Washington, D.C. 20549








For the month of July 2024.


 Commission File Number 333-


Zenvia Inc.

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)



(Translation of registrant’s name into English)


Avenida Paulista, 2300, 18th Floor, Suites 182 and 184

São Paulo, São Paulo, 01310-300


(Address of principal executive office)


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover Form 20-F or Form 40-F.


Form 20-F x Form 40-F ¨


Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(1): ¨


Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(7): ¨







Zenvia Inc.

Unaudited Interim condensed consolidated financial statements as of March 31, 2024





Unaudited interim condensed consolidated statement of financial position 1


Unaudited interim condensed consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income 3


Unaudited interim condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity 4


Unaudited interim condensed consolidated statement of cash flows 5


Notes to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements 6

Zenvia Inc.

Unaudited interim condensed consolidated statement of financial position at March 31, 2024

(In thousands of Reais)


Assets Note March 31, 2024 December 31, 2023
Current assets      
Cash and cash equivalents 5   71,525 63,742
Trade and other receivables 7   171,905 148,784
Recoverable assets 8   34,983 28,058
Prepayments     9,063 5,571
Other assets     6,962 4,176
Total current assets     294,438 250,331
Non-current assets      
Restricted cash 6 6,578 6,403
Recoverable assets  8   12 -
Prepayments      865 1,109
Other Assets      10 10
Deferred tax assets   20   108,054 91,971
Property, plant and equipment  9   14,518 14,413
Intangible assets 10   1,339,121 1,347,327
Total non-current assets     1,469,158 1,461,233
Total assets     1,763,596 1,711,564



Zenvia Inc.

Unaudited interim condensed consolidated statement of financial position at March 31, 2024

(In thousands of Reais)


Liabilities Note March 31, 2024 December 31, 2023
Current liabilities      
Trade and other payables 11   367,851 353,998
Loans, borrowings and debentures  12   33,696 36,191
Liabilities from acquisitions   13   96,963 134,466
Employee benefits     59,257 50,085
Tax liabilities       16,779   18,846
Lease liabilities     2,314 2,056
Deferred revenue      8,156      11,547
Taxes to be paid in installments        137 185
Total current liabilities   585,153 607,374
Non-current liabilities      
Liabilities from acquisitions 13   193,919 160,237
Loans and borrowings 12   59,844 51,605
Provisions for tax, labor and civil risks 14   1,412 1,721
Lease liabilities     2,004 752
Employee benefits     1,036 615
Derivative financial instruments    22   82,406 -
Taxes to be paid in installments      302 313
Total non-current liabilities   340,923 215,243
Equity 16    
Capital     1,007,522 957,525
Reserves     199,627 247,464
Foreign currency translation reserve     5,419 3,129
Other components of equity   283 283
Accumulated losses     (375,602) (319,591)
Equity attributable to owners of the  Company     837,249 888,810
Non-controlling interests     271 137
Total equity     837,520 888,947
Total equity and liabilities     1,763,596 1,711,564


See the accompanying notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements.


Zenvia Inc.

Unaudited interim condensed consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for the three months period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023

(In thousands of Reais)


Three months period ended March 31

  Note 2024



Revenue 17   212,636 179,047
Cost of services 18 (131,779) (100,098)
Gross profit     80,857 78,949
Operating expenses      
Sales and marketing expenses 18   (27,359) (27,442)
General and administrative expenses 18   (31,270) (31,447)
Research and development expenses 18   (14,796) (14,004)
Allowance for expected credit losses 18   (5,431)   (18,269)
Other income and expenses, net 18   (11,353) (83)
Operating loss     (9,352)   (12,296)
Financial Income (Expenses)      
Finance expenses 19   (65,487) (18,724)
Finance income 19   5,283 2,625
Financial expenses, Net     (60,204) (16,099)
Loss before taxes     (69,556)   (28,395)
Income Tax and Social Contribution      
Deferred income tax and social contribution 20   16,083   11,846
Current income tax and social contribution 20   (2,420) (218)
Total Income Tax and Social Contribution     13,663   11,628
Loss for the period     (55,893)   (16,767)
Gain (Loss) attributable to:      
Owners of the Company     (56,011)   (16,839)
Non-controlling interests     118 72
Loss per share (expressed in Reais per share)      
Basic     (1.104)   (0.403)
Diluted     (1.104)   (0.403)
Other comprehensive income      
Items that are or may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss      
Cumulative translation adjustments from operations in foreign currency     2,290 (3,611)
Total comprehensive loss for the period     (53,603)   (20,378)
Total comprehensive loss attributable to:      
Owners of the Company     (53,721)   (20,450)
Non-controlling interests     118 72

* See Note 1.b for the discussion relating to the adjustments



See the accompanying notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements.


Zenvia Inc.

Unaudited interim condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity

For the three months period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023

(In thousands of reais)


        Other comprehensive income      
  Capital Capital reserve Retained earnings (loss) Foreign currency translation reserve Other components of equity Attributable to owners of the Company Non-controlling interests Total equity
Balance at January 1, 2023 957,525 244,913 (258,587) 9,485 - 953,336 (96) 953,240
Loss for the period (Restated)* - -   (16,839) - -   (16,839) 72   (16,767)
Cumulative translation adjustments from operations in foreign currency - - - 288 - 288 - 288
Issuance of shares -   2,890 - - -   2,890 -   2,890
Issuance of shares related to business combinations -   185 - - -   185 -   185
Share-based compensation -   (2,580) - - -   (2,580) -   (2,580)
Balance at March 31, 2023 957,525  245,408  (275,426)  9,773 -   937,280 (24)   937,256
Balance at January 1, 2024 957,525  247,464 (319,591) 3,129 283 888,810 137 888,947
Loss for the period - -   (56,011) - -   (56,011)   118   (55,893)
Other components of equity - - - - - - 16 16
Cumulative translation adjustments from operations in foreign currency - - -   2,290 -   2,290 -   2,290
Capital increase from private placement investments (Note 16)   49,997  (49,159) - - -   838 -   838
Share-based compensation   -   1,322 - - -   1,322 -   1,322
Balance at March 31, 2024 1,007,522  199,627  (375,602)   5,419 283   837,249   271   837,520

* See Note 1.b for the discussion relating to the adjustments

See the accompanying notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements.


Zenvia Inc.

Unaudited interim condensed consolidated statement of cash flows

For the three months period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023

(In thousands of reais)


Three months period ended March 31

  Note 2024



Cash flow from operating activities      
Loss for the period     (55,893)  (16,767)
Adjustments for:      
  Income tax and social contribution     (13,663)  (11,628)
  Depreciation and amortization 18   22,797 20,133
  Allowance for expected credit losses 7   5,431 1,850
  Provisions for tax, labor and civil risks 14   696 741
  Provision for bonus and profit sharing     10,307 7,159
  Share-based compensation     1,322  1,391
  Interest from loans and borrowings 12   3,794 6,788
  Interest on leases     175 112

Exchange variation and Interest and adjustment to present value

(APV) on liabilities from acquisition

    284 3,268
  Gain (loss) on write-off of property, plant and equipment   (2) 89
  Effect of hyperinflation     1,507 136
  Increase of fair value of derivative financial instruments 16 33.247 837
Changes in assets and liabilities      
Trade and other receivables 7   (28,552)  (15,789)
Prepayments     (3,248) (844)
Other assets     (13,208) (14,825)
Suppliers     14,355 115,101
Employee benefits     (714) 2,663
Other liabilities     12,894  6,358
Cash (used in)/ from operating activities     (8,471)  106,773
Interest paid on loans and leases     (3,172) (6,360)
Income taxes paid     (1,222) (853)
Net cash flow (used in)/ from operating activities     (12,865)  99,560
Cash flow from investing activities      
Proceeds from sale of financial instruments   - 8,160
Restricted cash 6   (175) -
Acquisition of property, plant and equipment 9   (57) -
Acquisition of Intangible assets 10   (12,197) (10,863)
Net cash used in investing activities     (12,429) (2,703)
Cash flow from financing activities      
Capital Increase 16   49,997 -
Proceeds from loans and borrowings 12   11,867 -
Payment of debt issuance costs 12   99 -
Payment of borrowings 12   (7,019) (17,513)
Payment of lease liabilities     (501) (423)
Payments in installments for acquisition of subsidiaries 13   (21,109) (20,430)
Net cash (used in)/from  financing activities     33,334 (38,366)
Exchange rate change on cash and cash equivalents     (257)  288
Net (decrease)/ increase in cash and cash equivalents     7,783 58,779
Cash and cash equivalents at January 1     63,742 100,243
Cash and cash equivalents at March 31     71,525 159,022

* See Note 1.b for the discussion relating to the adjustments

See the accompanying notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements.


Notes to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Reais)





Zenvia Inc. (“Zenvia”) was incorporated in November 2020, as a Cayman Islands exempted company with limited liability duly registered with the Registrar of Companies of the Cayman Islands. These consolidated financial statements comprise the Company and its subsidiaries (together referred to as the “Company”). The Company is involved in implementation of a multi-channel communication of a cloud-based platform that enables organizations to integrate several communication capabilities (including short message service, or SMS, WhatsApp, Voice, WebChat and Facebook Messenger) into their software applications and with a combination of the Group Software as a Service (SaaS) portfolio providing clients with unified end-to-end customer experience SaaS platform to digitally interact with their end-consumers in a personalized way.


As of March 31, 2024, the Company has negative consolidated working capital in the amount of R$290,145 (current assets of R$294,438 and current liabilities of R$584,583), mainly arising from a reduction in the Company’s cash position as a result of payments made during the years related to business acquisitions, as described in item (b) to (d) below.


Zenvia’s Management focused in 2022 to increase gross profit and to take into place cost-cutting initiatives, such as the review of its corporate structure, which reduced the Company’s current workforce by 9% and is in line with the acceleration of the integration of acquisitions. While these actions were instrumental for the Company to deliver improved cash generation in 2023, management is committed to continue pursuing new operational efficiencies for the next 12 months. On top of the improvement in operations, the Company has announced the conclusion of several renegotiations with its creditors, including banks, debenture holders and holders of other liabilities related to past M&A activity. These renegotiations include an extension of payment terms on bank loans and debentures from up to 18 months to 36 months (final maturity December 2026), extension of liabilities related to past M&As from up to 36 months to up to 60 months (final maturity December 2028) and the possibility of converting certain M&A liabilities into Zenvia´s equity (potential conversion estimated at circa 65% of total M&A liabilities). Additionally, the Company announced that Mr Cassio Bobsin, Zenvia´s Founder and CEO, has injected a total of R$50,000 as new equity in the Company. Management believes that the combination of the above mentioned initiatives and the expected future operating cash flow will be enough to cover for the Company's medium and long term financial obligations. Nevertheless, management will continue to seek to optimize the Company's working capital needs by renegotiating payment terms with suppliers and anticipating future revenues with


Notes to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Reais)

clients. Considering the Company’s short-term financial contractual obligations and commitments after giving effect to the above-mentioned renegotiations and capital injection, management expects a cash outlay of R$76,728 for the next 12 months mainly for its existing short-term indebtedness as it becomes due, including interest, and payments due from acquisitions. The Company believes its working capital and projected cash flows from operations, combined with new sources of financing already under negotiations, will be sufficient for the Company’s requirements for the next twelve months. As a result of these factors, management continues to have a reasonable expectation that the Company will be able to continue operations in the foreseeable future.


a.     Business combination – Movidesk Ltda. (“Movidesk”)


On February 6, 2024, Zenvia Brazil renegotiated the earnout with Movidesk, with a total balance of R$206,699 as of December 31, 2023. Payment terms have been extended to a total of 60 months, with final due date in December 2028, with Zenvia option to convert R$156,805 of total debt into equity, of which R$50,000 can be converted by September 2024, and the remaining balance can be converted in up to 6 installments from January 1, 2026, until the conclusion of the contract period.


b.     Correction of error – effect in consolidated statement of profit or loss, consolidated statement of changes in equity and cash flow


In December 2023, the Company identified that the allowance for expected credit losses was understated. The calculation was reassessed in the annual financial statements and Management has retrospectively revised the first quarter of 2023 for comparison purposes.


The retrospective changes in the comparative periods can be summarized as follows:


Notes to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Reais)


Consolidated statement of financial position


      March 31, 2023



Effects of




Trade and other receivables 186,060  (16,109)  169.951
Total current assets 407,918  (16,109)  391.810
Deferred tax assets  100,601  3,019  103,620
Total non-current assets  1,489,735  3,019  1,492,754
Total assets 1,897,653  (13.089)  1,884,564
 Shareholders' equity      
Accumulated losses (262,337) (13,089) (275,426)
Equity holders of the parent company 950,369 (13,089) 937,280
Total equity 950,345 (13,089)  937,256
Total equity and liabilities 1,897,653  (13,089)  1,884,564


Consolidated statement of profit or loss


      March 31, 2023



Effects of




Operating expenses      
Allowance for expected credit losses (2,161)  (16,108)  (18,269)
Operating gain (loss) 3,812  (16,108)  (12,296)
Profit (loss) before taxes (12,287)  (16,108)  (28,395)
Deferred income tax and social contribution 8,827  3,019 11,846
Total Income Tax and Social Contribution 8,609  3,019  11,628
Loss of the period (3,678) (13,089)  (16,767)
 Loss attributable to:      
Owners of the Company   (3,750) (13,089) (16,839)
Loss per share (expressed in Reais per share)      
Basic (0.090)  (0.313)  (0.403)
Diluted (0.090)  (0.313)  (0.403)
Other comprehensive income      
Cumulative translation adjustments from operations in foreign currency  (3,611)  3,899  288
Total comprehensive income (loss) for the period (7,289) (9,190) (16,479)
Owners of the Company (7,361) (9,190)




Notes to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Reais)


Changes in equity



March 31, 2023




Effects of





  Capital reserve Retained earnings (loss) Translation reserve Attributable to owners of the Company Total equity       Capital reserve Retained earnings (loss) Translation reserve Attributable to owners of the Company Total equity
Balance at January 1, 2023  244,913 (258,587)  9,485 953,336 953,240   -   244,913 (258,587)  9,485 953,336 953,240
Loss for the period - (3,750) - (3,750) (3,678)   (13,089)   -  (16,839) -  (16,839)  (16,767)
Cumulative translation adjustments from operations in foreign currency - - (3,611) (3,611) (3,611)    3,899   - - 288 288 288
Issuance of shares 4,082 - - 4,082 4,082    (1,192)    2,890 - -  2,890  2,890
Share-based compensation 312 - - 312 312    (2,892)    (2,580) - -  (2,580)  (2,580)
Issue of shares related to business combinations - - - - -   185   185 - - 185 185
Balance at March 31, 2023 249,307 (262,337) 5,874 950,369 950,345   (13,113)   245,408  (275,426)


 937,280  937,256




Notes to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Reais)



Cash flow


      March 31, 2023



Effects of




Cash flow from operating activities      
Profit (loss) for the period (3,678) (13,089)  (16,767)
Income tax and social contribution (8,609)  (3,019)  (11,628)
  Share-based compensation  5,290  (3,899)  1,391
Allowance for expected credit losses 1,850  8,878  10,728
  Increase of fair value of derivative financial instruments - 837 837
Trade and other receivables  (31,898)  16,109  (15,789)
Other assets  (14,824)  (1)  (14,825)
Other liabilities  3,548  2,810  6,358
Cash generated from (used in) operating activities  99,812 (252)



Exchange rate change on cash and cash equivalents 36 252 288


2.Company’s subsidiaries


    March 31, 2024 December 31, 2023
  Country Direct Indirect Direct Indirect
Subsidiaries   % % % %
Zenvia Mobile Serviços Digitais S.A. Brazil 100 - 100 -
MKMB Soluções Tecnológicas Ltda. Brazil - 100 - 100
Total Voice Comunicação S.A. Brazil - 100 - 100
Rodati Motors Corporation USA - 100 - 100
Zenvia México Mexico - 100 - 100
Zenvia Voice Ltda Brazil - 100 - 100
One to One Engine Desenvolvimento e Brazil - 100 - 100
  Licenciamento de Sistemas de Informática S.A.
Sensedata Tecnologia Ltda. Brazil - 100 - 100
Rodati Services S.A. Argentina - 100 - 100
Movidesk S.A. Brazil - 98.04 - 98.04
Rodati Servicios, S.A. de CV Mexico - 100 - 100
Rodati Motors Central de Informações de Veículos Automotores Ltda. Brazil - 100 - 100


3.Preparation basis


These interim condensed consolidated financial statements for the three months period ended March 31, 2024, have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34, the Company has prepared the financial statements on the basis that the interim condensed consolidated financial statements do not include all the information and disclosures required in the annual financial statements, and should be read in conjunction with the Company’s annual consolidated financial statements as at December 31, 2023.



Notes to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Reais)


The issuance of these interim condensed consolidated financial statements was approved by the Executive Board of Directors on July 13, 2024.


a.Measurement basis


The interim condensed consolidated financial statements were prepared based on historical cost, except for certain financial instruments measured at fair value. See item (d) below for information on the measurement of financial information of subsidiaries located in hyperinflationary economies.


b.Functional and presentation currency


These interim condensed consolidated financial statements are presented in Brazilian Real (R$), which is the Company’s functional currency. All amounts have been rounded to the nearest thousand, unless otherwise indicated.


The functional currency of the subsidiary Rodati Motors Corporation is the US Dollar. The indirect subsidiaries of the Company have the following functional currencies: Rodati Motors Central de Informações de Veículos Automotores Ltda. has the local currency, Brazilian Real (BRL), as its functional currency; Rodati Services S.A. has the local currency, Argentine Peso (ARG), as its functional currency; and Rodati Servicios, S.A. de CV. has the local currency, Mexican Pesos (MEX), as its functional currency.


c.    Foreign currency translation


For the consolidated Company subsidiaries in which the functional currency is different from the Brazilian Real, the interim financial statements are translated to Real as of the closing date. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into the functional currency at the exchange rate at the reporting date. Non-monetary assets and liabilities that are measured at fair value in a foreign currency are translated into the functional currency at the exchange rate when the fair value was determined. Non-monetary items that are measured based on historical cost in a foreign currency are translated at the exchange rate at the date of the transaction. Foreign currency differences are generally recognized in profit or loss and presented within finance costs.



Notes to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Reais)


d.Accounting and reporting in highly hyperinflationary economy


In March 2024, considering that the inflation accumulated in the past five years in Argentina was higher than 100%, the adoption of the accounting and reporting standard in the hyperinflationary economy became mandatory in relation to the subsidiary Rodati Services S.A., located in Argentina.


Non-monetary assets and liabilities, the equity and the statement of profit or loss of subsidiaries that operate in hyperinflationary economies are adjusted by the change in the general purchasing power of the currency, applying a general price index.


The financial statements of an entity whose functional currency is the currency of a hyperinflationary economy based on current cost approach are in terms of the current measurement unit at the balance sheet date and translated into Real at the closing exchange rate for the period. The impacts of changes in general purchasing power were reported as finance costs in the statements of profit or loss of the Company.


e.Use of estimates and judgments


In preparing these interim condensed consolidated financial statements, management has made judgements and estimates that affect the application of the Company’s accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, income and expenses. Actual results may differ from these estimates. Estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions to estimates are recognized prospectively.


(i)Measurement of fair value


A series of Company’s accounting policies and disclosures requires the measurement of fair value, for financial and non-financial assets and liabilities.


Evaluation process includes the regular review of significant non-observable data and valuation adjustments. If third-party information, such as brokerage firms’ quotes or pricing services, is used to measure fair value, then the evaluation process analyzes the evidence obtained from the third parties to support the conclusion that such valuations meet the IFRS requirements, including the level in the fair value hierarchy in which such valuations should be classified.



Notes to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Reais)


When measuring the fair value of an asset or liability, the Company uses observable data as much as possible. Fair values are classified at different levels according to hierarchy based on information (inputs) used in valuation techniques, as follows:

Level 1: Prices quoted (not adjusted) in active markets for identical assets and liabilities.
Level 2: Inputs, except for quoted prices, included in Level 1 which are observable for assets or liabilities, directly (prices) or indirectly (derived from prices).
Level 3: Inputs, for assets or liabilities, which are not based on observable market data (non-observable inputs).

The Company recognizes transfers between fair value hierarchy levels at the end of the financial statements’ period in which changes occurred.


4.New standards, amendments, and interpretations of standards


4.1.New currently effective requirement


The accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the interim condensed consolidated financial statements are consistent with those followed in the preparation of the Company’s annual consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2023, except for the adoption of new standards effective as of January 1st, 2024. The Company has not early adopted any standard, interpretation or amendment that has been issued but is not yet effective.


The following amended standards and interpretations did not have a material impact on the Company’s consolidated financial statements:


    Supplier Finance Arrangements - Amendments to IAS 7 and IFRS 7;

    Amendments to IFRS 16: Lease Liability in a Sale and Leaseback;



Notes to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Reais)



4.2.Amendments to IAS 1: Classification of Liabilities as Current or Non-current


In January 2020 and October 2022, the IASB issued amendments to paragraphs 69 to 76 of IAS 1 to specify the requirements for classifying liabilities as current or non-current. The amendments clarify:


• What is meant by a right to defer settlement

• That a right to defer must exist at the end of the reporting period

• That classification is unaffected by the likelihood that an entity will exercise its deferral right

• That only if an embedded derivative in a convertible liability is itself an equity instrument would the terms of a liability not impact its classification


In addition, a requirement has been introduced whereby an entity must disclose when a liability arising from a loan agreement is classified as non-current and the entity’s right to defer settlement is contingent on compliance with future covenants within twelve months.


The Company reviewed our covenants disclosures to comply with the amendment of IAS 1.


5.Cash and cash equivalents and financial investments


  March 31, 2024 December 31, 2023
Cash and banks   25,138 30,053
Short-term investments maturing in up to 90 days (a)   46,387 33,689
Total cash and cash equivalents   71,525 63,742


(a)Highly liquid short-term interest earning bank deposits are readily convertible into a known amount of cash and subject to an insignificant risk of change of value. They are substantially represented by interest earning bank deposits at rates varying from 100.5% to 103.0% (2023 - 60% to 103.0%) of the CDI rate (Interbank Interest Rate in Brazil).


6.Restricted cash



The amount of R$6,578 invested in Bank Deposit Certificate in March 2024 refers to the contractual guarantee of Votorantim S.A.’s loan. Minimum Guarantee Percentage: 33% of the outstanding balance of the Guaranteed Operation.


Notes to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Reais)


7.Trade and other receivables


  March 31, 2024 December 31, 2023
Domestic   211,025 185,099
Abroad   22,900 21,013
    233,925 206,112
Allowance for expected credit losses   (62,020) (57,328)
 Total   171,905 148,784


Changes in allowance for expected credit losses are as follows:


  March 31, 2024 December 31, 2023
Balance at the Beginning period   (57,328) (10,427)
Additions   (6,432)   (49,247)
Reversal   1,001 -
Foreign exchange variation   (551) (277)
Write-offs   1,290     2,623
Balance at the End of the period   (62,020)   (57,328)


The breakdown of accounts receivable from customers by maturity is as follows:


  March 31, 2024 December 31, 2023
Current   183,171 154,846
Overdue (days):    
1–30   9,388 16,636
31–60   5,423 6,282
61–90   3,260 2,915
91–120   4,265 2,257
121–150   2,837 2,069
>150   25,581 21,107
 Total   233,925 206,112



Notes to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Reais)



8.Recoverable assets



  March 31, 2024 December 31, 2023
Corporate income tax (IRPJ) (a)   1,960 2,141
Social contribution (CSLL) (a)   412 450
Federal VAT (PIS/COFINS) (b)   29,902 23,147
Others 2,721 2,320
Total tax assets   34,995 28,058
Current   34,983 28,058
Non-current 12 -
(a)Income tax and social contribution - the balance is composed by amounts withheld and advances of corporate income tax and social contribution carried out in the previous years.
(b)As a result of a taxes restructuring in 2021, there was a change in the tax classification in part of services provided, consequently, the Company has started collecting contributions to PIS and COFINS (Federal VAT) on a noncumulative basis under the rates of 1.65% and 7.6%, respectively. On a non-cumulative basis, the Company became eligible to PIS and COFINS tax credits on SMS cost invoices issued by the operator.

Notes to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Reais)


9.Property, plant and equipment


9.1.Breakdown of balances


  Average annual depreciation rates (%) Cost Accumulated depreciation Net balance March 31, 2024
Furniture and fixtures 10   800   (601) 199
Leasehold improvements 10   1,607   (1,303)   304
Data processing equipment 20 22,618   (12,717)   9,901
Right of use – leases 20 to 30   6,211   (2,181) 4,030
Machinery and equipment 10   93   (9)   84
Total     31,329   (16,811)   14,518



  Average annual depreciation rates (%) Cost Accumulated depreciation Net balance December 31, 2023
Furniture and fixtures 10 800 (512) 288
Leasehold improvements 10 1,609 (1,262) 347
Data processing equipment 20 22,500 (11,341) 11,159
Right of use – leases 20 to 30 5,129 (2,595) 2,534
Machinery and equipment 10 93 (8) 85
Total   30,131 (15,718) 14,413




Notes to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Reais)


9.2.Changes in property, plant and equipment



  Average annual depreciation rates % December 31, 2023 Additions Disposals Hyperinflation adjustment Exchange variations March, 31, 2024
Furniture and fixtures   800 - - - - 800
Leasehold improvements   1,607 - - - - 1,607
Data processing equipment   22,502   57 -   41 18   22,618
Right of use – leases   5,129   3,010   (1,928) - -   6,211
Machinery and equipment   93 - - - - 93
Cost   30,131   3,067   (1,928) 41 18   31,329
Furniture and fixtures 10 (512)   (89) - - -   (601)
Leasehold improvements 10 (1,262)   (41) - - -   (1,303)
Data processing equipment 20 (11,341)   (1,319) 2   (41)   (18)   (12,717)
Right of use – leases 20 to 30 (2,595)   (575)   989 - -   (2,181)
Machinery and equipment 10 (8)   (1) - - -   (9)
(-) Accumulated depreciation   (15,718)   (2,025)   991   (41)   (18)   (16,811)
Total   14,413   1,042   (937) - -   14,518

Notes to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Reais)




  Average annual depreciation rates % December 31, 2022 Additions Disposals Hyperinflation adjustment Transfers Exchange variations December 31, 2023
Furniture and fixtures   724 62 (79) - 93 - 800
Leasehold improvements   1,607 2 - - - - 1,609
Data processing equipment   26,541 2,940 (6,636) 18 (108) (255) 22,500
Right of use – leases   5,313 - (184) - - - 5,129
Machinery and equipment   374 - (272) - (9) - 93
Other fixed assets   158 - (306) - 148 - -
Cost   34,717 3,004 (7,477) 18 124 (255) 30,131
Furniture and fixtures 10 (358) (98) 29 - (85) - (512)
Leasehold improvements 10 (1,100) (163) 1 - - - (1,262)
Data processing equipment 20 (12,548) (4,902) 5,945 (677) 11 830 (11,341)
Right of use – leases 20 to 30 (709) (2,007) 121 - - - (2,595)
Machinery and equipment 10 (294) (8) 237 - 57 - (8)
Other fixed assets 10 to 20 (118) - 225 - (107) - -
(-) Accumulated depreciation   (15,127) (7,178) 6,558 (677) (124) 830 (15,718)
Total   19,590 (4,174) (919) (659) - 575 14,413




Notes to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Reais)

10.Intangible assets


10.1.Breakdown of balances


  Average annual amortization rates % Cost Amortization Net balance on March 31, 2024
Intangible assets under development -   49,639 -   49,639
Software license -   32,884   (12,100)   20,784
Database 20 to 50   800   (647)   153
Goodwill -   923,439 -   923,439
Customer portfolio 10   135,848   (114,599)   21,249
Non-compete 20   2,697   (2,155)   542
Brands and patents 20   29 -   29
Platform 10 to 20   479,619   (156,333)   323,286
Total     1,624,955   (285,834)   1,339,121



  Average annual amortization rates % Cost Amortization Net balance on December 31, 2023
Intangible assets under development - 47,124 - 47,124
Software license 20 to 50 32,217 (10,085) 22,132
Database 20 to 50 800 (627) 173
Goodwill - 923,439 - 923,439
Customer portfolio 10 135,848 (111,186) 24,662
Non-compete 20 2,697 (1,954) 743
Brands and patents 20 29 - 29
Platform 10 to 20 470,235 (141,210) 329,025
Total   1,612,389 (265,062) 1,347,327




Notes to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Reais)



10.2.Changes in intangible assets



  Average annual amortization rates % December 31, 2023 Additions Transfers



Exchange variations March 31, 2024
Intangible asset in progress     47,124   11,622   (9,476) 281 88   49,639
Software license      32,217   575   92 - -   32,884
Database      800 - - - -   800
Goodwill      923,439 - - - -   923,439
Customer portfolio       135,848 - - - -   135,848
Non-compete     2,697 - - - -   2,697
Brands and patents     29 - - - - 29
Platform       470,235 -   9,384 - -   479,619
Cost      1,612,389   12,197 - 281 88   1,624,955
Software license  20 – 50   (10,085)   (2,015) - - -   (12,100)
Database  10   (627)   (20) - - -   (647)
Customer portfolio   10   (111,186)   (3,413) - - -   (114,599)
Non-compete 20   (1,954)   (201) - - -   (2,155)
Platform   10 - 20   (141,210)   (15,123) - - -   (156,333)
(-) Accumulated amortizations      (265,062)  (20,772) - - -   (285,834)
Total      1,347,327   (8,575) - 281 88   1,339,121



Notes to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Reais)



  Average annual amortization rates % December 31, 2022 Additions Transfers Disposals



Exchange variations December 31, 2023
Intangible asset in progress     41,707 47,253 (40,714) (5) 522 (1,639) 47,124
Software license      10,112 5,403 18,888 (2,186) - - 32,217
Database           800 - - - - - 800
Goodwill    923,439 - - - - - 923,439
Customer portfolio     131,448 - 4,400 - - - 135,848
Non-compete   2,697 - - - - - 2,697
Brands and patents   29 - - - - - 29
Platform     452,814 - 17,421 - - - 470,235
Cost     1,563,046 52,656 (5) (2,191) 522 (1,639) 1,612,389
Software license  20 – 50    (5,135) (6,465) 139 1,376 - - (10,085)
Database  10       (547) (80) - - - - (627)
Customer portfolio   10 (94,967) (13,652) (2,567) - - - (111,186)
Non-compete 20    (1,146) (808) - - - - (1,954)
Platform   10 - 20 (84,019) (59,624) 2,433 - - - (141,210)
(-) Accumulated amortizations      (185,814) (80,629) 5 1,376 - - (265,062)
Total     1,377,232 (27,973) - (815) 522 (1,639) 1,347,327






Notes to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Reais)

The amortization of intangibles includes the amount of R$16,180 for the three months period ended March 31, 2024 (R$16,988 for the three-month period ended March 31, 2023) related to amortization of intangible assets acquired in business combinations, of which R$12,785 (R$13,511 for the three-month period ended March 31, 2023) was recorded in costs of services and R$3,395 (R$3,477 for the three-month period ended March 31, 2023) in administrative expenses.


The Company performs its annual impairment test in December and when circumstances indicate that the carrying value may be impaired. The Company impairment test for goodwill and intangible assets with indefinite lives is based on value-in-use calculations. The key assumptions used to determine the recoverable amount for the different cash generating units were disclosed in the annual consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2023. For the period ended March 31, 2024, The Company had no indications of impairment for its intangible assets, therefore an impairment test was not required.



11.Trade and other payables


  March 31, 2024 December 31, 2023
Domestic suppliers   248,676 243,186
Abroad suppliers   4,251 3,897
Advance from customers   1,102 2,220
Related parties (a)   108,143 89,594
Other accounts payable   5,679 15,101
Total   367,851 353,998
Current   367,851 353,998
Non-current - -


(a)The outstanding balances Relate to transactions in the ordinary course of business with the Company’s shareholder Twilio Inc. (note 23).

Notes to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Reais)



12.Loans, borrowings and debentures




Changes in cash

  Changes not affecting cash    
  Interest rate p.a. Current



December 31, 2023 Proceeds Interest paid Amortized cost Payments   Interest incurred March 31, 2024 Current



Working capital 100% CDI + 2.51% to 6.55% 30,148 39,519 69,667   11,867   (2,509)   65   (5,990)     3,061   76,161  26,893 49,268
Debentures 18.16% 6,043 12,086 18,129 -   (488)   34   (1,029)     733   17,379   6,803 10,576
    36,191 51,605 87,796   11,867   (2,997) 99   (7,019)     3,794   93,540  33,696 59,844





Changes in cash

  Changes not affecting cash    
  Interest rate p.a. Current



December 31, 2022 Proceeds Interest paid Payments Amortized cost   Interest incurred December 31, 2023 Current



Working capital 100% CDI + 2.51% to 6.55% and 8.60% 62,335 63,499 125,834 30,000 (17,533) (85,239) (662)   17,267 69,667 30,148 39,519
Debentures 18.16% 27,206 13,794 41,000 - (4,168) (22,471) (400)   4,168 18,129 6,043 12,086
    89,541 77,293 166,834 30,000 (21,701) (107,710) (1,062)   21,435 87,796 36,191 51,605





Notes to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Reais)

The portion classified in non-current liabilities has the following payment schedule:


  March 31, 2024 December 31, 2023
2025   25,776 26,856
2026   34,068 24,749
 Total   59,844 51,605


Working Capital


On January 3, 2024, Zenvia Brazil signed an amendment with Banco Bradesco S.A. for a CCB (Cédula de Crédito Bancário) in the original aggregate amount of R$30,000, current balance R$11,073, establishing a new amortization schedule comprised of 36 installments, six months of grace period and 30 amortization period of principal.


On January 4, 2024, Zenvia Brazil entered into an agreement with Itaú Unibanco S.A. for a CCB (Cédula de Crédito Bancário), in the aggregate amount of R$ 12,000, establishing a amortization schedule comprised of 36 installments, six months of grace period and 30 amortization period of principal.


As of March 31, 2024, the Company assessed the covenant clauses of loans and financing for quarterly measurement. The Company renegotiated the covenants to ensure compliance, and no material adjustments were required in the interim condensed consolidated financial statements.


Contractual clauses


The Company has financing agreements in the amount of R$49,427 guaranteed by 20% of accounts receivable given as collateral and the balance of financial investment recorded as current assets, representing three times the amount of the first payment of principal plus interest.


The Company has a financing agreement with Bradesco in the amount of R$11,205 in which the guarantee is the receipt of credits from Bradesco as a client.


The Company, through its subsidiary One to One has entered into a financing agreement for the issuance of debentures guaranteed by: (i) the fiduciary assignment to creditor of receivables equivalent at least, (i) R$4,000 between November 30, 2023 and December 31, 2024; (ii) R$3,000 between January 1, 2025 and December 31, 2025; and (iii) R$2,000 between January 1, 2026 and December 31, 2026, which must go through an escrow account controlled by the creditor and, upon confirmation that


Notes to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Reais)

the guarantees are in order, are subsequently released to the Company; and (ii) the fiduciary assignment to creditor of 10% of the Company's corporate stock.




In 2023, The Company has renegotiated new terms to be applied as of the year 2024 for the financial covenants of loans and financing. The most restrictive net debt-to-EBITDA financial covenant to which we are currently subject requires that such ratio does not exceed 2.5x and which is measured at the end of each fiscal year. In addition to these, the Company also has other covenants related to indebtedness level. Furthermore, our working capital agreements contain a cross-default provision that may be triggered by a default under one of our other financing agreements. A cross default provision means that a default on one loan would result in a default of our other loans.


On March 31, 2024, the Company assessed the covenant clauses of its loans and financings with the aim of mitigating non-compliance with the entirety of the restrictive clauses in its annual measurement. As part of the action plan, the Company renegotiated certain covenant clauses with financial institutions, obtained waivers to ensure compliance and received the necessary consents from these institutions. The Company does not anticipate short- and medium-term impacts on its operations resulting from possible breaches of restrictive clauses.




13.Liabilities from acquisitions


Liabilities from business combinations
  March 31, 2024   December 31, 2023
Acquisition of Sirena   2,254   3,496
Acquisition of D1 (i)   24,547   20,769
Acquisition of SenseData   38,005   41,943
Acquisition of Movidesk (ii)   226,076   228,495
Total liabilities from acquisitions   290,882   294,703
Current   96,963   134,466
Non-current   193,919   160,237

(i) On February 6, 2024, Zenvia Brazil renegotiated the D1 earnout, in the total outstanding amount of R$21,521. Payment terms were extended to a total of 36 months, with a six-month grace period and 30 monthly payments, with final maturity in December 2026.

(ii) On February 6, 2024, Zenvia Brazil renegotiated the earnout with Movidesk, with a total balance of R$206,699 as of December 31, 2023. Payment terms have been extended to a total of 60 months, with final due date in December 2028, with Zenvia option to convert approximately R$100,000 of total debt into equity, subject to certain conversion deadlines agreed between the parties.



Notes to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Reais)




For the three months period ended March 31,

  Sirena D1 Sensedata Movidesk
2024 2,254   4,463   16,288   64,045
2025 -   8,926   21,717   1,249
2026 -   11,158 -   51,253
2027 - - -   55,852
2028 - - -   53,677
 Total   2,254   24,547   38,005   226,076


14.Provisions for tax, labor and civil risks


14.1.Provisions for probable losses


The Company, in the ordinary course of its business, is subject to tax, civil and labor lawsuits. Management, supported by its legal advisors' opinion, assesses the probability of the outcome of the lawsuits in progress and the need to record a provision for risks that are considered sufficient to cover the probable losses.


The table below presents the position of provisions for disputes, probable losses and judicial deposits which refer to lawsuits in progress and social security risk.



  March 31, 2024 December 31, 2023
Service tax (ISSQN) Lawsuit – Company Zenvia (a)   40,833 39,855
Labor provisions and other provisions   2,070 2,352
Total provisions   42,903 42,207
Judicial deposits    
Service tax (ISSQN) judicial deposits – Lawsuit Company Zenvia (a)   (40,874) (39,895)
Labor appeals judicial and other deposits   (617) (591)
 Total judicial deposits   (41,491) (40,486)
 Total   1,412 1,721
(a)The amount of the liability related to the provision and judicial deposits for tax risk refers to the lawsuit filed by the City of Porto Alegre about the service tax (ISSQN) against Zenvia Brazil itself.


14.2.Contingencies with possible losses


The Company is involved in contingencies for which losses are possible, in accordance with the assessment prepared by Management with support from legal advisors. On


Notes to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Reais)

March 31, 2024, the total amount of contingencies classified as possible was R$45,722 (R$75,655 as of December 31, 2023). The most relevant cases are set below:


Taxes: The Company is involved in disputes related to administrative claims in the amount of R$ 41,781 (R$40,640 as of December 31, 2023) related to a fine imposed by the Brazilian federal tax authority for failure to pay income taxes on capital gain from the acquisition of Kanon Serviços em Tecnologia da Informação Ltda. By Zenvia Mobile from Spring Mobile Solutions Inc. in previous years.


Labor: the labor contingencies assessed as possible losses totaled R$2,307 as of March 31, 2024 (R$2,551 as of December 31, 2023). Labor-related actions essentially consist of issues related to commission differences, variable compensation and salary parity.


Civil: the civil contingencies assessed as possible losses totaled R$1,316 as of March 31, 2024 (R$961 as of December 31, 2023).



Notes to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Reais)


Changes in provisions are as follows:


Balance at January 1, 2023 39,750
Additions 5,731
Reversals (1,689)
Payments (1,585)
Balance at December 31, 2023 42,207
Additions   1,109
Reversals   (413)
Balance at March 31, 2024   42,903


Changes in judicial deposits are as follows:


Balance at January 1, 2023 37,781
Additions 2,705
Balance at December 31, 2023 40,486
Additions   1,014
Payments   (9)
Balance at March 31, 2024   41,491


15.Long-Term Incentive Programs and Management remuneration


The Company offers to its executives and employees long-term incentive plans (“ILPs”) based on the issuance of restricted Class A common shares (“RSUs”) and cash-based payments equivalent to RSU. The Company recognizes as expense the fair value of RSUs, measured at the grant date, on a straight-line basis during the vesting provided by the respective plan, with a corresponding entry: to shareholders’ equity for plans exercisable in shares; and to liabilities for plans exercisable in cash. The accumulated expense recognized reflects the vesting period and the Company’s best estimate of the number of shares to be delivered. The expense of the plans is recognized in the statement of profit or loss in accordance with the function performed by the beneficiary.


On May 4, 2022, the Executive Board of Directors approved a new Long-Term Incentive Program (“ILP 4”) that will grant a maximum of 240,000 RSUs (or cash-based payments equivalent to RSUs) to certain executives and employees of the Company subject to a vesting period of 28 months as of May 5, 2022 and, to certain executives and employees, the achievement of certain gross profit performance goals. The granting of RSU under ILP 4 partially occurred in the third quarter of 2022 and a provision was recorded as an expense in the consolidated statements of profit or loss.


Notes to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Reais)


On February 24, 2023, the Executive Board of Directors approved a new Long-Term Incentive Program (“ILP 5”) that will grant a maximum of 2,300,000 RSUs (or cash-based payments equivalent to RSUs) to certain executives and employees of the Company subject to a vesting period of 36 months as of January 1, 2023.


On January 24, 2024, the Executive Board of Directors approved a new Long-Term Incentive Program (“ILP 6”) that will grant a maximum of 2,300,000 RSUs (or cash-based payments equivalent to RSUs) to certain executives and employees of the Company subject to a vesting period of 36 months as of January 1, 2024.


As of March 31, 2024, the Company had outstanding 4,750,849 “RSUs” that were authorized but not yet issued, related with future vesting conditions. The total compensation cost related to unvested RSUs was R$1,322 (R$2,314 as of December 31, 2023) recorded in the consolidated financial statements. An expense amounting to R$1,829 (R$500 for the three months period ended March 31, 2023) was recorded in the consolidated statements of profit or loss position as relative to the vesting period of the restricted share units.


Date   Quantity  
Grant Vesting   Shares granted Weighted average grant date fair value (Per share)
08. 09. 2021 12. 22. 2022   45,522 59.11
08. 23. 2021 12. 22. 2022   11,436 84.50
08. 24. 2021 12. 22. 2022   3,833 86.68
05. 05. 2022 05. 09. 2024   240,000 75.72
03. 13. 2023 12. 31. 2025   2,300,000   8.34
02. 06. 2024 12. 31. 2026   2,300,000   7.35


As of March 31, 2024 the Company has 4,750,849 shares issued (outstanding shares), reserved for the shared based payment plans.


The roll forward of the granted shares for the three months period ended March 31, 2024, is presented as follows:


Notes to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Reais)



Outstanding RSU as of December 31, 2022        295,334
Shares granted 2,300,000
Shares delivered (144,485)
Outstanding RSU on December 31, 2023 2,450,849
Shares granted 2,300,000
Outstanding RSU on March 31, 2024 4,750,849


Key management personnel compensation


Key management personnel compensation comprised the following:


For the three months period ended March 31,
  2024   2023
Short-term employee benefits   3,078   2,707
Other long-term benefits   241   -
Termination benefits -   14
Share-based payments   610   38
Total   3,929   2,759

Notes to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Reais)





Share Capital


Shareholder’s Class March 31, 2024 % (i) December 31, 2023 % (i)
Bobsin Corp B 9,578,220 18.88 9,578,220 22.92
Bobsin Corp A 9,758,170 19.23 897,635 2.15
Oria Zenvia Co-investment Holdings, LP B 7,119,930 14.03 7,119,930 17.04
Oria Tech Zenvia Co-investment – Fundo de Investimento em Participações Multiestratégia B 4,329,105 8.53 4,329,105 10.36
Oria Tech I Inovação Fundo de Investimento em Participações B 2,637,670 5.20 2,637,670 6.31
Twilio Inc. A 3,846,153 7.58 3,846,153 9.20
D1 former shareholders A 1,942,750 3.83 1,942,750 4.65
SenseData former shareholders A 94,200 0.19 94,200 0.23
Movidesk former shareholders A 315,820 0.62 315,820 0.76
Spectra I - Fundo de Investimento em Participações A 39,940 0.08 39,940 0.10
Spectra II - Fundo de Investimento em Participações A 159,770 0.31 159,770 0.38
Others A 10,923,277 23.52 10,834,150 25.90
    50,745,005 100 41,795,343 100


On February 6, 2024, the Company issued 8,860,535 Class A common shares to Bobsin Corp due to a private placement investment in the Company, resulting in a capital increase in the amount of R$49,997. Pursuant to the terms of the investment agreement, for a period of 3 years from the closing date of the investment, Bobsin Corp. will be entitled to receive, as a return on its investment, additional cash or an equivalent amount in common shares issued by us, upon the occurrence of certain future liquidity or corporate transaction events (such as the occurrence of an equity follow-on or a transaction resulting in a change of our control) “Trigger Event”. The calculation of such investment returns will be linked to the appreciation of our share price over this period of time.


The return on investment (premium) to be paid upon the occurrence of a liquidity event is based on the value of the Company's shares. According to IFRS 9, this premium meets the characteristics of an embedded derivative in the investment agreement. At initial recognition, the derivative is measured at fair value, separate from the investment value, and recognized as a derivative financial liability without impacting the profit or loss. In subsequent measurements, any changes in the fair value of the derivative are recognized in profit or loss.



Notes to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Reais)


On February 6, 2024 (initial recognition), a capital increase of 838 was recognized, and the embedded derivative was valued at 49,159. As of March 31, 2024, mainly due to the appreciation of the Company’s share price, the fair value of the embedded derivative increased to R$82,406, and R$33,248 was recorded in the statements of profit or loss as finance expenses.


17.Segment reporting


17.1.Basis for segmentation


For management purposes, the Company is organized into business units based on its products and services and has two reportable segments, as follows:


Reportable segments Operations

SaaS (Software-as-a-Service)


Includes the following solutions:

i.        Zenvia Attraction: Active multi-channel end-customer acquisition campaigns utilizing data intelligence and multi-channel automation.

ii.        Zenvia Conversion: Converting leads into sales using multiple communication channels.

iii.        Zenvia Service: Enabling companies to provide customer service with structured support across multiple channels.

iv.        Zenvia Success: Protect and expand customer revenue through cross-selling and upselling.

v.        Consulting: A Business Intelligence team that provides solutions to customer needs by using SaaS and CPaaS to enhance the end-consumer experience.

CPaaS (Communications Platform as a Service) Includes services such as SMS, Voice, WhatsApp, Instagram and Webchat, all such applications being orchestrated and automated by chatbots, single customer view, journey designer, documents composer and authentication.


17.2.Information about reportable segments


The following table present revenue and cost of services information for the Company operations segments for the three months period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023, respectively:


Notes to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Reais)



For the three months period ended March 31,
  2024   2023
  CPaaS SaaS Consolidated   CPaaS SaaS Consolidated
Revenue 135,816 76,820 212,636   110,462 68,585 179,047
Cost of services (85,528) (46,251) (131,779)   (64,429) (35,669) (100,098)
Gross profit 50,288 30,569          80,857   46,033 32,916 78,949


Operational expenses, finance income, finance expenses, taxes and fair values gains and losses on certain financial assets and liabilities are not allocated to individual segments as these are managed on an overall group basis.


17.3.Major customer


In March 2024, the Company had one customer representing more than 10% of consolidated revenue. For the three months period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023, this customer represented 11.7% and 11.8%, respectively, of consolidated revenue.


17.4.Revenue geographic information


The Company’s revenue by geographic region is presented below:


  For the three months ended March 31,
  2024 2023
Primary geographical markets
Brazil 178,122 160,095
USA 16,083 3,571
Argentina 3,213 3,110
Mexico 4,235 4,231
Switzerland 58 82
Colombia 980 1,625
Peru 1,946 1,043
Chile 505 897
Others 7,494 4,393
Total 212,636 179,047

Notes to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Reais)




18.Costs and expenses by nature


  For the three months period ended March 31, 2024
  Cost of services Sales and marketing expenses General administrative expenses Research and development expenses Allowance for credit losses Other income and expenses, net Total
Personnel expenses              
Salary   (3,747)   (9,280)   (7,098)   (1,733) - -   (21,858)
Benefits   (1,238)   (1,772)   (1,688)   (1,566) - -   (6,264)
Compulsory contributions to social security   (1,052)   (2,600)   (2,718)   (2,783) - -   (9,153)
Compensation   (14)   (298)   (93)   (151) - -   (556)
Provisions (vacation/13th salary)   (956)   (2,062)   (1,678)   (2,177) - -   (6,873)
Provision for bonus and profit sharing   (750)   (2,753)   (4,334)   (2,470) - -   (10,307)
Other   (2)   (106)   (282)   (53) - -   (443)
Total   (7,759)   (18,871)   (17,891)   (10,933) - -   (55,454)
Costs with operators/Other costs   (107,500) - - - - -  (107,500)
Depreciation and amortization   (16,520)   (423)   (4,571)   (1,283) - -   (22,797)
Outsourced services -   (937)   (5,783)   (997) - -   (7,717)
Rentals/insurance/condominium/water/energy - -   (88) - - -   (88)
Allowance for credit losses - - - -   (5,431) -   (5,431)
Marketing expenses / events -   (4,165)   (13) - - -   (4,178)
Software license -   (1,285)   (1,977)   (974) - -   (4,236)
Commissions -   (1,444) - - - -   (1,444)
Communication -   (28)   (243)   (335) - -   (606)
Travel expenses -   (78)   (126)   (32) - -   (236)
Other expenses -   (128)   (578)   (242) - -   (948)
Earn-out - - - - -   (10,081)   (10,081)
Other income and expenses, net - - - - -   (1,272)   (1,272)
Total expenses by nature   (131,779)   (27,359)   (31,270)   (14,796)   (5,431)   (11,353) (221,988)



Notes to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Reais)



  For the three months period ended March 31, 2023
  Cost of services Sales and marketing expenses General administrative expenses Research and development expenses Allowance for credit losses Other income and expenses, net Total
Personnel expenses              
Salary   (2,887)   (9,032)   (9,104)   (966) - -   (21,989)
Benefits   (821)   (1,840)   (1,816)   (1,629) - -   (6,106)
Compulsory contributions to social security   (648)   (2,376)   (2,731)   (3,036) - -   (8,791)
Compensation   (22)   (166)   (549)   (29) - -   (766)
Provisions (vacation/13th salary)   (801)   (2,207)   (1,958)   (2,531) - -   (7,497)
Provision for bonus and profit sharing   (320)   (1,783)   (2,879)   (2,177) - -   (7,159)
Share-based payment   (1)   (65)   (318)   (46) - -   (430)
Other -   (179)   (208)   196 - -   (191)
Total   (5,500)   (17,648)   (19,563)   (10,218) - -   (52,929)
Costs with operators/Other costs   (78,812) - - - - -   (78,812)
Depreciation and amortization   (15,418)   (424)   (4,200)   (91) - -   (20,133)
Outsourced services   (333)   (658)   (4.137)   (3.524) - -   (8.652)
Rentals/insurance/condominium/water/energy -   (462)   (55) - - -   (517)
Allowance for credit losses (i) - - - -   (18,269) -   (18,269)
Marketing expenses / events (ii) -   (2,738)   (19) - - -   (2,757)
Software license -   (2,697)   (1,292)   (1,191) - -   (5,180)
Commissions -   (838) -   (65) - -   (903)
Communication (ii)   (29)   (46)   (177)   (429) - -   (681)
Travel expenses -   (193)   (286)   (54) - -   (533)
Other expenses   (6)   (1.738)   (1.718)   1.568 - -   (1,894)
Other income and expenses, net - - - - -   (83)   (83)
Total expenses by nature   (100,098)   (27,442)   (31,447)   (14,004)   (18,269)   (83)   (191,343)


(i) The 2023 was restated (Note 1 - b) to reflect the adjustment to the provisional amounts.

(ii) The Company reclassified some comparative balances for better presentation and comparability with the current period, without any impact on its result, without changes in the totalizing subgroups and without impact on the assessment of covenants.


Notes to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Reais)


19.Financial Income (Expenses)


  For the three months period ended March 31,
  2024 2023
Finance expenses    
Interest on loans and financing   (3,062) (5,123)
Interest on Debentures   (732) (1,665)
Discount   (4,345) (3,935)
Foreign exchange losses   (4,287) (2,316)
Bank expenses and IOF (tax on financial transactions)   (1,111) (503)
Other financial expenses   (6,023) (311)
Interests on leasing contracts   (175) (112)
Losses on derivative instrument (33,248) (837)
Inflation adjustment   (1,507) (136)
Interest and adjustment to present value (APV) on liabilities from acquisition   (10,997) (3,786)
Total financial expenses   (65,487) (18,724)
Finance income    
Interest   84 1
Foreign exchange gain   906 732
Interests on financial instrument   319 1,153
Other financial income   1,317 184
Interest and adjustment to present value (APV) on liabilities from acquisition   2,657 555
Total finance income   5,283 2,625
Net finance costs   (60,204) (16,099)



Notes to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Reais)


20.Income tax and social contribution



Three months period ended March 31
  2024   2023
Deferred taxes on temporary differences and tax losses 16,083   11,846
Current tax expenses (2,420)   (218)
Tax (income) expense 13,663   11,628






20.1.Reconciliation between the nominal income tax and social contribution rate and effective rate


Three months period ended March 31
  2024   2023
Loss before income tax and social contribution   (69,556)   (28,395)
Basic rate 34%   34%
Income tax and social contribution   23,649     9,654
Tax incentives - “Lei do Bem 11.196/05” 3,548   493
Tax loss carryforward not recorded from subsidiaries (2,084)   4,356
Others   (1,457)     (2,875)
Losses on derivative instrument (9,993)   -
Tax benefit (expense) 13,663   11,628
Effective rate 19,81%   54,94%



Notes to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Reais)



20.2.Breakdown and Changes in deferred income tax and social contribution



  March 31, 2024   December 31, 2023
Deferred tax assets      
Provision for labor, tax and civil risk 13,883   13,551
Allowance for doubtful accounts 5,948   4,781
Tax losses and negative basis of social contribution tax 14,285   8,059
Provision for compensation  or renegotiation from acquisitions 37,595   34,908
Goodwill impairment 33,059   33,059
Customer portfolio and platform 19,268   16,154
Interest and adjustment to present value (APV) on liabilities from acquisition 4,959   4,200
Other temporary differences 5,842   4,044
Total deferred tax assets 134,839   118,756
Deferred Tax liabilities      
Goodwill (26,785)   (26,785)
Total deferred tax liabilities (26,785)   (26,785)
Net deferred tax 108,054   91,971
Deferred taxes – assets 108,054   91,971
Deferred taxes – liabilities -   -



Balance at December 31, 2023 91,971
Additions 16,083
Balance at March 31, 2024 108,054

Notes to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Reais)


21.Earnings per share


The calculation of basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing loss of the period by the weighted average number of common shares existing during the period. Diluted earnings per share are calculated by dividing net income for the period by weighted average number of common shares existing during the period plus weighted average number of common shares that would be issued upon conversion of all potentially dilutive common shares into common shares.


For the three months period March 31, 2024 and 2023, the number of shares used to calculate the diluted net loss per share of common stock attributable to common shareholders is the same as the number of shares used to calculate the basic net loss per share of common stock attributable to common shareholders for the period presented because potentially dilutive shares would have been antidilutive if included in the calculation. The tables below show data of loss and shares used in calculating basic and diluted earnings per share.


Three months period ended March 31
  2024   2023
Basic and diluted earnings per share      
Loss of the period assigned to Company’s shareholders   (56,011)    (16,839)
Weighted average for number of common shares  50,745,005   41,766,228
Basic and diluted loss per share (in reais)   (1.104)    (0.403)



Notes to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Reais)



22.Risk management and financial instruments


22.1.Classification of financial instruments


The classification of financial instruments is presented in the table below:



  March 31, 2024   December 31, 2023  
  Amortized cost Fair value through profit or loss Level 1 Level 2 Level 3   Amortized cost Fair value through profit or loss Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Cash and cash equivalents   71,525 - - - -   63,742 - - - -
Restricted cash   6,578 - - - -   6,403 - - - -
Trade accounts receivable   171,905 - - - -   148,784 - - - -
Total assets   250,008 - - - -   218,929 - - - -
Liabilities   - - - -            
Loans and financing   93,540 - - - -   87,796 - - - -
Trade and other payable   367,851 - - - -   353,998 - - - -
Derivative financial instruments -   82,406 - -   82,406   - - - - -
Liabilities from acquisition   290,882 - - - -   292,152 - - - -
 Total liabilities   752,273   82,406 - -   82,406   733,946 - - - -

Notes to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Reais)


22.1.1.       Level 3 measurement


The fair value of returns from private placement investments is determined using unobservable inputs, therefore it is classified at the level 3 of the fair value hierarchy. The main assumptions used in the measurement of the fair value of the derivative financial instruments of measurement and the sensitivity analysis are presented below.


Type Valuation technique   Significant unobservable inputs   Inter-relationship between significant unobservable and fair value measurement
Derivative financial instruments (see note 16) Black-Scholes model.: The valuation model considered inputs  including volatility of the share price, time to expiration,  risk-free interest rate  

The observable inputs are historical volatility for the shares’ historical prices does not represent current market participants' expectations about the future volatility.




The estimated fair value would increase (decrease) if:

The volatility of the Company's market cap or the occurrence of a trigger event within 36 months of the investment contract's closing date.


Sensitivity Analysis of Fair Value Measurements:


March 31, 2024
Variable DB Value +10% Shock -10% Shock Return (+10%)



Volatility of the Asset 95.14% 104.66% 85.63% 84,517 81,230
USD Risk Free 4.22% 4.64% 3.80% 83,505 82,296
BRL Risk Free 9.75% 10.72% 8.77% 81,737 84,077
USD/BRL Exchange Rate 4.9962 5.4958 4.4966 91,189 74,609
Correlation (Asset & Parity) -30.83% -33.91% -27.74% 83,372 82,428



Notes to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Reais)



22.2.Financial risk management


The main financial risks to which the Company and its subsidiaries are exposed when conducting their activities are:


(a)Credit risk

It results from any difficulty in collecting the amounts of services provided to the customers. The Company and its subsidiaries are also subject to credit risk from their interest earning bank deposits. The credit risk related to the provision of services is minimized by a strict control of the customer base and active delinquency management by means of clear policies regarding the concession of services. There is no concentration of transactions with customers and the default level is historically very low. In connection with credit risk relating to financial institutions, the Company and its subsidiaries seek to diversify such exposure among financial institutions.


Credit risk exposure


The book value of financial assets represents the maximum credit exposure. The maximum credit risk exposure on financial information date was:


  March 31, 2024 December 31, 2023
Cash and cash equivalents   71,525 63,742
Restricted cash   6,578 6,403
Trade accounts receivable   171,905 148,784
Total   250,008 218,929


The Company determines its allowance for expected credit losses by applying a loss rate calculated on historical effective losses on sales.


Additionally, the Company considers that accounts receivable had a significant increase in credit risk and provides for:


       All notes receivable past due for more than 180 days;

       Notes subject to additional credit analysis presenting indicators of significant risks of default based on ongoing renegotiations, failure indicators or judicial recovery ongoing processes and customers with relevant evidence of cash deteriorating situation.


Notes to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Reais)



(b)Market Risk


Interest rate and inflation risk: Interest rate risk arises from the portion of debt and interest earning bank deposits remunerated at CDI (Interbank Deposit Certificate) rate, which may adversely affect the financial income or expenses in the event an unfavorable change in interest and inflation rates takes place.


(c)Liquidity risk


The liquidity risk consists of the risk of the Company not having sufficient funds to settle its financial liabilities. The Company’s and its subsidiaries’ cash flow and liquidity control are closely monitored by Company’s Management, so as to ensure that cash operating generation and previous fund raising, as necessary, are sufficient to maintain the payment schedule, thus not generating liquidity risk for the Company and its subsidiaries.


We are committed to and have been taking all the necessary actions that we consider necessary to enable the Company to obtain the funding to ensure it will continue its regular operations in the next twelve months, including raising new credit lines and/or issuing new equity, among other alternatives.


We present below the contractual maturities of financial liabilities including payment of estimated interest.


Non-derivative financial liabilities Book value Contractual cash flow Up to 12 months 1–2 years 2–3 years > 3 years
Loans, borrowings and debentures   93,540   106,086   39,274  38,594   28,218 -
Trade and other payables 367,851 367,851 367,851 - - -
Liabilities from acquisitions 290,882   321,618   106,561   54,556   68,744   91,757
Lease liabilities   4,318   5,073   2,790   1,196   1,087 -
 Total 756,591   800,628   516,476   94,346   98,049   91.757



(d)Capital management


The Company's capital management aims to ensure that an adequate credit rating is maintained, as well as a capital relationship, so as to support Company's business and leverage shareholders' value.



Notes to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Reais)

The Company controls its capital structure by adjusting it to the current economic conditions. In order to maintain an adjusted structure, the Company may pay dividends, return capital to the shareholders, obtain funding from new loans, issue promissory notes and contract derivative transactions.


The Company considers its net debt structure as loans and financing less cash and cash equivalents. The financial leverage ratios are summarized as follows:


  March 31, 2024 December 31, 2023
Loans and borrowings   93,540 87,796
Cash and cash equivalents   (71,525) (63,742)
Net debt   22,015 24,054
Total equity   837,819 888,810
Net debt/equity (%) 0.03 0.03


23.Related Parties


Related parties transactions are carried out under conditions and prices established by the parties, the intercompany transactions are eliminated in consolidation.


As of March 31, 2024, the Company has in trade and other payables R$108,143 (R$89,594 as of December 31, 2023) with shareholder Twilio Inc. related to agreement established between the Company and Twilio Inc. which establish for the reimbursement of SMS costs. During the three months period ended March 31, 2024, the Company in profit or loss the total amount of R$4.347 (R$3.933 for the three months period ended March 31, 2023).


As explained in note 16, as of March 31, 2024, the Company recognized a liability in the amount of R$82,406 (R$33,247 of finance expenses) with the controlling shareholder related to the investment agreement signed for the capital increase.


Notes to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Reais)



24.Events after the reporting period


On April 12, 2024, Zenvia Brazil entered into an agreement with Banco ABC Brasil S.A. for a Commercial Notes, in the aggregate amount of R$15,000, establishing an amortization schedule comprised of 18 installments, six months of grace period and 12 installments of principal.


On April 18, 2024, Zenvia Brazil entered into an agreement with Banco Santander S.A. for a CCB (Cédula de Crédito Bancário) in the aggregate amount of R$25,000, establishing an amortization schedule comprised of 12 installments, three months of grace period and 9 installments of principal.






Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereto duly authorized.


Date: July 15, 2024


  Zenvia Inc.


  By: /s/ Cassio Bobsin

  Name: Cassio Bobsin

  Title: Chief Executive Officer


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