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Pazoo Inc (CE)

Pazoo Inc (CE) (PZOO)

Cerrado 04 Marzo 3:00PM

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JMoneyHoops JMoneyHoops 8 meses hace
On May 6th they submitted this filing to the Nevada SOS “Registered Agent-Statement of Change”
planetaryfuture planetaryfuture 1 año hace
PZOO makes NO pretext of hiding seeming criminal intentions !!! ..... Why not pick the pockets of retail Investor's when it is so easy to accomplish ? !!! ..... No sign of ethical or moral backbone !!! ..... Sorry to be so honest !!! .....

Best Wishes
planetaryfuture planetaryfuture 1 año hace
Don't hold your breath !!! ...... PZOO has seemingly followed a business strategy of "pathological deceit" for more than a decade !!! ..... This is a serious matter to be concerned about !!!! ..... Why not fleece retail Investors when it is so easy to get away with ? !!! ..... No apparent ethical or moral backbone for PZOO !!! ..... Mammon reigns supreme !!! ..... Best Wishes .....
planetaryfuture planetaryfuture 1 año hace
Sarna makes Ebeneezer Schrooge look like a Saint !!! ..... Hard to swallow the seeming blatant "criminality" of PZOO ..... which has been happening for many years !!! ..... No moral or ethical backbone !!! ..... Pure greed !!! ...... Best Wishes !!! .....
koolmc koolmc 1 año hace
lotto might not be dead after all
JMoneyHoops JMoneyHoops 1 año hace
planetaryfuture planetaryfuture 1 año hace
PZOO has proven to be "greedy con-artists" seemingly striving to pick-the-pockets of retail Investors ..... If there might be any other possible conclusion ..... Please take a minute to inform me !!! ..... since I gave-up on PZOO many months ago ..... I have been cheated out of thousands over the years by PZOO "hot shots" ..... incorectly hoping they might have a legitimate goal to run an honest business in Nevada ..... which most ethical people would understand ..... though apparently the power of "Mammon" appears to be too addictive for many with respect to our seemingly "degenerate species" .... Amen !!! .....
Penny2Dime Penny2Dime 1 año hace
Great, thx!
JMoneyHoops JMoneyHoops 1 año hace
I just looked at the Nevada SOS and they uploaded there “Annual List” on 04/07/2023 and the state annual report is due 11/30/2023 so will keep an eye on it, if the LOI got approved we should see another 8k before potential 10-Q’s/10-K’s to get current
JMoneyHoops JMoneyHoops 1 año hace
No nothing that I could find since the 8K
Penny2Dime Penny2Dime 1 año hace
Any update on this?
JMoneyHoops JMoneyHoops 2 años hace
Yes the LOI should be completed by now as it stated they would be done it by Q2
Penny2Dime Penny2Dime 2 años hace
Hopefully they file soon.
Follow back.
Ur right.
Hot summer ahead for OTC!
Lime Time Lime Time 2 años hace
It doesn't look good. Didn't file yet. I think it's cooked. Don't trust it. Can face revocation proceedings at any time. Too risky for me. SEC has been strict about this kind of delinquency stuff recently.

Member Follow +1, BTW, seems as though I never gave you +1

I no longer risk money on the SEC Registrants.

See you around at some other tickers.

Markets are tough these days.
Penny2Dime Penny2Dime 2 años hace
Any update?
The Prophetic One The Prophetic One 2 años hace

koolmc koolmc 2 años hace
well quarter coming up to close need that update. lotto
koolmc koolmc 2 años hace
think they will that's why grabbed .0001 lotto awhile back worth the risk.
JMoneyHoops JMoneyHoops 2 años hace
Yeah hopefully that LOI goes through in Q2
koolmc koolmc 2 años hace
hmm nice hits today .0002
koolmc koolmc 2 años hace
if they complete loi by second quarter by get a pop but needs to become current for it to really move
koolmc koolmc 2 años hace
if you have a canadian broker
The Prophetic One The Prophetic One 2 años hace
If it does go back to current reporting status and move up to PINK CURRENT you can expect a DIME a share!

$PZOO - If they don't, I will file to take over the shell.
Lime Time Lime Time 2 años hace
2nd quarter of 2023. This going to come back from the dead?
joe botts joe botts 2 años hace
How it can't be purchased?.. It's on the expert market ...
koolmc koolmc 2 años hace
looks like tax loss seller sold his shares at .0001
koolmc koolmc 2 años hace
quite a few em play have ran lately, so betting on this to go on loi completion next year. Now if they actually start to file to get out of expert market gonna go for good.
The Prophetic One The Prophetic One 2 años hace
I'm debating grabbing more down here myself.

koolmc koolmc 2 años hace
still trying to get some more .0001 lotto for next year, might have to take aon off
koolmc koolmc 2 años hace
it's a lotto nothing more. if they go through with loi next year then will have a chance to move imo
planetaryfuture planetaryfuture 2 años hace
PZOO listed as EXPERT MARKET trading ......

How do you see PZOO trading to any retail holders of the former PZOO ..... in light of the EXPERT designation ..... which makes it look like EVERYONE holding shares ...... somehow magically ..... by way of manipulating designations got CHEATED out of any shares they may be still holding .....

From my perspective ..... this scenario looks like hard-core criminality !!! ...... and I see no signs of INNOCENT parties in the picture ..... except for the retail investors who have been victimized by greed and strealth strategies !!! .....

Doubtful the FBI or DOJ would give "a hoot in hell" ..... concerning obvious foul-play by Sarna ..... Basloe ..... and all other parties complicit in such a dark manipulation .....

In case anyone fails to see the well-established essential facts ..... Retail investors of PZOO ..... who may have been long-term Investors are apparently being righteously "scalped" by a highly partisan and seemingly CORRUPT system !!! ..... designed to empower wealthy players ..... while excluding ALL others .....

Good Luck !!! ..... Best Wishes
koolmc koolmc 2 años hace
if they complete that loi in second quarter of 2023 then yes chance to go here, lotto play.
The Prophetic One The Prophetic One 2 años hace
This one is coming back to life. Pennyland Runner I hope one days soon.

Weedman1 Weedman1 2 años hace
Ahhhhh. It's good to be back.
The Prophetic One The Prophetic One 2 años hace

Soon enough, back to .005pps!

koolmc koolmc 2 años hace
the transaction, as contemplated by the LOI, is expected to close in the second quarter of 2023, subject to the receipt of any applicable regulatory approvals.

Second quarter of 2023 expected to close, that is long ways to go april-may. on watch or lotto play as it get's closer to the date.
The Prophetic One The Prophetic One 2 años hace

JMoneyHoops JMoneyHoops 2 años hace
New company taking over
JMoneyHoops JMoneyHoops 2 años hace
There a 8k!!!!!
JMoneyHoops JMoneyHoops 2 años hace
Yep maybe filings soon
FTR FTR 2 años hace
We have pulse again…
Weedman1 Weedman1 3 años hace
No. Better question would be any word on contacting some form of authorities? Nobody seems to care that nothing is happening.
JMoneyHoops JMoneyHoops 3 años hace
Any word on filings?
Jiminy Cricket Jiminy Cricket 3 años hace
Nope still a scammy POS LOL
Weedman1 Weedman1 3 años hace
Anyone heard anything new about this stock?
Weedman1 Weedman1 3 años hace
So how does the legal process against him begin then?
planetaryfuture planetaryfuture 3 años hace
No !!! ..... Not yet ..... though expect to cover the bases three directions ..... at least !!! .....

Thanks !!! ..... Best Wishes
Weedman1 Weedman1 3 años hace
So? Did you file a complaint yet?
planetaryfuture planetaryfuture 3 años hace
Likely-easier to file-a-complaint with FBI and DOJ-SEC !!! .....

I imagine Sarna must likey be a "very self-righteous nasty and greedy person" ..... and NOT have the patience or proper respect to listen to or interact with ANY PZOO shareholder .....

Therefore ..... tying to interact with Sarna openly appears to be a complete waste of time !!! .....

Best Wishes

planetaryfuture planetaryfuture 3 años hace
THANKS.... I suspected as much !!! .....

And also believe what Sarna did must be illegal !!! ..... since it has been orchestrated in the DARK ..... by way of stealth and deception !!! ..... with PZOO publicly pretending to be an authentic Corporation once selling shares to interested Investors ..... then concealing and canceling the OPERATION in SECRET ..... behaving so as to DEFRAUD once legal Investors !!! .....

Apparent enabling accomplice ..... Ben Hoehn ..... prepetuated the LIE by telling all inquiring Investor's in a timely manner that PZOO financials had been in process and would be released SOON ..... claiming PZOO had some difficulty manifesting the COST of becoming current reporting !!! ..... Hogwash !!! .....

Market reformer Geroge Sharp would most likely understand this PZOO situation from a technical and LEGAL perspective ..... and be able to provide an opinion one-way-or-another !!! ..... For BETTER or WORSE !!! .....

George has been involved with a consulting business ..... I think named ..... Pargon Partners ..... and makes common practice of taking custody of "shady or struggling Corporations" similar to PZOO ..... despite failing to win the legal battle with RETC ..... at the very last minute ..... since RETC had hired a brilliant top-class lawyer to fight the legal contest in Nevada ..... narrowly prevailing on the heels of becoming financially "current reporting" ..... which satisfied the Judge !!! .....

George's advisory role helped CEO Frank Igwealador become current reporting with his electric car Corporation NIHK and promising-looking shell in process ..... JPEX ..... both of whom actively trade today !!! .....

Thanks for your input !!! ..... I find it difficult to understand how a seeming one-time public Corporation such as PZOO can successfully empower a strategy which TOTALLY DESTROYS ..... and CONSUMES ..... ALL Investor equity !!! ..... though I intellectually realize "the system" has been designed to favor seemingly "criminal interest's" ..... the likes of a PZOO along with a multitude of others .....

As I had mentioned before ..... The LAW in Nevada allows any Retail Investor of a Corporation to file a law suit for CUSTODY !!! ..... Curiously ..... The RETC contest played out in Nevada !!! ..... with an effect being that better than 34 bilion shares of RETC have traded since August 12 2021 ..... while RETC trading today remains volatile and active ..... though seemingly stuck in a groove with a SP at .0001-.0003 ..... with RETC Holding Co Management claiming and publicly stating they do NOT intend to dilute any more !!! .....

Naturally ..... the entire scheme appears to be little more than a deceptive GAME in process !!! ..... Hard to say how the RETC ticker will play-out in the long-run !!! .....

Best Wishes


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