"We're lending," chief executives of major banks plan to tell Congress Wednesday, according to prepared remarks.

In testimony prepared for the House Committee on Financial Services, bank chieftains including JPMorgan Chase & Co.'s (JPM) Jamie Dimon, Bank of America Corp.'s (BAC) Kenneth Lewis and Citigroup Inc.'s (C) Vikram Pandit vigorously assert that they are lending despite economic headwinds, and are lending more because of the government capital they had received.

Their testimony will come at a time when anger at Wall Street has soared over its role in triggering the recession, at its receipt of financial bailout money, and at what politicians and the public perceive to be a cavalier attitude toward perks and pay despite losses and public funding. Anger has also been fanned over assertions that the banks have cut back on lending despite receiving money under the Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP. The bankers acknowledge the public anger in their remarks, and seek to portray their banks as using TARP investments to blunt the recession's effects on Main Street.

Bank of America's Lewis says in prepared remarks that taxpayers deserve to know "what return they are making on their investment, and when it will be paid back," and that Bank of America intends "to pay all the TARP funds back as soon as possible."

Lewis also confronts the public's growing fury over bankers' huge salaries and bonuses, as well as banks holding lavish events for employees and customers. Lewis' own bank came under fire during the National Football League's Super Bowl, where Bank of America held an elaborate event to attract customers.

Lewis acknowledges the public's frustration, and says some of the criticism was warranted, but not all.

Compensation is intended "to grow our business, enhance profitability and generate returns for investors," Lewis says in his remarks, including "the investors that are the focus of this hearing: U.S. taxpayers."

Citigroup's Pandit, in prepared remarks, details Citi's use of the $45 billion the government has given the bank. "In late December, utilizing TARP capital, we authorized our line businesses to provide $36.5 billion in new lending initiatives and other new programs." He said the programs "are expanding mortgages, personal loans and lines of credit for individuals, families and businesses and creating liquidity in the secondary markets." Citi said, and Pandit will reiterate, that it helped to prevent 440,000 foreclosures of homeowners last year.

He plans to tell the House panel that he "removed the people responsible for Citi's financial distress" as he made changes at the company. He says Citi originated $75 billion of consumer and business loans in the fourth quarter, "a significant commitment given the difficult economic environment."

JPMorgan's Dimon, in his prepared remarks, calls for the creation of a new bank regulatory system, including "the creation of a systemic risk regulator," and unified standards for mortgage modification programs.

But Dimon also hammers home a theme he has repeatedly touched in recent months: the dramatic retreat of money market and hedge funds that crippled the commercial paper market - a lending pullback that has nothing to do with banks.

Like Citi's Pandit, Dimon points to his company's $150 million in new loans to consumers, businesses, and other banks in the fourth quarter as "especially significant in light of the continued deterioration of the economy...and a steep decline in demand for credit." Dimon reiterates that the bank prevented 330,000 home foreclosures last year.

But he also warns, "We should not forget that eroding credit standards by many market participants played a large role in creating the current economic malaise."

In the prepared remarks, Dimon reminds Congress that JPMorgan sought "to help stabilize our financial system" with its purchases of Bear Stearns Cos. Inc. and Washington Mutual Inc.

Dimon himself did forgo his cash and equity bonus, but says in his remarks that "our employees worked harder than ever and performed admirably for the company and for clients under enormously challenging conditions in 2008. I believe the compensation we paid them was appropriate."

For America's two biggest investment banks, Goldman Sachs (GS) and Morgan Stanley (MS), their CEOs will also outline to the panel how they used TARP money.

Goldman Sachs' Lloyd Blankfein says in his remarks that his firm established a $10.5 billion senior loan fund that makes loans to companies in need of capital. It also used the extra capital to help Sallie Mae late last year provide more than $1.5 billion of student loans.

Meanwhile, Morgan Stanley's John Mack will note the company helped clients raise $56 billion in debt to invest in their businesses. The firm also doled out $650 million in new consumer loan commitments extended in the last three months of 2008.

The CEOs, who in 2006 were among the highest paid executives in the country, also plan to use their testimony to defend accusations of excess on Wall Street.

"I believe that both our firm and our industry have far to go to regain the trust of taxpayers, investors and public officials," Mack said. "As a recipient of an investment from the U.S. government, we recognize our serious responsibilities to the American people."

Both Mack and Blankfein note that they elected not to receive a bonus in 2008. Both say that they are realigning compensation practices more toward multiyear performance, wile Blankfein says top management should be forced to retain most of the equity they receive "until at least they retire."

Ronald Logue, the chief executive of State Street Corp. (STT), which in October received $2 billion in government investment capital, will tell the panel that State Street has set a goal of increasing the credit available to its core clients by $2 billion. So far, he says in prepared remarks, State Street has approved more than $1.5 billion and expects that level to reach $2 billion soon.

Bank of New York Mellon Corp. (BK) CEO Robert Kelly says his company is more like a "bank for banks" that helps financial institutions conduct business. He says the company used the $3 billion in TARP money to purchase $1.7 billion of mortgage-backed securities and $900 million of other debt securities to help add liquidity into the markets. In addition, about $400 million was used for interbank lending with healthy financial companies.

-By Matthias Rieker, Dow Jones Newswires, 201-938-5936; Marshall Eckblad, 201-938-4306; and Joe Bel Bruno, 201-938-4047; joe.belbruno@dowjones.com