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Obocon Inc (CE)

Obocon Inc (CE) (OBCN)

Cerrado 02 Marzo 3:00PM

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OBCN Discussion

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Maxis Securities Maxis Securities 6 meses hace
Yea. Bad pull down on share price. Still cannot fathom how it was manipulated on a way that seemed real
govprs govprs 6 meses hace
I’m here because all my shares are worthless toilet paper
Maxis Securities Maxis Securities 7 meses hace
Who is there and why?
Mr_Baby Mr_Baby 11 meses hace
Probably, just wind draft...Noticed volume-less price movement wondering why?
vieuxcarre vieuxcarre 11 meses hace
Who’s there?
Mr_Baby Mr_Baby 11 meses hace
Knock - Knock
DWillie DWillie 2 años hace
I had no idea Justin Costello was behind this ticker as well. That explains a lot of what happened here early on. Him and Computerbux stole a lot of money from us. I can't believe I got caught up with these scammers. He got me on this one and GRNF. At least I'm on the victim list if he ever pays out any restitution.

Costello also conducted a series of manipulative pump-and-dump schemes on at least three other issuers besides GRNF and HPST between October 2019 and January 2021, including Foothills Exploration Inc (FTXP), REMSleep Holdings Inc (RMSL), and Clancy Systems International Inc (formerly CLSI, now Obocon Inc (OBCN)). To conduct the manipulative schemes, Costello (1) purchased the securities of these issuers in brokerage accounts under his control; (2) secretly recruited and agreed to pay promoters to tout the stock on Twitter and other social media; (3) sold the stock he had accumulated after the price increased due to the illegal touting of the stock; (4) paid the promoters a share of the illicit profits for their activities.

The Indictment singled out one of those promoters by the initials D.F [computerbux on ihub and twitter]. According to the Indictment, Costello was in regular contact with D.F. about buys and sells of the manipulated securities and agreed on a 70%-30% split of the trading profits with D.F.

Together Costello’s misrepresentations and D.F.’s social media posts helped turn GRNF into one of the most memorable pump-and-dumps of all time. The stock price rose from a fraction of a penny to a high of $2.22 before negative exposure, self-awareness, and dilution eventually took the price back down to below a penny.

Costello also conducted a series of manipulative pump-and-dump schemes on at least three other issuers besides GRNF and HPST between October 2019 and January 2021, including Foothills Exploration Inc (FTXP), REMSleep Holdings Inc (RMSL), and Clancy Systems International Inc (formerly CLSI, now Obocon Inc (OBCN)). To conduct the manipulative schemes, Costello (1) purchased the securities of these issuers in brokerage accounts under his control; (2) secretly recruited and agreed to pay promoters to tout the stock on Twitter and other social media; (3) sold the stock he had accumulated after the price increased due to the illegal touting of the stock; (4) paid the promoters a share of the illicit profits for their activities.

The Indictment singled out one of those promoters by the initials D.F. According to the Indictment, Costello was in regular contact with D.F. about buys and sells of the manipulated securities and agreed on a 70%-30% split of the trading profits with D.F.

Together Costello’s misrepresentations and D.F.’s social media posts helped turn GRNF into one of the most memorable pump-and-dumps of all time. The stock price rose from a fraction of a penny to a high of $2.22 before negative exposure, self-awareness, and dilution eventually took the price back down to below a penny.

Maxis Securities Maxis Securities 2 años hace
ars_2014 ars_2014 2 años hace
Agreed!! Any stock with DOKI name on it will go to ZERO!!

UnstableElement UnstableElement 2 años hace
FTRS and OBCN IMO will never do anything with Doki trash fraudsters involved...

Over at RLBY Doki trash got involved and took 3 years to get rid of them through the courts and then finally binding arbitration. RLBY can finally move forward as intended and Doki trash are toast. They lost and all judgements are in company favor.

RLBY 8K 9/7/2022

On August 31, 2022, the Arbitrator issued an award (the “Award”) with the Company and MMG prevailing on their claims. The Company and MMG were awarded the following:

? an award in favor of MMG against Vivos under Note I (as defined in the Award) in the amount of $3,458,377, with interest thereon from June 30, 2022, at the rate of 4.5% per year;
? no award as to Note II (as defined in the Award) until and at such time as the automatic stay imposed by the United States Bankruptcy Court as a result of the filing of a petition in bankruptcy by VREH is lifted or the bankruptcy proceeding is terminated;
? an award in favor of MMG against Vivos under Note III (as defined in the Award) in the amount of $800,448, with interest thereon from June 30, 2022, at the rate of 2.5% per year, plus collection costs, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, incurred in the effort to collect Note III;
? an award in favor of MMG against Naveen under the Personal Guaranty (as defined in the Award) in the amount of $2,309,449, plus interest thereon at the rate of 6% per year from the date of the Award;
? an award in favor of the Company against Naveen, Valleru, Janumpally, individually and as Trustee of Judos Trust, and Pathuri, as Trustee of Igly Trust, jointly and severally, for contract damages of $1,000,000, to be satisfied by the transfer of their shares of the Company common stock to the Company equal in value to $1,000,000, valued as of the date of the Award, in accordance with the provisions of Section 9.06(d) of the Merger Agreement;
? an award in favor of the Company against Naveen, Valleru, Janumpally, individually and as Trustee of Judos Trust, and Pathuri, as Trustee of Igly Trust, jointly and severally, for fraud damages in the amount of $4,327,127, plus interest thereon at the rate of 6% per year from the date of the Award, together with any out-of-pocket fees and expenses, including attorneys’ and accountants’ fees;
? an award appointing a rehabilitative receiver for the Company under the deadlock situation provisions of Section 11.404(a)(1)(B) of the Texas Business Organizations Code, the primary function of which is to collect the contract and fraud damages, including costs, expenses and fees provided in the Award, due to the Company, with matters regarding such receivership to be set forth in a supplemental award; and
? declaratory relief in favor of the Company and its officers and directors.

Section 11.404(a)(1)(B) of the Texas Business Organizations Code provides for the appointment of a rehabilitative receiver when “the governing persons of the entity are deadlocked in the management of the entity’s affairs, the owners or members of the entity are unable to break the deadlock, and irreparable injury to the entity is being suffered or is threatened because of the deadlock.” With respect to the receivership, the owners or holders of all of the shares of common stock of the Company received as a result of the conversion of 1,600 shares of common stock of MMG owed by Naveen and Valleru under the Merger Agreement shall not be entitled to vote any of those shares at any annual or special meeting of the shareholders of the Company during the period of the receivership. Upon the completion of the receiver’s primary function of collecting damages due to the Company, the receivership shall terminate and the restrictions on the rights of the shareholders of the Company imposed by the Award shall be lifted. The parties have until September 19, 2022 to submit to the Arbitrator written proposals for the rehabilitative receivership.
chick2 chick2 3 años hace
My TDA account showed 4000 shares traded on 6-27. Probably a mistake.
govprs govprs 3 años hace
Doki was awarded super powers via preferred shares.
govprs govprs 3 años hace
Means you can’t buy or sell the stock at most brokerages.
CLSI CLSI 3 años hace
OBCN Current status. Empty shell.

Obocon is not a company.


DB Capital or Daniel Sobolewski, pre-split shares 130,037,779.(13 million shares post-split.)

Jeffrey Beckett, pre-split shares 36,114,370. ( 3.6 million shares post-split.) I have talked with him once before. He was not happy with Wolfson’s.

Wolfson’s, I have no information on their holdings or status.

Dr. Doki or Sam Mathew, I do not have any information.

I have no information on any of the shareholders, other than what has been reported or what their intentions may be.

It looks like the intentions were good, no scam just a bad shell. Issues with the shell caused them to pull the plug from the information I have gathered. Bottom line, latest news;

"OBOCON is done. CLSI was a bad shell and I don’t think officially Suresh/Naveen had any control on the company. Owner of Anthea has moved on. I have about $50K stuck in inventory and other expenses, hoping to somehow get that reimbursed, other than that moving on and working on some unrelated projects. Sorry, nothing worked out for us or the shareholders."

CLSI / OBCN is a tax write off at this point. Worthless stock.
CLSI CLSI 3 años hace
OTC "Expert Market"
This market serves broker-dealer pricing and investor best execution needs. Quotations in Expert Market securities are restricted from public viewing.

Does anyone know much about this designation?
CLSI CLSI 3 años hace
No idea on change. Was there some volume?
chick2 chick2 3 años hace
Are we really trading again? Anything change?
CLSI CLSI 3 años hace
Does lightning strike twice?
CLSI CLSI 3 años hace
Current status. Empty shell.

Naveen Doki, no info on shares.
DB Capital or Daniel Sobolewski pre split shares 130,037,779.
Jeffrey Beckett pre split shares 36,114,370. I have talked with him before. He was not happy with Wolfsons.. No idea or any research of what their intentions are.
CLSI CLSI 3 años hace
Current status. Empty shell.

Naveen Doki, no info on shares.
DB Capital or Daniel Sobolewski pre split shares 130,037,779.
Jeffrey Beckett pre split shares 36,114,370. I have talked with him before. He was not happy with Wolfsons.. No idea or any research of what their intentions are.
CLSI CLSI 3 años hace
Bottom line OBCN is not a company, just a shell. I do not have any information about if it is up for sale or not. I guess we can keep our eyes open.
DWillie DWillie 3 años hace
I wonder what the chances are they sell the ticker back to Disanti for another custodian/merger play? I don't buy that the shell is broken. More likely they didn't want to do what it takes to get financials in line. The previous owners are irrelevant.
govprs govprs 3 años hace
vieuxcarre vieuxcarre 3 años hace
Who said that?
CLSI CLSI 3 años hace
It looks like the intentions were good, no scam just a bad shell. Issues with the shell caused them to pull the plug from the information I have gathered. Bottom line, latest news;

"OBOCON is done. CLSI was a bad shell and I don’t think officially Suresh/Naveen had any control on the company. Owner of Anthea has moved on. I have about $50K stuck in inventory and other expenses, hoping to somehow get that reimbursed, other than that moving on and working on some unrelated projects. Sorry, nothing worked out for us or the shareholders."

CLSI / OBCN is a tax write off at this point.
DWillie DWillie 3 años hace
I don't think it was a scam. Just incompetence. They weren't ready to go public when they did. The accounting and filing requirements takes money they weren't prepared to spend. I didn't see where they sold shares or pumped the stock. It started with a custodianship play that didn't pan out. Yet. How many of those ever do? If we're still in this, that's more our fault than Doki's.
govprs govprs 3 años hace
Doki scam
DWillie DWillie 3 años hace
They are in expert markets. So, market makers are not allowed to trade/show a bid/ask for the ticker to the public. Obocon needs to update their info and get back to pink markets before we see any volume. They don't currently have transfer agent on file with OTC, so nothing can happen until they decide they want to spend a little money on the back end to get some liquidity going on their equity. That's the only reason they went public to begin with so it's strange they let it lapse. Most new companies would have converted some of their shares to cash to grow the business. OBCN seems to not care at this point.
govprs govprs 3 años hace
What issue specifically?
govprs govprs 3 años hace
No it’s not
govprs govprs 3 años hace
Has nothing to do with Doki scam Obcn
vieuxcarre vieuxcarre 3 años hace
They need to get the transfer agent situation figured out. That’s the issue.
CLSI CLSI 3 años hace
It would be interesting to see who is still in this stock and to do some up to date research.
CLSI CLSI 3 años hace
I have no Idea how this will effect OBCN, but it is certainly interesting to see some news.
CLSI CLSI 3 años hace
"It's alive."
CLSI CLSI 3 años hace
DWillie DWillie 3 años hace
How the hell do you trade it? No market makers. I would totally spend the $6.95 trading fee to sell my $3000 worth of shares for $3.50 just so I don't have to look at it anymore.
vieuxcarre vieuxcarre 3 años hace
2500 shares traded today lol
govprs govprs 3 años hace
Where’s Jack?
ironyman ironyman 3 años hace
govprs govprs 3 años hace
No trades for how many weeks?
govprs govprs 3 años hace
How does this help the stock?
Maxis Securities Maxis Securities 3 años hace
This is interesting.
Basically, the entire company accounting and, billing and payroll is in their own crypto.

The only dollar conversions are for payment of taxes. Vendors, purchase orders would work on the OBCN crypto.

Eliminates so much friction in accounting, banking and SEC filing.

Still waiting. We see.
BigWave-Dave BigWave-Dave 3 años hace
Cool idea, I say bring it on! Sounds like you know a little more than your letting on ; )
vieuxcarre vieuxcarre 3 años hace
Maxis Securities Maxis Securities 3 años hace
Can't believe anything except they are working on converting shares to a crypo market capitalization.

They are going to be the first to bypass all the SEC requirements and place the market value of the company into a crypto format.

I think next week, there will be a dozen or so companies converting their securities into a coin based marketplace.

Makes sense, anyone have the list if the first 10?
Rgsauve Rgsauve 3 años hace
Doki has pooped on companies for years. Runs them into the ground. Kiss of death. Bad news
Rgsauve Rgsauve 3 años hace
S. Doki has been scamming companies for years. FRAUD. Do better research. It doesn't add up, very fishy.
vieuxcarre vieuxcarre 3 años hace
Yeah they suck
They were having problems with the transfer agent. The prior attorney working on it would not hand over the docs to the new attorney. Ridiculous
govprs govprs 3 años hace
I too just noticed. This is dead we are screwed. Hate you doki

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