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King Global Ventures Inc

King Global Ventures Inc (KING)

Cerrado 30 Noviembre 3:00PM
pos_stock_hoarder pos_stock_hoarder 40 segundos hace
Poor Cameltoe. If she was swigging less wine she'd have followed the steps in the right order!
Horseb4CarT Horseb4CarT 46 segundos hace
You made my day with the Shirley/surely bit from Naked Gun that I occasionally keep alive in posts!

You're funny!

Funny, like how do you mean funny, like a clown? Do I amuse you?

(Goodfellas was on the other night)
pos_stock_hoarder pos_stock_hoarder 1 minuto hace
Poor Cameltoe. If she was swigging less wine she'd have followed the steps in the right order!
splintered sunlight splintered sunlight 2 minutos hace

BTW, Twain knew exactly what he was talking about!!!!!
pos_stock_hoarder pos_stock_hoarder 2 minutos hace
If you go to de bank and you are debanked, do they give you your account in cash!? Or is it outright theft. That wasn't clear to me.
splintered sunlight splintered sunlight 3 minutos hace
Most definitely!!!!!!!!!!!!

rmmc rmmc 4 minutos hace
Trips, I like Trips. Going to Spain in the spring and then on the Greece. Where is HIRU taking you?
rmmc rmmc 5 minutos hace
Can't prove anything you just posted only guessing. BAD GUESS
theorysuit theorysuit 5 minutos hace
You cant push this pump and dump because it destroys NWBO/pumpers/court case. Shockingly the company and their warrant holders dumped into that pump knowing they were still miles from Kansas? This can't be true.....can it? Say it ain't so.......this can't be.
price_and_volume price_and_volume 6 minutos hace
Those who don't know, post way too much...
2025 WILL BE GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What happened to your same predictions for 2022, 2023 & 2024?
prototype_101 prototype_101 6 minutos hace
Too funny Shorts all copy/paste same bullcrap here every single day, just looked and sure enough same old gang of Short pirates saying the same old sh!t again here today, nrdc, mrssmith, vein, polywolly paul, these guys push the same garbage here constantly, give it a rest all you human copy machine
rmmc rmmc 6 minutos hace
That is your HIRU problem Jackie you assume way too much about everybody else.,Losers usually do that to make themselves feel better. No Jackie I am just happy with HIRU because I have owned it since the introductory days way below what you bought in for. I don't care about the end game here I treat
OMOLIVES OMOLIVES 7 minutos hace
Not sure if the SEC made the correct move here:
Monksdream Monksdream 8 minutos hace
MTTR, 10 day hourly
PioneerProdigy95 PioneerProdigy95 8 minutos hace
Let the good time roll! Go Ilus.. Excellent investment.
3331 3331 8 minutos hace
Salonpas 15 second commercial on cable news earlier today (can Google it) had Dr. Kim Sackheim saying it should be a standard of care product for everyone. Salonpas revenue in 2023 was over $200 million just in the US - which provides a metric for the Actipatch market (OTC) potential (separate from
trunkmonk trunkmonk 9 minutos hace
xrp will catch up to quant and pass their market cap and token value soon enough.
JALEB JALEB 9 minutos hace
That's weird. I am trying on ToS and it doesn't let me buy any Pink Limited stock. I am assuming that the same would apply on Schwab app as they own ToS!! Will try buying some from the Schwab app on Monday and see if that works, if not will call them!!!
HANUMAN HANUMAN 10 minutos hace
I found what you are referencing. This quarterly would not reflect the current value of ZENA shares, since Zena went public Oct. 1.

Para 18

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bas2020 bas2020 10 minutos hace
You're failing to confess who was ACTUALLY behind the pump...
That was a two week well-orchestrated pump.
Answer: The same collusive cabal who naked shorted it on 5/10. FACT!

fred2207 fred2207 10 minutos hace
Has anybody been able to recently buy shares of COWI on E-trade?
pos_stock_hoarder pos_stock_hoarder 10 minutos hace
Make her a federal prisoner!
pos_stock_hoarder pos_stock_hoarder 12 minutos hace
Will he get a statue too?!
rmmc rmmc 12 minutos hace
😅 just too funny, investors who are making way more money than you. Please stop crying about HIRU unless of course you are one of those naive investors who lost their life savings, then that's on you.
oldguy oldguy 12 minutos hace
I forgot GET. Getting OLD sucks.

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