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Fnac Darty SA 0.25% To 23mar2027

Fnac Darty SA 0.25% To 23mar2027 (YFNAC)

Cerrado 14 Marzo 10:30AM

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janice shell janice shell 1 minuto hace
Sounds to me as if you're the one who needs to calm down. You're just babbling now.
blackhawks blackhawks 2 minutos hace
Fewer treatable heart problems by far than dead, untreatable, Trumpanzees.
Filterthenoise Filterthenoise 2 minutos hace
Exactly. So much potential and synergy added with FOXO.
janice shell janice shell 4 minutos hace
I never married again but if I had, I'd have kept the name I got when I married. If you're a published scholar, it's best to stick with one name. If you don't, you'll be catalogued under as many names as you've used. Which would be a nuisance.
blackhawks blackhawks 5 minutos hace
I read, and understood, the CONCLUSION which completely rebuts your argument.

Do you even know the meaning of 'verdict' you illiterate f'cking HS dropout? But please DO keep on posting links that undermine whatever moronic point you are trying and failing to make for the shits and gi
$27 $27 5 minutos hace
Pulte twitter is up and running. He is taking question and taking suggestions.
just saying
Be well
catdaddy catdaddy 5 minutos hace
I’m sure whatever it was you patented, it was life changing for the world.
BDEZ BDEZ 6 minutos hace
Love the volume!

Acme Investments Acme Investments 6 minutos hace
The market isn't for every company!! They found that out!! Focus on the company should come first because if not you will not survive!!
janice shell janice shell 7 minutos hace
Just as well you didn't go with the mold. It would have wrecked your celebration.
DTGoody DTGoody 9 minutos hace
I had a couple or should I say one too many stiff drinks tonight at the steakhouse! LOL I promise no conspiracy stuff tonight! LOL I needed to unwind from the unplanned day I had today!

O.S. you deserve this to come in more than any of us! I am rooting for you and everyone else on th
newmedman newmedman 11 minutos hace
Do you regularly molest young boys or is it just a monthly thing for you?
researcher59 researcher59 11 minutos hace
SSK - WOW - SSKMP has less than 1% cash .... at this rate you'll be on margin by Monday, lol.
walker_429 walker_429 12 minutos hace
Another DEI basher with Biel Financial Derangement Syndrome (BFDS) .
BTW...Did you ever figure out what your name is? Let me know, I can help you with that.
Signor Signor 14 minutos hace
What i believe is that they will be another player. Lets wait and see.
nagoya1 nagoya1 14 minutos hace
Sounds like good advice.

Mr. Dragon Mr. Dragon 15 minutos hace
From the Caimbridge Dictionary;

Con man
us/'k?n ?mæn/
(also con artist, us/'k?n ??r·t??st/)
A person who uses tricks to cheat people, esp. to get their money or possessions
BDEZ BDEZ 16 minutos hace

XMaster2023 XMaster2023 18 minutos hace
Fecal microbiota transplant promotes response in immunotherapy-refractory melanoma patients

PD 1 inhibitors & T Cells and a fecal transplant successfully cured some patients.
Jetmek_03052 Jetmek_03052 18 minutos hace
It’s keeping me “up at night”??!

You know, you guys know it all apparently!

Everyone is surely a basher! Everyone that criticizes DBMM has to be a short!

I’m not “up at night” at all!

You are simply moronic. You grasp at anything you
CaptHowdy CaptHowdy 19 minutos hace
Agreed, Turbo. We need a CEO that understands the importance of open communication with its shareholders. The silent treatment doesn't instill confidence nor attract new investors.

If being a communicative CEO is not his style, he should consider a new line of work, because his
jog49 jog49 19 minutos hace
Don't I recall a calculation by unknown poster at something like 8¢/share?
getmenews getmenews 21 minutos hace
I think they need a real world example
BurgerKing82 BurgerKing82 21 minutos hace
Anything going on with this one?