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Moneysign5 Moneysign5 3 minutos hace
Yea exactly that was the problem yesterday. We finally blew past the 70M on the ask and it moved up to 3's just to get another 60M put back on the ask at 2.
stock1ace1 stock1ace1 3 minutos hace
RADX $5.85 Crazy thin $15 Price target -> B. Riley Securities Initiates Coverage On Radiopharm Theranostics with Buy Rating, Announces Price Target of $15
TurboStar97 TurboStar97 3 minutos hace
So will they get shares into accounts that voted against merger at later date to give us one last F U ?
JJ8 JJ8 4 minutos hace
Bearish Signal Reversed on 14-Mar-2025. GLTA
Hi_Lo Hi_Lo 4 minutos hace
I knew you couldn' prove that I said SAPX couldn't get pink current.

More pumper lies, same old scam.
hweb2 hweb2 4 minutos hace
Fact backed by 172 years of tariffs? Haha what?? I guess you are saying that no tariffs in the past 172 years have ever caused inflation. Clearly wrong but whatever. Hey maybe nearly every economist is wrong about these new Trump tariffs causing inflation...and you'll be right.

fung_derf fung_derf 4 minutos hace
This post I'm linking to was a blurb from the company. With one of John Kent's last optimistic posts before disappearing. A few of you guessed who an agreement may have been made with, naming some major corporations.
Now word comes from the company it was with a toxic finance company. Great
riccikeeper riccikeeper 4 minutos hace
Involuntary-Recluse Involuntary-Recluse 4 minutos hace
Intelligence is a gift, only if used wisely.
Intelligence can also be a curse when surrounded by the IQ deficient.


Citrati Citrati 4 minutos hace
I think that is an accurate assessment.
That accumulation has been occurring over several days IMO.
gedi8 gedi8 5 minutos hace
VP - The 10-K is still being released a week before the due date along with a conference call. If they pushed the release date into may, yes, I would not be happy.
Skankhunt43 Skankhunt43 5 minutos hace
Welp this comment aged like a fine wine
nowwhat2 nowwhat2 5 minutos hace
ipiros ipiros 5 minutos hace
Lone Clone Lone Clone 5 minutos hace
Canadian Critical Minerals Generates USD$185,000 in Revenue from Bull River Mine

March 13, 2025 7:42 PM EDT | Source: Canadian Critical Minerals I
sjoseph sjoseph 5 minutos hace
You must be running a scam ticker GS is exposing. GL
Double DD Double DD 6 minutos hace
Churn baby churn!! Igpk
Jimmy Joe Jimmy Joe 6 minutos hace
Just a few more hours to the end of another trading week. With nary a client signed on - AGAIN.

Such concern over this Company, how sweet. Who are those accumulating~? Why is the share price trending UP~?

You know something nobody else knows~? NOT~!
1jas 1jas 6 minutos hace
sorry guys i have no funds available at this time or I would help.
IH Admin [Shelly] IH Admin [Shelly] 6 minutos hace
You know, if it's on the internet, it must be true!
Werbe Werbe 6 minutos hace
Annual and they should file Form 10 afterwards, that is if you can believe the freshly bankrupted CEO. They said the same thing for the 22 and 21 year audits a couple years back.
boston127 boston127 6 minutos hace
Volume and the speed

of the BUYS are both picking up. It is jumping up nicely, not just moving up.
Fact Checker 1 Fact Checker 1 7 minutos hace
EmpressMonk25 EmpressMonk25 7 minutos hace
Use hopium or copium below for the results you would like 😉

DeFi Technologies Inc
1.94 USD +0.22 (12.79%)today
Mar 14, 1:16 PM

$20M cash
$14M debt
Revenue $160M
350M Outstanding shares
