not ready for shit the the debt of the world keeps adding upIn reality it's your own debt that you created when you bought scam junk stock like this. It's not the world debt's fault at all. And one can't get any junkier than this phony shell corp.
brown4321 brown4321 5 meses hace
Found the answer to my question Baby boomers are the richest class of people we hold 84trillion dollars not me though I’m broke I’m a baby boomer with no money
brown4321 brown4321 5 meses hace
Can’t tell me it’s not coming
brown4321 brown4321 5 meses hace
If they stop issuing 100$ bills To the public what are they replacing it with because the older generation like me are not ready for bitcoin there not enough time to understand how it works and it’s a safety issue just going to throw out there anyway let the people figure it out United States not quite ready for this paper money is better it goes in your pocket bitcoin is something you can’t see
brown4321 brown4321 5 meses hace
Need a answer to that question be waiting
brown4321 brown4321 5 meses hace
Need a answer to that question be waiting
brown4321 brown4321 5 meses hace
Someone please answer my big question is there enough money in the United States of America right now today to pay off 37trillion dollars in debt of this United States I want to start America over with no debt then we will can do some things big things all Americans
brown4321 brown4321 5 meses hace
If this stock can’t make no money on gold at 3000 a once something wrong. Ceo needs to get on the ball time is slipping away. You got today you got tomorrow but you don’t have forever it’s either now or never make it happen
brown4321 brown4321 5 meses hace
If this stock can’t make no money on gold at 3000 a once something wrong. Ceo needs to get on the ball time is slipping away. You got today you got tomorrow but you don’t have forever it’s either now or never make it happen
brown4321 brown4321 5 meses hace
Gold is heading to 3000$ dollars a once could be before the end of this year or in to next not a question will it happen it’s going to happen we got problems coming soon to theater near you
brown4321 brown4321 5 meses hace
Gold is heading to 3000$ dollars a once could be before the end of this year or in to next not a question will it happen it’s going to happen we got problems coming soon to theater near you
Dingbatt Dingbatt 6 meses hace
Brown I wonder if anybody found

some old worthless OTC certificates in King Tuts tomb from the old Kingdom hidden under the solid gold Mask
brown4321 brown4321 6 meses hace
Strategic Minerals PLC
Used to be there subsidiary called molybdenum corp
brown4321 brown4321 6 meses hace
It’s name was-
brown4321 brown4321 6 meses hace
Name Title Pay Exercised Year Born
Mr. Michael G. Saner CEO & Director
brown4321 brown4321 6 meses hace
I’m going to research this stock to see what subsidiaries it has or had
ArcherElf191 ArcherElf191 6 meses hace
Gold is going up but this stock price not even moveing lol
brown4321 brown4321 6 meses hace
2600$ profit taking
brown4321 brown4321 6 meses hace
2600$ profit taking
brown4321 brown4321 6 meses hace
I bought this stock 10years because they told gold was going to 10,000 a once 10years I figure bits coming true people are not no where near ready for what is about happen /bitcoin /electric cars /war/ inflation/shit like that / it ain’t but a handful of the people that got all the wealth so the rest like you me are shit out of luck we not ready for shit the the debt of the world keeps adding up
👍️ 1
brown4321 brown4321 6 meses hace
I bought this stock 10years because they told gold was going to 10,000 a once 10years I figure bits coming true people are not no where near ready for what is about happen /bitcoin /electric cars /war/ inflation/shit like that / it ain’t but a handful of the people that got all the wealth so the rest like you me are shit out of luck we not ready for shit the the debt of the world keeps adding up
brown4321 brown4321 7 meses hace
3000$gold is my prediction for next year
Dingbatt Dingbatt 8 meses hace
The price of gold is $2458 that 10 percent above Wells Fargo forecast
brown4321 brown4321 9 meses hace
Gold should be at 3,000$ by aug of 2025if not sooner even with no major problems in just what’s going on right now
brown4321 brown4321 9 meses hace
Gold should be at 3,000$ by aug of 2025if not sooner even with no major problems in just what’s going on right now
brown4321 brown4321 12 meses hace
Well hold prediction for the end of 2024 going into2025,sees gold sitting comfortably at 2500.00$
brown4321 brown4321 1 año hace
Stock not tradable lost my whole investment investment account 37.00$

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