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Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (QB)

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (QB) (FMCCP)

Cerrado 06 Marzo 3:00PM

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Sammy boy Sammy boy 6 horas hace
Tap Dancers getting CRUSHED!
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kip128932156 kip128932156 9 horas hace
So. Decisions related to ending the conservatorship will not involve congress. Got it. $fnma #fanniegate

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Sammy boy Sammy boy 9 horas hace
Where are all these newbies coming from on the FNMA board, kind of odd! Things must be ready to get interesting!
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jacklanvo99 jacklanvo99 10 horas hace
Yes we go to moon yes we go to Mars yes
Sammy boy Sammy boy 12 horas hace
What a $hit Show like everything Washington touches!
👍 2
trunkmonk trunkmonk 1 día hace
Yup, him and their how not to crew of 10c commons crowd are so wrong at every turn its disgusting. I never say stuff like that or try to torment investments and mislead investors, hate runs deep on the left and in the GSE Preferred's failed line of lawyers and pretend investment writers. just a few months ago they were saying GSEs were a failed program, and needed to go into receivership. All of them post on commons boards then, all of them scatter like the rats now. If i see them I may barf all over them, wanting people to fail financially is sick
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nagoya1 nagoya1 1 día hace
Funny how the gse pref skateboarding guru comes to mind...FMCC
trunkmonk trunkmonk 1 día hace
Lots of misses, for real. Where da Ps telling us congrats or gonna hit 10c. I will never forget just how wrong they all were, and counting. Looking back it amazing how many people wanted commons and shareholding taxpayers to fail.
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Viking61 Viking61 1 día hace
Probably not Sammy, you missed the buy in drop again.
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Sammy boy Sammy boy 1 día hace
Low 4’s coming Tap Dancers. Where is the gathering again ? I would like to mark my calendar.

CCSAB CCSAB 1 día hace
36 days to go. Can't wait
Louie_Louie Louie_Louie 2 días hace
Why do you care? No one is listening to your bashing. If you're short....Here's to hoping you get caught on the $15-$20 run up. You'll be to busy trying to pay off your margin call to post, maybe even lose your internet service. LOL
👍 1
Sammy boy Sammy boy 2 días hace
Do you realize year after year people like you keep posting this ?
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archilles archilles 2 días hace
I cannot wait to see FMCC to be $30 a share. Somebody else in high position also said the conservatorship be ended within 100 days of inauguration.Thank you for sharing your insight

Rockets are getting loaded.
👍️ 4
Sammy boy Sammy boy 2 días hace
Viking you think we have NBA contracts, you’ve been buying forever but haven’t sold yet. Lmao !
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Sammy boy Sammy boy 2 días hace
Whale Horns, Tap Dancers, Poem writers report to the Situation Room immediately!
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Sammy boy Sammy boy 3 días hace
tuzedaze tuzedaze 3 días hace
kip128932156 kip128932156 4 días hace
Fnf public offering
👍 3 🚀 1
2latefortears 2latefortears 5 días hace
No doubt the GSE's will need to be relisted if the Treasury wants to monetize any portion of "their" equity. It's a night and day difference between the OTC market and NYSE or NASDAQ investor base. 
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Louie_Louie Louie_Louie 6 días hace
Does anyone else think the government is going to need to relist the GSE's to find a truer value? (those involved with the GSE's). I think that that will be something that happens along with the capital requirement being changed, knocked down, possibly timed together. I don't think they will go about all the long winded nonsense that Calabria did when he asked for that comment period and long wait for him to just come up with his own nonsense cap requirement along with hidden stress tests. Trump's been pretty unconventional (thankfully) so I hope it carries over to the next capital rule with Pulte...for all we know his group (Bessent, Pulte, Himself and maybe a few folks on the outside of government - Ackman, others) have already devised a capital requirement. Imagine news of a new cap rule and a relist to the NYSE or NASDAQ on the same day!!!! What do you think that would do? It would sure give them a better idea on the percentage of the warrants they'd have to take to hit the monetary goal thay are thnking of.

I am against total exercising of the warrants, but if they try for like 30% or lower, I'd START getting on board with it. They'd make bank on exercise of 25% of warrants if the price of the GSE's went into the 20-30 dollar range on a relist/new cap rule day. This is what I forsee, no capital raise needed and JPS sit and wait a year or two, down the road, for a dividend to hatch. In that year or two the government can buy out or call those JPS which are too expensive dividend wise. Commons by then would be back into a $45-$80 range or higher. Once government off loads the warrants exercise of stock, then higher price for the GSE's. The government may off load their shares at $20-$30 or they may wait for a price that is double that. They absolutely will know the details of what will come (projections of stock value), but their shares will be a drag on value, especially if they attain a large voting control share, but that would be needing more than 25% of warrants. That's why the higher the percentage they take, the less onboard people shoud be. We do not want them controlling AFTER RELEASE. Once released, things go back to running like a normal company, shareholders get their voting rights back. JMHWAH just my honest wish and hope
👍 4
kip128932156 kip128932156 6 días hace
👍️ 2
jacklanvo99 jacklanvo99 7 días hace
He is a billionaire and very smart no doubt thank you
QueenVic QueenVic 7 días hace
... Unless it's a ruse he's using. I mean, if you have knowledge in real estate-especially his background - wouldn't you know the difference of FHA & FHFA? Or FFA? 🤔
Sammy boy Sammy boy 1 semana hace
Yeah, honestly, Pukte seemed uninformed. Not even informed enough to handle the exit. Very passive and nervous. I’m sure that’s why the boards are quiet !
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Sammy boy Sammy boy 1 semana hace
Now what do we do wait for more hit pieces?
tuzedaze tuzedaze 1 semana hace
Epstein list released yet??? Chaos incoming....
Sammy boy Sammy boy 1 semana hace
Repeat of yesterday in the making as I said on FNMA board.
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Sammy boy Sammy boy 1 semana hace
Hardly any questions on Conservatorship, not good !
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Sammy boy Sammy boy 1 semana hace
Republican Kennedy is absolutely annihilating Fannie Mae !
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Sammy boy Sammy boy 1 semana hace
Sammy boy Sammy boy 1 semana hace
Still have 30 minutes to get in the Red, Corrupt MF’s. Release the Docs!
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Sammy boy Sammy boy 1 semana hace
Looks like RED when it’s all over today !
Sammy boy Sammy boy 1 semana hace
There goes 10 months of rent for the Clown in the last 2 days.
Sammy boy Sammy boy 1 semana hace
Oh WOW, where have all the pumpers gone,
Tap Dancers say hello !
👍️ 1 😬 2
Sammy boy Sammy boy 1 semana hace
FNMA will soon be in the 5’s too !
trunkmonk trunkmonk 1 semana hace
It’s ending, years late but it’s a relief, sure it’s gonna keep going up, anything green and a good.
jacklanvo99 jacklanvo99 1 semana hace
Sammy boy Sammy boy 1 semana hace
This $hit is not holding !
trunkmonk trunkmonk 1 semana hace
low is in, its all up from here, maybe 30s if all comes together properly. I changed my mind, its going to be one of the most sought after investments in the world once Trump opens up land sales again.
trunkmonk trunkmonk 1 semana hace
FNMA 6.666 and FMCC 6, lotta crazy times ahead
archilles archilles 1 semana hace
I doubt it. Stubborn shareholders will sit tight waiting. If anything, accumulation continues. More newbies are coming on board
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Sammy boy Sammy boy 1 semana hace
Apparently not enough sold, they will drop this until you do!
jacklanvo99 jacklanvo99 2 semanas hace
Thank you , keep in touch. I am waiting for price correction in anytime now . Good luck
QueenVic QueenVic 2 semanas hace
Kelly Evans is notorious for just script reading- because she's the one that critiques it.
archilles archilles 2 semanas hace
You got the wrong person! The interviewer only reads the script which was written by a script writer. It is the script writer you want to go after. The real bad person is the interviewee who is the financial whiz who should have corrected the interviewer with the up-to-date information. Instead the interviewee annswered along that made him looking like an idiot as well.

Btw, the question to be asked on this forum is…how much money have Freddie and Mac managed been able to retain up to date?
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nagoya1 nagoya1 2 semanas hace
Funny how the interviewer still got it all wrong, she said that the GSE profits still get swept to Treasury.
I googled Where do GSe profits go and even the first link mentioned that the GSE have been keeping their profits.

WTF can't that CNBC bimbo bother to fact check is beyond me...

Glad I didn't follow similar airheads saying that the GSEs are worth 0.05...

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tuzedaze tuzedaze 2 semanas hace
Viking61 Viking61 2 semanas hace
My latest buy was in the low $7 range yesterday. I’m just glad that you got back in! God bless!
archilles archilles 2 semanas hace
I sold my big lot at loss years ago and closed the book on it and was too tired to wait during its hardcore conservatorship. Forgotten about it until Trump won the election. I was on the FMNA forum and navy commander has been on it all these years. I recently bought back in a small lot at $6.65 out of guilt for having sold my big lot previously. I know… I know… stupidly high price purchase… I just want to be a part of this FnF exit celebration, and not so much making any money on it !
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