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Verb Technology Company Inc

Verb Technology Company Inc (VERB)

Cerrado 12 Marzo 2:00PM
Fuera de horario: 5:59PM

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Monroe1 Monroe1 1 día hace
I can swing both ways although I prefer punching it long. All depends on the chart, volume, and fundamentals.
bluesky70 bluesky70 1 día hace
are you talking about shorting this stock? if so, congrats.
Monroe1 Monroe1 1 día hace
Why? They love it. We both make money and the accounts grow. You have to know when to hold em and when to fold em.
I will wait for the market to come to me. Good luck on your trades. This one has been a great money maker over the years.
Will be again. I'll send you a signal when to cover.
👍️ 1
MasterBlastr MasterBlastr 1 día hace
Fidelity should be referring you to Gamblers Anonymous.
jobynimble jobynimble 1 día hace
Anvil Anvil 1 día hace
Monroe1 Monroe1 1 semana hace
Hope so, and If so, I will be ready to jump on it again. This has been a great swing trade over many years. Just watching the pendulum.
Monroe1 Monroe1 1 semana hace
Yeah, they have done this a few other times and each time I lost out on profiting. Go figure.
👍️ 1
bluesky70 bluesky70 1 semana hace
you should thank fidelity. they're looking out for you.
Real McCoy Real McCoy 1 semana hace
Utterly certain this will be zero someday.
fung_derf fung_derf 1 semana hace
It's ok. He knows its true. Just hopefully others look into his history of stock picking.
He's either A) lying to everyone here or,
B) the worst stock picker to ever live
dukeb dukeb 1 semana hace
That's gonna leave a mark.

Not like you to be late to a stock headed for zero.
fung_derf fung_derf 1 semana hace
You missed the big shorting of this stock in October! Where ya been? Not like you to be late to a stock headed for zero.
👍️ 1 💥 1
TenKay TenKay 1 semana hace
Maybe Rory can do to Lyvecom what he did to Sound Concepts…lol.
Real McCoy Real McCoy 1 semana hace
The company is awful.

Maybe you can make money by timing “news” and spikes.

It is not oversold at all. It’s worth almost 5M with no revenue for years and years.
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Monroe1 Monroe1 1 semana hace
The news is not awful. I look for the opportunity to buy into over sold conditions.
👍️ 1
dukeb dukeb 1 semana hace
Well, the start up can learn lots from Rory about what NOT to do.

Of course, Rory won't let them be independent. He'll have to put his "touch" on the product and turn it into shit.

CEO of the target is slated to be the new Verb CTO at $250k per year. Let's see how long that relationship lasts.
Anvil Anvil 1 semana hace
Not to mention, this is a start up they are buying. 
Real McCoy Real McCoy 1 semana hace
I was wondering how they would get to the next RS with a few years of cash on the balance sheet from the last dilution.
💀 1
dukeb dukeb 1 semana hace
Even better, look at the terms sheet:

VERB is spending more than $ 5 million (plus up to $3 more as an earn-out) to buy the company.

Assuming this will go through, Rory will destroy whatever value there may be in Lyvecom. Just as he did with Sound Concepts and the other acquisitions that he so masterfully f*cked up.

No one knows about Market.Live
No one cares about Market.Live

That's not going to change. Rory is an idiot.
Anvil Anvil 1 semana hace
Real McCoy Real McCoy 1 semana hace
Thank goodness this is awful.
♿️ 1
Monroe1 Monroe1 1 semana hace
Fidelity is not permitting buy orders in this.
dukeb dukeb 1 semana hace
My previous post said Rory has a little over 4 years to come up with some bullshit story that he can include in the "Subsequent Events" section.

I meant 4 weeks.

And now...true to form...the bullshit story is appearing. The "old" web site has been taken down and there is a teaser page saying

The Future of Is Here! has evolved. The countdown to launch has officially begun!

Be sure to check it out:
dukeb dukeb 2 semanas hace
The 2024 10-K is due on March 31, 2025. Rory has a little over 4 years to come up with some bullshit story that he can include in the "Subsequent Events" section.

I'm going out on a limb here and guess that revenues for the year will be between $ 150k and $ 200k and the net loss will be $ 7 to 8 million.
Real McCoy Real McCoy 2 semanas hace
Unless he’s been buying all the way down, which could potentially be a Guinness Record for poor investment decisions, he’s likely down to a single share with all the RS’s. Certainly down to a single no matter what level of investment at the $2 buy pre-pre-pre-split.
♿️ 2
bluesky70 bluesky70 2 semanas hace
geez....the volume is anemic lately. i guess jr has enough shares.
dukeb dukeb 2 semanas hace
When VERB sold the CRM business and had several million in cash I said that Rory should do the right thing and dissolve the company and divy up the money to each shareholder. Rather than do that he said he was going to use the money to buy a revenue producing business.

Rory was lying, of course, and he used a good chunk of the cash to pay back loans that he made to the company and to continue paying his ridiculously high salary and the ridiculous amount the company pays the sham Board of Directors who do nothing other than keep renewing Rory's employment contract.

The cash is probably almost gone now (IIRC the projection Rory made was that it would last until April of 2025) and the company has even fewer prospects for generating revenue than ever.

$ 200 million pissed away.
Real McCoy Real McCoy 2 semanas hace
Guys who bought this at 2 bucks before all the splits, guys who claimed fraud and demanded SEC investigation of those who felt this was overvalued, 1,000,000 at 2 bucks pre-pre-pre-split, is worth less than 2 shares now. Less than $10. Unbelievable.
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dukeb dukeb 2 semanas hace
So it looks like another one of Rory's "ideas" is going to crash and burn. The most recent company pivot was to which professes to be an on-line source of products to make you look better. In fact, VP is just an also-ran in the business of feeding orders to a contract pharmacy with the web site "promoter" getting a piece of the action.

The flagship product for VP has been compounded Semaglutide, the active ingredient in weight loss drugs such as Wegovy and Ozempic.

Last Friday, the FDA announced that the manufacturers of Semaglutide (Norvo Nordisk and Eli Lilly) have increase production of the patented drugs to the point where demand is being met. As a result, the FDA is withdrawing authorization of compounded versions such as the ones sold on the VP web site. The FDA is allowing compounding pharmacies 90 days to stop sales.

So...even though VP probably had almost zero revenues, the one product that it was banking on will no longer be available for sale.

Below is a snippet of the VP web site. Notice that it lists a "New Year's Flash Sale". Today is February 23. When does the NY Flash Sale end? There is no one at the wheel of the web site. It's just another RC fake company that was put up to placate shareholders.

dukeb dukeb 3 semanas hace
Yup. Take a look at the 2024 Qtr 3 10-Q.

Additional paid-in capital stood at $ 200,788,000.

And what is there to show for it?

Total assets: $22,137,000 of which $ 3.2 million represents capitalized software development costs. Presumably that is the cost of that has not been amortized yet. And what's that software actually worth? Even VERB doesn't really use it so I'd say it's worth ZERO.

Another $ 2,263,000 asset on the balance sheet is listed as "ERC receivable."

In one of the offering circulars, VERB explained the ERC receivable as follows:

Other income, net, for the year ended December 31, 2022 was $1.4 million, which was primarily attributable to an Employee Retention Credit (“ERC”) receivable of $1.5 million. We, through our Professional Employer Organization, filed for federal government assistance for the second and third quarters of 2021 in the aggregate amount of approximately $1.5 million through ERC provisions of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021. The purpose of the ERC is to encourage employers to keep employees on the payroll, even if they are not working during the covered period due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. As of December 31, 2022, we have yet to receive the funds.

This is kind of interesting.

On the balance sheet as of December 31,2023 the ERC receivable was still listed as $ 1.5 million. Yet on September 30, 2024 they show the receivable as $ 2.3 million - an increase of $ 800k. The period covered by the ERC ended in December, 2021. Why would the company, during 2024, all of a sudden realize that it was eligible for $ 800k of additional credits for the period that ended 3 years earlier?

There are companies that popped up promising to help companies claim their ERCs. Lots of those consultants were scammers and many claims made for the ERC were determined to be fraudulent.

It would be nice if VERB would explain this. Especially since the company hasn't (as of 9/30/2024) received a dime for its ERC claims.

Has it really been 200M of investment?
Real McCoy Real McCoy 3 semanas hace
Has it really been 200M of investment?
dukeb dukeb 3 semanas hace
An entertaining read about how Rory is going to make more millionaires:

As CEO of VERB he's taken over $ 200 million of people's money and created one Dumpster fire after another. Oh, he's also put millions into his own pocket.
Real McCoy Real McCoy 3 semanas hace
He’s had a major success in business, but this company has been a joke since inception.
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bluesky70 bluesky70 3 semanas hace
did you know rory was a titan?
Real McCoy Real McCoy 3 semanas hace
That’s true.
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dukeb dukeb 3 semanas hace
How can anyone know that?

The new pivot: could have sucked up hundreds of thousands if not millions, even though the site looks like it came from a template that they slapped their name onto.

there is enough cash to avoid this for awhile.
Anvil Anvil 3 semanas hace
a funny watch:

Natasha Graziano Interviews Rory Cutaia, Founder of Verb Technology [Nasdaq: VERB] and Creator of ‘Go Fund Yourself’ Show on Cheddar TV
February 4, 2025

jobynimble jobynimble 3 semanas hace
Time for insiders to buy or they still selling?
jobynimble jobynimble 3 semanas hace
VERB 4.86 52 week low…
Real McCoy Real McCoy 3 semanas hace
Obviously things are going dreadfully for this terrible company, but it’s gonna be some time before the next RS. To get this below $1 there will have to be more dilution, and while that’s assured, there is enough cash to avoid this for awhile.
♿️ 1
dukeb dukeb 4 semanas hace
Today's Wall Street Journal ran an article about Hims & Hers Health, a company that is in the business of telehealth followed by writing prescriptions and shipping drugs to treat various conditions. Their latest push is compounded versions of semaglutide, the weight loss drug.

The article starts out with the line:

There’s a full-blown war over copycat versions of blockbuster obesity drugs. But their days are likely numbered.

As Norvo and Lilly ramp up manufacturing of the "real" GLP-1 drugs they will eventually catch up to the demand and sites like Hims and Hers will crash to the ground.

And where will that leave hangers on like Verb's Vanity Prescribed?

Answer: In the same trash heap as Rory's other addled brain ideas.
The_Dohminator The_Dohminator 4 semanas hace
It's been a scam for years. We all know it. Especially JR30 
dukeb dukeb 4 semanas hace
I don't think there is any doubt that most of the cash is gone. What source(s) of revenue do their have?

Sure, they are trying to grift money from aspiring entrepreneurs with the GFY show. When word gets out that people aren't raising the funds they need that business will dwindle to nothing. All that's left will be the "investors" filing lawsuits.

The site is essentially dead. VERB can't even be bothered to post the most recent GFY episodes. The newest one is episode 8.

The Market TikTok channel used to provide a link back to the site so you could see when they were doing livestreams of the $ 3 rings and other crap. That link is gone so I guess they are out of the business of direct selling and shipping.

The has a list of "TikTok trending products and deals." The first item is something for Pride Month, which means the list of products hasn't been updated in 9 months. In 3 months Pride Month will be back so just as well, I suppose.

The "consulting" business for TikTok sellers can't possibly be bringing in significant revenues.

The Vanity Prescribed site is another joke. There are plenty of well marketed sites just like VP that use the same "virtual doctors" and "virtual pharmacies" to sell weight loss drugs.

Meanwhile Rory pulls down his nearly $ 1 million salary and the board members are paid hundreds of thousands more.

The company is the poster child for insider enrichment schemes.
Wayne R Wayne R 4 semanas hace
Best guess, most of it
jobynimble jobynimble 4 semanas hace
Stock price drifting lower again, 52 week low 5.05 not far off, will be interesting to see how much cash Rory burned through in the fourth quarter when the 10-K gets filed the end of next month…
dukeb dukeb 1 mes hace
The world is full of snake oil salesmen and conmen, but what makes Rory and Meltzer stand out in that arena is how they constantly profess to "give back" and to "help others."

They aren't giving back shit. They are taking. And they aren't helping anyone else. They are helping themselves.

Bottom feeders. The pair of them.
Real McCoy Real McCoy 1 mes hace
If he and the CEO here aren’t a turd, I honestly don’t know who/what is.
dukeb dukeb 1 mes hace
Rory's bestie David Meltzer is truly a despicable human being. And why should anyone be surprised?

Below is a link to someone telling their story about getting (paid) coaching advice from Meltzer. The victim/sucker/entrepreneur was told by Meltzer that the solution to her business problem is to spend $ 15 grand so she can book an appearance on the anemic GoFundYourself show. Per the Instagram post, someone put up the money to appear on the show, which suggests that the victim doesn't have that kind of money to drop on anything...let alone to pay for an appearance on a show that no one will see.

What a turd Meltzer is. Sucking money out of people who have very little.
dukeb dukeb 1 mes hace
That video was posted to YouTube is the same one that has been on YouTube for 4 months. It has a whopping 625 views. I've seen videos of people shaving their armpits get much wider exposure. Don't judge, BTW.
