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Silver Elephant Mining Corp

Silver Elephant Mining Corp (ELEF)

Cerrado 14 Marzo 2:12PM

ELEF Discussion

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Tejas747 Tejas747 3 años hace
When all 4 of the companies are trading it will be interesting to see how far underwater we are. The Vanadium and the Battery metals company are yet to trade. I was surprised Flying Nickel did as well as it did. Anyway, we still have a chance with this stock IMHO. I keep asking myself why I got back in. LMAO

OK Johnny boy - show your stuff!!!!!!!!!!
Midwestrader Midwestrader 3 años hace they call a REVERSE SPLIT a....consolidation of common shares?!!?

I'd call it DEATH for shareholders.
Mephisto Berserk Mephisto Berserk 3 años hace
Man glad i sold this thing off.
Renee Renee 3 años hace
SILEF: Silver Elephant shareholders will receive, in respect of every 10 Shares held: (i) one post-consolidation common share of Silver Elephant. No fractional Post-Consolidation Shares will be issued pursuant to the Arrangement. Any fractional entitlements to Arrangement Shares will be rounded down to the nearest whole number without payment of any additional compensation.
mediscience mediscience 3 años hace
when is the spinoff?
or have the shares already been distributed ?
mediscience mediscience 3 años hace
so do you know the total number of shares ?

Tejas747 Tejas747 3 años hace
Things are beginning to look interesting. Nice move up yesterday on no news.
Wakebe Wakebe 3 años hace
Wakebe Wakebe 4 años hace
Save your money ..scam
Wakebe Wakebe 4 años hace
Wakebe Wakebe 4 años hace
Told you all to run months's a pump n dump.....
Tejas747 Tejas747 4 años hace
I won't be trying to catch a falling knife. No more buying for me unless it gets back above .30. The CEO has disappointed me too many times. Money talks and BS walks and so far he's been a walker!
Tejas747 Tejas747 4 años hace
I'm back in for a small position. They are proving up their Minago nickel reserves and nickel demand should continue up! Also drilling a nice piece of ground in Pulacayo. If we aren't at the bottom now we must be very close. I expect drill results later this summer to be really good.
Tejas747 Tejas747 4 años hace
Hit my stops. Color me gone. Divesting copper company may make them some $ but it's an unknown at this point!
Tejas747 Tejas747 4 años hace
Nickle back over $8. The plot thickens. Continuing to accumulate slowly.
Tejas747 Tejas747 4 años hace
Nice interview. Thanks for the direct. More good drill results recently. Nickel still creeping up. Ready to break $8 lb. I've added a few more shares here and have some low ball bids in. What's not to like?
Sanderson Sanderson 4 años hace
New John Lee interview with Palisades Gold Radio on YouTube today.
Wakebe Wakebe 4 años hace
Tejas747 Tejas747 4 años hace
Nickel prices on the rise again. GLTM
Tejas747 Tejas747 4 años hace
I'd like to see nickel prices get back above $7.50 pound. It seems to be trying. SILEF has more than 100 million oz. of indicated silver in ground and 100 million lb. of nickel. 2.2 billion of lead and zinc, 1 billion of nickel & vanadium. They continue to derisk their assets and the majors are beginning to take notice. If metals start to take off I'll be adding a lot of shares! I'm looking forward to silverfest II coming this October to meet the players. CEO John Lee is making things happen.
Tejas747 Tejas747 4 años hace
According to CEO SILEF has 1/2 oz of silver in the ground for every share of stock. His goal is to get 1 oz. for every share. I like the risk/reward chances here! Added a tiny bit more today.
Tejas747 Tejas747 4 años hace
Not yet - but they will IMHO!
cablejohn cablejohn 4 años hace
Looks like SILEF has hit pay dirt
Pro-Life Pro-Life 4 años hace
Tejas747 Tejas747 4 años hace
Added a few at .285. Silver getting hit today. Nickel holding up above $7.
Going to be interesting to see how EV does for the rest of this year with the chip shortage.
Tejas747 Tejas747 4 años hace
For sure those Millenials must like the Dolphins. My DLPN jumped 373% today. Still jumping in after hours on news that I don't think warrants this move. I bailed at $25.50. Closed yesterday at $5.25. I'll take a 5 bagger in a day anytime. Now if this Elephant can do anything like that I'll be a happy retired camper. Also riding some Uranium stocks that have doubled but I think are still solid.

Come on Elephant - make us some silver.

Tejas747 Tejas747 4 años hace
Silver Elephants Sunawayo Drills 3 Meters of 421g/t Silver, Multiple Intercepts over 100g/t AgEq
Erschlossenheit Erschlossenheit 4 años hace
Millennials never buy for rational reasons because rationality is a characteristic of the patriarchy. Their feminist mothers and bisexual fathers taught them to listen to the sound of a word and if it makes you happy, then it must be good.

And there is nothing Millennials love hearing more about than elephants and dolphins and unicorns & rainbows.

So this stock can do well on its name only. And furthermore, its ticker symbol may show whenever someone searches for SIL which is the well known silver producers, mining ETF. So it can get that crowd too.

It doesn't matter if it has any real business operations. That's not important to the Millennial generation who anyway are unable to distinguish between what is a man and what is a woman.

They bot NWGC solely because of its globalist sounding name. NWGC doesn't have a working telephone or website. It has over 2 billion shares out and no cash apparently. But it went from 1pt to nearly 1 cent in a couple weeks. You could;ve bot a million shares last year for about $200, then sold a week ago for $9000.

This is a whole new world where the worse stocks go up, but the real companies producing silver and gold see their shares fall for lack of interest. Don't try to figure it out.
Wakebe Wakebe 4 años hace
Tejas747 Tejas747 4 años hace
I think silver and nickel have just about found their bottom. As it turns out the company has no plans to produce nickel from Minago but keep the resourse in the ground and let the price rise. Elon Musk quote follows -

“Well, I’d just like to re-emphasize, any
mining companies out there, please mine
more nickel. Okay. Wherever you are in the
world, please mine more nickel.”

I'll continue to add shares cautiously and wait for the game to develop. SILEF plans to triple it's silver holdings this year and I believe they will. They certainly are non-traditional in the way they drill to prove up reserves but it is very cost effective. CEO has plenty of skin in the game so he is incentivised to provide shareholder $ returns. Color me long and patient. I tried to add some cheap shares today with silver prices down but didn't get filled at .292. Maybe tomorrow.

Nickel was pounded over the past week to 3 month lows. Does anyone believe that will hold when commodities begin to reflect the sins of the printing pres fed?

Tejas747 Tejas747 4 años hace
Silver and gold have really been taken to the woodshed this week. My SILEF has finally got on the "take a beaten train". My total PF took a spankimg today while the market rallied hard. They usually spike em down just before a run. I hope that's what this week was about. Silver $25.25 but I doubt you can buy any physical near that price!
Tejas747 Tejas747 4 años hace
Silver has been pounded hard the past couple of days but SILEF is hanging in there. Very interesting! All my PM holdings are down but SILEF is actually up.
Tejas747 Tejas747 4 años hace
Silver is up .95 as I write this post. If silver could make a strong breakout I think any miner sith Silver in it's name will rise sharply. I added a few shares of SILEF today. Hopefully, Silve4r makes it's long awaited breakout in March. I also added some ASM.

Tejas747 Tejas747 4 años hace
Thanks for the update. I'm optimistic about the potential for nickel but I'll hang in there and watch the volume and price movement before I buy any more shares. They have seemed pretty solid of late.
Middleborder Middleborder 4 años hace
Tejas747; I moved out several weeks ago. Things I like; royalty income from their Mongolian coal mines. Sort of dislike it for the same reason. I think they have good holdings of silver, but all they do is drill for samples. They have a Vanadium mine in Nevada, scheduled to open this or next year. (We know how that goes!)
I have not followed the nickle mine. I have been watching REES and Scandium in other companies. I suspect SILEF be overextended in their holdings. Plan to hold and sell them sometime??

Good luck and good investing.

(I will still watch and might consider investing again in the future. )

Tejas747 Tejas747 4 años hace
If someone could shed some light on when Minago could be producing some cash flow to help with things it would be much appreciated. Any Canadians with first hand knowledge about SILEF out there? I bailed out of my last speculative stock (ALPP) way to soon and I don't want to repeat that scenario! Most probable I would hope for a buyout.
Tejas747 Tejas747 4 años hace
I've read many of the old posts. Looks like this management is not rock solid with their fiduciary duties. A brother in law in gang. LOL I'll take it a lot easier than I had planned but I still like the potential.

Long - but not strong! LOL
Tejas747 Tejas747 4 años hace

I've been trying to verify the growth of nickel requirement for the new EV batteries. What I find so far is that the longer life batteries will continue to increase the ammount of nickel in their batteries. With the growth of EV alone there should be incredible growth for nickel and higher prices. I haven't been following this company very long but it seems to me they have great potential for increaseing their silver holdings and super potential for their nickle company acquisition. No doubt they will dilute us some but I think we can stand it without dilution of price. If nickel does what I believe it will the recent acquisition will support dilution and still have dynamic upside. On the other hand if the company is run by skunks I would appreciate all the old hands here sounding off before I get too deep in.

Many thanks,

Tejas747 Tejas747 4 años hace
This stock is either blowing smoke or no one knows about it yet. I hope it's the former. Due your DD and you will probably take at least a small shot on this one.
There's a pretty good review on Utube that talks about potential.

Am I the only long on this board?
Tejas747 Tejas747 4 años hace
They closed on Minago Nickle.
I bought and now I wait. Both silver and nickel have a bright future.
Tejas747 Tejas747 4 años hace
I think the upcoming shortage of nickle due to the extreme growth of electric vehicles make SILEF an excellent company to speculate on. I expect they will double their silver holdings over the next year and close on the nickel company they acquired. I'll take a long shot for about 50K or so shares at this price. (.35) I like the risk/reward here!
Wakebe Wakebe 4 años hace
All these acquisitions 100 mines no warnings...hey we're worth a billion but have no income so now we must sell all the mines for pennies on the dollar....profits increase share price obviously no one cares about the a b c's of investing lol
Middleborder Middleborder 4 años hace
nowwhat2 nowwhat2 4 años hace
Buenas dias Cellcube, etc.

Silver Elephant Mining Corp.....Thompson Manitoba


Middleborder Middleborder 4 años hace
Wakebe; One of your better posts I think.

"nobody wants to buy stock when all the upside is capped...!!!!!...your paying the market premium and they buy for a dime and sell to you for 2 dollars a share....ruined a great company"

Well, for start ups, especially mining companies, they have salarys but also compensate employees with shares. Its how they attract staff and managment. And yes, it does involve share dilution which does hold down share price and dividends for shareholders. If they survive you may be able to realize a profit on your investment.

Someone once said that mining companies are run for the sake of managment and mining engineers and that 90% of them would never really benefit shareholders to any great extent. Management is always out for itself, you just hope that you find a company that is well run enough to have money left over for the shareholders.

If you think your stock is in one of the 90% it is probably time to find a different stock.

I sold this stock at the end of last year to reduce exposure to international stocks. I might consider owning it again. (It will probably go up now.)

Everyone should do their own due diligence in deciding what to do.

Wakebe Wakebe 4 años hace
I was a diehard investor here until all of the insider sweetheart deals....selling stock for a discount and they have to hold for a year ok im good with that because there is risk....but offering people to buy more shares for pennies when its dollars just kills this...this stock could be 4 or 5 dollars....nobody wants to buy stock when all the upside is capped...!!!!!...your paying the market premium and they buy for a dime and sell to you for 2 dollars a share....ruined a great company
Middleborder Middleborder 4 años hace
Amazing! Another LQP! Posts without content! Worry about managment? Should be concern at toxic daytrader manipulation?
Wakebe Wakebe 4 años hace
Killer volume...roflmfao...
Wakebe Wakebe 4 años hace
Woah...power move !!! Up a penny on 150k shares....
Wakebe Wakebe 4 años hace
Taking it on the chin daily...roflmfao....people are getting wise and """dumping this loser""""