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Exela Technologies Inc

Exela Technologies Inc (XELA)

( 0.00% )
Actualizado: 18:00:00

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ErnieBilco ErnieBilco 1 mes hace
More worthless fluff from the lil fat man - BK is the only answer for this disaster
ErnieBilco ErnieBilco 3 meses hace
Pretty funny that the fat man still thinks he has a real big board company when in reality it's just a stinky pinky and trades on the stinky pinks THEY GOT TOSSED FROM THE NASDAQ - YOU GO FAT MAN WHY BE HONEST NOW ?
ErnieBilco ErnieBilco 4 meses hace
Welcome to the PINKS - you deserve to be here
Renee Renee 4 meses hace
XELA delisted from the Nasdaq to the OTC:
ErnieBilco ErnieBilco 4 meses hace
No problem, they have been in trouble for years. Debt is 2 to 1 over assets - it was bound to happen IMO

A group could still come in to try to pump it one last time
SmellMyFinger SmellMyFinger 4 meses hace
Very helpful. Thank you. I guess it was a violation of Nasdaq Listing Rule 5550(b)(2) regarding the minimum market value of $35M. Oh well... another one bites the dust.
ErnieBilco ErnieBilco 4 meses hace
On November 6, 2024, the Nasdaq Stock Market LLC (“Nasdaq”) notified Exela Technologies, Inc. (the “Company”) that the
Nasdaq Hearings Panel (the “Panel”) has determined to delist the Company’s common stock and that trading of the
Company’s securities will be suspended at the open of trading on November 8, 2024.
As previously reported, on November 13, 2023, the Nasdaq Listing Qualifications Staff (the “Staff”) notified the Company
that it was in violation of Nasdaq Listing Rule 5550(b)(2) (the “MVLS Rule”) because the Company’s Market Value of Listed
Securities (“MVLS”) was below the minimum requirement of $35 million for 30 consecutive business days and the Company
failed to satisfy any of the alternative requirements set forth in Nasdaq Listing Rule 5550(b).
The Company appeared before the Panel on July 2, 2024. At the hearing, the Company’s senior management and outside
advisors outlined the Company’s compliance plan for the Panel, which included the Company’s plans to regain compliance
with the requirements set forth in Nasdaq Listing Rule 5550(b). The Panel, after an extension period, granted the Company
until November 1, 2024, to regain compliance. As of November 1, 2024, the Company had not regained compliance with the
MVLS Rule or any other requirement set forth in Nasdaq Listing Rule 5550(b).
In connection with the Nasdaq delisting notice, Nasdaq will complete the delisting by filing a Form 25 Notification of
Delisting with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) after applicable appeal periods have lapsed. In the
interim, the Company’s common stock is expected to begin trading under its current trading symbol “XELA” on the OTC
Markets system effective with the open of the markets on November 8, 2024.
The Company has 15 days after the date it received notice of the Panel’s decision (which is November 22, 2024) to request in
writing that the Nasdaq Listing and Hearing Review Council (the “Council”) review the decision. In addition, the Council
may, on its own motion, determine to review the Panel’s decision within 45 calendar days after the Company was notified of
the decision.
SmellMyFinger SmellMyFinger 4 meses hace
Why? It's trading above the minimum PPS.
ErnieBilco ErnieBilco 4 meses hace
So Nasdaq is finally kicking the lil fat man and his worthless company to the pinks.

What took them so long?
Monksdream Monksdream 6 meses hace
XELA under $3
Johnstonj27 Johnstonj27 6 meses hace
Perfect Epic Squeeze Ticker.
ErnieBilco ErnieBilco 6 meses hace
Invest-in-America Invest-in-America 6 meses hace
XELA: Thanks for the tip!!! (And check-out the late Post-M beast, below!!)

EAST: From booze to "FinTech" --- what a move!!! (117% up close in the Post-M today.)
Johnstonj27 Johnstonj27 6 meses hace
Let's Squeeze this Ticker,,, Perfect set up any PR and MOON TRIP.
Johnstonj27 Johnstonj27 6 meses hace
$Xela working on AI platform. look at USPTO filing
Johnstonj27 Johnstonj27 6 meses hace
$XELA New Tweet Out.
We recently helped a Fortune 500 retailer with our #StrategicSourcing solution and provided a TCV cost savings of over $5 million, improved store sales by 12%, and enabled the client to focus more on core competencies.

Want to see how we did it? Swipe through our #casestudy!— Exela Technologies (@ExelaTech) August 29, 2024
Invest-in-America Invest-in-America 7 meses hace
XELA: Thanks for the heads-up, Dude!!
Johnstonj27 Johnstonj27 7 meses hace
Conference call tomorrow after close regarding recent 10Q
Invest-in-America Invest-in-America 7 meses hace
Johnstonj27 Johnstonj27 7 meses hace
Green Today!!!
Johnstonj27 Johnstonj27 7 meses hace
Wow Green Up over 6% Right Now... Get that Volume UP...
ErnieBilco ErnieBilco 7 meses hace
Wow, Today's fluffer and a dollar will buy you a half a candy bar. If everything is so fantastica in Par's scam why aren't they paying divis on the preferreds?
Eventually the idian house of cards will fall and fatboy and his wife will be out of work.
Nebuchadnezzar Nebuchadnezzar 8 meses hace
another massive scam like muln

the best place to scam people is on the NSADAQ not the OTC
👍️ 1
ErnieBilco ErnieBilco 8 meses hace
They continue to lose money - last quarter is was $27 million.
Johnstonj27 Johnstonj27 8 meses hace
Feel like there is an attempt to bore shareholders to death by maintaining this stupid way undervalue market cap PPS.
glenn1919 glenn1919 9 meses hace
Johnstonj27 Johnstonj27 9 meses hace
Oh gee's posted the wrong board was talking about qbts
Johnstonj27 Johnstonj27 9 meses hace
Since the 1.6 Billion dollar valued IPO... means could be worth even more years later in a buyout deal.
ErnieBilco ErnieBilco 11 meses hace
When the lil fat man talks the stock always dives
ErnieBilco ErnieBilco 12 meses hace
Don't hold your breathe, these imbeciles can't do anything on time. How hard was it to figure out they needed to hold an annual meeting.

Par is beyond useless and Nasdaq continue to let the fat man stay is ludacris.

This turd shouldn't even qualify for Pinksheets.

They don't want the annual meeting and they sure as hell don't want shareholders to find out how much they diluted since their RS. Eventually they will have to either put up or shut up and delist.
Monksdream Monksdream 12 meses hace
XELA 10Q due 3/25
Next day settlement begins 5/28 per SEC mandate
ErnieBilco ErnieBilco 1 año hace
Don't see it happening, the lil fat man and his circus can't even hold an annual meeting - Next possible date is now in JUNE.... they started wayyyy back in October.

The auditors got the hell out of there.

They have nothing positive to report so I expect they won't report until they are threatened with being tossed off Nasdaq YET AGAIN.

The lil fat dude is almost dumb enough to work for poser prez.
Monksdream Monksdream 1 año hace
XELA 10Q due March 8
ErnieBilco ErnieBilco 1 año hace
Still 80% overpriced
Monksdream Monksdream 1 año hace
XELA new 52 week low
🌈 1 🍆 1 👎️ 1 🩳 1
ErnieBilco ErnieBilco 1 año hace
What happens when they can no longer roll over their notes? The fatboy's house of cards implodes. Stunning to see such a crapturd ticker continuing to be listed on Nasdaq, Nasdaq is the new pinksheets I guess.
Monksdream Monksdream 1 año hace
Reasonable assumption
ErnieBilco ErnieBilco 1 año hace
Anything over a quarter is overvalued - The company has ZERO in leadership, Fatboy Par is as useful as a water bucket with no bottom. Company has been a disaster for years and only went up in pps with Reverse Splits. I expect it to go the way of EBIX and declare bankruptcy eventually.
Monksdream Monksdream 1 año hace
XELA new 52 week low
ErnieBilco ErnieBilco 1 año hace
Has anyone else looked at the Jun Q ? This company is for all intent and purposes INSOLVENT more than twice as much debt as assets and sales. Par is beyond an imbecile for destroying the company and its value has been decimated.
ErnieBilco ErnieBilco 1 año hace
So can someone tell me what the lil fat man and his clowns have been doing for 6 months - It sure as hell wasn't staying current with their financial filings. And why the hell is it still listed on the Nastydaq?
ErnieBilco ErnieBilco 1 año hace
OMG Nasdaq has never-ending 180 grace periods for this Turd without a stick.

ErnieBilco ErnieBilco 1 año hace
Why is Nasdaq putting up with this scam company? They haven't reported the last 2 quarters of financials yet Nasdaq just looks the other way? Seems like Nasdaq is the new pinksheets - UNLESS the scam pays the fees everything else is irrelevant to them
ErnieBilco ErnieBilco 1 año hace
What the hell is Nasdaq waiting for? This turd failed to file their financials in the 60 day period - SEND SLUMDOG PAR AND HIS SCAM TO THE PINKSHEETS WHERE IT HAS ALWAYS BELONGED. The longer Nasdaq fails to protect their reputation the less valuable listing on it will be, it has become nothing more than a glorified OTC with crap like XELA on it.
ErnieBilco ErnieBilco 1 año hace
A new class of preferred shares with 1million shares each with 20K votes -

These dirtbags should be tossed off Nasdaq already - What a shit show Par and his clowns are putting on.
ErnieBilco ErnieBilco 1 año hace
Not a good sign when your CFO quits a week before fins MUST be filed or pinkyville will get a new resident.

Way to go Par you are a true genius of stupidity and worthlessness.
ErnieBilco ErnieBilco 1 año hace
Comes out to a possible $5 mil per year - This company does not make money they spend it - they never make more than they spend. There has been zero update to the share count since the Reverse Split - I honestly believe that is why Par and his gang are delaying reporting the fins because he will have to use the undated, most likely heavily diluted share count.

I could be wrong, hell I never thought this would be more than about a buck but here we are.
pinkslipjunkie pinkslipjunkie 1 año hace
I was wondering if a 15 million contract was going to push this...if they really even have a contract
pinkslipjunkie pinkslipjunkie 1 año hace
Not good is it Ernie.
ErnieBilco ErnieBilco 1 año hace
More fluff while refusing to release financials. Yeahhhhhh this is gonna end well

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