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Royal Standard Minerals Inc (CE)

Royal Standard Minerals Inc (CE) (RYSMF)

( 0.00% )
Actualizado: 18:00:00

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Pierretp Pierretp 4 años hace
I’m ready for someone to buy this shell and give me back my money.
Pierretp Pierretp 4 años hace
Any idea why the lowest price to sell is $.99? That is some jump. Could someone be interested in buying shares?
Pierretp Pierretp 4 años hace
Let’s hope that the few of us who have held on to our shares will be rewarded in 21. Happy new year everyone.
itsthebox1 itsthebox1 4 años hace
I'm here with a few
Pierretp Pierretp 4 años hace
Am I the only share holder?
Pierretp Pierretp 4 años hace
Big jump today.

One of these days someone will buy this mess. I’m holding until then.

I was
Pierretp Pierretp 5 años hace
Any idea why shares were bought today? I got scammed out of a few k a few years ago. I’m still holding to see what happens.
Pierretp Pierretp 5 años hace
Wow, huge day today. Could this be the beginning of something great?
Pierretp Pierretp 6 años hace
Peeps are wanting to buy today. Could this be a comeback?
Pierretp Pierretp 6 años hace
Someone needs to go to jail.
go eagles go eagles 6 años hace
Are they in jail yet for their fraud? I sold my shares at a dollar when it went dark. I still don't understand how they got the OTC to show an incorrect share count to fool investors.
Karma got these jerks...
Dip-N-Rip Dip-N-Rip 6 años hace
So this is going dark now?
Pierretp Pierretp 6 años hace
Ok, with all the hype from a few weeks ago I expect a little action
nuffmoney nuffmoney 6 años hace
I love this is hold good. Lots of riches being made here
Buckey Buckey 6 años hace
They all do actually well except this one-
Capt Caveman Capt Caveman 6 años hace
saw a couple of reverse splits go thru this week and both
had a letter d added to the ticker----still wondering why

this ticker did not
Teekobrohey Teekobrohey 6 años hace
If you phone it in, it’ll go through. Had a sell order executed for RYSMF last week that way.
Huggy Bear Huggy Bear 6 años hace
Damn shame there. Sometimes sales are restricted for 20 days following a RS.

While investors take a steady beat down in that time frame.
johnreiner johnreiner 6 años hace
Put a sell order in on E*TRADE and it let me , then looked at order status and it stated it was rejected !

Anyone have any updates on RYSMF?
GoWest27 GoWest27 6 años hace
So you are the one making it harder for me to buy on Friday.. I kept chasing it and you must have out bid me.

Looking for $5.00
Just checking in...I'm trying to make an extra 200k to bring back to buy my shares that TDA stole from me last me luck, I'm 10% there as of today....
go eagles go eagles 6 años hace
Thank you Paul for that detailed reply. I'll research that more and look at your older posts this weekend. That was a very odd turn of events. I would be curious to know if after your shares were consolidated, were they changed to the same CUSIP as the American shares or were they still a different one.
bkaiser bkaiser 6 años hace
my pre and post shares are locked to says call them to set it up for sale.(etrade).i can buy without it worth it to call and get out with little loss after the fiasco we all went through this point its 2k ..expensive lotto ticket with worse odds then powerball? let it ride?
GaryS GaryS 6 años hace
still have split shares and added 10k more post split shares....all can trade
when/if they get a rm i will be happy i think...just waiting
johnreiner johnreiner 6 años hace
Thanks! Are your shares pre or post split?
GaryS GaryS 6 años hace
no problem with tda
johnreiner johnreiner 6 años hace
E*TRADE doesn’t allow my RYSMF shares to be sold online! Is everyone else’s shares locked up ?
Hi eagles,

You can read my earlier posts as I tried to understand the issues. Posts NO; 397,1041,1045,1053..

I bought this stock earlier this shares became worthless at some point in September/October; that is when I came to know of the reverse split (553 to 1) my account, there was no symbol for the shares, my number of shares had reduced by the factor of 553, but the price was zero; and so the value was zero..

This frustrated me a lot; I called RBC and they said that the stock that had been split was not the same stock that I had purchased - I asked them to do a thorough investigation...A day later, they responded with the message below;

'For these details, you would need to contact the issuer, or their transfer agent which is the TSX Trust Company. Their contact information can be found by visiting: Our records do not show that your shares are currently trading on the Canadian Markets, and the shares that are trading on the U.S Markets, specifically on the Pink Sheets do not share the same ISIN identifier: CA7809191066 for RYSMF, and CA7809192056 for the shares in your account, nor the same CUSIP either, otherwise, if they did, it would indicate that it's the same shares.'

I called them again, and one experienced advisor advised me to leave the stock as it is; that the problem could be with the transfer agent; an issue that will eventually be resolved.

So I decided to count it as a loss..

But on around 22 December, my portfolio updated with the symbol RYSMF in place, and the stock price at $2...I held it for two more days and sold off everything at around $2.7

I feel sorry for you all who are in a similar situation....I hope your issues can be resolved soon and be able to sell before the stock goes back to pennies
go eagles go eagles 6 años hace
Hi Paul,

Many of us shareholders here in the U.S., or at least myself, are curious when did a Canadian shareholder have their shares consolidated 553 to 1 and what dates approximately were your shares also locked for? Still trying to figure out this puzzle so any info would be helpful. Thanks
johnreiner johnreiner 6 años hace
Ok thanks! PAUL I believe your shares were RS’s months ago , I can’t believe the mess here in the USA with RYSMF!
I cant tell which exchange my shares were sold on....but my broker is RBC Toronto..
Capt Caveman Capt Caveman 6 años hace
glad to hear that Paul--many here share a situation
similar to yours---sometimes worse
johnreiner johnreiner 6 años hace
Paul , what exchange did you sell your shares on for clarification ? Tia JR
A while back, I posted about how my Canadian brokers had locked my shares....they eventually released them and I was able to get out at $2.5; with marginal profit as my effective cost basis after Reverse Split was $1.67
Capt Caveman Capt Caveman 6 años hace
seems like a good idea for now John
johnreiner johnreiner 6 años hace
So what’s the plan here?

Are we waiting on some type of ruling ?
dog turd cannon dog turd cannon 6 años hace
Yep. That is the what people are denying. Post-trade shares sold before 12/21
johnreiner johnreiner 6 años hace
That’s your response? Pretty weak in my opinion........ Try digging deeper
Huggy Bear Huggy Bear 6 años hace
I should hope everyone already knows what is really going on by now. If not, they are on their own.
johnreiner johnreiner 6 años hace
Have at it man , and dig through this fiasco and let us all know your opinion!
Huggy Bear Huggy Bear 6 años hace
This junk has been on my watch list for years.
johnreiner johnreiner 6 años hace
Huggy , now here’s something worth your time! Take a look into RYSMF
Huggy Bear Huggy Bear 6 años hace
Yes, Royal Standard Minerals appears to still be trading.
Buckey Buckey 6 años hace
Well 3 Million shares traded on Dec 13th and 10 % of the o/s is in the float so presplit there was 920 Million shares so 90 Million were trading or in the float so to speak so 3 Million would not be unusual other that the stock doesnt trade very heavy otherwise - I posted the daily trades for the year a while back
Capt Caveman Capt Caveman 6 años hace
a couple of other big trading days occurred as well---
I think one was in the summer and then in October
penknee penknee 6 años hace
That days trading is definitely strange, but the numbers don’t add up to the reverse split of 553 shares. Also when I look at trading data for December 13, it looks like pretty suspect, someone dumped hard that day, way more shares than should be available in the float, and the 3 insiders claimed they didn’t sell in the 12/31/18 filing. Then the stock takes off on much less volume on the 21st and 24th. Those 3 days of trading make me think there’s more to this than a mistake with an R/S. I have a feeling we’ll eventually get some answers to this but it could be a while.

Has anyone sent an email to the company yet?
Buckey Buckey 6 años hace
I agree - They talked about it for sure and it was known. and that is normal - Company indicates that a split will happen - happens all the time. Trust me I have owned possibly hundreds of stocks that have r/s.

I also agree that there are likely only 150,000 shares in the float. The question is - did any shares that got bought on the 21st not get the trades washed. IE is that really the volume - most trades under 3 cents - average share price was exactly 2 cents or $20,000 traded USD.

15:59:38 Q 0.125 0.1164 24,476 $3,060
15:58:06 Q 0.125 0.1164 5,000 $625
15:57:17 Q 0.126 0.1174 5,000 $630
15:57:15 Q 0.125 0.1164 5,000 $625
15:56:50 Q 0.125 0.1164 5,000 $625
15:56:04 Q 0.11 0.1014 5,000 $550
15:55:57 Q 0.075 0.0664 1 $0
15:55:39 Q 0.11 0.1014 5,000 $550
15:54:40 Q 0.11 0.1014 100 $11
15:53:08 Q 0.07 0.0614 1 $0
15:46:10 Q 0.1 0.0914 5,000 $500
15:45:47 Q 0.031 0.0224 3 $0
15:33:53 Q 0.1 0.0914 100 $10
15:32:37 Q 0.03 0.0214 29,612 $888
15:32:20 Q 0.0275 0.0189 1 $0
15:27:46 Q 0.03 0.0214 10,388 $312
15:27:41 Q 0.03 0.0214 10,000 $300
15:27:41 Q 0.03 0.0214 5,000 $150
15:25:45 Q 0.03 0.0214 9,000 $270
15:24:34 Q 0.03 0.0214 5,000 $150
15:24:15 Q 0.03 0.0214 5,000 $150
15:05:07 Q 0.02 0.0114 2 $0
15:04:21 Q 0.03 0.0214 19,800 $594
15:03:37 Q 0.03 0.0214 5,000 $150
15:02:53 Q 0.03 0.0214 5,000 $150
14:54:17 Q 0.03 0.0214 10,000 $300
14:54:08 Q 0.03 0.0214 10,000 $300
14:52:48 Q 0.026 0.0174 15,000 $390
14:24:23 Q 0.026 0.0174 10,000 $260
13:39:13 Q 0.012 0.0034 6 $0
13:34:12 Q 0.03 0.0214 5,000 $150
13:26:30 Q 0.03 0.0214 10,000 $300
13:19:34 Q 0.03 0.0214 10,000 $300
13:18:43 Q 0.03 0.0214 5,000 $150
13:18:35 Q 0.03 0.0214 5,000 $150
12:35:58 Q 0.012 0.0034 5,000 $60
12:35:58 Q 0.012 0.0034 5,000 $60
12:35:57 Q 0.012 0.0034 5,000 $60
12:35:20 Q 0.012 0.0034 15,000 $180
12:35:20 Q 0.0148 0.0062 15,000 $222
12:35:19 Q 0.0148 0.0062 38,823 $575
12:35:16 Q 0.012 0.0034 10,000 $120
12:30:54 Q 0.01 0.0014 10,000 $100
12:26:28 Q 0.01 0.0014 29,000 $290
12:21:39 Q 0.012 0.0034 40,000 $480
11:59:07 Q 0.01 0.0014 34,927 $349
11:59:04 Q 0.01 0.0014 15,000 $150
11:58:55 Q 0.01 0.0014 5,000 $50
11:53:12 Q 0.008 -0.0006 300,000 $2,400
11:47:08 Q 0.01 0.0014 20,000 $200
11:46:57 Q 0.01 0.0014 5,000 $50
11:44:54 Q 0.01 0.0014 45,000 $450
11:44:48 Q 0.009 0.0004 5,000 $45
11:41:25 Q 0.01 0.0014 100,000 $1,000
10:55:47 Q 0.01 0.0014 10,000 $100
9:32:25 Q 0.0148 0.0062 100,000 $1,480
penknee penknee 6 años hace
I’m not sure who dropped the ball on this either, my guess is someone in the US wasn’t notified. Whether that’s FINRA, OTCM and/or the TA I have no idea. But it looks like this R/S was well planned, it was announced in April and the shareholder meeting was May 24.

Here’s a link to their articles of incorporation, the R/S occurred June 28, 2018.

Here’s another filing to send to the TA so they know about the R/S. Never seen a doc like this in the US, so I’m not sure how common this is, and who keeps shares in cert form anyway?

Assuming the insiders haven’t sold a share since their 12/31/18 filing, there’s only 151,772 shares trading.
Buckey Buckey 6 años hace
certainly not out of the question and if I mentioned RBOS on here - it appears as if a 12:1 F/S announced on Jan 2nd for an ex date of the 4th was re-announced afterhours on the 3rd as not happening. So on a f/s or a stock diviie they often do not add a D - that board it appears as if people bought it on the 2nd and 3rd anticpating a forward split and it did not happen BUT some brokereages had adjust the previous days closing price to reflect the split LOL

That is correct. That is why this will most likely be shut down.