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Star Entertainment Group Inc (CE)

Star Entertainment Group Inc (CE) (SETY)

Cerrado 22 Marzo 2:00PM

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Lonay123 Lonay123 4 años hace
Just sold 1 million shares I have held since 2012 . Unreal thought they were toast .0011
24d 24d 4 años hace
i have 100k for sale @ 001. that's half price from where we are now! double your money! hurry though, i can't afford to do this all year. sety
Tony5885 Tony5885 4 años hace
SETY will be the best stock on 2021!!!
PennyHoarder PennyHoarder 4 años hace
Its ALIVE!!!! its ALIVE!!!!
Entony Entony 4 años hace
Here is some usefull guide about entertainment topic. Media software can help you to grow your business.
philg philg 4 años hace
Won't be able to buy it through TDAMeritrade (according to a previous announcement by TDAmeritrade) by the end of the month but not sure the situation with other trading platforms like eTrade. Still can sell it through them from what I read.
Mrvince Mrvince 4 años hace
guess this company is done
philg philg 4 años hace
SETY .0001 - Unrestricted OS - 208,029,429 - 01/05/2021 - Transfer agent verified. (Yes super low .0001 unrestricted O/S.)

Star Entertainment Group (not to be confused with "The Star Entertainment group" in Austrailia.)

Unrestricted OS - 208,029,429 - 01/05/2021
Restricted OS - 793,617,664 - 01/05/2021
Total Outstanding Shares - 1,001,647,093 - 01/05/2021
Held at DTC - 88,892,561 - 01/05/2021
Authorized Shares - 1,500,000,000 - 01/05/2021 -

Note, by January 31st all stocks such as this which are labeled "Caveat Emptor" can be sold through TDAmeritrade but not bought through them -

More on SETY:

(From the PR below) - Star Entertainment Group, Inc. is an independent investment, management, and holding company focusing on new media and digital content, delivery and monetization of multi-dimensional Online Customer Communities through the integrated use of online; interactive, participatory mobile applications; proprietary search capabilities and intuitive advertising platforms. The Company will operate as a central hub, utilizing our strengths in M&A, capital and resource management and will proactively minimize risk by teaming with experienced technologies operators, leveraging their experience and knowledge.

Star Entertainment's headquarters/operational facilities was relocated to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. (See PR further below.)

Based on the PR (below) of their's they've had (maybe still have?) close business relationships (such as ownership) with one or more of:

Modiax - About -, a wholly owned subsidiary of Zenetek, is the developer and operating subsidiary of Zenetek (see below) engaged in creating mobile gaming, social media and entertainment applications for mobile phones.

Pro Gaming Platforms -

Tranzistor Systems - - The Company previously announced the signing of a Letter of Intent to acquire Tranzistor Systems Inc., a company engaged in mobile music entertainment products and services including internet radio, fan applications, and eCommerce products.

Tranzistor’s product and technology have been assessed in excess of $10 million and additionally have a number of products and services under development. The Company projects Tranzistor annual revenues to reach $87.6 million by 2014 and in excess of $231 million by 2016, as Tranzistor’s service set expands internationally.

Zenetek - About Zenetek - Vietnam-based software consulting company dedicated to software consulting, programming and development services. The Company is currently developing social media/networking-based software products that provide clients in connection with Web 2.0, social media/networking, mobile applications. (This relationship was later unwound.)

SETY trading was temporarily halted in 2012. It's current operational status is not guarenteed.


(Reference) NEW YORK and HO CHI MINH CITY, Vietnam, Aug. 14, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Star Entertainment Group, Inc. (PINKSHEETS: SETY) today announced the appointment of new CEO/Chairman of the Board, Mr. Nhue A. (N.A.) Le from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Additionally, Mr. Khiem Nguyen, also from Ho Chi Minh City will take over responsibilities as new CEO for both Zenetek and Star Entertainment's new headquarters/operational facilities will be relocated to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam as part of this new transition.

Mr. Le, an investment banking executive with a degree and solid background in Computer Software Services, has played an instrumental role in financing and corporate restructuring technology firms in Vietnam and Southeast Asia for the past several years. Mr. Le will assume day-to-day management role for Star Entertainment and spearhead its future merger and acquisition activities.

Mr. Nguyen, a former Software Developer/Consultant with several top tier consulting firms in US and aboard for the past several decades, is Star's top candidate to run both Zenetek and He has extensive consulting services, software development and maintenance which will play a vital role in keeping check and balances on all current and future Web 2.0 and Mobile Apps developmental work for both companies and operating subsidiaries.

"I am extremely delighted to appoint my successor, Mr. N.A. Le as the new CEO/Chairman of the Board for Star Entertainment Group. Mr. Le, with his extensive Asian investment banking background and contacts, will focus his efforts in spearheading major merger and acquisition initiatives for Star", said Michael Clarkson, CEO of Star Entertainment Group.

"Additionally, Mr. Le will be involved in all financing aspects for the Company, while Mr. Nguyen will focus all his technical background, contacts and know-hows to reward our investors with killer apps development and first-to-market social/entertainment platforms that will increase Star's market capitalization substantially", continued Mr. Clarkson.

The closing date for Zenetek acquisition will be tentatively scheduled for Friday, August 17, 2012.

About Star Entertainment Group - Star Entertainment Group, Inc. is an independent investment, management, and holding company focusing on new media and digital content, delivery and monetization of multi-dimensional Online Customer Communities through the integrated use of online; interactive, participatory mobile applications; proprietary search capabilities and intuitive advertising platforms. The Company will operate as a central hub, utilizing our strengths in M&A, capital and resource management and will proactively minimize risk by teaming with experienced technologies operators, leveraging their experience and knowledge.
24d 24d 4 años hace
2021 may be our year!!! sety
Robertgfinance Robertgfinance 6 años hace


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jessicamary jessicamary 6 años hace
CAYO CAYO 8 años hace
24d 24d 9 años hace
wow volume up 2,500% today and no one's even talking about it
scully230 scully230 10 años hace
I know this is an old post. But is there any contact information for Gregory Smith? I am attempting to clean up an old Scottrade account and I have 1000 shares that are restricted that belong to STAR ENTERTAINMENT GRP INC
pyramide3465 pyramide3465 11 años hace
lonay lonay 11 años hace
Hope so still have 3 mil
allezlOM allezlOM 11 años hace
Trading volume regular and increasing...Anything cooking behind the scene ?
koldkash koldkash 11 años hace
Lmao my bad wrong company
cableguy cableguy 11 años hace
koldkash koldkash 11 años hace
NV SOS showing status dissolved???
cableguy cableguy 11 años hace
Mines working, still revoked though, got some here also, hope they cleared up all the restricted share BS.

koldkash koldkash 11 años hace
I hope I got a lot of shares tied up in this ... Scotttrade says ticker doesn't exist tho
allezlOM allezlOM 11 años hace
Back to business ? 2 days in a row...
pyramide3465 pyramide3465 11 años hace
50000 A .001 ???
24d 24d 11 años hace
just noticed that too, loney. not sure what's going on. would be nice to get something back out of this steamer
lonay lonay 11 años hace
WOW a trade just went through on SETY 296000 , is the suspension over
buyittradeit buyittradeit 11 años hace
anyone know whats going on with this one these days?
chklingon chklingon 11 años hace
LOL, well said.
L1ving L1ving 11 años hace
It's headed here probably....which one? The really messed up thing about when this was halted is that they let it trade for like 5 minutes on a big news day before they halted it. Just long enough to let their corrupt Market Maker buddies from the bank dump their shares. I guess SETY didn't pay it's protection money to the SEC.
chklingon chklingon 11 años hace
Led to this board by another stock. Same guy is part of it. Gee.... I wonder where that stock is headed?
L1ving L1ving 11 años hace
I still have this crapper.... It just sits there and looks red all day. I'm not very proud lol.
lonay lonay 12 años hace
allezlOM allezlOM 12 años hace
You`ll be proud to have your million in few months :)
lonay lonay 12 años hace
wow 250 shares traded strange after all these months, still have my mil anyone want them?
lonay lonay 12 años hace
I couldnt agree more, but you can go to a casino and play a slot machine and loose all your money and thats fine
articstorm articstorm 12 años hace
Shameful. SEC protects no one. Halting stocks only hurts shareholders.
lonay lonay 12 años hace
articstorm articstorm 12 años hace
What about these shares?
lonay lonay 12 años hace
Interesting, the owner of this scam is looking to startup again but will most likley be under another ticker, here is the info I got from one of my pay sites that show people looking to promote and finance their business

Company Name:

Star Enterprise Ltd




















Web Site:




Financial Services


Recent Price:


Average Volume:

Shares Out:

Annual Revenue:



#Free Trading Shares:

#Restricted Shares

shanon1 shanon1 12 años hace
Hey Rich, Merry Christmas. I think I'm goin to get shares here buddy, why so down on these guys, they are just trying to play their corporate card and at least they have millions in revenue, why don't you just pick sum up, I won't tell anyone.
Rich Rich 12 años hace
SETY, QOIL, HESG, Zenetek, Modiax, VNC Associates, Khiem Nguyen, Derek Nguyen, Ken To, Robinson To, Gregory Smith (AKA Greg Smith, G. Smith)

Steer clear of all of the above. It's a lose, lose situation.
Rich Rich 12 años hace
Zenetek's CEO, Khiem Nguyen, is most likely Derek Nguyen of VNC Associates. He may be DBA Ken To or Robinson To now.
Rich Rich 12 años hace
Gregory Smith is Treasurer?

He's also HESG's Sole Director/Treasurer/Secretary and he signed it's reinstatment papers in FL....
Rich Rich 12 años hace
I find it odd that SETY signed a definitive agreement to acquire Zenetek in August yet, this month Zenetek is partnered with HESG.
cableguy cableguy 12 años hace
Ok, thats cool just wanted you to know... GLTY.
num1inv num1inv 12 años hace
Gray sheets....ahuh...pretty obvious....DD...pretty obvious I did....numbers/dates, etc.

... there's alot to learn.... ;)

.... quite obviously something going on behind the scenes.... by doing DD it's pretty easy to see :)
cableguy cableguy 12 años hace
Sorry to say but this company is now trading on the gray sheets, as you can see no bid or ask price available, please DD it and trade accordingly, GLTY...
num1inv num1inv 12 años hace
Just started looking into this stock last night as per it's seemingly NEW CONNECTION with another dead dog....HESG.

It seems your director Gregory Smith just delisted HESG from SEC reporting.

May or not be tied to STAR unless the Zenetek acquisition was legit (which I think it is)....because HESG is now showing to be connected with Zenetek .... ... which just became an active website last month and showing a different SS.

Now this is purely a bit of sleuthing at this time but I wouldn't give hope on this guy just yet. There is the possibility of something going on behind the scenes here that may work out for the shareholders here if SETY and HESG do a RM or something of the sort.

After all, don't you think it strange that the SS changed from end of May 31 to August 1?
Yes I know they increased the AS to 1.5 billion on 6/25.... but that was because after they reduced they 200 million to 167mil and 33mil preffered shares to acquire Tranzistor (which did actually take place but was recinded as per a clause in the contract that could take place at any time - regardless of the mis-information previously posted) they were @ 250% fully diluted (based on preferred shares be @ $0.40, so obviously the AS had to be increased....

Then, new management....key...very key....linked to NUMEROUS ACTUAL COMPANIES.....

Curious what the actual SS is now.....may be surprised.

Good luck shareholders!
num1inv num1inv 12 años hace
From all the available information:

Float as of May 31: 17,400,00
Float as of Aug 1: 208,029,429
... an increase of 190,629,429

Strangely enough from the period of May 31 - Aug. 1 there were only 13,276,821 shares traded........

Makes ya wonder......

L1ving L1ving 12 años hace
LMAO....who knows