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Intertek Group PLC

Intertek Group PLC (IT1)

Cerrado 13 Marzo 3:00PM
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trunkmonk trunkmonk 2 minutos hace
Ive heard it from several sources, Rupple is working on some really really big stuff. Dont listen to the clowns and hate filled freaks, they know nothing.
Slim6 Slim6 2 minutos hace
Rather ugly financials from CIEN. With EPS around $2.50 per share per year (optimistic non-GAAP numbers), and growth slowing, earnings actually going down from prior year (in reality), one would expect a P/E of 15 of so.
This would put a reasonably optimistic stock price for CIEN at $38 per s
OMOLIVES OMOLIVES 2 minutos hace
Lol...I merely left out the word "vehicle" by accident and assumed all would understand anyway.
F2 F2 3 minutos hace
A thought just occurred to me. He mentioned partnerships generally occur in stages 1-2 of the 4 stage process. That means it could be sooner than my negative mind ran towards in the re-start. I know it's not a re-start, a shift in strategy, whatever... but maybe it won't be as long as I first ima
waterchaser waterchaser 4 minutos hace
HIRU is a fk’d up mess and you know it mascaroonie.
mister mister 4 minutos hace
marcelli needs to go and I mean "go to hell" those options ives had we all thought meant something for june I doubt he will even be with the company by then. I am selling any remaining shares tomorrow. Lebby scammed us all shareholder law suit count me in for sure
mgland mgland 5 minutos hace
Nice. Picked a few up AH
LexTrader LexTrader 5 minutos hace
Maybe they had their USAID funds clawed back 🤣
jonestint jonestint 6 minutos hace
Where did you go, Steve1978? You said you wouldn't leave!

Quote: "Not going anywhere.  The company has done what no other OTC company has done. The daily price action will be forgotten soon"

DR_rugby DR_rugby 6 minutos hace
This is interesting

EU commission looking to confiscate savings
dloggold dloggold 6 minutos hace
Him and currant were plugging black people benefitting for crying out loud, all the while they knew they were not getting squat from fda 
There is still no real evidence the drug works, you had a small private study ( that  changed endpoints during the study) versus a public ( so called ) stu
northam43 northam43 6 minutos hace
SPX 60 min Chart.
northam43 northam43 7 minutos hace
SPX 60 min Chart.
Dennboy66 Dennboy66 7 minutos hace
This was unrelenting selling today. Is it the flush or are we due for all time lows? My guess is all time lows.
tapioca tapioca 8 minutos hace
Spin it anyway you want; it’s a pile of dung in the toilet at 0003. Foote strikes again…
Lurker3 Lurker3 8 minutos hace
Its not nonsense. Walter could have known that lebby was full of bs with so much direct contact.

But no, walter always claimed that lwlg was so close and the deal could happen any time.

If walter had no clue that Lebby was full of bs after countless meetings. That rea
zerk_zerk zerk_zerk 9 minutos hace
The Big FNMA Tease has been going on too long for the Pulte nomination to completely overcome my cynicism. But it has made a nice dent in it. A door has been cracked ajar and there's a sliver of hope that there may finally be some action against this long, awful stagnation. It does feel good.
walterc walterc 9 minutos hace
"Just trying to remove the emotion tied to timeframe from my objectivity. All else is solid and these guys will deliver!"
mgland mgland 9 minutos hace
Actually BB.
I appreciate them not thinking.
Took a starter AH
LOVELWLG LOVELWLG 10 minutos hace
Wash Rinse Repeat
Same Old Same Old just the names have changed except Marcelli
getmenews getmenews 10 minutos hace
Tariff Bill December 2024 $645
Tariff Bill March 2025 $11.580.00
"One shipment"...

If it's a correction you want, then, "this gross negligence will not go unpunished"...

I'm looking at halving it!
imanjen13 imanjen13 10 minutos hace
Try checking out the history of the Smoot - Hawley TARIFF Act which led us into the Great Depression. Even the Murdoch owned Wall Street Journal has stated that these tariffs are insane. I too am independent and make financial and political decisions based upon common sense. The last time we had an
Trum Trum 10 minutos hace
I wonder if anyone has considered why Rite would want to sell off the unverified and newly acquired mineral rites? Why don't the try to invest a few billion shares to get new sampling (audited of course)? it makes for a great penny scam story if they don't do something more legit with the rights
x993231 x993231 10 minutos hace
I think that lebby wanted to dominate the 20 companies that are in the business.  I see a ton of new companies now that may get in the game of assigning engineers to this, that is a good thing.  Do what you do best, lighrwaves has the "teflon", let the makers of devices figure out how to speed up th
pitcook pitcook 10 minutos hace
But our Xpert says our patents are worth BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of Dollars, worth at least $50 a share, why is anyone worried?

Little P-pe says it’s DEAL TIME!!!!!!!!!! All of the sycophant bobble heads could never criticize such an genius with deep inside information of the company

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