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Mills Locacao Servicos e Logistica S.A

Mills Locacao Servicos e Logistica S.A (MILS3Q)

Cerrado 06 Febrero 2:55PM

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thecrusher2011 thecrusher2011 6 minutos hace
I Very quickly identified you as the dumbest one on here. Now you're starting in with the Russia Russia Russia hysterics🥴 how long before you call me a bot? 😂😂😂 Here's the problem you're a feminine male. You suffer from the Reich effect. Because you are a beta and can
lodas lodas 6 minutos hace
@ts.......I can understand why you don't want to waste more time in answering my question..... you have ALREADY WASTED 16 years in a fruitless effort...!!!!!!!........simply put, there is no way that you can explain away those 16 lost years, and the loss of 250 dollars in value in an offered exch
BDEZ BDEZ 7 minutos hace
Dum garbage Fetterman will oppose RFK & Tulsi
stockanalyze stockanalyze 8 minutos hace
but they stole it all. 8 billion market cap, should be 3 trillion . after stealing for last 16 years, they must give back the warrants back to the companies, return the excess money looted with interest.

"In 2024, with over $4.3 trillion in assets, Fannie Mae is the largest company i
bigstocksnbonds bigstocksnbonds 9 minutos hace
lol you could get used to it Yes!!!!!
boomer0921 boomer0921 13 minutos hace
Uh, because your not looking at the right Apollo.
kthomp19 kthomp19 13 minutos hace
Trump’s talk suggests dilution coming. Hasn’t he said stuff like “the government will make a lot of money on fannie/freddie”?

Correct. His letter to Rand Paul says "My Administration would have also sold
kthomp19 kthomp19 13 minutos hace
The calculation of the share price is much simpler: if 7.2 billion shares (warrants redeemed) are worth 250 billion dollars, then one share is worth 34.72 USD. Such an approach also avoids confusion regarding a JPS conversion.

No, it doesn't work that way. The warrants gives Treasury
stockhero stockhero 13 minutos hace
We need the CEO to stop tweeting lies and actually send out real press releases and make money.
kthomp19 kthomp19 13 minutos hace
No one is buying warrants, they’ll be converted to common and then sold. Anyone challenging them will spend 10 years in court.

Not just that. Given how all the other cases against Treasury have gone (all losses), especially the NWS takings cases, it's hard to imagine cases over the w
kthomp19 kthomp19 14 minutos hace
Trump's creation of sovereign wealth fund is a catalyst to GSE release from C-ship.

Why would this necessarily be good for share prices?

The free warrants are worth $300B to the SWF.

Which means the senior prefs after conversion to common would be worth
kthomp19 kthomp19 14 minutos hace
It's still an illegal taking in my opinion and goes completely against what a conservatorship is.

"Illegal taking" is an oxymoron.

The goal being to rehabilitate and receive a modest return on investment in return, not a massive windfall.

Where was that g
Catpole Catpole 14 minutos hace
I would agree with that. Eagerly waiting the news.
kthomp19 kthomp19 15 minutos hace
At no point did you refute the main core arguments I presented: /i]

Wrong. I refuted all three of your points in this post .

Since you couldn't win the argument logically, you basically told me t
stockanalyze stockanalyze 15 minutos hace
kthomp19 kthomp19 15 minutos hace
Regardless of the return on FnF or AIG or any company, the Fed & Treasury are set up the way they are, and neither is set up for maximizing profits via the private sector. You saying otherwise isn't going to persuade them to set a new mission.

That doesn't contradict my point: Treasu
kthomp19 kthomp19 15 minutos hace
For the billionth time, your probabilities do not dictate reality.

I never said they did. You're still dodging the point, which is to assign probabilities to possibilities. Without doing that you can't form a rational basis for a price target built off of your myriad scenarios.
kthomp19 kthomp19 15 minutos hace
She is not anti-GSE or anti-shareholder - much the opposite. I think what upsets some of the board is that she seems to be advocating more for the juniors. Or it could be just because she likes to refute some of the more "out there" pps claims of some of the common shareholders. (Hey - at his point,
Joe Kaplan Joe Kaplan 15 minutos hace
Looks like the EPA may reconsider NAK..............
esp with the new administration that is nothing like the old one.
Good luck to all the longs in NAK, and the ones that bought under 35 cents now have a double.
ham n slam ham n slam 16 minutos hace
Verizon yes is filing motions for attorneys fees ..but voip can also file motions against it,..there's hasn't been any press release on reconciliation, or appeals of the judges decision, but I believe there moving ahead with the rico act charges against , Verizon,t-mobile, att, deutche telecom. thes
janice shell janice shell 18 minutos hace
From Paulie:

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