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First Mining Gold Corporation (QX)

First Mining Gold Corporation (QX) (FFMGF)

Cerrado 14 Marzo 2:00PM

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Implanting Implanting 37 minutos hace
Let's HOPE this move will be enough to get us over "doing a real deal" finish line. I predicted this sort of thing could happen with FM and to some degree makes me think Management is finally thinking of ways to stop FMG share dilution. We'll see if they continue to go down that path. I hope we don't need to raise more cash before a deal gets announced. That may be wishful thinking on my part.

I still contend that as long as they're diluting shares in the company, the share price will suffer. I would agree with You that this tariff riff with Trump and Canada should be positive for Springpole being permitted in the end.
SeaBlue SeaBlue 2 horas hace
A few more bucks to get us to the initial permitting finish line. While I think the tariffs are mostly a shock tactic, having them out there certainly does not hurt FF as it provides a compelling reason for provincial government to get the project going.
Implanting Implanting 22 horas hace
Judy Shelton is spot on with her views on the scam that's the Fed. She's just too nice to come out and directly call them crooks.

The Banksters would be scared shitless if she was appointed Fed Head by Trump. Let's hope he does.
Better yet, abolish the Fed.

Implanting Implanting 2 días hace
I like listening to Chris Whalen because he's close to the banking sector and gives good insight about the clusterfuck coming there at some point. IMO the banking/financial sector is where the black swan will come from.

Whalen doesn't see a recession coming this year and he gets into that here, but IMO the Trump administration doesn't want to delay a potential recession and would rather see it sooner than later. So, I would disagree with him there. He also talks about gold and Judy Shelton in this interview.

Implanting Implanting 2 días hace
The number one item they're buying in Washington D.C. now is PAPER SHREDDERS. Here's government transparency at work. Destroy any evidence before it can be found.
Think about what they'll find at the defense dept.
Implanting Implanting 2 días hace
Over government regulation is killing the mining in Canada, plain and simple. I've posted videos on it here.

Pierre Lassonde and Frank Giustra did a long video together on the subject of how the Idiots in the Canadian government had ruined the mining investment environment there and how the Canadian government wasn't even investing money into mining. They harped on how long it took to get a mine permitted and its YEARS too long. I think we all know that story.

They need politicians up there that know how to run a country and more specifically a business. What
they're doing now's not working. Canada is one of the most resource rich countries in the world and
the damn government won't promote it.
Implanting Implanting 2 días hace
Yeah, IMO Chris is probably close to being right. These big moves down in the overall stock market happen after the type of manias and run-up the market has done in the past. The dot-com bubble you mentioned is a good comparison.

Throw in a slowing of the world economies AND throw in a black swan or two with something that's not showing up on anyone's radar screen at the moment and we could see a big move down in 2025. We're still in the buy the dip phase from what I hear daily on the biz channels, but occasionally someone will mention the recession word, but that's very far from being consensus, even now.

I actually heard two people yesterday say they liked gold and one of the them even said he liked the MINERS. I very rarely ever hear say that.
SeaBlue SeaBlue 3 días hace
Good video with Vermuelen. His discussion of the fabulous 7 companies reminded me of the high-flyers during the tech boom and bust. Also, Tesla putting in a double top is something that may portend a downturn.....however, people have been short against Tesla for years and have had the major success they expected (thus far).
ZenDomain85 ZenDomain85 3 días hace
Looks like Canada will have to start looking out for itself more (as it should). Can't see the govt even with their liberal tendencies getting in the way of business investments like mining. People are going to need jobs and govt is going to need revenue.
Implanting Implanting 3 días hace
Jeff Synder gives an excellent explanation of what's coming. The stock market is front running the recession that's coming and as usual the Dumbasses at the Fed are always behind the curve. LOL

What ALWAYS happens before a recession shows up? The Fed (J.Powell) says all is well and the economy is strong. What a bunch of shit. Synder said they could resume cutting rates as soon as May, so is that because all is well or something ugly is coming? I contend it would be the latter.

What happens if they reignite inflation if the cuts become too frequent? That's another story.

Implanting Implanting 3 días hace
I wanted to post this Chris Vermeulen interview because IMO he may have it about right. He's calling for a short-term stock market bounce to come and then another leg lower and most likely a lower trend coming. Chris is calling for at least an overall 50% market correction.

The Talking Heads on the biz channels are still very bullish stocks and are still saying to buy the dips. My guess is that's going to change moving forward. As this whole recession thing plays out earnings are going to be reduced, and unemployment numbers are going to go up. So, the next round of fiat money
printing won't be far from coming.

Implanting Implanting 3 días hace
We know that austerity is painful, cutting costs, cutting headcounts, reducing spending is ALL painful. Trump is making an attempt to streamline this bloated federal government and it's certainly not any easy thing to do. I heard Elon Musk say the government is so overtly big that he thinks they could cut 50-60% of it and it could still run efficiently. That says a lot.

I would contend that the federal work force was the only sector of the employment economy that was growing during the Biden regime. That's why the workers at the low end of the private work force were getting killed. The trillions that Janet Felon was back dooring into the economy is what kept the boat floating.

I heard just the other day that the top 10% of the wealthy are who's actually spending in this economy right now. They rest of the 90% of us are already spending less. That doesn't bode very well for what will happen going forward.

I'm still skeptical that Trump can engineer a "soft" recession, because the detox Bessent spoke of will be painful to many and most likely take more time than they think it will. We'll see how it goes, I guess.
SeaBlue SeaBlue 3 días hace
Great ZeroHedge article. I have heard a few of my friends mention that Trump is trying to destroy the economy. I disagreed, but after reading the article maybe there is a bit of truth to it - for different reasons. I agree, if you pull out the 1 trillion every 100 days that the Biden regime was putting into the economy then of course the natural effect would be a bit of a letdown.....BUT you have to do that at some point and better to do it early and place blame where it rightfully belongs on Sleepy Joe than do it later and take the the blame yourself.

Toward the middle of the article the author mentions how we societally now have a low economic pain tolerance and I gotta say compared to my younger years that is 100% correct. That is something that might freak the younger folks out - they have never dealt with a huge economic downturn before. Plus, you have the fake news media TOTALLY hyping it up now. You know, the corrupt garbage press that said nothing about Sleepy Joe adding 1 trillion dollars to the debt every 100 days. They never challenged the 1 trillion every 100 days, but they are now trying to promote it as a Trump-created problem. Unfortunately, a lot of folks lack any objective reasoning skills and will believe this.

As you have mentioned, we will experience challenges going forward that should prove good for the precious metals and for the miners. I am hoping we don't hit the USD nickel price some here have predicted.....that something occurs before then which prevents that.
SeaBlue SeaBlue 3 días hace
Good points. The personal spending point cannot be overstated. I remember when I was younger in the late 70s / early 80s and the economic situation in some parts of the country was somewhat challenging. I remember those who lost jobs spent nothing unless the items were necessary, but even those who were still working cut back quite a bit on the fear they could be next. We might see that going forward for a while here.

I also remember the interest rates in the 1980s were pretty high......home mortgages anywhere from 10 to 13 percent if I remember correctly. Our current housing market is long overdue for a price correction and with people cutting back on spending I think that alone could drive it apart from higher interest rates.

I saw a news announcement that said 80,000 jobs would be cut from an agency. It sounded pretty drastic, but I subsequently found out that under Sleepy Joe that same agency had hired 62,000 people in the last year of his regime alone. Makes me wonder if he (or more likely his handler) wasn't just trying to pack like-minded people into the government before his departure. Then I see the kids on TV protesting they got laid off....probationary employees! While I do feel for people who have been laid off because I have personally felt the shock of that happening, if you are a probationary employee you can be let go for almost no reason at all. They should get a feel for the private sector - where companies will let good, loyal long-time employees go just before they are eligible to receive a pension. Heck, these days do any private sector companies even have pensions? I don't recall hearing of any who have them lately.

I think you're right about us seeing more pain than Trump or Bessent are bargaining for. I just hope the response from Trump will be more empathetic that it has been at times previously. Even if you don't agree with what an organization is doing, among the bad folks at an agency there are bound to be some good ones who will be hurt by the cuts. I just hope Trump can focus in on the numbers. At times lately I have seen a much more humble Trump and I hope he can approach things more often in this manner. The numbers are very effective, especially when DOGE shows what the money has been going for - absolute nonsense.
Implanting Implanting 4 días hace
This article gets into the nuts and bolts about the coming "engineered" recession.
Implanting Implanting 4 días hace
Let me speak to what's going to happen after we most likely see some sort of recession show up.

We'll see the same old shit that's always done by the Fed and the politicians (Trump can be included)

In an attempt to stop the bleeding stock market and job losses they'll throw as much fiat at the problem as they can. I'll be surprised if Trump doesn't order Powell to begin dropping rates as the PAIN threshold increases. I'll predict we see that THIS YEAR.

The Street is already pricing in more rate cuts to come this year. A couple weeks ago they were only predicting zero or maybe one cut, now they're predicting 3 or 4 cuts. LOL
Implanting Implanting 4 días hace
So, while I think Bessent's choice of "detox" wording is pretty accurate. We all know that going through detox is dangerous and could even KILL the patient.

Cutting bloated, government jobs IMO is a good thing, because in reality it was ONLY the government jobs created by Biden's regime that kept the economy from already being in a recession. Those government jobs were the only thing making it look like the jobs market was sound and it isn't.
IMO both private and government job losses will be very detrimental for the U.S. economy going forward and we should begin to see this disaster continue to unfold going forward. Add the fact that the stock market is beginning to crater and that will have everyone cutting their personal spending, so that will also hurt the economy.

Trump is a disrupter and he's certainly doing that in a big way. The problem I think is that we're going to see a lot MORE PAIN than I think Trump or Bessent are bargaining for. IMO this is good for the PM sector and what we need to see for bigger gains down the road. I'm even more bullish commodities and the miners now.

The gold price is holding up pretty well, even with this market massacre we're seeing today.
SeaBlue SeaBlue 4 días hace
Two things to fuel that will be the continuing public and private sector layoffs and the increasing default rate for FHA home loans.

I thought Bessent's choice of words - detox - was appropriate given the amazing amount of fraud DOGE has thus far uncovered. We always knew it was there but hearing specifics is still surprising.
Implanting Implanting 4 días hace
IMO we're headed for a recession and I believe it's being partially engineered by Trump and his advisors. What's the problem? I think the biggest part of the problem is that interest rates are STILL TOO HIGH and that's causing problems in the housing market (nobody can afford to buy a home) or affordably borrow money for investment purposes. It's killing any growth and until inflation falls in association with an economic downturn, Trump can't make Powell drop rates, so the economy HAS to fall. That means more job losses to come. Trump and his people are downplaying it, but IMO they want to see it come sooner than later, so they can work through it before the midterm elections.

Here's Scott Bessent talking about it.
Implanting Implanting 4 días hace
Here's a must-read article explaining what's happened with this gold coming back to the U.S. and most likely why before any photo ops. are done at Fort Knox that Trump needs to get our gold back and make sure it's seen as all there. They've been LEASING OUT this gold for decades and now they have to have it back before someone else (China) buys it up.
SeaBlue SeaBlue 4 días hace
Thanks for letting me know. That is better than what I had thought.
Implanting Implanting 5 días hace
Carney is serving out the rest of Trudope's term is I think what's happening. I assume at some point in the not too distant future there will be another REAL election with Carney running against a conservative candidate.
SeaBlue SeaBlue 5 días hace
Carney is HORRIBLE news. EOM
Implanting Implanting 5 días hace
So, it looks like this Dipstick is Trudope's replacement. From what I read he may be WORSE than Trudope was, if that's possible. LOL
It appears Trump may have to chew him up and spit him out too.
Implanting Implanting 5 días hace
Luke Gromen always has some interesting views on the macro situation. He's answering some viewer questions in this video.

Implanting Implanting 5 días hace
I would add that IMO Keith likes having the title of FM being a pure play silver company. I see that as giving him some celebrity and as being someone, the Street sees as being the AUTHORITY in the silver space. That's just my opinion, but I've followed him long enough to see that's certainly the case. There's a lot of gold experts and few silver experts.

I believe Keith fancies himself as the silver authority and he may be.
👍 1
Implanting Implanting 5 días hace
I don't own any FM shares, so I don't have a dog in that fight. I do own a bunch of FMG shares, so it's important to me that Keith protect the FMG shareholders and the best way I can see to do that is to have a contingency plan by which FM's cash position puts them as a potential FMG buyer/partner if a takeover attempt is made. IMO any potential hostile bidder already knows this is the case and hopefully why it might not happen. If it did happen, I would expect our share price to move much higher and a probable bidding war to ensue.

I don't know what Keith's ultimate plans are to acquire other producing silver mines going forward, but if triple digit silver is coming fairly soon, that should be a good move. I've seen in past interviews Keith has given where he said that because the silver price is TOO volatile and unpredictable that having larger percentages of gold gives better clarity on how to run a mining company. I think he's right and we can see that now with a much higher gold price and a lagging silver price. Silver should catch up as this PM bull cycle matures.

It's unclear what's going on behind closed doors, but it really makes no sense to me that FM wouldn't take a much larger stake in FMG than they already have. My guess would be that many FM shareholders are also FMG shareholders, so they would stand to benefit from some sort of partnership/buyout of FMG too.

FMG needs financial security moving forward. A deal with a deep-pockets player will do that. I think Keith will get a deal done that puts this Company on solid ground soon. I would like to see it happen before the EA for Springpole is officially announced. We'll see, I guess.
👍 1
TexasMarvL TexasMarvL 5 días hace
This is not the first time Keith has said First Majestic is only focused on acquiring a producing mine.  If he really believes in "Triple Digit Silver" and he does, then it makes a lot of sense to try to grow the Silver business like he did with the Gatos acquisition.  Is there another silver acquisition around the corner?

First Majestic is also  building a big pile of cash on their balance sheet.   The Gatos acquisition was a stock acquisition merger.  No cash involved.  Lots of cash used to drill out expansion targets at their Silver mines.  Probably a lot of cash needed to bring Jerritt Canyon online.  Website shows 5 "Exploration and Development" projects including Jerritt Canyon. 

If/When Springpole receives EA approval maybe it makes sense at that time to bring Springpole into production.  A big pile of cash would be needed.  

However a bigger case can be made that Springpole is sold in a  JV relationship with a gold production company.  First Majestic may not be the buyer.  First Majestic could step in to make the transaction honest.  Maybe the First Majestic cash position is a dotted-line proxy to prevent a hostile takeover of First Mining Gold?  Or maybe not.

Would a hostile takeover of First Mining  push the price 10× from current levels?  Might be interesting to see what happens. 
Implanting Implanting 6 días hace
I couldn't agree more with You that EVERY war the U.S. sponsors is a monumental heist of the U.S. taxpayer. How long can they continue?
Vote out these Assholes that continue funding them.

A lot of the missing money went straight into Zelensky's Swiss bank account.
ZenDomain85 ZenDomain85 6 días hace
I am not surprised that so many people are dumb enough to believe the Western media at face value - pure ignorance and stupidity. Research the atrocities in the Donbass regions against native Russian speakers. We spent billions before the war to start the Ukraine revolution to install our puppet regime which would be unfriendly to Russia and give us trade deals instead of Russia. U.S. was willing to go to nuclear war over Russia installing missiles in Cuba but we are allowed to overthrow regimes and support atrocities along Russia's borders and why did the u.s. also invest billions in ukraine bio medical facilities - do we truly trust that like in Wuhan - there was no gain of function research sponsored by the u.s. under the covers? You do not see Russia trying to form a new Warsaw pact and include mexico and canada as members?

Even Zelensky has admitted that most of the money is unaccounted for. This has been a monumental heist of the u.s. taxpayer. Maybe once the U.S. stops overthrowing regimes and destabilizing the world - we can get some peace.
Implanting Implanting 6 días hace
I won't get into the whole discussion here about the Ukraine war, that IMO was left to start by Brain-dead Joe and the people that were really pulling the strings behind the curtain when he was Prez. A bunch of losers.

Putin saw the weakness and moved on that weakness. Does that let Putin off the hook? NO, but war is war and I agree with Trump. Why are we footing most of the money for this war? That's bullshit, regardless of WHO invaded who. Trump is attempting now to clean the mess up, as best he can. That means stopping the money for more war and eventually the fighting will come to an end.

This country has gone broke on paying the costs of these on going wars. Its obvious to me you have to show strength in order to keep other countries from invading you. Everybody wants the U.S. to pull their ass out of the fire. It can't continue to go on. We can't afford it anymore.

Like Trump told Zelensky, YOU'RE NOT HOLDING THE CARDS! He's certainly not.

I feel for the Ukrainian people, but this kind of crap has happened over and over throughout history. Nobody said ANY war was fair.
Implanting Implanting 6 días hace
Really nice interview from Jim Rickards. He covers a lot of topics, but what he said about the gold at Fort Knox and the "audit" on it was IMO 100% correct. He said there won't be a real audit, it will be a photo op. for Trump and Musk to show the gold is there. Even if the so called gold that's there isn't real gold.

I also thought it was interesting to hear what he said about "leased out" gold. How's its just paper leased out and sold over and over again. Reminisce of the fake paper market in physical gold. When they lease it out, the buyer has no real claim to the physical gold, only a paper lease agreement.

Listen what he says about the BRICS currency at the end of the interview.

mopower2u mopower2u 6 días hace
Re: implanting 
What would you do if someone invades your home? Takes your property and occupies it.
 I would fight with everything I have.  I admit being more grateful  to help might be more beneficial for country but that meeting was an ambush. The pres and vp ganged up to show Russia which side we're siding with. Disgusting and low down for a pres of USA. I'm  ashamed for America. 

Implanting Implanting 6 días hace
Here's Keith at the event FM throws every year at PDAC. He mainly tries to speak to silver and what's happening in that space. He gives his year-end gold and silver prices. Nothing said about FMG.

I caught him saying that FM wouldn't buy any explorer OR development companies and would only
buy companies (like Gatos) that were already producing mines. What he said about that made me think that could be part of the problem FMG is experiencing now.

Implanting Implanting 1 semana hace
The unemployment report comes out this morning. I heard on TV this morning that all the Federal job cuts WON'T be on this report, but expect it next month. The U.S. economy is slowing and IMO that's what Trump has to do to bring inflation down. IMO his people know that, but another thing I heard this morning is the RECESSION WORD being talked about with the slowing economy and job losses.

Ultimately, this is what we need to see here before a rotation into the mining sector can happen. I expect to see some sort of recession to come this year. The PM's should go parabolic AFTER they drop interest rates further from here and the money printing cranks up again.
👍️ 1
Implanting Implanting 1 semana hace
Trudope is a big cry-baby/pussy now that he's leaving. IMO the Canadian people should be crying tears of JOY that he's gone. Good riddance.
Implanting Implanting 1 semana hace
Looking really good here with these Duparquet drill results. The previously disclosed numbers are fantastic.
👍️ 1
Implanting Implanting 1 semana hace
Here's a LEGENDARY mining investor that agrees with Keith on where the silver price is headed. Eric Sprott thinks silver is headed to $250 per oz.
He talks about it in this interview.

👍️ 1
Implanting Implanting 1 semana hace
Luke Gromen gives an amazing interview here. Most of the discussion revolves around gold and how he sees it currently in the financial system.
If you have the time to watch the whole interview, I highly recommend it. Luke explains in detail why gold is returning.

Implanting Implanting 1 semana hace
Yes, we know it's only beneficial for FN, but can it hold up the actual EA process? This is the question he won't answer. Paul in IR told me that we didn't HAVE TO HAVE the FN approval to move ahead with the mine. That's all well and good, but can they hold up the final EA approval from the Feds? He never says if it can or not. I HOPE it can't.

Another thing he mentioned in the interview was about getting the mine built. He's now giving a 2030 timeline for the mine to be producing. That's yet another timeline he seems to be pushing back because if I'm not mistaken, he had previously said Springpole would be built sooner.

Mining timelines are made to be delayed and pushed back.
TurboMountain96 TurboMountain96 1 semana hace
I think the First Nations will be onside, it is only beneficial for them as he rightly says. Do we go ahead and build the mine? If so where is the money coming from? Or do we just get to de-risking stage with all permits in place then sell us? If we got to build the mine this is 3 years away.
Implanting Implanting 1 semana hace
Thanks for posting that interview.

I can't believe he finally got around to talking about what's happening with First Nations. He mentioned the talks with them were important, but he STILL doesn't get specific about how that affects the final EA or if it may lengthen the EA process. That is disappointing.

Another thing I would like to know is that since all of the OTHER projects are getting bought up, how many buyers are left to JV or buy us out? He talks in almost every interview about other projects being acquired, but somehow, we're the only one left to be bought. LOL

I suppose that could be a good sign that they're not selling us out on the cheap and mulling out the VERY best deals. Let's hope so anyway.
TurboMountain96 TurboMountain96 1 semana hace
New interview with Dan. He mentions EQX would be interested in someone like FMG in a couple of years. I remember Ross Beaty saying he likes to grow companies as quickly as possible. That I think would get them over the USD 1mil OZ a year production.

Implanting Implanting 1 semana hace
While I agree 100% with the points, you're making about further share dilution, I think Management is stuck between doing more share dilution (even down at these depressed price levels) and possibly selling off assets they don't want to sell. Dan has talked about doing both since their last share offering. I think Dan's been talking too much out of both sides of his mouth is my take on his moves.

Of course, this is why I've been beating the drum on finally getting some sort of JV deal done OR just maybe doing even something like another silver deal like we did with FM at Springpole. As much as I don't want to see them sell important assets on the cheap, at this point I think more share dilution is more harmful. IMO finding a bottom for our share price should be their main objective.

I firmly believe that until the share dilution stops the share price will continue to suffer.and move lower. Surely our Management understands that too.

I'm going to call and speak with Paul again in the next week or so, maybe after the PDAC show is over, but I will happily share my conversation with him here. Hopefully he can shed some light on what's happening now, because if they don't do some sort of deal in the nex 2-3 months, I would expect another cash raise to happen by sometime in the summer.
ZenDomain85 ZenDomain85 2 semanas hace
I think we are far beyond the point where dilutive financing makes sense. I would hope they have other plans in mind, but Dan seems to rely on share dilution to keep the company going. I have mentioned all of this before to Paul. I am sure we would all be curious if you are able to learn anything useful out of Paul but not sure he would be able to disclose much anyway. I think we are all curious observers at this point and less informed investors regarding FMG.

Implanting Implanting 2 semanas hace
I'm far from writing this Company off and I do think Keith has a plan, but the bigger question is how low can the share price continue falling before we begin getting hostile take out offers? That's what these people better have a strategy for. Keith does have a lot of balls in the air, but he also owns a lot of FF shares, so my guess is he wants to make money, like we all do, so I try staying positive.

Have you spoken to Paul lately? I've intended on calling him but may wait a week or two longer before doing so. There's going to be a point in time with a lower share price where further dilution won't be very viable. Dan had better be deciding on what assets to sell instead.

I see we had another big 2 million share trading day today.
ZenDomain85 ZenDomain85 2 semanas hace
Regardless - with near all time highs in gold, this stock continues to tank. Our esteemed CEO can only whisper about future continued share dilution. I have mentally written off this stock as a complete loss due to current management and their strategy. If they succeed at this point, it will likely be by luck and not from a grand strategy. Maybe Keith is not in a hurry or really focused on FM and Gatos acquisition and JC and upcoming tariffs and FMG is just not a priority. I am sure Dan has a nice paycheck and will continue to sip from the never ending cup as long as there is share dilution to tap. I would love to be proven wrong but something seems off.
Implanting Implanting 2 semanas hace
We may be seeing the big rotation happening today with the stock market tanking and PM's being up nicely. There was a GDP number that came out today that shows the U.S. economy is slowing in a big way. Recession is being bandied around on the biz news today. No one thought that was even possible a week ago.

News like this is all it takes to turn the market SUPER bearish, and it would appear that's what's happening now. Trump's tariff thing may be aggravating the situation also.

This is what we've been waiting for. We may see the PM's correct some as the air comes out of the stock market bubble, but when the prices finally bottom that should be the next big move higher for the PM's.
ThSeeker ThSeeker 2 semanas hace
I agree, Armstrong can predict based on an exceptional ability to understand and analyze history.
But he has no idea of how Providence can intervene in unprecedented ways. Much of what we have seen and
are about to witness will be unprecedented and is therefore very hard to predict. Only IMO of course.
Implanting Implanting 2 semanas hace
Yes, VERY interesting. I thought his take on why the physical gold is exiting Europe was a different view on the gold repatriation situation and as I said there is some history with that IF the war escalates further and we know that's certainly possible. Protect the gold at all costs.

The Europeans HAVE to kiss Zelensky's ass to hold Putin at bay, Trump isn't playing that game, and I was certainly glad to see Trump send him packing on Friday. This whole war fiasco was brought on by Brain-dead Joe and the weakness he showed the world, to embolden Putin. Trump has to attempt to clean that mess up without throwing an endless amount of money at it. Of course, that's what Zelensky and the EU want to continue to see happen. IMO it won't.

Armstrong is savvy and has a good knowledge of history and what's going on behind the curtain. I'm not sure I agree with everything he says, but most of it makes good sense to me.

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