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Sjova-almennar Tryggingar Hf

Sjova-almennar Tryggingar Hf (0QS8)

Cerrado 20 Enero 10:30AM

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Estadísticas y detalles clave

Último Precio
Postura de Compra
Postura de Venta
Volume Operado de la Acción
0.00 Rango del Día 0.00
0.00 Rango de 52 semanas 0.00
Capitalización de Mercado [m]
Precio Anterior
Precio de Apertura
Última hora de negociación
Volumen financiero
Precio Promedio Ponderado
Volumen promedio (3 m)
Acciones en circulación
Rendimiento del Dividendo
Ratio Precio/Utilidad
Beneficio por acción (BPA)
Beneficio neto

Acerca de Sjova-almennar Tryggingar Hf

Life Insurance
Life Insurance
Sitio web
Reykjavik, Isl
Sjova-almennar Tryggingar Hf is listed in the Life Insurance sector of the London Stock Exchange with ticker 0QS8. The last closing price for Sjova-almennar Trygginga... was -. Over the last year, Sjova-almennar Trygginga... shares have traded in a share price range of ISK 0.00 to ISK 0.00.

Sjova-almennar Trygginga... currently has 1,334,106,000 shares in issue.

0QS8 Últimas noticias

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Lækkun hlutafjár í Sjóvá-Almennum tryggingum hf. Skráð hefur verið í Fyrirtækjaskrá hlutafjárlækkun í Sjóvá-Almennum tryggingum hf. að nafnverði kr. 21.803.205, en á aðalfundi félagsins þann 7...

Sjóvá: Ársuppgjör 2023 verður birt 8. febrúar - kynningarfundur sama dag kl. 16:15

Sjóvá: Ársuppgjör 2023 verður birt 8. febrúar - kynningarfundur sama dag kl. 16:15 Sjóvá-Almennar tryggingar hf. birtir ársuppgjör fyrir árið 2023 og fjórða ársfjórðung 2023 eftir lokun markaða...

Sjóvá: Fjárhagsdagatal ársins 2024

Sjóvá: Fjárhagsdagatal ársins 2024 Sjóvá-Almennar tryggingar hf. stefnir að birtingu árshluta- og ársuppgjöra á neðangreindum dagsetningum: Ársuppgjör 2023                            8...

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Sjóvá: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun

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Sjóvá - Fjárhagsdagatal ársins 2023

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Sjóvá: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun

Sjóvá: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun Sjóvá-Almennar tryggingar hf.: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun...

Sjóvá: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun

Sjóvá: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun Sjóvá-Almennar tryggingar hf.: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun...

Sjóvá: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun

Sjóvá: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun Sjóvá-Almennar tryggingar hf.: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun...

Período †Variación(Ptos)Variación %AperturaPrecio MáximoPrecio MínimoAvg. Vol. diarioPrecio Promedio Ponderado

0QS8 - Preguntas Frecuentes

¿Cuál es el precio actual de las acciones de Sjova-almennar Trygginga...?
El precio actual de las acciones de Sjova-almennar Trygginga... es ISK 0.00
¿Cuántas acciones de Sjova-almennar Trygginga... están en circulación?
Sjova-almennar Trygginga... tiene 1,334,106,000 acciones en circulación
¿Cuál es el rango de negociación de 1 año para el precio de las acciones de Sjova-almennar Trygginga...?
Sjova-almennar Trygginga... ha negociado en un rango de ISK 0.00 a ISK 0.00 durante el último año
¿Cuál es la moneda de reporte de Sjova-almennar Trygginga...?
Sjova-almennar Trygginga... presenta sus resultados financieros en ISK
¿Cuál es el último ingresos anual de Sjova-almennar Trygginga...?
El último ingresos anual de Sjova-almennar Trygginga... es ISK 34.22B
¿Cuál es el último beneficio anual de Sjova-almennar Trygginga...?
El último beneficio anual de Sjova-almennar Trygginga... es ISK 4.63B
¿Cuál es la dirección registrada de Sjova-almennar Trygginga...?
La dirección registrada de Sjova-almennar Trygginga... es KRINGLUNNI 5, REYKJAVIK
¿Cuál es la dirección del sitio web de Sjova-almennar Trygginga...?
La dirección del sitio web de Sjova-almennar Trygginga... es
¿En qué sector industrial opera Sjova-almennar Trygginga...?
Sjova-almennar Trygginga... opera en el sector LIFE INSURANCE


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Bostonsesco Bostonsesco 6 minutos hace
I like $8 as well but I would be happy with $7.50
TightCoil TightCoil 6 minutos hace
No, and it's skeerin' me big time
delerious1 delerious1 6 minutos hace
Seriously what's not to like....all this in a few months....getting good grades....😎🔨
North Bay Resources Announces Operation of New Gravity Circuit at Bishop Gold Mill, California…GlobeNewswire Jan. 10, 2025

North Bay Resources Announces Arrival of 42 Tons Gold
mentholman mentholman 6 minutos hace
My bag grew slightly larger today, putting me just over 7k, my personal goal is 12k
peanutz peanutz 7 minutos hace
He's very good . Weather was terrible
arizona1 arizona1 7 minutos hace
McConnell changed the rules for SC Justices. He went nuclear.
Hopeforthefuture3 Hopeforthefuture3 7 minutos hace
HapplyL, just ignore him. Everything you had posted is correct. We still hope this time it will be different
fuagf fuagf 8 minutos hace
rooster, Duh... faithful to the felon, we know...
nowwhat2 nowwhat2 8 minutos hace
Fickle BUT totally, completely and almost EASILY even a rank amateur such as myself.......
Which is WHY people such as myself CHART

ANOTHER zero mentioning of cryptos "tonight" (at the captal Center Arena "celebration") , would probably not be too warmly "we
Jack_Herer Jack_Herer 9 minutos hace
There's no feasibility study mondo-stupid macaroni.
There's no ERM support to Hiru the zero. Zip.
You're ugly and your momma dresses you funny...
And that's a wrap. G'night....
surfkast surfkast 9 minutos hace
Pump and dump.
againstallodds againstallodds 9 minutos hace
Kool-Aid too strong… Still NO GOLD DELIVERED!!!

JarHead PROMISED gold bars by the end of Q4 and he KEEPS pushing back the date..

He just can’t honor his word and keeps kicking the can down the road…

Still no production

Still no revenues
arizona1 arizona1 10 minutos hace
I think Melly was going for the Al Capone look.!/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fa
22rover 22rover 11 minutos hace
That's right, key hires will drive an increase in revenue. Have I ever mentioned side channel is debt free? ;) Keep the faith, vCiso. Green shoots abound!
MonkRebel181 MonkRebel181 11 minutos hace
Testing 52 week high’s very soon, loading up in these 40’s as best I can.

The FUD and BEARS shaking in their boots. The sense of dread looms over their 1 studio apartments in shitville, USA.

Look up, that’s my private jet heading to my 3rd house on the Virgin Islands. E
HappyLibrarian HappyLibrarian 11 minutos hace
None of what you just said refutes my point and your lies about me only discredit you and your argument. I have been invested since 2013 and thus long before you crawled out of the woodwork.
fuagf fuagf 11 minutos hace
rooster, Whatever

If you could lie any starker about Trump you'd be matching him.
mascale mascale 12 minutos hace
Anyone notices waterchaser poster data inabilities--hyper widespread--versus ERM worldwide capabilities: On which Hiru relies. Anyone notices that waterchaser poster has no mining educated basis on which to rely. That is no different from anything posted, Jack_Herer poster.
ChannelTrader ChannelTrader 12 minutos hace
A blizzard here now...heading to FL to stay with CH for a while.
Jimmy Joe Jimmy Joe 13 minutos hace
So desperate for shares they are~!

On a Federal Holiday........ great point~!

How much are "they" in the hole~?



$DBMM baby~!
janice shell janice shell 13 minutos hace
It takes 60 votes, doesn't it? So I don't think so.
zab zab 13 minutos hace
Trumps meme coin did open at around $ 7.00 to 8.00, and quickly ran to $30 on Saturday,  and Sunday ran to about $78.00, before crashing to $40.00, when Melanie's coin came out.
Diamond_Dog Diamond_Dog 14 minutos hace
Sorry about that, I was tied up at the hospital most of the day Friday.

PS: You can PM on Fridays after 4 pm until 5, that's what I was
going to do.

janice shell janice shell 14 minutos hace
HASHER!! It's great to hear from you!! There are still some active Xers left, but not many. Most of the perps are gone to the Great Diamond Mine in the Sky. I think you were still posting when Urbie died of a stroke during a hernia operation. Edwards died of cancer in jail, while awaiting trial. Tur
lodas lodas 14 minutos hace
Yo ron???......before you go off posting more B.S. WITHOUT ANY DOCUMENTATION, where is the proof that WMIIC is still in existence, after the SEC 2013 WMIH 10-K . said it WAS EMPTIED, AND CLOSED DOWN when the money was placed in the WMIL-T for settlement to Creditors and equity claims????? to