RNS Number : 7875A

Henderson Global Trust PLC

30 September 2015

30 September 2015


Unaudited Results for the Half Year Ended 31 July 2015

This announcement contains regulated information

Investment objective

The Company seeks long-term capital growth from a concentrated portfolio of international equities with a secondary objective to increase dividends over the longer term.

Performance highlights for the six months ended 31 July 2015

-- Net asset value ("NAV") total return(1) (including dividends reinvested) of +1.6% compared to a total return from the benchmark index(2) of +1.6%.

   --           Share price(3) total return (including dividends reinvested) of -1.2%. 
   --           Discount(4) increased from 6.2% to 9.6%. 
   --           Interim dividend of 5.0p per share declared (2014: 5.0p). 

Total return performance to 31 July 2015 (including dividends reinvested and excluding transaction costs)

                                     6       1        3        5       10 
                                months    year    years    years    years 
                                     %       %        %        %        % 
----------------------------  --------  ------  -------  -------  ------- 
 NAV(1)                            1.6    10.6     35.0     56.5    135.8 
 Share price(3)                   -1.2    10.0     38.7     40.7    167.9 
 Benchmark index(2)                1.6    11.8     47.6     72.5    114.6 
 Average sector NAV(5)             3.6    13.9     50.0     70.1    127.4 
 Average sector share price        5.6    13.5     53.9     73.9    140.1 

Financial Highlights

                                                  At 31 July       At 31 January 
  Shareholders' funds                                   2015                2015 
----------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Net assets (GBP'000)                                164,395             166,086 
 NAV per ordinary share 
   with debt(6) at par                                433.7p              431.3p 
   with debt at fair value                            434.7p              432.4p 
 Share price                                          389.4p              399.0p 
                                             Half year ended       Half year ended 
   Total return to equity shareholders          31 July 2015          31 July 2014 
 Net revenue profit (GBP'000)                          2,057                 2,090 
 Net capital profit (GBP'000)                            573                 5,703 
                                                 -----------             --------- 
   Net profit for the year (GBP'000)                   2,630                 7,793 
                                                      ======                 ===== 
 Total return per ordinary share 
----------------------------------------  ------------------  -------------------- 
 Revenue                                               5.39p                 5.29p 
 Capital                                               1.50p                14.42p 
                                                ------------            ---------- 
                                                       6.89p                19.71p 
                                                     =======                ====== 

1 Net asset value per ordinary share total return with debt at fair value (including dividends reinvested); with income reinvested for 1, 3 and 5 years and capital NAV plus income reinvested for 10 years. This is based on preliminary estimates made by Morningstar Funddata and does not reflect any subsequent change in the year end NAVs reflected in these results

2 Comprising 50% FTSE All-Share Index and 50% MSCI World Index ex UK (in sterling terms) to 31 May 2013 and the MSCI All Country World Index (in sterling terms, total return) thereafter

3 Share price total return using mid-market closing price

4 Calculated using published daily NAVs with debt at par excluding current year revenue

5 The sector is the AIC Global sector

6 Debt comprises the Company's cumulative preference stock

Sources: Henderson, Morningstar Funddata, Morningstar for the AIC, Thomson Reuters Datastream


Chairman's Statement

Equity markets continued to move very gradually higher over the six months under review. Looking at this rise in more detail there was an increase in market volatility coupled with a widening spread between the strong performers in the market and the laggards, with lower yielding growth stocks outperforming the average. The Fund Manager's Report provides a thorough analysis of the current market environment as well as information on the factors which contributed to the Company's performance over the half year.


During the half year ended 31 July 2015 the net asset value ("NAV") per ordinary share total return (including dividends reinvested) was 1.6%, matching the total return of 1.6% of the Company's benchmark, the MSCI All Country World Index (in sterling terms, total return). The Board has charged the Fund Manager to manage the portfolio against the benchmark and is encouraged by the steady improvement in performance.

The share price total return of the Company was -1.2% and the average discount (excluding revenue) over the period was 10.6% compared with the sector average of 5.0%. Whilst this discount is disappointing, I am hopeful that the market will recognise the improvement in performance of the Company which should ultimately lead to a narrowing of the discount over time.


The Company paid a first interim dividend of 2.5p per share on 1 July 2015 and has declared a second interim dividend of 2.5p per share which will be paid to shareholders on 1 October 2015. The underlying portfolio of shares generates income similar to that paid out to investors by way of dividend. Meanwhile, our large revenue reserve provides the Company with the flexibility to maintain the current dividend even if the Fund Manager decides to increase exposure to growth stocks in pursuit of capital performance.

Discount management

The Board remains committed to its policy of seeking to keep the absolute level of the discount, in comparison to its peer group of investment trusts, under regular review. Increased market volatility created some headwinds to discount management over the half year but our aim remains to restrict the discount from rising much above 8% in normal market circumstances. The Company repurchased 600,624 shares during the period, which have been held in treasury. This represents over 1.5% of the Company's outstanding capital and at the end of July the discount was 9.6%. 65,526 shares have been bought between the end of the period and the date of this report.

Composition of the Board

Richard Stone stood down from the Board, and as Chairman, on 3 June 2015. I would like to thank him for his contribution to the Company over the 13 years of his tenure and in particular his solid guidance through a period of significant change for the Company in recent years.


Six years into the market recovery that started in 2009, we remain constructive on equities and are fully invested. However, we do recognise that we are probably in the latter stages of a market cycle and are mindful not to take undue risk. Given this background the Board does not expect to increase the dividend this year.

Richard Hills


30 September 2015

Principal Risks and Uncertainties

The principal risks and uncertainties associated with the Company's business can be divided into the following main areas:

   --     Market risk 
   --     Performance risk 
   --     Gearing 
   --     Other financial risks 
   --     Internal control 
   --     Operational risk 
   --     Discount control 

Information on risks and how they are managed is given in the annual report for the year ended 31 January 2015. In the view of the Board the principal risks and uncertainties set out in the annual report were unchanged over the last six months and are as applicable to the remaining six months of the financial year as they were to the six months under review.

Directors' Responsibility Statement

The Directors confirm that, to the best of their knowledge:

(a) the condensed set of financial statements has been prepared in accordance with "IAS34 Interim Financial Reporting";

(b) this report includes a fair review of the information required by Disclosure and Transparency Rule 4.2.7R (indication of important events during the first six months and description of principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year); and

(c) this report includes a fair review of the information required by the Disclosure and Transparency Rule 4.2.8R (disclosure of related party transactions and changes therein).

For and on behalf of the Board

Richard Hills


30 September 2015

Fund Manager's Report


The Company's net asset value total return was 1.6% in the first half of the year, in-line with the MSCI World All Country Index performance of 1.6%.

(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires

September 30, 2015 10:18 ET (14:18 GMT)

Global equity markets have performed strongly over the past six years. Tepid economic growth since 2009 implies that the real driver behind the rally has been an expansion of valuation multiples. This gradual increase in multiples is the result of rising demand for equities on the back of excess liquidity, created by a prolonged period of very low interest rates and quantitative easing (i.e. the creation of new electronic money by Central Banks to buy financial assets). Central bankers were hoping that the excess liquidity would find its way into the real economy, but both companies and individuals have shown spending discipline and a reluctance to borrow. Instead, excess liquidity has been invested in financial assets, resulting in asset price inflation. Indeed the strong performance has not been limited to equities but could be seen in most asset classes, from fixed income, commodities and London property to vintage cars and fine wine.

The creation of excess liquidity is currently slowing as both the US and UK central banks have ended their quantitative easing programs and are guiding for an increase in interest rates. Equity markets can continue to move higher without the tailwind of liquidity-driven multiple expansion as long as economic and corporate earnings growth can take over as the driver of equity returns. The global economic outlook is improving, albeit gradually and from a low level, but investors frequently question the sustainability of this growth. This results in equity markets continuing their upward trajectory, but at a slower pace and with increased volatility.

Markets are also showing increased dispersion, a rise in the spread between stronger performers and laggards. Our investments in consumer staples were up 14% on average in the first half of 2015, our Japanese stocks were up 21.5% and our strongest individual stock Synergy Pharmaceuticals was up 200%. Looking at the laggards, our Asia ex-Japan stocks were down 7% and our telecom names were down 7.7%.

Given the market backdrop described above it is not a surprise that our best performing stocks in the first half of the year have been companies that are able to deliver above-average earnings growth independent of the economy. These include secular growth companies that operate in defensive end markets (Dollar General, Japan Tobacco and Crown Holdings); companies that have some self-help in the form of new product launches or a restructuring of the cost base (Rentokil Initial and BRP); financial companies that benefit from rising interest rates (Sumitomo Mitsui Financial, Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase and Lloyds Banking Group); and stocks that could potentially be acquired (Syngenta and Synergy Pharmaceuticals).

Our weaker performers were stocks that are more dependent on economic growth (Rexel and Western Digital); and especially companies depending on growth in emerging markets (Wharf Holdings, Singapore Telecom, Samsung Electronics, Freeport-McMoran and Volkswagen). The other underperformer worth highlighting is United Continental, which suffered from investors taking profits following the exceptional strength in 2014. We continue to see significant upside in United Continental and the stock started to outperform again in the last two months of the half year.

Portfolio activity

During the first half of 2015, we started new investments in Allianz, Cheung Kong Property Holding, Regal Beloit, Shinhan Financial and Zimmer and added to the positions in BRP, Citigroup, Citizens Financial, Grifols SA and Softbank. We also received shares in Baxalta as a spin-off from Baxter and South32 as a spin-off from BHP Billiton.

We sold the investments in ANZ Bank, Baxter, Borg Warner, Deere, GKN, Singapore Telecom, Suncor and Wharf and we started taking profits in Altria, HSBC, Macy's, Oracle and Syngenta.

Looking at the overall portfolio positioning, the biggest regional change was a reduction in the Asia ex-Japan exposure as we turned incrementally negative on China. And we took advantage of Greece-led weakness in Europe to increase our investment in the region. From a sector point of view, we increased our exposure to health care and financials at the expense of consumer discretionary and energy stocks.

Market outlook

With liquidity-driven multiple expansion becoming less of a tailwind, economic and corporate earnings growth need to take over as the key driver for equity markets. The good news is that the global economy is improving gradually. The bad news is that the absolute level of growth is low and it will not take much to move it back into negative territory, with the main risks currently being the Chinese economy and the impact of rising US interest rates. The fragility of the global economy and the fickleness of investor expectations explain why earnings growth should continue to be a more volatile driver of stock markets compared to excess-liquidity driven multiple expansion.

All things considered we remain cautiously optimistic and the portfolio is fully invested. However, we are cognisant that we are well into the market rally that started in 2009 and that market volatility will rise going forward. Therefore, we have no desire to use leverage at this point in time.

Wouter Volckaert

Fund Manager

30 September 2015

Portfolio Analysis

 Geographical exposure           31 July   31 January 
  (% of portfolio excluding         2015         2015 
----------------------------  ----------  ----------- 
 North America                      53.3         53.0 
 Continental Europe                 17.2         15.9 
 United Kingdom                     13.8         14.4 
 Pacific Rim                         9.6         12.3 
 Japan                               6.1          4.4 
                               ---------    --------- 
                                   100.0        100.0 
                                   =====        ===== 
 Sector exposure                 31 July   31 January 
  (% of portfolio excluding         2015         2015 
----------------------------  ----------  ----------- 
 Financials                         21.4         19.5 
 Consumer discretionary             15.6         17.5 
 Health care                        14.4         11.7 
 Industrials                        13.5         13.6 
 Information technology             11.1         12.5 
 Consumer staples                    7.5          6.3 
 Materials                           7.1          6.4 
 Energy                              5.9          7.3 
 Telecommunication services          3.5          5.2 
                               ---------   ---------- 
                                   100.0        100.0 
                                   =====        ===== 

Principal Holdings

As at 31 July 2015

 Company                      Main activity                         Valuation   % of portfolio 
---------------------------  ---------------------------------  -------------  --------------- 
 Dollar General               General retailers                         6,263              3.9 
 Novartis                     Pharmaceuticals                           5,196              3.2 
                              Diversified metals 
 Crown Holdings                & mining                                 4,882              3.0 
 Japan Tobacco                Tobacco                                   4,709              2.9 
 Pfizer                       Pharmaceuticals & biotechnology           4,045              2.5 
 Lockheed Martin              Aerospace & defence                       3,955              2.4 
                              Technology hardware 
 Western Digital               & equipment                              3,894              2.4 
                              Technology hardware 
 Apple                         & equipment                              3,758              2.3 
 Rentokil Initial             Industrial transportation                 3,738              2.3 
 Macy's                       General retailers                         3,706              2.3 
                                                                 ------------     ------------ 
 10 largest                                                            44,146             27.2 
                              Software & computer 
 Google                        services                                 3,457              2.1 
 DBS                          Banks                                     3,366              2.1 
 Twenty First Century Fox     Media                                     3,353              2.1 
 Citigroup                    Banks                                     3,220              2.0 
 Citizens Financial           Banks                                     3,185              2.0 
                              Electronic & electrical 
 Rexel                         equipment                                3,164              2.0 
 Bristol-Myers Squibb         Pharmaceuticals & biotechnology           3,155              2.0 
 JP Morgan Chase              Banks                                     3,075              1.9 
 Grifols SA                   Pharmaceuticals & biotechnology           3,011              1.9 
 AIA Group                    Life insurance                            2,979              1.8 
                                                                 ------------     ------------ 
 20 largest                                                            76,111             47.1 
 Wells Fargo & Co             Banks                                     2,908              1.8 
 BRP                          Automobiles & parts                       2,761              1.7 
 Flowers Foods                Food, beverages & tobacco                 2,744              1.7 
 Softbank                     Mobile telecommunications                 2,738              1.7 
 United Continental           Airlines                                  2,692              1.7 

(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires

September 30, 2015 10:18 ET (14:18 GMT)

 Thomson Reuters              Media                                     2,603              1.6 
 Allianz                      Insurance                                 2,588              1.6 
 Limited Brands               General retailers                         2,587              1.6 
 Lloyds Banking Group         Banks                                     2,570              1.6 
 Nestlé                  Food producers                            2,559              1.6 
                                                                 ------------      ----------- 
 30 largest                                                           102,861             63.7 
 CTT Correios                 Industrial transportation                 2,481              1.5 
 Shinhan Financial            Banks                                     2,435              1.5 
 Zimmer                       Health care                               2,345              1.5 
 Telstra                      Fixed line telecommunications             2,287              1.4 
 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial    Banks                                     2,271              1.4 
 General Electric             General industrials                       2,261              1.4 
                              Software & computer 
 Oracle                        services                                 2,243              1.4 
                              Software & computer 
 IBM                           services                                 2,211              1.4 
 Zurich                       Nonlife insurance                         2,178              1.3 
 Altria                       Tobacco                                   2,165              1.3 
                                                                 ------------     ------------ 
 40 largest                                                           125,738             77.8 
                                                                       ======           ====== 
 Other listed investments 
  (26 stocks)                                                          35,001             21.7 
 Unlisted investments (3 
  stocks)                                                                 747              0.5 
                                                                 ------------     ------------ 
 Total investments                                                    161,486            100.0 
                                                                       ======           ====== 

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

for the half year ended 31 July 2015

                             (Unaudited)                       (Unaudited)                        (Audited) 
                           Half year ended                   Half year ended                      Year ended 
                             31 July 2015                      31 July 2014                    31 January 2015 
                    Revenue    Capital                Revenue    Capital                Revenue    Capital 
                     return     return       Total     return     return       Total     return     return       Total 
                    GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000 
----------------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------- 
 Dividends and 
  other income 
  2)                  2,764          -       2,764      2,716          -       2,716      4,461         82       4,543 
 Gains on 
  held at fair 
  through profit 
  or loss                 -        981         981          -      6,075       6,075          -     18,783      18,783 
 Net exchange 
  (loss)/gain             -       (49)        (49)          -          7           7          -        (6)         (6) 
                   --------   --------    --------   --------   --------    --------   --------   --------    -------- 
 Total income         2,764        932       3,696      2,716      6,082       8,798      4,461     18,859      23,320 
 Management fees      (169)      (339)       (508)      (158)      (316)       (474)      (321)      (642)       (963) 
 Other expenses       (238)          -       (238)      (183)          -       (183)      (401)          -       (401) 
                   --------   --------    --------   --------   --------    --------   --------   --------    -------- 
 Profit before 
  finance costs 
  and taxation        2,357        593       2,950      2,375      5,766       8,141      3,739     18,217      21,956 
 Finance costs 
  and similar 
  charges               (3)        (7)        (10)       (25)       (50)        (75)       (50)      (101)       (151) 
 Dividends on 
  stock                 (6)       (13)        (19)        (6)       (13)        (19)       (13)       (25)        (38) 
                   --------   --------    --------   --------   --------    --------   --------   --------    -------- 
 Total finance 
  costs                 (9)       (20)        (29)       (31)       (63)        (94)       (63)      (126)       (189) 
                   --------   --------    --------   --------   --------    --------   --------   --------    -------- 
 Profit before 
  taxation            2,348        573       2,921      2,344      5,703       8,047      3,676     18,091      21,767 
                   --------   --------    --------   --------   --------    --------   --------   --------    -------- 
 Taxation             (291)          -       (291)      (254)          -       (254)      (418)          -       (418) 
 Net profit for 
  the period and 
  income              2,057        573       2,630      2,090      5,703       7,793      3,258     18,091      21,349 
                     ======     ======      ======     ======     ======      ======     ======     ======      ====== 
 Return per 
  share (basic 
  diluted) (note 
  3)                  5.39p      1.50p       6.89p      5.29p     14.42p      19.71p      8.32p     46.20p      54.52p 
                     ======     ======      ======     ======     ======      ======     ======     ======      ====== 

The total columns of this statement represent the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income, prepared in accordance with IFRS, as adopted by the European Union.

The revenue return and capital return columns are supplementary to this and are prepared under guidance published by The Association of Investment Companies.

The Group does not have any other comprehensive income and hence the net profit, as disclosed above, is the same as the Group's total comprehensive income.

All items in the above statement derive from continuing activities. No operations were acquired or discontinued during the period.

All income is attributable to the equity shareholders of Henderson Global Trust plc. There are no minority interests.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

for the half year ended 31 July 2015

                                                                                     Retained earnings 
----------------------------  -----------  --------------  -------------------                             ----------- 
                                                                                    Capital       Revenue 
 Half year ended 31                         Share premium   Capital redemption      reserve    reserve(1) 
  July 2015                                       account              reserve                    GBP'000 
                                   Called                                           GBP'000 
                                 up share 
                                  capital                                                                        Total 
  (unaudited)                     GBP'000         GBP'000              GBP'000                                 GBP'000 
----------------------------  -----------  --------------  -------------------  -----------  ------------  ----------- 
 Total equity at 1 
  February 2015                    10,389          13,410               33,966       97,950        10,371      166,086 
 Total comprehensive 
 Profit for the period 
  to 31 July 2015                       -               -                    -          573         2,057        2,630 
 Transactions with 
  owners, recorded directly 
  to equity: 
 Equity dividends paid                  -               -                    -            -       (1,914)      (1,914) 
 Buy-backs of ordinary 
  shares and held in 
  treasury                              -               -                    -      (2,407)             -      (2,407) 
                               ----------      ----------           ----------   ----------    ----------   ---------- 
 Total equity at 31 
  July 2015                        10,389          13,410               33,966       96,116        10,514      164,395 
                                   ======          ======               ======       ======        ======       ====== 
                                                                                     Retained earnings 
----------------------------  -----------  --------------  -------------------                             ----------- 
                                   Called                                           Capital       Revenue 
                                 up share   Share premium   Capital redemption      reserve    reserve(1) 
 Half year ended 31               capital         account              reserve      GBP'000       GBP'000        Total 
  July 2014 (unaudited)           GBP'000         GBP'000              GBP'000                                 GBP'000 

(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires

September 30, 2015 10:18 ET (14:18 GMT)

----------------------------  -----------  --------------  -------------------  -----------  ------------  ----------- 
 Total equity at 1 
  February 2014                    10,389          13,410               33,966       84,192        11,036      152,993 
 Total comprehensive 
 Profit for the period 
  to 31 July 2014                       -               -                    -        5,703         2,090        7,793 
 Transactions with 
  owners, recorded directly 
  to equity: 
 Equity dividends paid                  -               -                    -            -       (1,983)      (1,983) 
 Buy-backs of ordinary 
  shares and held in 
  treasury                              -               -                    -      (2,296)             -      (2,296) 
                               ----------      ----------           ----------   ----------    ----------   ---------- 
 Total equity at 31 
  July 2014                        10,389          13,410               33,966       87,599        11,143      156,507 
                                   ======          ======               ======       ======        ======       ====== 
                                                                                     Retained earnings 
----------------------------  -----------  --------------  -------------------                             ----------- 
                                                                                    Capital       Revenue 
                                   Called                                           reserve    reserve(1) 
                                 up share   Share premium   Capital redemption      GBP'000       GBP'000 
 Year ended 31 January            capital         account              reserve                                   Total 
  2015 (audited)                  GBP'000         GBP'000              GBP'000                                 GBP'000 
----------------------------  -----------  --------------  -------------------  -----------  ------------  ----------- 
 Total equity at 1 
  February 2014                    10,389          13,410               33,966       84,192        11,036      152,993 
 Total comprehensive 
 Profit for the year 
  31 January 2015                       -               -                    -       18,091         3,258       21,349 
 Transactions with 
  owners, recorded directly 
  to equity: 
 Equity dividends paid                  -               -                    -            -       (3,923)      (3,923) 
 Buy-backs of ordinary 
  shares and held in 
  treasury                              -               -                    -      (4,333)             -      (4,333) 
                               ----------      ----------           ----------   ----------    ----------   ---------- 
 Total equity at 31 
  January 2015                     10,389          13,410               33,966       97,950        10,371      166,086 
                                   ======          ======               ======       ======        ======       ====== 

(1) The revenue reserve represents the amount of reserves distributable by way of dividend.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

Consolidated Balance Sheet

at 31 July 2015

                                        (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)        (Audited) 
                                         At 31 July      At 31 July    At 31 January 
                                               2015            2014             2015 
                                            GBP'000         GBP'000          GBP'000 
-----------------------------------  --------------  --------------  --------------- 
 Non-current assets 
 Investments held at fair value 
  through profit or loss (notes 
  9 and 10)                                 161,486         156,351          165,576 
                                         ----------      ----------       ---------- 
 Current assets 
 Balances due from brokers                        6           1,079                - 
 Taxation recoverable                            95             133               29 
 Other receivables                              262              99              142 
 Cash and cash equivalents                    4,399           1,195            2,086 
                                         ----------      ----------       ---------- 
                                              4,762           2,506            2,257 
                                         ----------      ----------       ---------- 
 Total assets                               166,248         158,857          167,833 
                                         ----------      ----------       ---------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Balances due to brokers                      (405)           (895)                - 
 Other payables                               (448)           (455)            (747) 
                                         ----------      ----------       ---------- 
                                              (853)         (1,350)            (747) 
                                         ----------      ----------       ---------- 
 Non-current liabilities 
 3.75% cumulative preference 
  stock                                     (1,000)         (1,000)          (1,000) 
                                         ----------      ----------       ---------- 
 Net assets                                 164,395         156,507          166,086 
                                             ======          ======           ====== 
 Equity attributable to equity 
 Called-up share capital                     10,389          10,389           10,389 
 Share premium account                       13,410          13,410           13,410 
 Capital redemption reserve                  33,966          33,966           33,966 
 Capital reserve                             96,116          87,599           97,950 
 Revenue reserve                             10,514          11,143           10,371 
                                         ----------      ----------       ---------- 
 Total equity                               164,395         156,507          166,086 
                                             ======          ======           ====== 
 Net asset value per ordinary 
  share (basic and diluted) (note 
  5)                                         433.7p          400.9p           431.3p 
                                             ======          ======           ====== 
          The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

for the half year to 31 July 2015

                                             (Unaudited)   (Unaudited) 
                                               Half year     Half year      (Audited) 
                                                ended 31      ended 31     Year ended 
                                                    July          July     31 January 
                                                    2015          2014           2015 
                                                 GBP'000       GBP'000        GBP'000 
------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------- 
 Operating activities 
 Profit before finance costs and taxation          2,950         8,141         21,956 
 Decrease/(increase) in investments                4,133       (4,426)       (13,454) 
 (Increase)/decrease in receivables                (120)            46              3 
 Decrease in payables                               (65)          (29)          (263) 
 Taxation on investment income                     (357)         (359)          (419) 
                                              ----------    ----------     ---------- 
 Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating 
  activities                                       6,541         3,373        (8,349) 
                                              ----------    ----------     ---------- 
 Financing activities 
 Buybacks of ordinary shares and held 
  in treasury                                    (2,236)       (2,296)        (4,333) 
 Cumulative preference stock dividends 
  paid                                              (19)          (19)           (38) 
 Equity dividends paid                           (1,914)       (1,983)        (3,923) 
 Bank arrangement fee and interest paid             (10)          (75)          (151) 
                                              ----------    ----------     ---------- 
 Net cash outflow from financing                 (4,179)       (4,373)        (8,445) 
                                              ----------    ----------     ---------- 
 Increase/(decrease) in cash and cash 
  equivalents                                      2,362       (1,000)           (96) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the start 
  of the period                                    2,086         2,188          2,188 
 Effect of foreign exchange rate changes            (49)             7            (6) 
                                              ----------    ----------     ---------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the end 
  of the period                                    4,399         1,195          2,086 
                                                  ======        ======         ====== 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires

September 30, 2015 10:18 ET (14:18 GMT)


 1.   Accounting policies 
      The condensed consolidated financial statements comprise the unaudited 
       results of the Company and its subsidiary, Engandscot Limited, 
       for the half year ended 31 July 2015. They have been prepared 
       on a going concern basis and in accordance with International 
       Accounting Standard 34, "Interim Financial Reporting", as adopted 
       by the European Union and with the Statement of Recommended Practice 
       for Investment Trusts ("SORP") dated January 2009, where the SORP 
       is consistent with the requirements of IFRS. 
      For the period under review the Company's accounting policies 
       have not varied from those described in the annual report for 
       the year ended 31 January 2015. These financial statements have 
       not been either audited or reviewed by the Company's auditor. 
       The Group accounts comprise the accounts of the Company and its 
       subsidiary drawn up to the balance sheet date. The Statement of 
       Comprehensive Income is only presented in consolidated form, as 
       provided by Section 408 of the Companies Act 2006. 
 2.    Dividends and                                               Half year       Half year            Year 
        other income                                                   ended           ended           ended 
                                                                     31 July         31 July      31 January 
                                                                        2015            2014            2015 
                                                                     GBP'000         GBP'000         GBP'000 
      ----  ----------------  --------------      ---------      -----------   -------------   ------------- 
       Income from quoted investments: 
  Franked UK dividends                                                   437             483             824 
  UK property income distributions                                        32              38              69 
  Overseas dividends                                                   2,293           2,194           3,565 
                                                                  ----------      ----------      ---------- 
                                                                       2,762           2,715           4,458 
       Other income: 
  Interest on deposits                                                     2               1               3 
                                                                  ----------      ----------      ---------- 
                                                                       2,764           2,716           4,461 
                                                                     =======         =======         ======= 
 3.    Return per ordinary 
  The return per ordinary share is based on the profit for the half 
   year of GBP2,630,000 (half year ended 31 July 2014: profit of 
   GBP7,793,000; year ended 31 January 2015: profit of GBP21,349,000) 
   and on 38,184,379 (half year ended 31 July 2014: 39,532,632; year 
   ended 31 January 2015: 39,160,017) ordinary shares, being the 
   weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the 
   The return per ordinary share detailed above can be further analysed 
   between revenue and capital, as below. 
                                    Half year ended   Half year ended    Year ended 
                                                                         31 January 
                                       31 July 2015      31 July 2014          2015 
                                        (unaudited)       (unaudited)     (audited) 
                                            GBP'000           GBP'000       GBP'000 
 Net revenue profit                           2,057             2,090         3,258 
 Net capital profit                             573             5,703        18,091 
                                         ----------        ----------    ---------- 
 Net total profit                             2,630             7,793        21,349 
                                             ======            ======        ====== 
 Weighted average number 
  of ordinary shares in issue 
  during the period                      38,184,379        39,532,632    39,160,017 
                                   Half year ended   Half year ended    Year ended 
                                                                        31 January 
                                      31 July 2015      31 July 2014          2015 
                                       (unaudited)       (unaudited)     (audited) 
                                             pence             pence         pence 
 Revenue return per ordinary 
  share                                       5.39              5.29          8.32 
 Capital return per ordinary 
  share                                       1.50             14.42         46.20 
                                        ----------        ----------    ---------- 
 Total return per ordinary 
  share                                       6.89             19.71         54.52 
                                            ======            ======        ====== 
 4.   Ordinary share capital 
      At 31 July 2015 there were 37,905,046 ordinary shares in issue 
       (31 July 2014: 39,034,187; 
       31 January 2015: 38,505,670). During the half year ended 31 July 
       2015 the Company bought back 600,624 of its own issued ordinary 
       shares to be held in treasury (31 July 2014: 626,194, 31 January 
       2015: 1,154,711). 
 5.   Net asset value per ordinary 
      The net asset value per ordinary share is calculated on net assets 
       of GBP164,395,000 (31 July 2014: GBP156,507,000; 31 January 2015: 
       GBP166,086,000) and 37,905,046 (31 July 2014: 39,034,187; 31 
       January 2015: 38,505,670) ordinary shares in issue at the period 
 6.   Management fee 
      Henderson Investment Funds Limited receives a fee which is calculated 
       monthly at 0.05% (0.6% per annum) on the value of the Group's 
       total assets. In determining the total assets on which the management 
       fee is calculated, the value of any securities held by the Company 
       in collective investment schemes managed by the Manager is excluded. 
       Management fees are allocated one-third to revenue and two-thirds 
       to capital. 
 7.   Going concern 
      The Directors believe that it is appropriate to adopt the going 
       concern basis in preparing the financial statements. The assets 
       of the Company consist mainly of securities that are readily 
       realisable and, accordingly, the Company has adequate resources 
       to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. 
 8.   Interim dividend 
      A second interim dividend of 2.5p per ordinary share will be 
       paid on 1 October 2015 to shareholders on the register of members 
       on 11 September 2015. The Company's shares were quoted ex-dividend 
       on 10 September 2015. Based on the number of shares in issue 
       on 11 September 2015, the cost of this will be GBP946,000. A 
       first interim dividend of 2.5p per ordinary share was paid on 
       1 July 2015. In total dividends of 5.0p per ordinary share have 
       been declared for the half year ended 31 July 2015 (2014: 5.0p). 
  9.     Investments held at fair value through 
          profit or loss 
                                         At 31 July        At 31 July      At 31 January 
                                               2015              2014               2015 
                                            GBP'000           GBP'000            GBP'000 
            ------------------------  -------------   ---------------   ---------------- 
    United Kingdom                           22,317            25,206             23,890 
    Overseas                                138,422           130,454            140,910 
                                         ----------        ----------         ---------- 
                                            160,739           155,660            164,800 
                                         ----------        ----------         ---------- 
    Overseas                                    747               691                776 
                                         ----------        ----------         ---------- 
                                                747               691                776 
                                         ----------        ----------         ---------- 
                                            161,486           156,351            165,576 
                                            =======           =======            ======= 
 10.     Financial Instruments 
         At the period end the carrying value of financial assets and financial 
          liabilities approximates their fair value. 
          Financial instruments carried at fair value 
          Fair value hierarchy 
          The table below analyses recurring fair value measurements for 
          financial assets and financial liabilities. These fair value measurements 
          are categorised into different levels in the fair value hierarchy 
          based on the inputs to valuation techniques used. 
  Financial assets and financial liabilities 
   at fair value through profit or loss               Level      Level         Level 
   at 31 July 2015                                        1          2             3          Total 
                                                    GBP'000    GBP'000       GBP'000        GBP'000 
 --------------------------------------------  ------------  ---------  ------------  ------------- 
  Investments including derivatives: 
  Equity securities designated at fair 

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September 30, 2015 10:18 ET (14:18 GMT)

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