RNS Number : 0776A

Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corp Ld

21 March 2017

   2    Operating profit 
   a    Interest income 

Interest income recognised on impaired financial assets amounted to HK$374m in the year (2015: HK$277m).

   b    Net fee income 
                                                                                                     2016     2015 
                                                                                                     HK$m     HK$m 
Account services 
 .............                                                                                      3,063    2,976 
Funds under management(1) 
 ...............................................................................................    5,771    6,215 
 .....................................                                                              7,063    7,072 
 ...........................                                                                        2,825    3,219 
 .....................                                                                              3,131    5,583 
 ..............                                                                                     3,771    4,340 
 ..............................                                                                     5,855    6,598 
 ................................                                                                   1,188    1,214 
 ....................                                                                               3,324    3,438 
Global custody 
 .................                                                                                  3,450    3,744 
Insurance agency 
 ....                                                                                               1,746    1,482 
 ..............................                                                                     5,952    6,045 
                                                                                                  -------  ------- 
Fee income 
 .....................                                                                             47,139   51,926 
 ............................                                                                     (7,837)  (6,267) 
                                                                                                  -------  ------- 
Net fee income 
 ...............                                                                                   39,302   45,659 
                                                                                                  -------  ------- 
1 Includes Mandatory 
 Provident Fund 
                                                                                                     2016     2015 
                                                                                                     HK$m     HK$m 
Net fee income includes the following: 
  *    Net fee income, other than amounts included in 
       determining the effective interest rate, arising from 
       financial assets or financial liabilities that are 
       not held for trading or designated at fair value 
  *    fee income 
       ...                                                                                         14,892   15,862 
  *    fee expense 
       ..                                                                                         (3,290)  (1,879) 
                                                                                                  -------  ------- 
                                                                                                   11,602   13,983 
                                                                                                  -------  ------- 
  *    Net fee income on trust and other fiduciary 
       activities where the group holds or invests assets on 
       behalf of its customers 
  *    fee income 
       ...                                                                                          8,551    9,032 
  *    fee expense 
       ..                                                                                           (845)  (1,005) 
                                                                                                  -------  ------- 
                                                                                                    7,706    8,027 
                                                                                                  -------  ------- 

In 2016, certain expenditure in respect of credit card loyalty programmes previously presented in 'General and administrative expenses' is presented in 'Fee expense' to more appropriately reflect the nature of the expenditure. This accounted for the majority of the increase in fee expense during the year.

   2    Operating profit (continued) 
   c    Net trading income 
                                                                                                        2016    2015 
                                                                                                        HK$m    HK$m 
Dealing profits 
 .............                                                                                        18,195  17,523 
Net interest income on trading 
 activities ........................................................................                   3,718   4,439 
Dividend income from trading securities 
 .........................................................................                             2,074   1,674 
                                                                                                     -------  ------ 
  *    Listed investments 
       ................................................                                                2,045   1,636 
  *    Unlisted investments 
       .............................................                                                      29      38 
                                                                                                     -------  ------ 
Gains/(losses) from hedging activities 
 .............................................................................                            77    (20) 
                                                                                                     -------  ------ 
  *    Fair value hedges 
  *    Net gain/(loss) on hedged items attributable to the 
       hedged risk ................................                                                  (2,550)      68 
  *    Net gain/(loss) on hedging instruments 
       ..............                                                                                  2,598    (88) 
  *    Cash flow hedges 
  *    Net hedging gain 
       ................................................                                                   29       - 
                                                                                                     -------  ------ 
                                                                                                      24,064  23,616 
                                                                                                     -------  ------ 
   d    Net income/(expense) from financial instruments designated at fair value 
                                                                                 2016     2015 
                                                                                 HK$m     HK$m 
Income/(expense) on assets designated 
 at fair value which back 
 insurance and investment contracts 
 ............................................................................   4,104  (2,304) 
Increase in fair value of liabilities 
 to customers under investment contracts 
 ...................                                                            (651)    (374) 
                                                                                -----  ------- 
                                                                                3,453  (2,678) 
Net change in fair value of other 
 financial assets/liabilities designated 
 at fair value(1) ........                                                        102      100 
Interest income on financial assets 
 and liabilities designated at fair 
 value.........................                                                    15       18 
                                                                                3,570  (2,560) 
                                                                                -----  ------- 

1 Gains and losses from changes in the fair value of the group's issued debt securities include those arising from changes in the group's own credit risk. In 2016, the group recognised a HK$62m gain on changes in the fair value of these instruments arising from changes in own credit risk (2015:HK$26m gain).

   e    Gains less losses from financial investments 
                                                                              2016    2015 
                                                                              HK$m    HK$m 
Gain on partial disposal of investment 
 in Industrial Bank ...............................................              -  10,636 
Gains on disposal of other available-for-sale 
 securities ....................................................             1,234     983 
Impairment of available-for-sale 
 equity investments ......................................................     (2)     (8) 
                                                                             -----  ------ 
                                                                             1,232  11,611 
                                                                             -----  ------ 

There were no gains or losses on the disposal of held-to-maturity investments in the year (2015: nil).

   2    Operating profit (continued) 
   f     Other operating income 
                                                                                                        2016    2015 
                                                                                                        HK$m    HK$m 
Gain on 150(th) anniversary banknotes 
 issuance ................................................................                                 -     693 
Movement in present value of in-force 
 insurance business ..............................................                                     7,306   4,689 
Gains on investment properties 
 ......................................................................................                   36     480 
Gains/(losses) on disposal of property, 
 plant and equipment and assets 
 held for sale .......                                                                                  (57)     134 
Gain on disposal of subsidiaries, 
 associates and business portfolios 
 ..................................                                                                        1      23 
Rental income from investment properties 
 ....................................................................                                    400     404 
 ..........................                                                                            3,830   4,016 
                                                                                                      ------  ------ 
                                                                                                      11,516  10,439 
                                                                                                      ------  ------ 

Other included net gains on loans and receivables of HK$146m (2015: HK$278m). There were no gains or losses on the disposal of financial liabilities measured at amortised cost during the year (2015: nil).

   g    Loan impairment charges and other credit risk provisions 
                                                                                                       2016     2015 
                                                                                                       HK$m     HK$m 
Individually assessed impairment 
- New charges 
 ..............                                                                                       5,224    4,011 
- Releases 
 ....................                                                                               (1,567)  (1,390) 
- Recoveries 
 ................                                                                                     (277)    (305) 
                                                                                                    -------  ------- 
                                                                                                      3,380    2,316 
Collectively assessed impairment 
 charges .......................................................................                      2,065    2,656 
Other credit risk provisions 
 ............................................................................................           109      102 
                                                                                                    -------  ------- 
Loan impairment charges and other 
 credit risk provisions ..............................................                                5,554    5,074 
                                                                                                    -------  ------- 

There were no impairment charges against available-for-sale debt securities included in other credit risk provisions (2015: nil). There were no impairment charges or provisions relating to held-to-maturity investments (2015: nil).

   h    General and administrative expenses 
                                                                                                        2016    2015 
                                                                                                        HK$m    HK$m 
Premises and equipment 
- Rental expenses 
 ......                                                                                                3,665   3,542 
- Other premises and equipment 
 expenses......................................................................                        4,107   4,032 
                                                                                                      ------  ------ 
                                                                                                       7,772   7,574 
Marketing and advertising expenses 
 ...............................................................................                       2,909   3,900 
Other administrative expenses 
 .......................................................................................              19,236  18,409 
                                                                                                      29,917  29,883 
                                                                                                      ------  ------ 

In 2016, certain expenditure in respect of credit card loyalty programmes previously presented in 'Marketing and advertising expenses' is presented in 'Fee expense' to more appropriately reflect the nature of the expenditure. This accounted for the majority of the decrease in marketing and advertising expenses during the year.

Included in operating expenses were direct operating expenses of HK$27m (2015: HK$22m) arising from investment properties that generated rental income during the year. Direct operating expenses arising from investment properties that did not generate rental income amounted to HK$4m (2015: HK$2m).

Included in operating expenses were minimum lease payments under operating leases of HK$3,675m (2015: HK$3,692m).

   i     Auditors' remuneration 

Auditors' remuneration amounted to HK$82m (2015: HK$78m).

   3    Insurance income 
   a    Net insurance premium income 
                                                                                    Non-linked     Linked 
                                                                                     insurance  insurance    Total 
                                                                                          HK$m       HK$m     HK$m 
Gross insurance premium 
 income..............................................................                   57,349      2,522   59,871 
Reinsurers' share of gross 
 insurance premium income 
 ..............................                                                        (3,930)       (29)  (3,959) 
                                                                                    ----------  ---------  ------- 
Net insurance premium 
 income................................................................                 53,419      2,493   55,912 
                                                                                    ----------  ---------  ------- 
Gross insurance premium income 
 ............................................................                           51,367      4,937   56,304 
Reinsurers' share of gross 
 insurance premium income 
 ..............................                                                        (3,684)       (27)  (3,711) 
                                                                                    ----------  ---------  ------- 
Net insurance premium 
 income................................................................                 47,683      4,910   52,593 
                                                                                    ----------  ---------  ------- 
   b    Net insurance claims and benefits paid and movement in liabilities to policyholders 
                                                                                    Non-linked     Linked 
                                                                                     insurance  insurance    Total 
                                                                                          HK$m       HK$m     HK$m 
Gross claims and benefits 
 paid and movement in liabilities 
 to policyholders 
 .............................................................................          63,473      4,472   67,945 
Claims, benefits and surrenders 
 paid ...............................................                                   19,099      2,395   21,494 
Movement in liabilities 
 .................................................................                      44,374      2,077   46,451 
                                                                                    ----------  ---------  ------- 
Reinsurers' share of claims 
 and benefits paid and movement 
 in liabilities                                                                        (3,514)        155  (3,359) 
Reinsurers' share of claims, 
 benefits and surrenders 
 paid ................                                                                   (319)       (80)    (399) 
Reinsurers' share of movement 
 in liabilities...................................                                     (3,195)        235  (2,960) 
                                                                                    ----------  ---------  ------- 
Net insurance claims and 
 benefits paid and movement 
 in liabilities to 
  *    policyholders 
       ........................                                                         59,959      4,627   64,586 
                                                                                    ----------  ---------  ------- 
Gross claims and benefits 
 paid and movement in liabilities 
 to policyholders 
 .............................................................................          53,950      1,577   55,527 
Claims, benefits and surrenders 
 paid ...............................................                                   21,216      3,285   24,501 
Movement in liabilities 
 ..................................................................                     32,734    (1,708)   31,026 
                                                                                    ----------  ---------  ------- 
Reinsurers' share of claims 
 and benefits paid and movement 
 in liabilities                                                                        (3,214)        118  (3,096) 
Reinsurers' share of claims, 
 benefits and surrenders 
 paid ................                                                                   (318)      (445)    (763) 
Reinsurers' share of movement 
 in liabilities ...................................                                    (2,896)        563  (2,333) 
                                                                                    ----------  ---------  ------- 
Net insurance claims and 
 benefits paid and movement 
 in liabilities to 
  *    policyholders 
       ........................                                                         50,736      1,695   52,431 
                                                                                    ----------  ---------  ------- 
   4    Employee compensation and benefits 
   a    Employee compensation and benefits 
                                                                                                    2016    2015 
                                                                                                    HK$m    HK$m 
Wages and salaries 
 ............                                                                                     35,376  37,846 
Social security costs 
 ..........                                                                                        1,022   1,080 
Retirement benefit costs 
- Defined contribution 
 .                                                                                                 1,505   1,449 
- Defined benefit 
 ..........                                                                                          993     751 
                                                                                                  ------  ------ 
                                                                                                  38,896  41,126 
                                                                                                  ------  ------ 
  'Wages and salaries' include the effect of 
  share-based payments arrangements as follows: 
                                                                                                    2016    2015 
                                                                                                    HK$m    HK$m 
Restricted share awards 
 ......                                                                                              985   1,303 
Savings-related shares and other 
 share option plans ...........................................................                      107      78 
                                                                                                  ------  ------ 
                                                                                                   1,092   1,381 
                                                                                                  ------  ------ 
   b    Directors' emoluments 

The aggregate emoluments of the Directors of the Bank disclosed pursuant to section 4 of the Companies (Disclosure of Information about Benefits of Directors) Regulation were HK$102m (2015: HK$100m). This comprises fees of HK$9m (2015: HK$9m) and other emoluments of HK$93m (2015: HK$91m) which includes contributions to

-pension schemes of HK$1m (2015: HK$1m). Non-cash benefits which are included in other emoluments mainly relate to share-based payment awards, and the provision of housing and furnishing. Details on loans to directors are set out in note 38.

   c    Retirement benefit pension plans 

The group operates a number of retirement benefit plans, with a total cost of HK$2,498m (2015: HK$2,200m), the largest of which is the HSBC Group Hong Kong Local Staff Retirement Benefit Scheme ('the Principal Plan').

In Hong Kong, the Principal Plan covers employees of the Bank and certain other local employees of the Group. The Principal Plan comprises a funded defined benefit scheme (which provides a lump sum on retirement but is now closed to new members) and a defined contribution scheme. The latter was established on 1 January 1999 for new employees, and the group has been moving to defined contribution plans for all new employees. Since the defined benefit element of the Principal Plan is a final salary lump sum scheme, its exposure to longevity risk and interest rate risk is limited.

The trustee assumes the overall responsibility for the Principal Plan but a management committee and a number

of sub-committees have also been established. These committees have been established to broaden the

governance and manage the concomitant issues.

The Principal Plan is predominantly a funded plan with assets which are held in trust funds separate from the group. The actuarial funding valuation of the Principal Plan is reviewed at least on a triennial basis or in accordance with local practice and regulations. The actuarial assumptions used to conduct the actuarial funding valuation of the Principal Plan vary according to the economic conditions.

The defined benefit scheme of the Principal Plan mainly invests in bonds with a smaller portion in equities and each investment manager has been assigned a benchmark applicable to their respective asset class. The target asset allocations for the portfolio are as follows: Bonds 65% and Equity 35%.

   4    Employee compensation and benefits (continued) 

(i) Cumulative actuarial losses recognised in other comprehensive income in respect of defined benefit plans

                                                                                                       2016     2015 
                                                                                                       HK$m     HK$m 
At 1 January 
 ..............                                                                                     (8,303)  (7,641) 
Actuarial gains/(losses) recognised 
 in other comprehensive income 
 .............................                                                                        1,016    (662) 
                                                                                                    -------  ------- 
At 31 December 
 .........                                                                                          (7,287)  (8,303) 
                                                                                                    -------  ------- 

(ii) Net asset/(liability) under defined benefit pension plans

                                                                                    Fair      defined  Net defined 
                                                                                   value      benefit 
                                                                                    plan  obligations      benefit 
                                                                                  assets                 liability 
                                                                                    HK$m         HK$m         HK$m 
Net defined benefit liability 
At 1 January 2016 
 ..................................................................               13,974     (19,736)      (5,762) 
Current service cost 
 ................................................................                      -        (846)        (846) 
Past service cost and 
 losses from settlements(1) 
 ..........................                                                            -         (32)         (32) 
Service cost 
 .............................................................................         -        (878)        (878) 
                                                                                 -------  -----------  ----------- 
Net interest income/(cost) 
 on the net defined 
 benefit liability 
 ....................................................................                303        (415)        (112) 
Remeasurement effects 
 recognised in other 
 comprehensive income 
 ........................................................                             91          925        1,016 
  *    Return on plan assets (excluding interest income) 
       ................                                                               91            -           91 
  *    Actuarial gains from changes in financial assumptions 
       ..................                                                              -        1,558        1,558 
  *    Actuarial losses from experience 
       ..........................................                                      -        (633)        (633) 
Exchange differences and 
 other movements ............................                                       (19)           28            9 
Contributions by the group 
 ......................................................                            1,889            -        1,889 
Benefits paid 
 ...........................................................................     (1,483)        1,524           41 
                                                                                 -------  -----------  ----------- 
At 31 December 2016 
 .............................................................                    14,755     (18,552)      (3,797) 
                                                                                 -------  -----------  ----------- 
Retirement benefit liabilities 
 on the balance sheet 
 ............................................................                                              (3,867) 
Retirement benefit assets 
 recognised on the 
 balance sheet (within 
 'Prepayment, accrued 
 income and other assets') 
 ....................................................                                                           70 
Present value of defined 
 benefit obligation relating 
  *    Actives 
       ...........................                                                           (18,300) 
  *    Pensioners 
       ......................                                                                   (252) 
   4    Employee compensation and benefits (continued) 
                                                                                    Fair      defined  Net defined 
                                                                                   value      benefit 
                                                                                    plan  obligations      benefit 
                                                                                  assets                 liability 
                                                                                    HK$m          HK$         HK$m 
Net defined benefit liability 
At 1 January 2015 
 ..................................................................               14,870     (20,357)      (5,487) 
Current service cost 
 ................................................................                      -        (883)        (883) 
Past service cost and 
 gains from settlements(1) 
 ...........................                                                           -          274          274 
                                                                                 -------  -----------  ----------- 
Service cost 
 .............................................................................         -        (609)        (609) 
                                                                                 -------  -----------  ----------- 
Net interest income/(cost) 
 on the net defined 
 benefit liability 
 ....................................................................                297        (429)        (132) 
Remeasurement effects 
 recognised in other 
 comprehensive income 
 ........................................................                          (548)        (114)        (662) 
                                                                                 -------  -----------  ----------- 
  *    Return on plan assets (excluding interest income) 
       ................                                                            (548)            -        (548) 
  *    Actuarial gains from changes in demographic 
       assumptions ...                                                                 -            6            6 
  *    Actuarial losses from changes in financial 
       ..................                                                              -        (182)        (182) 
  *    Actuarial gains from experience 
       ...........................................                                     -           62           62 
                                                                                 -------  -----------  ----------- 
Exchange differences and 
 other movements ............................                                       (26)          118           92 
Contributions by the group 
 ......................................................                              983            -          983 
Contributions by employees 
 ....................................................                                  2          (2)            - 
Benefits paid 
 ...........................................................................     (1,604)        1,657           53 
                                                                                 -------  -----------  ----------- 
At 31 December 2015 
 .............................................................                    13,974     (19,736)      (5,762) 
                                                                                 -------  -----------  ----------- 
Retirement benefit liabilities 
 on the balance sheet 
 ............................................................                                              (5,809) 
Retirement benefit assets 
 recognised on the 
 balance sheet (within 
 'Prepayment, accrued 
 income and other assets') 
 ....................................................                                                           47 
Present value of defined 
 benefit obligation relating 
  *    Actives 
       ...........................                                                           (19,475) 
  *    Pensioners 
       ......................                                                                   (261) 

1 Gains / (losses) from settlements arise as the difference between assets distributed and liabilities extinguished on settlements.

The group expects to make HK$717m of contributions to defined benefit pension plans during 2017.

(iii) Fair value of plan assets by asset classes

                                                        2016                      2015 
                                                       Quoted                    Quoted 
                                                       market                    market 
                                                        price                     price 
                                                           in  Thereof               in  Thereof 
                                                       active                    active 
                                               Value   market     HSBC   Value   market     HSBC 
                                                HK$m     HK$m     HK$m    HK$m     HK$m     HK$m 
Fair value 
 of plan assets 
 ..........                                   14,755   14,755    1,348  13,974   13,974      407 
                                              ------  -------  -------  ------  -------  ------- 
- Equities 
 ................................              5,260    5,260        -   5,233    5,233       10 
- Bonds ...................................    7,358    7,358        -   7,439    7,439        - 
- Other(1) 
 ..................................            2,137    2,137    1,348   1,302    1,302      397 
                                              ------  -------  -------  ------  -------  ------- 
   1    Other mainly consists of cash and deposits. 
   4    Employee compensation and benefits (continued) 
   (iv)       Benefits expected to be paid from the Principal Plan 

Benefits expected to be paid from the Principal Plan to retirees over each of the next five years, and in aggregate for the five years thereafter, are as follows:

                                 2017   2018  2019     2020     2021  2022-2026 
                                 HK$m   HK$m  HK$m     HK$m     HK$m       HK$m 
HSBC Group Hong 
 Kong Local Staff 
 Retirement Benefit 
 Scheme .....................     594    778   930    1,067    1,231      4,634 

(v) The Principal Plan's principal actuarial financial assumptions

The present value of the Principal Plan's obligation was HK$11,215m (2015: HK$12,071m). The principal actuarial assumptions used to calculate the group's obligations for the Principal Plan for the year, and used as the basis for measuring the expenses in relation to the Principal Plan, were as follows:

                                                                                           2016                 2015 
                                                                                         % p.a.               % p.a. 
Discount rate 
 ...............................                                                           1.80                 1.70 
Rate of pay increase 
 ....................                                                                       3.0                  4.0 
Mortality table 
 ............................                                                       HKLT2015(1)          HKLT2011(1) 
   1    HKLT2015- Hong Kong Life Tables 2015. 

The group determines the discount rates to be applied to its obligations in consultation with the Principal Plan's local actuary, on the basis of current average yields of Hong Kong Government bonds, with maturities consistent with those of the defined benefit obligations.

(vi) Actuarial assumption sensitivities

The discount rate and rate of pay increase are sensitive to changes in market conditions arising during the reporting period. The following table shows the financial impact of assumption changes on the Principal Plan at year end:

                                                                                                  Impact on Pension 
                                                                                                    2016        2015 
                                                                                                    HK$m        HK$m 
Discount rate 
  - increase of 
   ..............                                                                                  (215)       (249) 
  - decrease of 
   ..............                                                                                    222         258 
Rate of pay increase 
  - increase of 
   ..............                                                                                    227         239 
  - decrease of 
   ..............                                                                                  (221)       (233) 
   5    Tax expense 

a The Bank and its subsidiaries in Hong Kong have provided for Hong Kong profits tax at the rate of 16.5% (2015: 16.5%) on the profits for the year assessable in Hong Kong. Overseas branches and subsidiaries have similarly provided for tax in the countries in which they operate at the appropriate rates of tax ruling in 2016. Deferred taxation is provided for in accordance with the group's accounting policy in note 1(b)(ix).

The charge for taxation in the income statement comprises:

                                                                                            2016    2015 
                                                                                            HK$m    HK$m 
Current income tax 
- Hong Kong taxation - on current 
 year profit ..............................................................                8,567  10,005 
- Hong Kong taxation - adjustments 
 in respect of prior years .......................................                          (74)   (134) 
- Overseas taxation - on current 
 year profit ..................................................................            7,598   8,072 
- Overseas taxation - adjustments 
 in respect of prior years ...........................................                     (337)     223 
                                                                                          ------  ------ 
                                                                                          15,754  18,166 
Deferred tax 
- Origination and reversal of temporary 
 differences .......................................................                       2,159   (769) 
- Effect of changes in tax rates 
 ......................................................................................       13      18 
- Adjustments in respect of prior 
 years ..........................................................................           (14)   (119) 
                                                                                          ------  ------ 
                                                                                           2,158   (870) 
                                                                                          ------  ------ 
                                                                                          17,912  17,296 
                                                                                          ------  ------ 
         b    Reconciliation between taxation charge and accounting profit at applicable tax rates: 
                                                                                                       2016     2015 
                                                                                                       HK$m     HK$m 
Profit before tax 
 ..........                                                                                         102,707  117,279 
                                                                                                    -------  ------- 
Notional tax on profit before tax, calculated at 
 the rates applicable to profits in the 
   countries concerned 
    .....                                                                                            19,727   21,983 
Effects of profits in associates and joint 
 ventures...........................................................                                (2,390)  (2,612) 
Non taxable income and gains 
 .......................................................................................            (1,951)  (3,994) 
Local taxes and overseas withholding 
 taxes....................................................................                            1,275    1,118 
 .............                                                                                          957      887 
 ..........................                                                                             294     (86) 
                                                                                                    -------  ------- 
                                                                                                     17,912   17,296 
                                                                                                    -------  ------- 
         c     Movements of deferred tax assets and liabilities: 
                    Accelerated   Insurance                allowances 
                        capital   technical     Expense  on financial    Revaluation 
                     allowances  provisions  provisions        assets  of properties    Other        Total 
                           HK$m        HK$m        HK$m          HK$m           HK$m     HK$m         HK$m 
 ..                         132           -         983         1,107              -      718        2,940 
 ..............           (643)     (6,134)           -         (249)       (12,503)    (374)     (19,903) 
                    -----------  ----------  ----------  ------------  -------------  -------  ----------- 
At 1 January 
 .........                (511)     (6,134)         983           858       (12,503)      344     (16,963) 
 and other 
 .......                    (2)          24       (274)             6            125      198           77 
 income statement 
 ..........                 (5)     (1,213)         252         (190)            288  (1,290)      (2,158) 
 .....                        -           -           -             -          (678)    (176)        (854) 
                    -----------  ----------  ----------  ------------  -------------  -------  ----------- 
At 31 December 
 ...                      (518)     (7,323)         961           674       (12,768)    (924)     (19,898) 
                    -----------  ----------  ----------  ------------  -------------  -------  ----------- 
 ..                         108          --         961           674              -    2,415     4,158(1) 
 ..............           (626)     (7,323)           -             -       (12,768)  (3,339)  (24,056)(1) 
   5    Tax expense (continued) 
                       Accelerated   Insurance                allowances 
                           capital   technical     Expense  on financial    Revaluation 
                        allowances  provisions  provisions        assets  of properties    Other     Total 
                              HK$m        HK$m        HK$m          HK$m           HK$m     HK$m      HK$m 
 .....                         106           -       1,079           284              -      763     2,232 
 ....................        (736)     (5,390)           -             -       (11,728)  (1,528)  (19,382) 
                       -----------  ----------  ----------  ------------  -------------  -------  -------- 
At 1 January 
 .................           (630)     (5,390)       1,079           284       (11,728)    (765)  (17,150) 
 and other 
 ...............               (7)          33        (94)          (21)             72       30        13 
 income statement 
 .....                         126       (777)         (2)           595            254      674       870 
 .........                       -           -           -             -        (1,101)      405     (696) 
                       -----------  ----------  ----------  ------------  -------------  -------  -------- 
At 31 December 
 ...........                 (511)     (6,134)         983           858       (12,503)      344  (16,963) 
                       -----------  ----------  ----------  ------------  -------------  -------  -------- 
 .....                         132          --         983         1,107              -      718     2,940 
 ....................        (643)     (6,134)           -         (249)       (12,503)    (374)  (19,903) 

1 After netting off balances within countries, the balances as disclosed in the accounts are as follows: deferred tax assets HK$1,503m (2015:HK$ 1,836m); and deferred tax liabilities HK$21,401m (2015:HK$18,799m).

The amount of unused tax losses for which no deferred tax asset is recognised in the balance sheet is HK$2,497m (2015: HK$2,216m). Of this amount, HK$2,047m (2015: HK$1,988m) has no expiry date and the remaining will expire within 10 years.

Deferred tax of HK$1,334m (2015: HK$721m) has been provided in respect of distributable reserves or post-acquisition reserves of associates that, on distribution or sale, would attract withholding tax.

Deferred tax is not recognised in respect of the group's investments in subsidiaries and branches where remittance or other realisation is not probable, and for those associates and interests in joint ventures where it has been determined that no additional tax will arise.

   6    Dividends 

Dividends to ordinary shareholders of the parent company

                                                                            2016                                     2015 
                                                           ---------------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
                                                                 Per share                   Total          Per share                 Total 
                                                                          HK$             HK$m                     HK$              HK$m 
Ordinary dividends 
  *    fourth interim dividend in respect of the previous 
       financial year approved and paid during the year                  0.44               17,065                0.37               14,250 
- first interim dividend 
 paid .....................................                              0.20                8,500                0.20                7,500 
- second interim dividend 
 paid .................................                                  0.19                8,500                0.20                7,500 
- third interim dividend 
 paid ....................................                               0.19                8,500                0.20                7,500 
                                                           ------------------  -------------------  ------------------  ------------------- 
                                                                         1.02               42,565                0.97               36,750 
                                                           ------------------  -------------------  ------------------  ------------------- 

The Directors have declared a fourth interim dividend in respect of the financial year ending 31 December 2016 of HK$25,438m (HK$0.56 per ordinary share).

Distributions on other equity instruments

                                                                              2016   2015 
                                                                              HK$m   HK$m 
US$1,900m floating rate perpetual 
 subordinated loans 
 (interest rate at one year US dollar 
 LIBOR plus 3.84%) .......................................................     731    655 
                                                                             -----  ----- 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

March 21, 2017 07:53 ET (11:53 GMT)

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