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Eco Wave Power Global AB

Eco Wave Power Global AB (1KW0)

Cerrado 24 Marzo 3:00PM
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StayHumble StayHumble 3 minutos hace
StayHumble StayHumble 4 minutos hace
💹✅ Perfect Time to BUY💹Xperts Buying LOTS✅💹
StayHumble StayHumble 6 minutos hace
per Xcited Insiders CE0💹KevinLamb✅️T0P10 Healthcare innovators💹Forbes $UBQU
konshe konshe 7 minutos hace
All buys at ask 2, no one sold at bid 1 Hope Tomorrow 3s be hit
Nerd Beautiful Nerd Beautiful 7 minutos hace
Where are you hearing Medical and Tech? Was it the Annual meeting? If anything else please share the links
ombowstring ombowstring 8 minutos hace
You have a lot of theoreticals in your argument. I agree that sometimes it's a good idea to make peace with your enemies, but if Trump forsakes Ukraine to the benefit of Russia, that's bad news. Europe on the whole isn't happy with Trump and the way he seemingly wants to abandon our allies. Someone
Landwehr Landwehr 9 minutos hace
It would be great if we could get some info on other company development this week. A flurry of updates would be amazing
StayHumble StayHumble 10 minutos hace
wow💹54M+XPERT Historic .000001 BUYS✅Xperts Here BUYING 💹✅*w6fevr*_gcl_au*MTI1NDQyNTM1NS4xNzMxNjA2NTY3
StayHumble StayHumble 11 minutos hace
UPDATE💹Funders Wait 💹 2Ensure $DBMM Still Trades✅ wow

$DBMM has the Ability to move forward, to continue to grow its business, benefits its shareholders and asks that the Commission affirm the decision of the Law Judge denying revocation of its registration.
jhdf51 jhdf51 12 minutos hace
Not bad at all!

stressfreeliving stressfreeliving 14 minutos hace
I do hope money is to be made on $ASII. 
ron_66271 ron_66271 14 minutos hace
Few Posters Read.

Most just post.

Very few understand the Derivative Market Meltdown of 2008.

TBTF still has an obligation to the ABS/RMBS Trust creators like F&F, WaMu, Lehman’s to cover all of the losses that TBTF covered in Derivative contracts.
fuagf fuagf 15 minutos hace
Ouch, guessing you guys don't helmet-up while driving, casual skating much safer. ;-)
Wingsjr Wingsjr 15 minutos hace
The SEC isn’t even in the equation. 47-Treasury and Pulte are the only ones that have to agree. Everyone else can put one thumb in their mouth and one in their a$$ and play switch’em.
bigstocksnbonds bigstocksnbonds 16 minutos hace
Enjoy that good movie!! ENJOY!!!
Wollman Wollman 16 minutos hace
Moon Shot after holding for 5 yrs MARS more like it .
navycmdr navycmdr 17 minutos hace
Trump admin once again lays groundwork for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac privatization

Proposal could see Donald Trump’s proposed sovereign wealth fund step in

Mar 24, 2025 - By TRD Staff
fuagf fuagf 17 minutos hace
Helmet for fun skating? Wouldn't it get in the way of having a super easy casual time...
newmedman newmedman 18 minutos hace
Go for it brother. I haven't been swimming for a time now and it feels like I'm missing something. I can totally understand skating and even if I was good, I'd wear a helmet because I'm a little clumsy. these days.

I bet you miss skating as much as I do swimming and that's our only wa
ap17 ap17 18 minutos hace
Unfortunately, despite the news of connections the price here can't get out of it's own way. Stagnant to say the least.
gfp927z gfp927z 18 minutos hace
Ombow, Trump's idea of abandoning NATO / Europe is a big mistake imo. Left to their 'own devices', the Europeans can bungle right into WW 3. Making them pay more for the cost of NATO is fine, but the US needs to remain firmly established in Europe, not only to keep them out of WW 3, but to discou
Jetmek_03052 Jetmek_03052 19 minutos hace
Samsung has 30 days to file an appeal, starting when Hsu submits his final verdict.

But once Hsu does that, I suspect we’ll see Samsung file a slew of motions (JMOL, demand for a new trial, etc) that will set that 30 day time back a bit, because Hsu will have to address each motion m