2 semanas hace
So it looks like another one of Rory's "ideas" is going to crash and burn. The most recent company pivot was to vanityprescribed.com which professes to be an on-line source of products to make you look better. In fact, VP is just an also-ran in the business of feeding orders to a contract pharmacy with the web site "promoter" getting a piece of the action.
The flagship product for VP has been compounded Semaglutide, the active ingredient in weight loss drugs such as Wegovy and Ozempic.
Last Friday, the FDA announced that the manufacturers of Semaglutide (Norvo Nordisk and Eli Lilly) have increase production of the patented drugs to the point where demand is being met. As a result, the FDA is withdrawing authorization of compounded versions such as the ones sold on the VP web site. The FDA is allowing compounding pharmacies 90 days to stop sales.
So...even though VP probably had almost zero revenues, the one product that it was banking on will no longer be available for sale.
Below is a snippet of the VP web site. Notice that it lists a "New Year's Flash Sale". Today is February 23. When does the NY Flash Sale end? There is no one at the wheel of the web site. It's just another RC fake company that was put up to placate shareholders.
3 semanas hace
Yup. Take a look at the 2024 Qtr 3 10-Q.
Additional paid-in capital stood at $ 200,788,000.
And what is there to show for it?
Total assets: $22,137,000 of which $ 3.2 million represents capitalized software development costs. Presumably that is the cost of Market.live that has not been amortized yet. And what's that software actually worth? Even VERB doesn't really use it so I'd say it's worth ZERO.
Another $ 2,263,000 asset on the balance sheet is listed as "ERC receivable."
In one of the offering circulars, VERB explained the ERC receivable as follows:
Other income, net, for the year ended December 31, 2022 was $1.4 million, which was primarily attributable to an Employee Retention Credit (“ERC”) receivable of $1.5 million. We, through our Professional Employer Organization, filed for federal government assistance for the second and third quarters of 2021 in the aggregate amount of approximately $1.5 million through ERC provisions of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021. The purpose of the ERC is to encourage employers to keep employees on the payroll, even if they are not working during the covered period due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. As of December 31, 2022, we have yet to receive the funds.
This is kind of interesting.
On the balance sheet as of December 31,2023 the ERC receivable was still listed as $ 1.5 million. Yet on September 30, 2024 they show the receivable as $ 2.3 million - an increase of $ 800k. The period covered by the ERC ended in December, 2021. Why would the company, during 2024, all of a sudden realize that it was eligible for $ 800k of additional credits for the period that ended 3 years earlier?
There are companies that popped up promising to help companies claim their ERCs. Lots of those consultants were scammers and many claims made for the ERC were determined to be fraudulent.
It would be nice if VERB would explain this. Especially since the company hasn't (as of 9/30/2024) received a dime for its ERC claims.
Has it really been 200M of investment?