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Vistagen Therapeutics Inc

Vistagen Therapeutics Inc (VTGN)

( -1.84% )
Actualizado: 12:32:52


StrikeCompraVentaUltimo PrecioP. MedioVariaciónVariación %VolumeInt AbiertoÚltimo Operado
1.000.952.500.001.7250.000.00 %00-
2.000.401.500.000.950.000.00 %00- %41810:58:53 %0115- %02-

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StrikeCompraVentaUltimo PrecioP. MedioVariaciónVariación %VolumeInt AbiertoÚltimo Operado %00- %00- %00-
4.000.901.650.001.2750.000.00 %00-
5.001.652.450. %00-


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VTGN Discussion

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Monksdream Monksdream 4 semanas hace
VTGN under $3
jasper1985 jasper1985 3 meses hace
This stock sucks
Monksdream Monksdream 6 meses hace
VTGN under $4
fink fink 8 meses hace
These pharma plays will test the best among us
Den Den 8 meses hace
Grabbed some ….. chart set to reverse
fink fink 8 meses hace
Another 500 shares the wait.
A glutton for punishment
fink fink 10 meses hace
About to add a few more. Bids set at 3 month low.
My low alerts triggered today.,
JY5 JY5 10 meses hace
VistaGen Therapeutics (NASDAQ : VTGN) Analysis
fink fink 11 meses hace
Holding very strong above $3

Alerts set below $4 to add. Like watching paint dry.
Typical pharma.
fink fink 1 año hace
Not at all.
Pharma is just a time suck
That other dipped below .40

Had to dig up funds where I can. This will run above $6 now LOL
Picks77 Picks77 1 año hace
Bad news?
fink fink 1 año hace
Rolling all my gains into TELL.
Keeping 250 share for "what if ?"
Good luck to all.
fink fink 1 año hace
Todays news is not what I was looking for, but will take the excitement.
fink fink 1 año hace
fink fink 1 año hace
$5+ by EOY?
fink fink 1 año hace
Nice calm rise from the bottom.
I hope!
James salmon James salmon 1 año hace
I would think so, lots of cash, no need to raise any money anytime soon and low share count.
fink fink 1 año hace
Bottom in?

I'd love to see it test the low a few more times.
fink fink 1 año hace
They have an impressive pipeline.
But it's a pharma play. A time suck

They are in phase 3 for their first drug. Once they get those results they will submit to the FDA for approval. Be a share holder before that.

I think if you see volume off the chart, buy.
Insiders and family are loading

The 3 drugs alone could be a 5+ year stretch befor all are approved.

And who knows if the entire Company is bought out for $Billions?

No one can put a date on anything. Even when the FDA gives their PUDFA date, it's not a given. God only knows what the FDA review will pop up with.
Your not going to see $50+ till approval or a buy out.

If all three become block buster treatments, this might be $200+

I wish I had a spare $10k to risk in here.
👍️ 1 🤚 1
The_Q The_Q 1 año hace
A buddy told me this stock is $50-70 summer 2024, why?
bikaver bikaver 1 año hace
VTGN.....from 16.16 to the 4.20's......very profitable short.....GLTA
fink fink 1 año hace
Now here we go
That took some more time than I thought, but it can go even better.
I might get my starter after all.,
fink fink 1 año hace
This price is the hair in the biscuit. Hanging in there like a champ. I expected this below $4 by now.
Is this the new bottom after all that volume?
fink fink 2 años hace
I think this one is in Phase3

But they have to submit the package first.
That's where we are. I don't know what is left in their phase 3 trials.

Can you imagine the pure hell it must be to compile all that crap in a format the FDA wants?
It makes my head hurt thinking about it. There are Companies that do that. I'd love to know if these egg heads are doing that in-house or have outsourced to a third party?
That would be a good question for the Company. It would give a little more confidence.

The FDA will allow that kind of PR. Even all that shit is regulated and can give a new drug review a bump in the road. They have to be very careful what they put out.

But it's definitely getting exciting.
fink fink 2 años hace
For the first drug yes. They posted positive phase 3 results. The anxiety or depression spray?
The stock will get a sweet run on the PR that they have submitted the entire package to the FDA for review.
That is close. It could come any week.,
It's why the stock has not pulled back more. All shareholders are holding. The float is being held tight.
And with Fuji coming in funding the Menopause thingy? Wow! That gives great confidence thst they will never need toxic funding from dilution.

You'd expect if it did tank, they would buy back shares too

I really wanted to see this crush below $4
I don't think that is possible now.

I wish I had a spare $12k to put in this.
I'm lucky to muster $1,200
I got too much mo ey tied up dead in other shells. Thanks Brandon for killing American confidence in going public. Killed my gravy train
castmaster castmaster 2 años hace
So we are in the beginning of the end of the process I guess ?
fink fink 2 años hace
It can be 5+ years from the start of the process from phase 1 to the end of phase 3 where they submitt their info. Once the FDA gets it....90 says or so. Every drug is different. Some get fast tracked. The FDA has a page where they publish the PDUFA date. That's their gestimation on their review findings. Once it gets close to that date and it hasn't been kicked back. It gets exciting. The FDA can be picky. I've seen drugs kicked back on wording. Stupid shit. Like they didn't use blue ink? Minor stuff like that happens fast in the review. We get over the first 45 days! Hello!

I'm not sure how the FDA is today after all the heat they are getting over the COVID vaxxx scam.
Rubber stamp what the shadow government wants destroyed their street cred fast.

It's one reason a New Drug patent should get a good 35years of Global protection. The shit they have to go through
castmaster castmaster 2 años hace
Is it Usually a long wait for a 501?
purdue purdue 2 años hace
Didn't VGTN get FDA fast track designation for one of its drugs in the pipeline several months ago?
fink fink 2 años hace
I forget what they call it but a FDA 501 new drug approval to market and sell.

That's the king shit. Then MMs will kill the run and short the hell out of it. That will continue till a marketing or buy out PR happens.

We already have Fuji throwing money at them on todays product in phase 2

Wait till the FDA stamps it.
300-800% run is my prediction. It's not just one drug but a pipeline. They won't sell out. They are going to milk these 3 drugs with positive Q reports for the next 25+ years.
It would take one hell of a buy out to get these guys to give it up.

Positive news like this will keep the stock from falling. This could very well be the new bottom.

I'd buy this for my wife today. She keeps both A/Cs at 65degrees. All the dogs and me are on the front porch having coffee in the BAMA heat.
And getting out of the shower is fridgid hell
castmaster castmaster 2 años hace
What would you say the big news in the pipe line is ?
fink fink 2 años hace
Looking good for the second drug in the pipeline.
I guess no one died in phase 2. People tolerated it and they see positive outcomes.

News means they are having positive results or there would be no news.

As good as this news is, it's not the big one that will move the Market cap. Not yet. It's still in accumulation mode.
castmaster castmaster 2 años hace
Nice news out
fink fink 2 años hace
Looking strong.
Anyone ready to say the bottom is in?
I was hoping for sub $4.75

Time to move my BIDs up. Had my bait set too deep. Oh well
fink fink 2 años hace
Vista Gen knows it's git a powerful pipeline.
This is what I look for as an excellent sign, this is going to be big.
Sales and marketing deals is cherry. Buts outs aren't bad, but why sell out when you know your sitting on 3 mega $B drugs.
fink fink 2 años hace
Not sure, this has powerful potential. Like viagra type potential. But where Viagra is more psychological and you know if it works. Psychosomatic treatment are more determined by people's mental needs and state of mind. If you believe it helps, then it helps. You score a customer for life. A lot like wearing clothes that make you feel good. Its all mental. It's funny, my dad was a doctor fresh out of Tulane m/ Charity hospital. He saw his fair share of the crazies in the 50s. He was then sent to be a doctor for an entire county up North. He did everything, and saw everything. He was the only pharmacy too. The county loved him. He had these 3 different colored sugar pills he sold for anxiety and stress. Everyone started out with the yellow. If things got tense he'd upped the strength to the Blue. The green was left for real world stress. If it wasn't for those sugar piles he would have starved while working 150 hours a week aging in dog years. So we have that aspect going for us.

Take a look at TR&RI. Alzheimer's drug that can focus treatment meds to one particular spot instead of going all over the body. South Korea Bio, Low under 450K float. Explosively low float. .25-.45 cent stock. BID sitting is dead money. I think there are a few of us that like to paint it up for kicks and giggles. Spread is close to 100% most weeks. I've set a few ghost Bids and paint. It gets knocked back down where you really score your lotto tickets.I got my $5k in it, so I'm good. Waiting on news.
BurgerKing82 BurgerKing82 2 años hace
Any other good Bios with similar potential?
Triple nickle Triple nickle 2 años hace
Added a few
fink fink 2 años hace
Set your limit BID buys and pray you get a load before they PR they have all paperwork submitted to the FDA.

Have your limit sells set for that. Don't get greedy.

After that run and pull back, get set up for the FDA approval PR. The FDA will publish a PDUFA date to give some sense of how much time we have to load.

Same thing will happen on FDA approval. A great run to be killed by shorts. Cash in.

It has to show it's going to sell or get a buy out.
That's when it turns into a long term hold.
AISI304 AISI304 2 años hace
Agreed. Early Aug. was sweet, late Aug. bitter.
Gotta go after the low-hanging fruit, then book.
nate2028 nate2028 2 años hace
Yea I exited here a long time ago. You had to be so fast to catch the little rally
AISI304 AISI304 2 años hace
Hmm every little rally stopped after the p&d.
Guess we’ll see what its flippers do this fall.
fink fink 2 años hace
It's how these do after good news.
My first low alert is $3.99
I'll follow it down too.
Anyone know the PDUFA dates for the first spray? Best be in thick before.

I expect not to hear anything more till the FDA 501.
I got my Pharma perps looking at it too.
bikaver bikaver 2 años hace
VTGN.....Falling back to 3?
fink fink 2 años hace
fink fink 2 años hace
Pharma plays are always the target of MM short attack after good news. Even an FDA 501 approval.
You have to be fast on your feet till the drug is sold, bought out or shows it's going to be a block buster $ maker.
Even after a 501 it still needs to show it has market potential.

I'd imagine this will get bought out by a Big Pharma before its gets too high. Depression is a $ maker.
retireat40 retireat40 2 años hace
No chance. HKD float was something like 300k. This is 11 million.
Prominent Capital Prominent Capital 2 años hace
I have a feeling that this will go like $HKD. IMO
retireat40 retireat40 2 años hace
Yep. Turned into a flaming POS.
nate2028 nate2028 2 años hace
Yikes this thing isn’t going anywhere