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FuelPositive Corporation

FuelPositive Corporation (NHHH)

Cerrado 08 Marzo 3:00PM

Herramientas de nivel profesional para inversores individuales.

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mdb1 mdb1 1 día hace
I did a search and the text popped up. Bad info. Thanks for the correction.
Glad I asked it as a question.
Paulness Paulness 1 día hace
There were nine trades in the US OTC today, the last at 2:59 p.m., so there is no halt like there is in Canada.
mdb1 mdb1 2 días hace
Not trading on OTC today?
""Cease Trade Order
FuelPositive Corporation (OTCMKTS: NHHHF) is currently not trading on the OTC market due to a Cease Trade Order.
mdb1 mdb1 5 días hace
Hope you are right.
ORCA ORCA 6 días hace
Loss and Tax Credit Carryforwards
As at September 30, 2024, the Company has non-capital losses of approximately $55,063,608 expiring as
2025 -
2026 248,057
2027 488,786
2028 707,585
2029 988,163
2030 2,488,762
2031 1,566,112
2032 1,859,444
2033 3,012,811
2034 2,414,991
2035 2,335,198
2036 2,814,948
2037 4,873,592
2038 4,960,076
2039 1,704,234
2040 1,430,102
2041 4,388,369
2042 5,810,452
2043 5,636,181
2044 7,335,745
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ORCA ORCA 6 días hace
The Company had the following stock options outstanding as of September 30, 2024:
Weighted Average
Number of Options Exercise Remaining Contractual
Outstanding Exercisable Price ($) Life (years) Expiry Date
20,000 20,000 0.05 0.41 February 28, 2025
500,000 500,000 0.13 0.38 February 14, 2025
60,000 60,000 0.16 0.67 June 1, 2025
120,000 120,000 0.16 0.82 July 25, 2025
37,000 - 0.05 0.87 August 12, 2025
60,000 60,000 0.20 0.87 August 15, 2025
200,000 200,000 0.13 0.97 September 20, 2025
100,000 - 0.05 1.08 October 29, 2025
37,000 - 0.05 1.22 December 19, 2025
7,587,500 7,587,500 0.05 1.25 December 31, 2025
3,500,000 3,500,000 0.19 1.94 September 8, 2026
1,300,000 1,300,000 0.18 2.30 January 18, 2027
27,030,000 20,272,500 0.13 3.11 November 10, 2027
60,000 60,000 0.17 0.59 May 2, 2025
60,000 60,000 0.17 0.91 August 29, 2025
60,000 40,000 0.12 1.08 October 28, 2025
750,000 750,000 0.13 1.51 April 3, 2026
1,200,000 1,200,000 0.10 1.59 May 4, 2026
153,846 153,846 0.09 3.95 September 11, 2028
19,780,000 4,945,000 0.05 4.21 December 15, 2028
217,000 - 0.05 4.27 January 5, 2029
37,000 - 0.05 4.32 January 23, 2029
🌈 1 👍️ 1 👬 1
ORCA ORCA 6 días hace
PRICES OF WARRANTS.The Company had the following warrants outstanding at September 30, 2024:
Number of Warrants Exercise Price Expiry Date
30,434,784 $0.26 October 28, 2024
2,434,783 $0.23 October 28, 2024
20,833,334 $0.275 June 17, 2026
1,666,667 $0.24 June 17, 2026
53,870,699 $0.09 June 21, 2026
1,480,150 $0.09 June 21, 2026
31,473,069 $0.09 July 18, 2026
245,000 $0.09 July 18, 2026
22,096,123 $0.09 July 28, 2026
6,741,000 $0.09 September 11, 2026
3,251,708 $0.09 September 20, 2026
681,600 $0.065 October 3, 2026
24,545,454 $0.07 December 5, 2028
9,961,909 $0.07 February 9, 2029
525,000 $0.07 February 9, 2029
1,946,000 $0.07 May 22, 2029
98,000 $0.07 May 22, 2029
26,177,818 $0.07 May 27, 2029
8,925,055 $0.07 August 29, 2029
🌈 1 👍️ 1 🧚 1
ORCA ORCA 6 días hace
🌈 1 👍️ 1 👸 1
ORCA ORCA 6 días hace
• On October 10, 2023, the Company announced that it would receive a funding grant of up to $1.9
million through the Research and Innovation Stream of the Agriculture Clean Technology (ACT)
Program, delivered by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC). During the year ended
September 30, 2024, the Company received $526,641 from the ACT Program.
• On December 5, 2023, the Company completed the first tranche of a non-brokered private
placement with the issuance of 24,545,454 units for $0.055 per unit for gross proceeds of
$1,350,000. Each unit consists of one common share of the Company and one common share
purchase warrant, allowing the holder to purchase an additional common share for $0.07 until
December 5, 2028. The Company incurred a transaction cost of $12,352 for the private placement.
The fair values of the warrants is estimated at $632,343 using Black-Scholes pricing model with
the following assumptions: share price $0.07, dividend yield 0%, risk free interest rate 3.44%,
volatility 157%, and an expected life 5 years. Expected volatility is based on historical volatility.
• On February 9, 2024, the Company closed a final tranche of its non-brokered private placement
(the “Offering”) and has issued 9,961,909 units at a price of $0.055 per unit, for aggregate gross
proceeds of $547,905. Each unit consists of one common share of the Company and one common
share purchase warrant allowing holders to purchase an additional common share at a price of
$0.07 until February 9, 2029. In connection with closing of the final tranche of the Offering, the
Company issued 525,000 Warrants and paid $25,489 to certain arms-length parties who assisted
in introducing subscribers to the Offering. All securities issued in the final tranche of the Offering
are subject to a statutory hold period until June 10, 2024, in accordance with applicable securities
laws. The fair values of the warrants is estimated at $237,545 using Black-Scholes pricing model
with the following assumptions: share price $0.05, dividend yield 0%, risk free interest rate 3.65%,
volatility 155%, and an expected life 5 years. The fair values of the broker warrants is estimated
at $23,896 using Black-Scholes pricing model with the following assumptions: share price $0.05,
dividend yield 0%, risk free interest rate 3.65%, volatility 155%, and an expected life 5 years.
Expected volatility is based on historical volatility.
• On May 22, 2024, the Company closed the first tranche of its non-brokered private placement (the
"Offering"). In connection with completion of the first tranche of the Offering, the Company has
issued 28,123,818 units at a price of $0.055 per unit for gross proceeds of $1,546,810. Each unit
consists of one common share of the Company and one common share purchase warrant allowing
holders to purchase an additional common share at a price of $0.07 for a period of sixty months.
In connection with completion of the first tranche of the Offering, the Company issued 98,000
broker warrants to an arms-length brokerage firm who assisted in introducing subscribers to the
Company. The fair values of the warrants is estimated at $729,676 using Black-Scholes pricing
model with the following assumptions: share price $0.07 to $0.075, dividend yield 0%, risk free
interest rate 3.66% to 3.71%, volatility 153%, and an expected life 5 years. The fair values of the
broker warrants is estimated at $6,788 using Black-Scholes pricing model with the following
assumptions: share price $0.075, dividend yield 0%, risk free interest rate 3.66%, volatility 153%,
and an expected life 5 years. Expected volatility is based on historical volatility. The Company
incurred transaction costs of $23,471 for the Offering.
• On August 29, 2024, the Company closed the second tranche of its non-brokered private
placement (the "Offering"). In connection with completion of the second tranche of the Offering,
the Company has issued 8,925,055 units at a price of $0.055 per unit for gross proceeds of
$490,878. Each unit consists of one common share of the Company and one common share
purchase warrant allowing holders to purchase an additional common share at a price of $0.07 for
a period of sixty months. The fair values of the warrants is estimated at $233,658 using BlackScholes pricing model with the following assumptions: share price $0.045, dividend yield 0%, risk
free interest rate 3.01%, volatility 157%, and an expected life of 5 years.
Grant of options
• On December 15, 2023, the Company granted 19,820,000 stock options to certain directors,
officers, employees and consultants. The options vest and become exercisable over a 24-month
period, with one quarter of the options vesting after six months and a further one quarter vesting
every six months thereafter. The options are exercisable to acquire one common share of the
Company at a price of $0.05 for a period of 60 months.
• During the year ended September 30, 2024, the Company granted 602,000 stock options to
certain employees. The options vest and become exercisable over a 23-month period, with one
third of the options vesting after twelve months and a further one third vesting every six months
thereafter. The options are exercisable to acquire one common share of the Company at a price
of $0.05 to $0.06 for a period of 60 months.
Settlement of debt
• During the year ended September 30, 2024, Company settled accounts payable of $137,575
with 2,503,363 shares to be issued which were issued subsequent to September 30, 2024.
• On October 3, 2023, the Company issued 681,600 units of the Company in settlement of debt in
the amount of US$25,000 owed to a third party in connection with professional services provided
to the Company. Each unit is comprised of one common share and one common share purchase
warrant with each warrant entitling the holder to purchase a common share of the Company at a
price of $0.065 for three years subject to accelerated expiry in certain circumstances.
🌈 1 👍️ 1 👬 1
ORCA ORCA 6 días hace
Green Ammonia Production Technology
The world has discovered the potential of Green Ammonia to significantly reduce carbon emissions and
surpass our international greenhouse gas reduction commitments. FuelPositive has the technology to
make it happen economically and efficiently today.
The Company’s lead product, a novel Green Ammonia production system, will revolutionize clean nitrogen
fertilizer and fossil fuel switching through a patent-pending, first-of-its-kind technology invented in Canada.
Adoption will dramatically support global targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. And the traditional
ammonia industry will transform to a decentralized model because traditional fossil fuel based ammonia
production will continue to be too expensive and too damaging to the environment.
FuelPositive’s Green Ammonia production system will:
• Eliminate fertilizer-related carbon emissions in the agriculture sector;
• Replace fossil fuels used for various applications, including grain, drying and transportation;
• Provide an affordable, convenient, sustainable supply of green ammonia and green hydrogen for
fuel cells;
• Offer storage of excess electricity for on-farm use and energy grids;
Page 6
• Produce significant carbon credits as a result of emission reductions; and
• Reduce the need for the current massive, highly polluting ammonia production facilities and the
accompanying unreliable supply chains:
o No need for massive refineries, supertankers, pipelines leaking toxic fossil fuels
o No CO2 emissions from the production of the Green Ammonia
o No price fluctuations
o No shortages
The production of FuelPositive’s Green Ammonia will not contribute to C02E. The Company is actively
pursuing a number of technologies to reduce and ultimately eliminate emissions related to the use of green
anhydrous ammonia across multiple applications.
The world needs sustainable, clean energy and fertilizers to reduce carbon emissions. FuelPositive is
deploying its technology now, bringing measurable results immediately.
mdb1 mdb1 6 días hace
It could get WORSE than $.01s in my opinion
Paulness Paulness 1 mes hace
NEWS -- FuelPositive Provides Update on Filing of Annual Financial Statements and Cease Trade Order

TORONTO, Feb. 4, 2025 /CNW/ - FuelPositive Corporation (TSXV: NHHH) (OTCQB: NHHHF) ("FuelPositive" or the "Company") provides an update on its financial reporting and regulatory status. The Company is actively working with its auditors to complete the required annual financial statements and accompanying management's discussion and analysis for the fiscal year of September 30, 2024.

The filing deadline of January 28, 2025, was not met due to the restructuring of FuelPositive's financial team and Board of Directors, which required additional time to transition financial reporting responsibilities and associated analysis. Additionally, unforeseen delays from a third-party accounting firm, engaged before the restructuring to assist the auditors, further extended the timeline. While this caused a temporary delay, it does not reflect any operational concerns—FuelPositive remains fully operational and focused on its core business objectives.

As a result of the missed deadline, the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) issued a Cease Trade Order (CTO) on February 3, 2025. However, FuelPositive's auditors expect to finalize the audit and the Company will submit the necessary filings on or before February 21, 2025. The Company is committed to working closely with regulatory authorities, including the OSC and TSX Venture Exchange, to have the CTO lifted as quickly as possible once the filings are complete.

Despite this administrative delay, FuelPositive remains steadfast in advancing toward commercialization. The Company is making significant progress toward activating its first on-farm Green Ammonia system in Sperling, Manitoba. This milestone will demonstrate the commercial viability and real-world impact of its technology. Regulatory and system readiness are on track, ensuring a smooth transition to this next critical phase.

Additionally, FuelPositive is actively engaged in capital-raising initiatives and discussions with the Government of Manitoba to secure key support for expansion in the province. These efforts aim to accelerate the development and manufacturing of its Green Ammonia technology, create high-value clean economy jobs, and provide farmers with greater resilience and energy independence.

FuelPositive remains dedicated to delivering long-term value to its shareholders and will provide further updates in the coming weeks as the audit process is finalized and the Company moves forward with its strategic milestones.

FuelPositive Corporation

FuelPositive is leading the future of agriculture with the world's first farmer-owned, on-farm Green Ammonia production systems. The Company's modular and innovative technology offers a predictable, reliable, and affordable solution for directly producing green fertilizer and fuel on-farm, reducing reliance on external supply chains.

Groundbreaking AgTech and Green Energy:

FuelPositive's containerized Green Ammonia production systems are transforming the Green Ammonia industry by decentralizing production. This new fertilizer production approach aims to empower farmers to generate green nitrogen fertilizer and carbon-free fuel on-site, ensuring stable costs and supply. Each ton of ammonia produced by FuelPositive systems eliminates up to 2 tons of CO2e emissions, providing an environmentally sustainable solution that is also easily accessible and remotely monitored, enabling farmers to focus on their operations without added complexity.

First System Delivery: A Milestone in Sustainable Agriculture:

In June 2024, FuelPositive delivered its first commercial system, the FP300, to Tracy and Curtis Hiebert's 11,000-acre grain farm near Sperling, Manitoba. This milestone marks a significant advancement for both FuelPositive and sustainable agriculture. The system activation this fall will further demonstrate the transformative impact of the Company's technology on farming practices, driving a more sustainable future.

Manitoba: A Global Center of Excellence:

FuelPositive is positioning Manitoba as a leader in decentralized Green Ammonia production. The Company's vision includes establishing a world-leading manufacturing hub that will generate highly skilled engineering, science, and trade jobs and contribute to the local economy over the coming years.

See sales details here:

FuelPositive Corporation is based in Ontario and Manitoba (Canada) and trades on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol NHHH and in the USA on the OTCQB under the symbol NHHHF.

Cautionary Statement

Trading in the securities of the Company should be considered highly speculative. No stock exchange, securities commission or other regulatory authority has approved or disapproved the information contained herein. Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Forward-Looking Statements

This news release contains certain "forward-looking information" and "forward-looking statements" (collectively, "forward-looking statements") that are based on expectations, estimates and projections as of the date of this news release. The information in this release about future plans and objectives of the Company are forward-looking statements.

These forward-looking statements are based on assumptions and estimates of management of the Company at the time they were made and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon a number of estimates and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by the Company as of the time of such statements, are inherently subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties and contingencies. These estimates and assumptions may prove to be incorrect.

Many of these uncertainties and contingencies can directly or indirectly affect and could cause, actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in any forward-looking statements. There can be no assurance that forward-looking information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.

Forward-looking information is provided to provide information about management's expectations and plans relating to the future. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information or to explain any material difference between subsequent actual events and such forward-looking information, except to the extent required by applicable law.

SOURCE FuelPositive Corp.

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Paulness Paulness 2 meses hace
NEWS -- FuelPositive Revises Date for Annual General Meeting

WINNIPEG, MB, Jan. 15, 2025 /CNW/ - FuelPositive Corporation (the "Company" or "FuelPositive") (TSXV: NHHH) (OTCQB: NHHHF) today announced that due to end-of-year logistical considerations, the Board of Directors has revised the date for the company's Annual General Meeting (AGM). The AGM will now be held on Tuesday, March 18, 2025, at 4:00 PM Eastern Time.

The AGM will be conducted virtually, ensuring accessibility for all shareholders. Shareholders are invited to send any questions they would like addressed during the management update part of the meeting. Questions can be submitted in advance via email to the Company at mailto://

FuelPositive stays committed to keeping its shareholders informed and engaged. Further details, including access instructions for the virtual AGM, will be provided in a management information circular to be distributed to shareholders of record closer to the meeting date.

Debt Settlement

The Company also announces that it will settle outstanding indebtedness (the "Indebtedness") totaling US$50,000 through the issuance of 2,394,167 units (each, a "Unit") at a deemed price of $0.03 per Unit. The Indebtedness is owing by the Company to an arm's-length service provider.

Each Unit consists of one common share of the Company and one common share purchase warrant (each, a "Warrant"). Each Warrant will be exercisable at a price of $0.05 for a period of sixty months, provided that in the event the ten-day volume-weighted average closing price of the common shares of the Company on the TSX Venture Exchange exceeds $0.40, the Company will have the right to accelerate the expiry of the Warrants.

All securities issued in connection with the debt settlement will be subject to restrictions on resale for a period of four-months-and-one-day in accordance with applicable securities laws.

The Company also notes that it continues to actively advance the non-brokered private placement of up to 26,666,667 Units at a price of $0.03 per Unit, and as well as the settlement of additional indebtedness totaling $278,940.51 through the issuance of 9,298,017 Units at a deemed price of $0.03 per Unit, as previously announced on December 4, 2024. Completion of the private placement and the debt settlement remain subject to the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange.

About FuelPositive Corporation

FuelPositive is leading the future of agriculture with the world's first farmer-owned, on-farm Green Ammonia production systems. The Company's modular and innovative technology offers a predictable, reliable, and affordable solution for directly producing green fertilizer and fuel on-farm, reducing reliance on external supply chains.

Groundbreaking AgTech and Green Energy:

FuelPositive's containerized Green Ammonia production systems are transforming the Green Ammonia industry by decentralizing production. This new fertilizer production approach aims to empower farmers to generate green nitrogen fertilizer and carbon-free fuel on-site, ensuring stable costs and supply. Each ton of ammonia produced by FuelPositive systems eliminates up to 2 tons of CO2e emissions, providing an environmentally sustainable solution that is also easily accessible and remotely monitored, enabling farmers to focus on their operations without added complexity.

First System Delivery: A Milestone in Sustainable Agriculture:

In June 2024, FuelPositive delivered its first commercial system, the FP300, to Tracy and Curtis Hiebert's 11,000-acre grain farm near Sperling, Manitoba. This milestone marks a significant advancement for both FuelPositive and sustainable agriculture. The system activation this fall will further demonstrate the transformative impact of the Company's technology on farming practices, driving a more sustainable future.

Manitoba: A Global Center of Excellence:

FuelPositive is positioning Manitoba as a leader in decentralized Green Ammonia production. The Company's vision includes establishing a world-leading manufacturing hub that will generate highly skilled engineering, science, and trade jobs and contribute to the local economy over the coming years.

See sales details here:

FuelPositive Corporation is based in Ontario and Manitoba (Canada) and trades on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol NHHH and in the USA on the OTCQB under the symbol NHHHF.

Cautionary Statement

Trading in the securities of the Company should be considered highly speculative. No stock exchange, securities commission or other regulatory authority has approved or disapproved the information contained herein. Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Forward-Looking Statements

This news release contains certain "forward-looking information" and "forward-looking statements" (collectively, "forward-looking statements") that are based on expectations, estimates and projections as of the date of this news release. The information in this release about future plans and objectives of the Company are forward-looking statements.

These forward-looking statements are based on assumptions and estimates of management of the Company at the time they were made and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon a number of estimates and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by the Company as of the time of such statements, are inherently subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties and contingencies. These estimates and assumptions may prove to be incorrect.

Many of these uncertainties and contingencies can directly or indirectly affect and could cause, actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in any forward-looking statements. There can be no assurance that forward-looking information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.

Forward-looking information is provided to provide information about management's expectations and plans relating to the future. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information or to explain any material difference between subsequent actual events and such forward-looking information, except to the extent required by applicable law.

SOURCE FuelPositive Corp.

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mdb1 mdb1 2 meses hace
$.017s hit
dine dine 2 meses hace
mdb1 mdb1 2 meses hace
$.01s hit again.
mdb1 mdb1 3 meses hace
More competition: ""Taking inspiration from how nature—including lightning—produces ammonia, a team led by the University at Buffalo has developed a reactor that produces the chemical commodity from nitrogen in the air and water, without any carbon footprint.""
mdb1 mdb1 3 meses hace
Competition!!!: ""The air around us contains a powerful solution for making agriculture more sustainable. Researchers at Stanford University and King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals in Saudi Arabia have developed a prototype device that can produce ammonia—a key fertilizer ingredient—using wind energy to draw air through a mesh.

The approach they developed, if perfected, might eliminate the need for a century-old method that produces ammonia by combining nitrogen and hydrogen at high pressures and temperatures. The older method consumes 2% of global energy and contributes 1% of annual carbon dioxide emissions from its reliance on natural gas.

The study, published Dec. 13 in Science Advances, involved the first on-site—rather than in a lab—demonstration of the technology. The researchers envision someday integrating the device into irrigation systems, enabling farmers to generate fertilizer directly from the air.""
Neverhadawinner Neverhadawinner 3 meses hace
I think the Fuelpositive process is hitting some head winds. Grey Ammonia in October 24 is selling for $560 per ton while Blue Ammonia is selling for $588 per ton. The initial sales plan calls for the Fuelpositive process to cost about $560 per ton. This would make the process not very attractive in the short run given current interest rates and other cost factors. And the Trump Administration is planning to open the United States Natural Gas production wide open in January 2025. I think the boys delayed this project so long the economics of their process has been severely eroded.
👍️ 2
mdb1 mdb1 3 meses hace
This stock finally hit the $.01s.
soccermom99 soccermom99 3 meses hace
News from Sperling. FuelPositive did a green ammonia workshop in Sperling in late November. A number of details have come out subsequently, most from the website Western Producer. Today's was particularly interesting as it delineated an estimated OPEX on their on-farm ammonia synthesizer. At the bottom are a number of links other videos about the event.
👍️ 1
truckdriver truckdriver 3 meses hace
Paulness Paulness 3 meses hace
NEWS -- FuelPositive Announces Strategic Private Placement Investment, Debt Settlement and Progress in Manitoba

WINNIPEG, MB, Dec. 4, 2024 /CNW/ - FuelPositive Corporation (TSX.V: NHHH) (OTCQB: NHHHF) (the "Company") is pleased to announce a new financing (terms outlined below) which will enable the Company to advance towards the activation of its first system and the commencement of revenue generation. This funding, with existing commitments from a dedicated long-term shareholder and new investors, including Manitoba-based farmers, will allow the Company to complete the final phase of pressure vessel certification, secure third-party engineering certifications, and move forward with the final step: connecting the system to Manitoba's green grid.

"The unwavering support from our investors has been instrumental in driving us closer to realizing our vision for the future of sustainable agriculture," stated Ian Clifford, Co-Founder, CEO and Board Chair of FuelPositive. "This milestone highlights the transformative potential of our technology to address key challenges in farming, energy sustainability, and beyond."

FuelPositive is also actively applying for significant provincial funding in Manitoba to cover the remaining activation costs and help transition the Company into revenue generation. In connection with the application, the founders have engaged a diverse network of supporters across government, academia, farming, and the agricultural industry, receiving many endorsements from leading experts and farmers across Canada. These collaborations underscore FuelPositive's innovative system's broad appeal and ability to contribute to sustainable development, clean energy adoption, and global food security.

The Company remains dedicated to its mission of delivering groundbreaking solutions. It is grateful for its stakeholders' continued confidence and backing, who have played a pivotal role in bringing this revolutionary technology to life.

Terms of the Offering:

FuelPositive Corporation will offer (the "Offering") up to 26,666,667 units (each, a "Unit") by way non-brokered private placement at a price of $0.03 per Unit for gross proceeds of up to $800,000. Each Unit will consist of one common share of the Company and one common share purchase warrant (each, a "Warrant"). Each Warrant will be exercisable at a price of $0.05 for a period of sixty months, provided that in the event the ten-day volume-weighted average closing price of the common shares of the Company on the TSX Venture Exchange exceeds $0.40, the Company will have the right to accelerate the expiry of the Warrants.

The Company has received initial commitments of over $300,000 for the Offering and expects to complete the offering on or before December 31, 2024. The Company intends to utilize the gross proceeds from the Offering to address current outstanding payables incurred in the ordinary course of business and to provide working capital to sustain operations and bring the Manitoba-based system to activation. Except for compensation to directors and officers of the Company in the ordinary course of business, the Company does not anticipate any portion of the proceeds of the Offering will be utilized for payments to non-arms-length parties or persons engaged in investor relations activities.

The Company also announces that it will settle (the "Debt Settlement") outstanding indebtedness totaling $278,940.51 through the issuance of a further 9,298,017 Units at a deemed price of $0.03 per Unit. The Indebtedness is owing by the Company to certain arms-length suppliers and was incurred in connection with the ongoing operations of the Company.

All securities issued in connection with the Offering and the Debt Settlement will be subject to restrictions on resale for a period of four-months-and-one-day in accordance with applicable securities laws. In connection with completion of the Offering, the Company may pay finders' fees to eligible third-parties who have assisted in introducing subscribers to the Offering. Completion of the Offering and the Debt Settlement remain subject to the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange.

About FuelPositive Corporation

FuelPositive is leading the future of agriculture with the world's first farmer-owned, on-farm Green Ammonia production systems. The Company's modular and innovative technology offers a predictable, reliable, and affordable solution for directly producing green fertilizer and fuel on-farm, reducing reliance on external supply chains.

Groundbreaking AgTech and Green Energy:

FuelPositive's containerized Green Ammonia production systems are transforming the Green Ammonia industry by decentralizing production. This new fertilizer production approach aims to empower farmers to generate green nitrogen fertilizer and carbon-free fuel on-site, ensuring stable costs and supply. Each ton of ammonia produced by FuelPositive systems eliminates up to 2 tons of CO2e emissions, providing an environmentally sustainable solution that is also easily accessible and remotely monitored, enabling farmers to focus on their operations without added complexity.

First System Delivery: A Milestone in Sustainable Agriculture:

In June 2024, FuelPositive delivered its first commercial system, the FP300, to Tracy and Curtis Hiebert's 11,000-acre grain farm near Sperling, Manitoba. This milestone marks a significant advancement for both FuelPositive and sustainable agriculture. The system activation this fall will further demonstrate the transformative impact of the Company's technology on farming practices, driving a more sustainable future.

Manitoba: A Global Center of Excellence:

FuelPositive is positioning Manitoba as a leader in decentralized Green Ammonia production. The Company's vision includes establishing a world-leading manufacturing hub that will generate highly skilled engineering, science, and trade jobs and contribute to the local economy over the coming years.

See sales details here:

FuelPositive Corporation is based in Ontario and Manitoba (Canada) and trades on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol NHHH and in the USA on the OTCQB under the symbol NHHHF.

Cautionary Statement

Trading in the securities of the Company should be considered highly speculative. No stock exchange, securities commission or other regulatory authority has approved or disapproved the information contained herein. Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Forward-Looking Statements

This news release contains certain "forward-looking information" and "forward-looking statements" (collectively, "forward-looking statements") that are based on expectations, estimates and projections as of the date of this news release. The information in this release about future plans and objectives of the Company are forward-looking statements.

These forward-looking statements are based on assumptions and estimates of management of the Company at the time they were made and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon a number of estimates and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by the Company as of the time of such statements, are inherently subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties and contingencies. These estimates and assumptions may prove to be incorrect.

Many of these uncertainties and contingencies can directly or indirectly affect and could cause, actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in any forward-looking statements. There can be no assurance that forward-looking information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.

Forward-looking information is provided to provide information about management's expectations and plans relating to the future. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information or to explain any material difference between subsequent actual events and such forward-looking information, except to the extent required by applicable law.

SOURCE FuelPositive Corp.

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Paulness Paulness 3 meses hace
dine dine 3 meses hace
dine dine 3 meses hace
Lehlq went away pretty fast this time. Oh well. Still waiting. Good things are coming.
dine dine 3 meses hace
1,502,985 shares :-O
Dine needs to retire! He is 69yo
Mrs Kim needs to have a Maserati! Just 'cause she is Mrs. Kim
Let's go to a dollar please! Pretty please? With sugar on it!
truckdriver truckdriver 3 meses hace
Why would this trade over 3million shares yesterday ?
Neverhadawinner Neverhadawinner 3 meses hace

This is a "Death Sign" for this company. Someone or something has gone really wrong. Better take a look on how much your loss will be and work up your tax loss for 2024. This "WAS" a good idea but again something/someone has blown up the idea.
truckdriver truckdriver 4 meses hace
Neverhadawinner Neverhadawinner 4 meses hace
Dear MDB

Sent my follow-up email on November 2, 2024. Still no reply. Looks like a stonewall has formed. Maybe real trouble. USA election will have a major impact on Green New Deal projects. Lots of grey Ammonia production on the horizon.

Dear Mr. Clifford,

I am a stockholder in your company and have been waiting for an announcement the pilot farm system has begun operations on commercial power. Your September news release is vague on two areas. I respectfully request you clarify the areas. They are:

1. You state the QPS certification will be completed once additional capital is secured. Who does this apply to? QPS or Fuelpositive?
2. You state it will take three weeks for QPS to complete the certification. Has that effort begun/completed.

I would appreciate your reply as soon as possible. Thank you.

mdb1 mdb1 4 meses hace
I think we have some major red flags here. Most of board of directors resigned/left/replaced. Hmmm???
Company is not meeting any of their schedules/milestones for ammonia production. Hmmm???
It has been over 3 years now -- on this ammonia direction/initiative.
Hope I am wrong.
mdb1 mdb1 4 meses hace
Perhaps you should of sold at $.33 ??? I wonder.
dine dine 4 meses hace
1,376,230 shares :-O
Dine needs to retire!
Mrs Kim needs to have a Maserati!
Let's go to a dollar please!
mdb1 mdb1 4 meses hace
Dear management the farm should be gushing GREEN AMMONIA by now. It is US election day already.
mdb1 mdb1 4 meses hace
Well it is the end of month, according to recent PR by management, they should should be going full throttle on the farm and pumping out tons of ammonia. Right management?
mdb1 mdb1 4 meses hace
Thanks for doing that. We wait.
Neverhadawinner Neverhadawinner 4 meses hace
ON September 25th I sent the following email to Ian Clifford:

Questions for Ian Clifford, CEO

I have two questions about the above referenced update.

1. You state the QPS certification will be completed once additional capital is secured. Who does this apply to? QPS or Fuelpositive?
2. You state it will take three weeks for QPS to complete the certification. Has that effort begun/completed.

Thank you for your time.

As of today, October 29th, I have NOT received a reply or acknowledgement. We need one of our Canadian Stockholders to visit the site to see if it actually exists or are these just empty shipping containers. Note Ian put his wife on the board. Now we can send both of them to a Canadian prison above the artic circle.
mdb1 mdb1 4 meses hace
Mgt indicated warp speed progress. They seem to be doing ?????? What gives mgt???!!!???!!!
mdb1 mdb1 4 meses hace
Almost the entire Board of Directors resigned???? Why is this a good sign?
Paulness Paulness 4 meses hace
NEWS -- FuelPositive Welcomes New Visionary Board to Lead Company into a Bold Future
mdb1 mdb1 4 meses hace
9 days to end of Oct. They better have it FULLY working and going full blast by then.
frankyahoo frankyahoo 5 meses hace
This article is not specific to NHHHF. It's just last month news article about developments around green ammonia. fyi
mike93433 mike93433 5 meses hace
I read that too. The last Pr apparently separates the installation of *power and the actual permission to use the power from the Green Grid. Before I go on. FP Pr's are over detailed yet not clear. They are then exacerbated by their not making the timelines they forecast. I am long here but their Pr's are a big part of the reason the share price drops with each one they issue. In short They Suck. But back to the claim of completed work. IMO they are referring to the hardware installation. Which means the wiring, transformers and other items are installed. To activate the link to Manitoba's grid they still need to pass a couple certification items. From 9-25 Pr: "Linking the FuelPositive system to the grid is the final step before activation, which will occur once Manitoba Hydro approves the individual certification of each system container on-site."
Note that this is the step after securing the permit which was my last post. Per their Pr the permit should have been granted over a week ago by their estimates. And again they have been using temporary power for the permit process and they can continue to do so. So with a permit they should be able to claim a functioning FP 300 on site, Just not connected to the Manitoba green grid yet. That will happen later. This IMO is almost where we want to be and the Company plans to start marketing hard per their Pr "Once the permit is secured, FuelPositive will promptly announce this significant milestone to shareholders, marking not only a major step forward toward the activation of the system, but also one of the final steps in the process, bringing the Company closer to its next phase of growth."
In short IMO any day now... We are over due for Permit announcement and subsequent SP appreciation. DYODD
mdb1 mdb1 5 meses hace
Management creditability going down the drain???? Progress was supposed be at warp speed. This doesn't look like warp speed. Does it?????????????????????????????????????????????
truckdriver truckdriver 5 meses hace
Need some more info
Neverhadawinner Neverhadawinner 5 meses hace
I read in the Linkedin attachment the following :Manitoba Hydro resumed work on Tuesday September 17, and has confirmed that the work was completed on Friday October 4.

This means power is now available for full production power up. I thought management was to keep shareholders fully updated as events happen!
mdb1 mdb1 5 meses hace
Happening slowly? Didn't they imply things will happen at warp speed now? Slowly?
Paulness Paulness 5 meses hace
InfoLingo InfoLingo 5 meses hace
Seems to be moving along....slowly..

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