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Guided Therapeutics Inc (QB)

Guided Therapeutics Inc (QB) (GTHP)

Cerrado 14 Noviembre 3:00PM

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0.00 Rango del Día 0.00
0.064 Rango de 52 semanas 0.2465
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Acerca de Guided Therapeutics Inc (QB)

Guided Therapeutics, Inc. is the developer of the LuViva Advanced Cervical Scan, a rapid and painless test for the early detection of disease that leads to cervical cancer. LuViva is designed to quickly eliminate false positive Pap and HPV results and discover cervical disease missed by existing tes... Guided Therapeutics, Inc. is the developer of the LuViva Advanced Cervical Scan, a rapid and painless test for the early detection of disease that leads to cervical cancer. LuViva is designed to quickly eliminate false positive Pap and HPV results and discover cervical disease missed by existing tests. LuViva works by shining light on the cervical and reading the returned light with a spectrometer. LuViva looks for chemical and physical markers of precancer. Unlike Pap and HPV tests, the device does not require a painful tissue sample and results are known immediately. For more information, visit Mostrar más

Electromedical Apparatus
Electromedical Apparatus
Sitio web
Wilmington, Delaware, USA
Guided Therapeutics Inc (QB) is listed in the Electromedical Apparatus sector of the OTCMarkets with ticker GTHP. The last closing price for Guided Therapeutics (QB) was US$0.20. Over the last year, Guided Therapeutics (QB) shares have traded in a share price range of US$ 0.064 to US$ 0.2465.

Guided Therapeutics (QB) currently has 56,550,370 shares in issue. The market capitalisation of Guided Therapeutics (QB) is US$11.03 million. Guided Therapeutics (QB) has a price to earnings ratio (PE ratio) of -2.94.

GTHP Últimas noticias

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US$ 0.0252
AAALYAareal Bank AG (PK)
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AABVFAberdeen International Inc (PK)
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US$ 0.00
AABBAsia Broadband Inc (PK)
US$ 0.0252
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US$ 34.65
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US$ 0.55
AABVFAberdeen International Inc (PK)
US$ 0.02625
AABKFAareal Bank AG (PK)
US$ 0.00
AABBAsia Broadband Inc (PK)
US$ 0.0252
AAALYAareal Bank AG (PK)
US$ 34.65
AAAIFAlternative Investment Trust (PK)
US$ 0.55

GTHP Discussion

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myjog myjog 2 días hace
Don’t know if there’s any slightest ray of light at the end of dark tunnel. Stock is illiquid & if it trades then there are sells & more sells. This company is run by incompetent-at-worst, inept-at-best, no-performance, no-capability management. A technologically great product having innovative ground-breaking product is in the hands of incompetent, inept & lazy people. They only know how to enrich themselves at the expense of stockholders’ losses.
GetSeriousOK GetSeriousOK 2 semanas hace
In September, you said the price would never go above 12 cents, and then you said it would never go above 15 cents.

In October, you said the price would never go above 16 cents.

Now it's November and you're saying the price will never go above 21 cents.

Thanks for the weather report.
myjog myjog 2 semanas hace
370K stock available for sell at 0.21$. Highly doubt that this stock will go above 0.21$
myjog myjog 2 semanas hace
NITE broker-dealer/market-maker is manipulating the security price now.
myjog myjog 2 semanas hace
70K stock sell around 0.15$.
Long stockholders, how do you feel about this?
There are sells, sells & more sells. Long stockholders, they just want to get out of their long positions at any bargain basement salvage price they can get.
myjog myjog 2 semanas hace
60K stock was bought at 0.16$ & yet NITE’s 34475 stock available at sale 0.16$ didn’t move at all. This is a clear evidence that NITE along with GTSM & CFGN broker-dealers/market-makers are actively involved in stock price manipulation.
GetSeriousOK GetSeriousOK 2 semanas hace
Yesterday was odd. Wonder if news is coming out.

The US clinical trials won't finish until end of year at the EARLIEST, so it probably wouldn't be about that. Q3 Financials, meh, the NMPA submission was Q4 so any payments won't be on the books in Q3....

Possibly a PR About SMI payments? I, for one, don't think SMI has much money, but at least they got the NMPA application submitted.

Here is some interesting reading about the NMPA's proposed changes to their existing Medical Device Regulation (MDR, aka Order 739). The first one doesn't apply to the LuViva Scan but the second one does:
* Under the existing Medical Device Regulation (MDR, also known as Order 739), an imported medical device must be approved in the country of origin before it can be approved in China, unless the product at issue is an innovative device. The draft MDAL proposes to remove this requirement for country-of-origin approval (Article 47). An imported medical device can undergo the regulatory review and approval process in China in parallel to the same in other countries and shorten the time to market in China.

* Marketing authorizations of medical devices, unlike drugs, cannot be transferred between different entities under the Order 739. The draft MDAL explicitly states that marketing authorizations can be assigned and the NMPA will issue specific implementing measures (Article 58). R&D-based medical device companies can sell the right to their products along with the marketing authorizations in the form of an asset sale.

I say ther first one doesn't apply to the LuViva Scan because it's an "innovative device." At least, the Chinese doctors called it "innovative:"
According to Dr. Sui, “We are eager to complete the validation of this innovative technology and submit an application to the NMPA, and we are confident that LuViva will represent the next generation of early cervical cancer detection technology, with its advantages of accuracy, ease of use and immediate results.”
GetSeriousOK GetSeriousOK 3 semanas hace
You don't seem to understand what "Safe Harbor" means or why it is used.

Perhaps funds and ETF's are better suited to your investment needs and knowledge.
myjog myjog 3 semanas hace
This company’s management publicly stated in 1 of their 10-Qs that they will arrange/facilitate a loan of 200K$ for SMI & book that as revenue with SMI being on the hook to pay back all the loan along with all charges associated with the loan arrangement/facilitation.
But that’s a “safe harbor “ statement!

This company’s management publicly stated in 1 of their 10-Qs that when SMI will file for NMPA at that time SMI will pay 700K$ to GTHP as per their contractual obligations.
But that’s a “safe harbor” statement as well.

In recent PR, this company’s management publicly stated that The filing with NMPA triggers the continuation of the working relationship between the Company and SMI, with milestones and minimum payments to GTI for devices, disposables, services and royalties of more than $125 million over the next six years.
But that’s a “safe harbor “ statement as well.

Does this company’s management gets paid to put out “safe harbor “ statements or generating revenue & net income?
GetSeriousOK GetSeriousOK 3 semanas hace
"Materially misleading?"

You don't know what "Safe Harbor" means?

Well then. You're going to have a difficult time deciding which class action to pursue. And don't limit yourself to GTHP because every stock on every exchange issues materially misleading press releases by your definition.

You and myjob should get together and burn pictures of GTHP Officers in effigy.
myjog myjog 3 semanas hace
Any publicly traded company’s management’s performance is tied to the revenue & net-income they generate. If GTHP management is not able to ensure that SMI pays & pays them in full & on time then is GTHP management doing their job? Why should stockholders suffer losses for GTHP management’s non-performance? Why GTHP management deserve dividend stocks when they are not generating any revenue from their business partner in China? Why GTHP management deserves a sweetened deal to acquire stock at 0.12$ when in open market the stock is traded around 0.16$?
Pacjd Pacjd 3 semanas hace
Looks Like Myjob' s last post does clarify they are looking to know if the 700k payment was not made, partially made, or made in full.

In my opinion the Press Release touting $125 million in future payments from a inadequately financially performing (not making full contractual payments in the past and possibly currently) Chinese partner is materially misleading to all.
moneydreamer moneydreamer 3 semanas hace
Me tooooo
myjog myjog 3 semanas hace
This company’s management need to clearly inform stockholders about following:
1) In 1 of their 10-Qs they stated that they will arrange/facilitate a loan of 200K$ for SMI & book that as revenue with SMI being on the hook to pay back all the loan along with all charges associated with the loan arrangement/facilitation. What happened to that?
2) In 1 of their 10-Qs they stated that when SMI will file for NMPA at that time SMI will pay 700K$ to GTHP as per their contractual obligations. Did SMI pay GTHP 700K$? What happened to that?

& most importantly if SMI neither took that 200K$ loan nor SMI paid 700K$ to GTHP then did GTHP management “lie” on their 10-Q?
SMI has a history of not-fully-paying then why GTHP management continue to do business / partnership with a non-full-paying & non-trustworthy partner? What are GTHP management’s vested interests in continuing partnership with a non-full-paying & non-trustworthy partner?
Did SMI pay any “bribes” to GTHP management so that GTHP management keeps on giving chances after chances to a non-full-paying & non-trustworthy partner? Why GTHP management not make a genuine efforts to have an alternative to SMI who’s fully-paying & trustworthy?
GetSeriousOK GetSeriousOK 3 semanas hace
saw it once before -- June 8, 2023. It fell as low as .062 on a 651,700 volume day. I got some that day, but not enough.

I hope this seller gets desperate like THAT seller, because I know two people who will be buying: me, and myjog
moneydreamer moneydreamer 3 semanas hace
Wow over 300,000 shares to dump never see this before. If they dump at market price will drop to 0001 at no time
Pacjd Pacjd 3 semanas hace
As I understand it only requires ONE SHAREHOLDER to bring that type of law suit.

Perhaps such a suit would bring Gene Cartwright into it?
GetSeriousOK GetSeriousOK 3 semanas hace
That happened in 2017 and it was disclosed. I don't see any kind of class action arising from that.

And I can't do it -- I didn't own GTHP in 2017 so I wouldn't be in that class. I've been in and out of GTHP since 2015 but I was out for all of 2017 so I can't help you, sorry.

But let us know how that works out.
Pacjd Pacjd 3 semanas hace

Sounds like a breach of fiduciary duty to me perhaps a shareholder of GTHP will bring a derivative (class action type) law suit on the same?
GetSeriousOK GetSeriousOK 3 semanas hace
Best of luck with that.
Pacjd Pacjd 3 semanas hace
Ask them, I can only make reasonable inferences.
Pacjd Pacjd 3 semanas hace
I believe it would be called a shareholder derivative claim (type of class action) where a shareholder on behalf of the Company GTHP (and its shareholders) sues any officer or director for breach of fiduciary duty by said officer or director.
GetSeriousOK GetSeriousOK 3 semanas hace
That's not what myjob is complaining about.

The company said ""The filing with NMPA triggers the continuation of the working relationship between the Company and SMI." Direct quote. That is a true statement. Myjob is claiming the company is lying to try and manipulate the stock price down. The stock price is too high for myjob and THAT is what he's complaining about.
GetSeriousOK GetSeriousOK 3 semanas hace
The plaintiff filed for an appeal in September.

I don't see any reason why an appeal would go any differently. Judges are human and make mistakes, but so are plaintiffs. Just because a plaintiff says the defendant is guilty doesn't mean the defendant is guilty.

For example, the plaintiff in this case we're discussing is the defendant in a different case where a former client named Manoloules is accusing him of malpractice. Just because THAT plaintiff claims malpractice doesn't mean there was malpractice, and if Manoloules loses and files for an appeal, THAT doesn't mean the defendant is guilty of malpractice.

None of which matters. My opinion remains that you should file a lawsuit for your "Unethical Conduct" accusation instead of complaining about it on a stock message board.
Pacjd Pacjd 3 semanas hace
If the payment was made in full I am sure they would be mentioning it thus it is reasonable to assume that it was not made and they are not disclosing that is what I infer Myjob is complaining about.
GetSeriousOK GetSeriousOK 3 semanas hace
Yes but they don't have to disclose every payment.
Pacjd Pacjd 3 semanas hace
Its not over until the fat lady sings I believe is the saying?
Pacjd Pacjd 3 semanas hace
Did the appeals period end? Was an appeal filed?

Judges are human and make mistakes too!
Pacjd Pacjd 3 semanas hace
I was replying to Myjog post 15713 where he says the press release did not disclose whether the $700k was paid to GTHP.
GetSeriousOK GetSeriousOK 3 semanas hace
Give you three guesses as to who just put up that 300k for sale.

Hint: who just lost his lawsuit against Shenghuo Medical LLC and now probably has to pay Shenghuo's Attorney fees and costs?

If we're lucky, he'll get impatient and drop his ask below a dime.
myjog myjog 3 semanas hace
300K stock available for sale at 0.165$ from Citadel. Does anyone have any doubts that this stock will go above 0.165$ ever?
GetSeriousOK GetSeriousOK 3 semanas hace
Calling management "liar" is libel unless you have proof. How and when did they lie?

I don't think they lied. It is what it is. The company doesn't have to disclose payments -- a payment is not a material event.

Nobody believes that SMI will pay $125 million over the next six years.

"The filing with NMPA triggers the continuation of the working relationship between the Company and SMI" is a true statement. What's your objection to that statement? They've re-written the SMI agreement every time SMI misses a payment and it's going to happen again. You're overlooking the most important part of the story: the application was submitted to the NMPA. Guided Therapeutics could not have done that without SMI. Guided could not have completed the Chinese clinical trial without SMI. This PR is good news no matter how much you try to spin it otherwise.

Maybe you need to raise your bid -- I don't think you're going to get any more under a dime no matter how much you bash.
GetSeriousOK GetSeriousOK 3 semanas hace
Take them to court then. Don't waste your time complaining here.

Hope you have better luck than Paul Conte. He lost in his lawsuit against Blumberg and Faupel et al.
GetSeriousOK GetSeriousOK 3 semanas hace
What "material fact" did they not disclose?
Pacjd Pacjd 3 semanas hace
Unethical Conduct of Management RED FLAG Reposting

Perhaps GTHP shareholders should bring a Law Suit against Faupel and Blumberg.

What is MOST INTERESTING about GETS posting of 8k item is that in referencing the fee splitting agreement is: GTHP (disinterested Directors "effectively waived the conflict-of-interest provisions of the Company’s code of ethics." "On January 15, 2017, each of the disinterested directors on the Company’s Board of Directors, having considered the interests of Dr. Faupel and Mr. Blumberg and having approved the agreement, effectively waived the conflict-of-interest provisions of the Company’s code of ethics." THIS LOOKS LIKE A RED FLAG TO ME

I will again say that Shenghou LLC the original License Agreement Holder was a sham transaction, as Shenghou did not have the expertise to fulfill its obligation under the same, and perhaps it is a self directed dealing of GTHP assets - Splitting GTHP fees to insiders Faupel and Blumberg who are owners in Shenghou., LLC. and perhaps GTHP effectively waived its conflict of interests code to allow Faupel and Blumberg to receive compensation at the expense of the shareholders of GTHP, without having to disclose this as compensation to these two insiders at GTHP. I would call this turning a blind eye.
Pacjd Pacjd 3 semanas hace
Non Disclosure of Material Facts = Fraud in some States!
myjog myjog 3 semanas hace
Today as per PR, it appears that SMI filed for NMPA. In spite of such a (supposedly) slightly good news, if anyone is wondering why stock didn’t go up? It’s because the liar management of this company is not saying a word about whether or not SMI paid them 700K$ when they filed for NMPA in this PR as per their contractual obligations as stated by this company in 1 of their 10-Qs.
The reason stock’s not going up because absolutely no one believes the liar management of this company when they state the following : The filing with NMPA triggers the continuation of the working relationship between the Company and SMI, with milestones and minimum payments to GTI for devices, disposables, services and royalties of more than $125 million over the next six years.
125 ML$ for next 6 years, are you kidding me? When SMI couldn’t pay them 200K$ then one must be a delusional to believe that SMI will give a 125 ML$ business to GTHP in next 6 years, forget about actual payments.
2themoon1 2themoon1 3 semanas hace
Guided Therapeutics Announces Filing of Application for NMPA Approval to Market and Sell LuViva in China
myjog myjog 1 mes hace
Very sorry & sad state of affairs for this stock. Shorts have increased in the month of September & there’s absolutely neither any buying nor any buying support for the stock.
Incompetent inept lazy dishonest & fraudulent management is solely responsible for stock not trading & if it trades then there are only sellers of the stock who are ready to sell the stock at any bargain basement salvage price they can get.
Bid is not going up at all but ask keeps on going down & down & even more down.
myjog myjog 1 mes hace
There are absolutely no buyers & no buying support for the stock at-the-moment.

Take a look at latest 8K.

Does any long stockholder think that investing in this company is the worst investment mistake you have ever made?

For the last 7+ years 99% of loss for long stockholders.

In 1 of the 10-Qs the management of this company stated that they will facilitate a 200K$ loan for SMI & then book that as revenue. No word from this company about that.

In 1 of the 10-Qs the management of this company stated that when (& if) SMI files for NMPA, they will pay GTHP around 700K$. Till date there’s no word about any of that.

SMI has proven to be non-paying & non-trustworthy & yet the management of this company continue to partner with them. Why?
GetSeriousOK GetSeriousOK 1 mes hace
Appreciate all your hard work bashing GTHP but it looks like the sellers have dried up.

And your bids under a dime are all buried now. That's too bad.
myjog myjog 2 meses hace
For the last 7+ years, Wall Street continuously warned about incompetent inept lazy dishonest & fraudulent management. However long investors didn’t pay attention to those warnings. Now long investors are blaming themselves for not listening to wall street’s warnings.
myjog myjog 2 meses hace
Stock is not trading & if at all it trades then all trades are just sells sells & more sells. There are neither buyers nor buying support. The only reason for this dire situation is this company’s incompetent inept & lazy management. They are not publishing the most important and relevant information like :

Did SMI file for NMPA?
If SMI filed for NMPA then at the time of filing did SMI pay 700K$ to GTHP as per their contractual agreement?
If SMI didn’t pay then why GTHP management continue to partner with SMI?

In spite of their zero-performance GTHP directors getting options to buy stock at 0.12$ at the expense of shareholders’ losses. Thats the reason stock’s bid is not going above 0.125$
myjog myjog 2 meses hace
A great company having a great product is completely ruined by total incompetence ineptitude laziness dishonesty & fraud.
Would any company’s sane management continue to execute agreements after agreements with a partner that’s proven to be non-paying & non-trustworthy at the expense of stockholders’ losses?
When you know that your partner is neither paying you nor adhering to clauses in the agreement then you break partnership with them & make genuine efforts to find another paying & trustworthy partner.
myjog myjog 2 meses hace
Stock’s bid is not increasing. That’s hugely & highly concerning. Ask keeps on going down & down & more down.
Yesterday GTSM manipulated stock price & today CFGN tried to do the same. But INTC put a higher bid & CFGN’s all stock price manipulation tries were failed.
GetSeriousOK GetSeriousOK 2 meses hace
You keep repeating YOURSELF "so many times."

And oddly, when you bash, the PPS goes up.

Maybe you should try pumping? the PPS would then go down and you can get your BUYS filled under a dime.

Or maybe you should just raise your bid.
myjog myjog 2 meses hace
This story keeps on repeating itself so many times. Bid stubbornly sits at one place doesn’t go up at all & ask keeps on precipitously going down & down & more down.
Incompetency, ineptitude, laziness & totally unfit management ruins stock. This inept & lazy management keeps on partnering with a non-full-paying & non-trustworthy partner at the expense of stockholders’ losses.
myjog myjog 2 meses hace
There you go. Deja-vu all over again. All hopes for longs are dashed. When directors get options to buy stock at 0.12$, then why would any market participant pay more than 0.12$ for buying stock? That’s the reason bid isn’t going up than 0.1201$. Also there are 120K stock available for sale at 0.23$. So the chances of this stock going above 0.23$ are rarest. What are company management’s vested interests in not publishing the most important & relevant information is anyone’s guess. What are company management’s vested interests in continuing partnership with a non-full-paying & non-trustworthy partner is anyone’s guess.
myjog myjog 2 meses hace
Bid is slowly increasing & that appears to be good. As long as bid keeps on increasing, that’s good for all longs. If management publishes the most important and relevant information about company such as follows then this stock appears to have some potential.
Did SMI file for NMPA?
If they did then did they pay GTHP 700K$ as per their contractual obligations?
When SMI isn’t paying GTHP their contractual obligations then why GTHP management continue to partner with a non-paying & non-trustworthy partner?
GetSeriousOK GetSeriousOK 2 meses hace
Your bids under a dime are getting buried. I think you're going to have to raise your bids. Your days of buying under a dime might be over.

Is that what's got you so upset?

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