3 años hace
I contacted The Riverview land management where Attis Fulton is, suggesting that I wanted to lease land and required CO2 for my operation. Amongst other things, this was stated..."
Are you still looking for potential sites? If so, could you tell me a bit more about your project needs? - land, building, infrastructure, labor, etc.
There is a CO2 bottling company located adjacent to the ethanol business however the ethanol business has been closed for over a year as they search for a new buyer. The gas company is Messer Americas Fulton plant
Austin M. Wheelock, CEcD
Deputy Director
Operation Oswego County, Inc
3 años hace
Personal opinion; do your own research, company management specifically Cosman and crew, business endeavors initiated would be in the following areas: Biofuels, Cable Companies, Cypto, Healthcare, waste business, hand sanitizer. All thats materialized is investors have lost a ton of money, Zero sustainable revenue, stock other words complete disaster. Many questions, that should be investigated, and accountability sought,
3 años hace
Any of them
Accordingly, the Company filed formal notice of default on June 30, 2019, alleging several events of breach, material misrepresentation,
fraudulent inducement, and irreparable harm. The parties subsequently negotiated a settlement agreement calling for
the payment by Attis to the Company of $3,000,000 in cash, the cancellation of the Attis Debenture, and the return of
100% of all right, title and interest in, to and under the equity of FC in exchange for the Company’s agreement to
execute a release of all claims against Attis and its affiliates. However, Attis there again failed to perform as agreed
and, effective February 17, 2021, the Company issued formal notice of termination to Attis, including a demand for
payment of outstanding amounts due under the SPA and related transaction documents, and restitution of all amounts
Attis received in connection with FC and its intellectual property rights. Attis has ignored the Company’s demand and
appears to have discontinued operations. Management is evaluating the Company’s rights and remedies in connection
with all matters involving Attis, and is unable to characterize or evaluate the probability of any outcome at this time.