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4Cable TV International Inc (PK)

4Cable TV International Inc (PK) (CATV)

Cerrado 11 Marzo 2:00PM

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Musical Shares Musical Shares 1 semana hace
He already showed his true colors when he hired a pump and dump advertising company (Corporate Ads, LLC) with cash and shares to pump this stock when he announced his "acquisition" of Genetic Networks (which, by the way, he never acquired). Remember when people lost their minds with excitement with that PR? 🤣 It was one of Feldenkrais's many fake PR's.

Yet, people still believe in this guy.

I agree. The Fluent lawsuit is a big thing. It will cost him millions and ruin the rest of his reputation in cannabis (if there really even was one).

Again, there is no audit of financials so stating revenue/debt elimination isn't going to help. Winning a lawsuit and obtaining millions of dollars might lift this stock. But then again, Feldenkrais's own expert witness has stated that the site is contaminated (in his words "naturally contaminated"). So, it's a toss up here. 😄

It is sad after all these years there's nothing to show for it. But then again, the signs of a garbage ticker have been around for 5 years now.

There is only one thing that I wish I could know, and I haven't seemed to find the answer too and that is how he knew about this ticker. When I look deep into it, I see signs of Svorai and Feldenkrais being linked. For one, the fact both gentlemen said "I liked how this ticker ran (meaning volume)" at two different points in time was interesting. What a coincidence, right? 😄

If anyone read through the deposition with the Fluent lawsuit; Mr. Pugh (the attorney for Fluent) did a great job asking so many questions about Feldenkrais's background and this ticker. The one question I wish he had asked was how he came across this ticker. Man would that be great!

I guess when people believe that an immigration lawyer in his late fifties can start a biotech with no experience anywhere in his life and run it successfully as a solo employee then there is hope for the rest of us.😂 My man can't even grow marijuana in a greenhouse without contamination and an $18 million dollar lawsuit. 🤣🤣

At this point all I can do is crack jokes and laugh a little. It's all just so absurd.

And on my final note........... The jury trial date has been set .......... 9/2/2025.
CashBowski CashBowski 1 semana hace
I don't know if the highs out of the CE was all Feldenkrais could squeeze out of this ticker. In other words, if he was to sell paper to invest couple hundred grand in a semi-decent pump, those highs are very difficult to obtain without significant fundementals, hence why he hasn't.  The only fundementals that can move this ticker for a PnD is the Fluent suit. If that fails, then this ticker is cooked! It's sad that after all these years there's no legit operation to hang a hat on, but all hope is hinged on a years long litigation that could very likely go sideways. 
Musical Shares Musical Shares 2 semanas hace
There's a post over on Stocktwits that I wanted to repost here and break down (I apologize to whoever wrote it - it's good in the sense of needing a rebuttal).

This is what it says in its entirety:

Am I disappointed? Of course... However, the efforts to remove the CE, eliminate debt, & acquire several different potential revenue streams does not fit the model of "scam" to me. The scam has already occurred and those bad actors are no longer around. Most of us here are down 90 + %, & have had to exercise an incredible amount of patience... Still, I can only see a positive future... It can't really get any worse.

Now to explain somethings:

Am I disappointed? Of course... However, the efforts to remove the CE,

This is a myth that the CEO of this company "worked hard" to remove the CE. In fact, there isn't much effort at all. Pretty basic.😄

If the CE didn't get removed, how could he keep giving away shares to people for absolutely nothing? 🤣

If people recall, I announced a couple of weeks prior that the CE was going to get removed. But how did I know? Because the OTC Markets Group has sole discretion over whether they put a CE on a ticker or not. And prior to the removal of this CE, the OTC Markets Group were releasing other tickers very similar in nature.

eliminate debt, & acquire several different potential revenue streams does not fit the model of "scam" to me.

This is another great myth in the OTC.

This ticker is not audited. How do you know he really eliminated anything? Not only that but the "debt" he "claims to be eliminating" was caused by poor decisions.

As far as I know, he only "acquired (and I laugh strongly at that)" one company called "Rope." And in the end all it is is another hemp company. There are thousands of those. It won't bring much revenue. What makes absolutely no sense to me is why he would acquire another worthless hemp company when he has his own brand called "HIP." Why would you not build out your own hemp brand with the same exact offerings as this other company? It makes no sense.

But more importantly this is the very type of ticker that would "fit the model" of scam. You have a company worth next to nothing, with useless PR's that can't be verified and very little "action."

I said this many times here; Grifters love starting "biotech's" in the OTC because you can just keep putting out useless PR's. So they just keep putting out things to make it appear they are still "active."

Still, I can only see a positive future... It can't really get any worse.

It most certainly can. Just wait till Fluent wins the lawsuit. Is anyone aware that CIGN/CATV has now employed a FOURTH LAW FIRM to represent them in this lawsuit. Usually when you hire a co-counsel it's because they are looking for a new strategy. But four?
BigBadWolf BigBadWolf 3 semanas hace
Authorized Shares 10,000,000,000 02/17/2025
Outstanding Shares 4,728,096,670 02/17/2025
Restricted 503,137,622 02/17/2025
Unrestricted 4,224,959,048 02/17/2025
Held at DTC 3,253,884,428 02/17/2025

Authorized Shares 5,000,000,000 07/04/2024
Outstanding Shares 4,328,096,670 07/04/2024
Restricted 296,187,622 07/04/2024
Unrestricted 4,031,909,048 07/04/2024
Held at DTC 2,807,634,428 07/04/2024

Authorized Shares 5,000,000,000 07/02/2024
Outstanding Shares 4,328,096,670 07/02/2024
Restricted 296,187,622 07/02/2024
Unrestricted 4,031,909,048 07/02/2024
Held at DTC 2,807,634,428 07/02/2024

Authorized Shares 5,000,000,000 06/24/2024
Outstanding Shares 4,328,096,670 06/24/2024 >44,919,500
Restricted 296,187,622 06/24/2024 >374,046
Unrestricted 4,031,909,048 06/24/2024 >44,545,454
Held at DTC 2,807,634,428 06/24/2024

Authorized Shares 5,000,000,000 06/16/2024
Outstanding Shares 4,283,177,170 06/16/2024
Restricted 295,813,576 06/16/2024
Unrestricted 3,987,363,594 06/16/2024
Held at DTC 2,807,634,428 06/16/2024
Musical Shares Musical Shares 1 mes hace
They say that all of life is a series of lessons that will be repeated until you learn them. At which point you will be given a new lesson.

Clearly some people on these stock platforms and the "CEO" of this "company" are still stuck in the first lesson. 🤣

This guy has been trying to make a go at this for 5 years. 5 YEARS.

He's lied and failed more times than I can count. He did nothing for years when the CE was on and people claimed it was "pointless" to put any news out. How in the world do people think that's normal? But people still believe. 🤣

Tell me, what TV show has even come close to this kind of comedy?
LucidDream006 LucidDream006 1 mes hace
And yet people still believe. 🙄
Musical Shares Musical Shares 1 mes hace
Looks like he sold shares to pay off Debt. That is fraud since he did not disclose that in Filings. We will own him and his farm and all assets if that occurred, he better disclose what is going on.

There is zero proof he did this other than you just "believing" this in your own mind. Can you provide the evidence?

However, even if this is the case, this is not fraud. He does not have to disclose anything because this is not a SEC reporting company.

But more importantly... Why on Earth would he sell his shares at this price? 🤣

Him selling shares wouldn't be a big bother anyways. There are way more concerning items in the list.

1. Why would a CEO of a public company take a job when they claim they are paying off close to $2 million dollars of debt? That doesn't strike anyone as completely odd?

2. Why would anyone here think an immigration lawyer would start and run a successful cannabis biotech company? The people who run real biotech's are either doctors or scientists with years of experience, discipline and knowledge of the field. They generally have been working on an innovation/solution to a problem way before starting a business. This guy just says "we are now a cannabis biotech" without a single innovation or business plan. It's a joke. 🤣

3. This guy has switched the company "what we do" statement more times than anyone I have ever seen. And in the end, nobody knows what this company actually does! From what I gather it is now a "we use a fake screening platform to label hemp gummies on what condition it might be good for."

I have lost count as to how many times I laughed here.
AD4NO AD4NO 1 mes hace
Looks like he sold shares to pay off Debt. That is fraud since he did not disclose that in Filings. We will own him and his farm and all assets if that occurred, he better disclose what is going on.
AD4NO AD4NO 2 meses hace
Oh and one more thing anyone that sold shares at any time and received gains will have to pay back all of them if Fraud occurred. Big bummer for many out there!
AD4NO AD4NO 2 meses hace
Oh and one more thing anyone that sold shares at any time and received gains will have to pay back all of them if Fraud occurred. Big bummer for many out there!
AD4NO AD4NO 2 meses hace
All Companies that received Shares will have to pay back the fraud moneys that occurred along with MF. Plus penalties and possible jail. I have a bad feeling that is what was going on.
AD4NO AD4NO 2 meses hace
MF must be selling common shares to the companies he purchased and they are selling them still same thing. Smells rotten to the core and if that is the case he committed Fraud which would be Bernie Madoff like deal.
LucidDream006 LucidDream006 2 meses hace
Well well well, here we are back at 0002. Wasn't this company merging with some big shots in the industry as mention last year post CE removal? I'll be honest this is bitter sweet for me. I and others called this and got met with nothing but hate and ridiculed. Glad I flipped myself out of this mess when the CE dropped. I wonder if that 🤡 Zach, ROFL, Rolf aka greenbeliever is still holding pumping it in his telegram rooms. Can't say I didn't warn you guys. To those that ridiculed I say HAHAHAHAHA, and to those that got sucked into the pump, my condolences. Sincerely, I've been there and it sucks.
👍️ 1
meidiot meidiot 2 meses hace
The only sell was 10,000,000 @ .0002 = $2,000.00
Is he cash poor?
AD4NO AD4NO 2 meses hace
MF most likely is selling shares to pay off debt. Maybe he should try selling other things?
CashBowski CashBowski 2 meses hace
The price action was def better under CE since the massive number of noteholders were locked out. Now it's a rush to exit with every push, as the OS continues to balloon.
AD4NO AD4NO 2 meses hace
I think MF could be selling shares to pay off the debt for 2nd Quarter. I also believe if he is doing that is fraud and all of his worth will be returned to us for our losses. We shall see if this is true? Hopefully it is not
AD4NO AD4NO 2 meses hace
I think MF could be selling shares to pay off the debt for 2nd Quarter. I also believe if he is doing that is fraud and all of his worth will be returned to us for our losses. We shall see if this is true? Hopefully it is not
Musical Shares Musical Shares 3 meses hace

The fact that people are jumping over the moon on some of these financial platforms (yep, talking about you Stocktwits) is quite hilarious and sad at the same time.

This PR came out yesterday and the stock dropped to $.0004. In what world does "good news" make a stock drop? 😂 You can't make this stuff up.

The people who understand the trading in the OTC know this is garbage.

(1) What debt are we talking about?
(2) Without any actual auditing of this, who cares? He can make up anything he wants.
(3) The debt he "claims to be reducing" if actually true was created by poor decisions anyways. Why would anyone celebrate this?

Calling yourself a "biotech" then selling hemp gummies is stretching it just too far for my taste.

I've called a few things here right. When the CE was going to be removed. When a massive share dump was coming.

And I'm still saying this is a dead-end company with a sprinkle of Miami shadiness and a "terrible entrepreneur" on the side.
wiredawg wiredawg 3 meses hace
Cool, let the games begin. : ) Could this be a 2025 play?!?!?

GLTA & Merry Christmas!!!
JJZander JJZander 3 meses hace
News 4Cable TV International, Inc. Eliminates $500,000 in Debt, Targets $1.25 Million in 60 Days, and Advances Revenue Initiatives with Genetic Networks, LLC
Press Release | 12/19/2024
December 19, 2024
OTC Disclosure & News Service

Miami, FL —

This release includes additional documents. Select the link(s) below to view.
FINAL Press Release 12192024 4Cable TV International.pdf
4Cable TV International, Inc. Eliminates $500,000 in Debt, Targets $1.25 Million in 60 Days, and Advances Revenue Initiatives with Genetic Networks, LLC
👍️ 1
GoldenGate1 GoldenGate1 3 meses hace
At least some new rhyme came out of this courtesy of Mr. Sting. I agree w you. Let's keep in touch Mon Ami. 
Musical Shares Musical Shares 3 meses hace
Indeed you are a character of interest. I'll be seeing you in every move you make I want to really know how legit you are and what gives you that knowledge about the future and all about this little penny stocks. If you are right I kudos for you, if you crash on your face I will be just...watching, learning, analazyng but I will never laugh at you. Everyone makes mistakes. You are interesting like I said before. In the meantime try to get a girlfriend, adopt a puppy or go out there and have a drink with real people that are trying to make ends meet day to day, learn a new language or something...See you around.

Nobody ever accused me of being normal.

Every stock that's fake.
And every cent at stake.
Every word I make.
Every move I take.
You'll be watching me.

Written by Musical Shares. Vocals by Sting.

How legit I am? What gives me that knowledge about the future? Amigo, I just read what this ticker puts out for information. Then I watch the stock price drop. 🤣

I hope you stick around. It was a pleasure talking to you. Let's see what happens, shall we?
👍 1
GoldenGate1 GoldenGate1 3 meses hace
Indeed you are a character of interest. I'll be seeing you in every move you make  I want to really know how legit you are and what gives you that knowledge about the future and all about this little penny stocks. If you are right I kudos for you, if you crash on your face I will be just...watching, learning, analazyng but I will never laugh at you. Everyone makes mistakes. You are interesting like I said before. In the meantime try to get a girlfriend, adopt a puppy or go out there and have a drink with real people that are trying to make ends meet day to day, learn a new language or something...See you around. 
👍️ 2
Musical Shares Musical Shares 3 meses hace
My question to you is why are you so invested in trashing this company

I don't watch TV. This is my comedy.

How does it work?

I first log on to InvestorsHub. Then I write in the "New Post" box. I hit "submit." You read my post.

Are you like a professional basher

No. How do I apply to that?

or are you an Iconoclast mad at the world for some events in your past that have brought frustration to your life to a point that you feel like a psychopath that believes that don't belong to the long road where happy men/wonen walk?

I take the same roads all those other men/women/Extraterrestrials walk. They call it Wall Street. Actually, Fletcher Street to Pearl Street then make a right onto Wall Street.

Just curios..

Me too.

I live in reality. CATV is a dead-end company. Remember, the CEO of this company took a job at a law firm. That doesn't tell people anything?
👍️ 1 😂 1
GoldenGate1 GoldenGate1 3 meses hace
My question to you is why are you so invested in trashing this company and many other out there? How does it work? Are you like a professional basher or are you an Iconoclast mad at the world for some events in your past that have brought frustration to your life to a point that you feel like a psychopath that believes that don't belong to the long road where happy men/wonen walk? Just curios...
👍️ 1 😢 1 🤢 1
Musical Shares Musical Shares 3 meses hace
I can't stop laughing.

As usual, nobody bothers to actually dig deeper into anything. And once again, the silliness of these "LOI's" and "acquisitions" are front and center.

This is why grifters/"terrible entrepreneurs" love the OTC. 🤣 Their audience never questions, connects the dots or even thinks for a second why a worthless, useless "biotech" company is "purchasing" another "company."

As I have asked so many times here without a single response; If MariJ Pharmaceuticals was so innovative, unique and prosperous why would it be "sold" to another worthless penny stock?

I find it bizarrely odd that some names that appear with Branded Legacy also show up somewhere in CATV's quarterly financials (or involved somehow with a company mentioned). Hmmmm..... 🙃

There are 1,000's of hemp companies that are not publicly traded. Hemp products do not bring huge amounts of revenue. There's no economic moat; just a commodity with no real differentiation. And the majority of hemp companies that are public are worthless.

This is NOW the classic OTC biotech scheme!
🎯 1 👍️ 1
sointrigued sointrigued 3 meses hace
CATV is going to start to climb steadily   The business plan is really starting to come together in acquiring these revenue producing companies!! Great job Michael.  Keep it up. 
👍️ 3
JJZander JJZander 3 meses hace
4Cable TV International, Inc. (OTC.PK: CATV) Signs Letter of Intent to Acquire MariJ Pharmaceuticals from Branded Legacy, Inc. and Retains New Counsel for Name Change with FINRAPress Release | 12/06/2024
4Cable TV International, Inc. (OTC.PK: CATV) Signs Letter of Intent to Acquire MariJ Pharmaceuticals from Branded Legacy, Inc. and Retains New Counsel for Name Change with FINRA
👍️ 1
LucidDream006 LucidDream006 3 meses hace
Been a while but thought I'd check in. Believers still believing i see. Had lots of fluff news and as expected the SP keeps dropping.
Musical Shares Musical Shares 3 meses hace
Unrestricted shares has increased to 4,247,909,048.

390,000,000 share increase.

Worst is yet to come. About done and over.

Next up: more massive dilution and a Fluent lawsuit lose….
👍 1
Musical Shares Musical Shares 3 meses hace
The unrestricted shares have decreased:

Previous: Unrestricted 4,031,909,048
Current: Unrestricted 3,857,909,048

Restricted has increased:

Previous: Restricted 306,187,622
Current: Restricted 480,187,622

Total: 174,000,000
fenixinvest fenixinvest 3 meses hace
Im going to reach out to them. I see potential but this needs exposure. I see PR's all the time on ihub, they should contact ihub and see how to get it posted here. I was on the bid and just got hit so leetttsss goooooo
👍️ 1
GoldenGate1 GoldenGate1 4 meses hace

GoldenGate1 GoldenGate1 4 meses hace
My bad Sorry. Thank you for your in dept comments then. We'll see what happens. 
Musical Shares Musical Shares 4 meses hace
You said you hear no comments, and I answered you. I never said I had no comments. lol

I don't think very much of this PR. It's, once again, a fluff PR.

I'm not sure why he would write about having 16 million in assets. Assets mean nothing. And what exactly are the assets he is including?

I remember when he "acquired" another "distribution company" years ago. You know what he told the courts in the lawsuit? That he intended to use it as a distribution company but never did anything with it. But those shares that he used to purchase it were certainly real. Many people have been enriched here for no reason.

I find it convenient that after I post here, a PR seems to magically appear explaining all the things I pointed out. lol

Just like when I pointed out the red flags about the website It seems that all the information has been changed. Wink. Wink. 😉
👍️ 1
GoldenGate1 GoldenGate1 4 meses hace
I'm on top of my stuff. Been following the stock since 2020. I know this company's behavior well so I know I have to dig for info. 
GoldenGate1 GoldenGate1 4 meses hace
I thought you said you had no comments. 
HOW ABOUT THIS? Maybe this time a least you can comment?

fenixinvest fenixinvest 4 meses hace
how did you even find this? lol I dont see it anywhere but there site. Massive news too but if no one sees it. what a waste.
👍 1
GoldenGate1 GoldenGate1 4 meses hace
4Cable TV Internatinal, Inc. (OTC: CATV) Reports $16 Million In Assets And Significant CorporateDevelopment
GoldenGate1 GoldenGate1 4 meses hace
Musical Shares Musical Shares 4 meses hace
Financial Report has been out for a while and I hear no comments.

Because what you are pointing out is worthless.

There are numerous red flags everywhere.

A couple of things to point out:

(1) These are unaudited financials. They are essentially worthless.

(2) He can say whatever he wants but that doesn't mean anything. It's just talk. What it has always been.

(3) He purchased a hemp brand/distribution company for $750,000. If this is accurate numbers, it makes absolutely no sense.

(4) There are so many Series B shares outstanding is not even funny. I believe the number is 32,000 +. The dilution that has to follow is big.

(5) There's no real business sense here.

This is turning into the classic "biotech scheme" in the OTC. A company worth absolutely nothing starts "purchasing" all these other companies.

Stocks rise on revenues. Revenues need to be exceptionally high here because of the amount of shares outstanding. Making $30,000 in revenue isn't going to lift this stock. And not much else will.

It's a dead-end company with a massive lawsuit still waiting for an outcome. And in my personal opinion it doesn't look good for MF/CIGN.
Musical Shares Musical Shares 4 meses hace
Indeed. Not a long enough time for me. So many more shares need to either drop, go to unrestricted or be converted from Series B.

The worst is yet to come.
GoldenGate1 GoldenGate1 4 meses hace
Financial Report has been out for a while and I hear no comments. I see interest developments on Note 10. 

GoldenGate1 GoldenGate1 4 meses hace
Read Note 10. Very interesting Read NOTE 10. developments. If that quote was reported at just two weeks of formally own and operate making that kind of revenue on a full quarter with expectations to grow production.
GoldenGate1 GoldenGate1 4 meses hace
BigBadWolf BigBadWolf 4 meses hace
According to SEC Rule 144, the holding period for restricted stock in a non-SEC filer (a company that does not file reports with the SEC) is one year before it can be publicly sold; meaning you must hold the restricted stock for at least a year before selling it on the market.
Musical Shares Musical Shares 4 meses hace
Outstanding shares went up by 10 million.

The shares are restricted for now. Let's see how long they last there until they become unrestricted.
Musical Shares Musical Shares 4 meses hace
New PR. Look at the price drop!

There are so many red flags here I don't know where to start. 🤣

(1) How in the world would a crappy penny stock be able to afford to "acquire" FreddyCo, LLC and it's brand "Rope?" Or any company for that matter. It makes no sense. There is no way he can keep "acquiring" all these companies the last 4 years. It's the classic penny stock company scheme.

(2) If one would actually look closer at the website you will see that the company is located in NORTH CAROLINA and NOT NEW JERSEY. The phone number listed on the website is New Jersey. It is also listed for a store called NovaCBD in New York. In fact, there is another number associated with the website on one of their social media pages.

(3) All's social media presence have 0 posts and 0 followers yet they have been around for numerous years?

(4) Miami FL Distribution was created in 2023 yet they have a wide distribution network through out the US? Actually, no they don't. They don't even have a website nor any information on themselves.

I thought this was a biotech? This is not a biotech if he is acquiring a distribution company and a hemp brand company.
CashBowski CashBowski 4 meses hace
Has it been a year yet since the CE came off? it's truly comical he hasn't done anything of substance in all these years.