3 años hace
ROYL 25M Float Insiders own nearly 50% and NO toxic Debt
Name City and State (and
Country if outside US)
Number of Shares Owned
(list common, warrants and
options separately)
Percentage of Class
of Shares Owned
Johnny Jordan Santa Barbara, CA 21,195,747 38.4
Stephen Hosmer San Diego, CA 1,140,229 2.07
Jonathan Gregory Los Angeles, CA 758,409 1.37
Mel Riggs Midland, TX 459,396 *
Thomas Gladney New Braunfels, TX 532,203 *
Robert Vogel 471,831 *
Trading Symbol ROYL
The data in this chart is as of: 4/6/2021
Shares Authorized (A) 280M
Total Shares Outstanding (B) 55,192,846
Number of Restricted Shares (SEE NOTE 1 BELOW) (C) 3,919,397
Unrestricted Shares Held by Officers, Directors, 10% Control Persons & Affiliates (D) 24,557,815
Public Float: Subtract Lines C and D from Line B (E) 26,715,634
% Public Float: Line E Divided by Line B (as a %) (SEE NOTE 2 BELOW) (F) 48.40
Number of Beneficial Shareholdersof at least 100 shares (SEE NOTE 3 BELOW) (G) 3750