6 horas hace
I was under the impression if you made it to the break out board buyers jumped In but I don't see share price moving, so my opinion why.
Many traders gamblers and strategists have already nailed down positions long ago and waiting to see why DBMM fought so hard to stay alive and those folks don't find the need to post here.
Also because of the nefarious manipulation, the choke hold that's choking the share price from dirty dealers.
And the constant daily negative tone on the board keeps others away from jumping in too.
Pick your poison, me, I like waiting till I know why DBMM fought so hard to stay a viable trading company.
Time will settle this once in for all but requires endurance.
Were on the break out board , I say very Kool.
Everything that could happen is a very real possibility still, sure glad it was small bucks to find out.
Good morning CM114.
17 horas hace
UPDATE💹Funders Wait 💹 2Ensure $DBMM Still Trades✅ wow
$DBMM has the Ability to move forward, to continue to grow its business, benefits its shareholders and asks that the Commission affirm the decision of the Law Judge denying revocation of its registration.
For the foregoing reasons, the Company submits that revocation of its registration is not necessary and appropriate for the protection of investors, and that the denial of revocation should be affirmed.
Dated: March 26, 2021
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/Maranda Fritz_____________________ Maranda E. Fritz
Maranda E. Fritz PC
335 Madison Avenue
New York, New York 10017
Source: https://www.sec.gov/litigation/apdocuments/3-17990-2021-03-26-respondent-appellees-brief.pdf
Great Stuff
12 wins
4+Years Compliance
23 horas hace
Move on to your "real Companies" then.......... but you can't because you were brought here. Right~?
Just the response I'd expect from someone who posts as you do. So, if I leave now, does it mean you won, or do I have to stick around to prove your point?
Let me explain the world of the "basher" to you, so you can understand me more clearly. It's obvious you have no grasp on reality at all.
The first stage is....trying to help others to learn what you have figured out. You are patient and try using logic to teach people to think more clearly. In this stage, you receive your "basher" label, even though just last week you were a trusted "long". Even though you are catching abuse you soldier on, thinking "they will figure it out any minute".
Next comes the hatred stage. You start to recognize they don't care to hear it. They've promised the wife and kids that they were going to be rich "soon". You start despising the people you felt sorry for, not so long ago. It comes to you that THESE PEOPLE deserve to lose their money.
Next is the laughing stage. You now recognize and learn that some posters are paid to be here to pump the stock. You find it hilarious that certain posters will defend these obvious paid shills. Its at this point, you start noticing some of the same people are in EVERY bad penny stock, and they don't mind losing money according to their posts. Instead of being angry with these people, you now start making fun of them. These aren't real people any longer, they are characters in a bad play. It's a dark comedy.
Lastly, comes the apathetic phase. You come in, explain logic to them, few people get it, but most do not....and ya know what? You don't care. If they don't care about their money, why should I? Go look through old IHUB posts. You'll find so many posters once here, who just vanished! Poof! One minute they were leading a board of "hold strongs!"....then one day, they just vanish.....and no one wonders why?
So, I couldn't care less if you lose all your money or not.....in fact, especially YOU! I find you downright annoying. And not in an interesting way. Many posters I go look at their past. As for you, I couldn't care less. You are the speck on the flea.
So, to answer your question, I'm here because I feel like it. Until I don't feel like it any longer. If my being here bothers you, then good for me! I have accomplished something. When you run out of money, you will vanish. Just like the hundreds before you.
1 día hace
Kramer NakedShorted💹4Bill+$DBMM shares 4Charity?🔥✅
Source: TDA 2014 ChartSource: https://fintel.io/s/us/dbmm
$DBMM 2014 Trade Data|Notable Dates
Date(2014)--------(Total Vol)
Nov 26 ------------904,455,961
Jun 23 -------------774,052,890
Jun 17 --------------336,453,305
Jun 03 --------------222,700,162
Jun 02 --------------374,062,639
May 06 -------------257,003,282
May 05 -------------144,298,331
May 02 -------------602,541,670
Feb 26 -------------254,325,277
Feb 21 -------------283,337,500
Jan 10 --------------265,541,278
What passes for "DD" on this board is not "DD" at all. Wild claims are made but NEVER PROVEN with factual information from verifiable sources.
Simple Question: What's the Source for this? Asking for a Friend.