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Sandbridge X2 Corporation (CE)

Sandbridge X2 Corporation (CE) (SBIIW)

Cerrado 27 Noviembre 3:00PM

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Hoskuld Hoskuld 13 segundos hace
Hosai, I think that because nothing cures AD but only seems to slow it down, physicians will throw everything at it. If ozempic shows efficacy and 2-73 shows efficacy then they will probably both be prescribed. Right now, docs prescribe loads of things for AD that they KNOW won't work - like lipit
linkvest linkvest 15 segundos hace
Share Structure as of 11-15-2024

Market Cap Market Cap 15,306,178 11/26/2024
Authorized Shares 10,000,000,000 11/15/2024
Outstanding Shares 4,501,817,059 11/15/2024
Restricted 1,751,997
L8TR L8TR 16 segundos hace
Screech691 Screech691 26 segundos hace
nice to see a green close yesterday, hoping to build on that today!
couldbebetter couldbebetter 38 segundos hace
Oneragman, I agree, especially when one considers
that AMRN is limited in how much stock they are allowed
to buy on any given day. I thought they would want to take
advantage of buying back shares during tax-loss selling
season, but I guess not. The only reason to stay
Screech691 Screech691 39 segundos hace
Good morning SGTM!
RIGATONI RIGATONI 52 segundos hace
That chart's much nicer than mine lol..
glenn1919 glenn1919 1 minuto hace
PennyMillions852 PennyMillions852 1 minuto hace
Currently idle GARBAGE!!! Silence from management and NO NAME CHANGE!!!!!
mauismart mauismart 1 minuto hace
I sold atc1030 1035 997 998 1000..all in premarket I still need to buy back around 1500 shares. I will get them in a little while. Thanks for taking it back down to protect their short pile.
jseps0036 jseps0036 1 minuto hace
The classic "everyone is selling" nonsense. So where are all those "sold" shares going? Into thin air? Obviously not. Some person or firm is absorbing. And they don't plan on sitting on them forever. In due time.
yielddude yielddude 2 minutos hace
Nsom on a roll
georgie18 georgie18 2 minutos hace
Good Morning...🥳
glenn1919 glenn1919 3 minutos hace
Iggy_Bot Iggy_Bot 3 minutos hace
The US will win...
RIGATONI RIGATONI 4 minutos hace
Great, patience paying off here ~Rig
JamesF1 JamesF1 4 minutos hace,needs%20of%20the%20United%20States. Do any of the posters here have experience dealing with quota issues?
Smartypants2 Smartypants2 4 minutos hace
The fact that many people here may not believe that XERI is legit is understandable, considering their frustration with the share price and the misinformation being spread by bashers with their own agendas. But when NEXBOARD is certified and starts signing those mega-deals, the diehard XERI supporte
ITYS ITYS 4 minutos hace
Tech, we need to show steal what exactly an UPLIST looks like, first starts with the company filing a complete disclosure. Just can't click your heels 3x and hope it happens.
Seems company misleads shareholders/investors as do their paid pumpers with nonsense--no proof !

thistraderknowsall thistraderknowsall 4 minutos hace
ZENA mms letting it open at $10 + ...Great news!!
Stay tuned!! It's worth a $50 pps stock!!
Debunkinator Debunkinator 5 minutos hace
$37 mil plus in revs and 0.0005--Never seen anything like this before--And I have been around a few days.😉This is a ticking time bomb.
RIGATONI RIGATONI 5 minutos hace
Good morning! ~Rig
winstocksnew winstocksnew 5 minutos hace
Get you foot on the BUY pedal. Today should be interesting.
"Diluted earnings per share are expected to be in the range of $0.001 to $0.002."
budfoxfun budfoxfun 5 minutos hace
The Director of Revenue and Operations, John Schultz at SGTM, expressed his enthusiasm about this accomplishment, stating, "This remarkable achievement marks a significant moment in our journey to convert biomass into reusable products. It demonstrates our commitment to safeguarding the environment
Invest-in-America Invest-in-America 5 minutos hace
AMBO & TRNR --- THANKS for both tips!!!

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