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Cerrado 22 Marzo 2:00PM
Fuera de horario: 5:59PM

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Monksdream Monksdream 9 meses hace
KALA under $10
glenn1919 glenn1919 9 meses hace
gail gail 2 años hace
see my edit here——…

just 13 per month… click on the word at the upper right, says “subscriptions’ with a shopping cart icon.

it allows for unlimited posts, as you are limited as a freebie, and it allows for pm’ing other ihubbers (if they have the dollar sign next to their name, then they can pm you back. if not, freebies have to wait until friday, at 4pm e/t to 5p e/t, all freebies get full benefits.

as paid member, you can see extra details like search a members page for a stock ticker, or some word, under their profile page, and see what all boards they post on, stuff like that.
da_stock_analyst da_stock_analyst 2 años hace
I dont use ihub that has private paid membership?for private msg? How much is it
gail gail 2 años hace
yes, i know that. but i try to keep them in my back pocket in case i need them. vs just use them up
da_stock_analyst da_stock_analyst 2 años hace
Daytrading pdt rule.u can do 3 trades a week. Give a try
gail gail 2 años hace
just looked, i see its more for …


day traders, but im a small fry that cant day trade like the big boys, i have to keep it at max of 3 per 5 buz days.

but i like that you hit a couple runners kind of early.
gail gail 2 años hace
ok, thx
da_stock_analyst da_stock_analyst 2 años hace
Go to
da_stock_analyst da_stock_analyst 2 años hace
U can ask me on youtube video comment.what about discord?
gail gail 2 años hace
i dont have twitter, just have…..

facebook, ihub and youtube.
da_stock_analyst da_stock_analyst 2 años hace
Yourube my make videos.its not day by update.but in private trading community you will find me always with updates. Atleast on twitter u can ask me.join my group and lets make money!
gail gail 2 años hace
hi d/a, question……

i see your only post was this one, on dec 28, after a run. did you post about this on youtube before the run? im on youtube, would love to see your info there too.

i would have pm’d this to you but you cant pm back it appears.

thx much,

bcapps66 bcapps66 2 años hace
I think you need to "unmark" this....
J2003 J2003 2 años hace
Bear trap. New highs next week. Mark it
Jess070283 Jess070283 2 años hace
Timberrrr. $$$$
Al 100 Al 100 2 años hace
Can easely run another 50% tomorrow maybe even more
MiamiGent MiamiGent 2 años hace
KALA Amazing they pushed it to almost 57 today! This started somewhere in the 3's

Day range $28.18 - $56.72

My WAG is the company wants to get it as high as posssible before raining shares. More money in the treasury

Good for those banking

Thanks for the alert, mezm. I thought it was done..
reena969 reena969 2 años hace
$92 was the original call. But $50 is good for me. Happy Trading everyone $$$$$
BoilerRoom BoilerRoom 2 años hace
$KALA beast Wow just Wow!
reena969 reena969 2 años hace
With the Profit I made off this one Trade, I'm taking some time off. Just had to post after my $50 mark was reached. $$$$
BoilerRoom BoilerRoom 2 años hace
$KALA Kaboooom!
makinezmoney makinezmoney 2 años hace
$KALA: Only 1.6Mill floater............ people forget

Soooooooooo.............we got Room to run

makinezmoney makinezmoney 2 años hace
$KALA : She aint done......... $50 incoming

For those DOUBTERs............... you been caught redhanded.

GOooooooooooooooo baby

MiamiGent MiamiGent 2 años hace
Ya, look at that. Plummeting in P-M

Observer. Grats to those who banked!
TheFinalCD TheFinalCD 2 años hace
MiamiGent MiamiGent 2 años hace
KALA A little more info on this super runner- up 9x in three days.
Seems like a perfect storm of tiny OS, huge short interest, tiny MC, plenty of headroom on the chart, a previous 1 for 50 RS which means the SP now is still low, FDA news on its lead candidate, algos kicked in, halts and cash unnecessitating an offering.
Kind of incredible. Who had the nerve to hold from begging of the run to now. I bet few.
Gator44 Gator44 2 años hace
Or maybe even ole KAL will come
back to life.
all right all right all right all right 2 años hace
no AUVIP is new year 500k float to 100big bucks pac yayooooooo
Invest-in-America Invest-in-America 2 años hace
KALA: The NEXT one??? Well, maybe @BMXI --- but only after a good 'plumber' gets it back OUT of the proverbial TOILET!!!
bcapps66 bcapps66 2 años hace
I hear ya...KALA was good to me the last 3 days. Don't want to get greedy ;)

Now... where's the next one??
Invest-in-America Invest-in-America 2 años hace
KALA: O.K., kotch-ya behind your main points, there. Bottom line, there is just NO ANSWER to such a question; only GUESSING. At this KALA price juncture, I would look ELSEWHERE for a big, fat, quick, profit on your money, Dude. Indeed, the 'PROS' everywhere have been saything such a 10-BAGGER-PLUS in a few days is about ALL anyone can expect during these past couple years of the Markets, generally.
bcapps66 bcapps66 2 años hace
No...I'm saying with this incredible run up this week, and it's Friday, and Market is closed Monday, I'm wondering if will finish strong today or sell off a bit.
Invest-in-America Invest-in-America 2 años hace
KALA: You must mean next TUESDAY, right??? Since KALA sure ain't run out of GAS today (which is Friday). You surely didn't mean NEXT FRIDAY, did ya???
bcapps66 bcapps66 2 años hace
It's definitely been wild! Just wondering if this has one last sprint on a Friday after this week's run up.
Invest-in-America Invest-in-America 2 años hace
KALA: I was just now gonna POST that comment!! Heck, make that ELEVEN bags in three days!! NOTHING can stop this one!!!! NOTHING!!!!! NEVER seen anything like this one!!! Circa 65% to 100% UP every, single, frickin', God-Damned, DAY!!!
bcapps66 bcapps66 2 años hace
Officially a 10 bagger in 3 days!
davidsson10 davidsson10 2 años hace
KALA, aka Portfolio Fattener
Peter Penny Peter Penny 2 años hace
Annoying af these ppl lol
tw0122 tw0122 2 años hace
KALA will they be next for an offering Comeback as a new named LLC lol.. if not good luck..Twitter and YouTube out there or some good discord groups.
Invest-in-America Invest-in-America 2 años hace
KALA: Heck, more like 200-TIMES, G-2-G --- at the rate this one is headed to Andromeda Galaxy!! GEEEEEEEEEZUS J. KRISTOOOOOOOOO!!!!! (And, for absolutely NO underlying, substantive, REASONS whatsoever!!! GO-FIGURE, Dude!!!)
reena969 reena969 2 años hace
I'm just tired of the deleted post and not being able to post. I tried for and entire day different boards, all
I see was that 419/error . Tried on my labtop, phone,tablet and PC Really tired of the games on Ihub.
reena969 reena969 2 años hace
makinezmoney makinezmoney 2 años hace
$KALA : Wish you all the best...............

You know where to find me..... albeit, I'll be back to 15posts a day if I don't
get a sub gift from one of my 1200 followers

For the RECORD, you were here first in case anyone forgets.

Hope you make a KILLING in 2023 !!!!!!!!!!

reena969 reena969 2 años hace
I'm able to post again...WOW HAPPY TRADING EVERYONE
reena969 reena969 2 años hace
holding for $50, Haven't been able to post since my last post when KALA stared running on ihub keep getting a 419 error . If this post goes though I'm finished with ihub . I had fun with you finding them First. $$$$ You reminded me of the fun I had with SMART MONEY. Love your style......Reena last post.
stock1ace1 stock1ace1 2 años hace
Shorts shorting a 1.5mill o/s doubt it calm down. Lmfao
Welsh_Dragon Welsh_Dragon 2 años hace
Obviously some profit off the table. What a nice wake up call.

Go back with the split history, 900$

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