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Federal National Mortgage Association (PK) (FNMFO)

Cerrado 22 Marzo 2:00PM

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FOFreddie FOFreddie 30 minutos hace
Good Morning Rodney - those are valid arguments. Just talk about UST and how it is not fair or right or that the UST is getting a windfall but leave it at the UST and not DJT. My reaction is your reference to stealing - I think DJT will do what he think is best for the USA and he does not steal and I dont think you are greedy. Also - it has been a long ride for all of us - I now own 42,500 shares of FMCC so I also am a common shareholder and would love to see it go as high as possible but in the end I trust the judgement of the best POTUS of my lifetime - perhaps since Washington and that is DJT. The MAGA movement has the potential to save the future of our Country for which so many have died for and it is the reason we are even having this discussion right now because otherwise Kamala would have been raiding the GSEs while still in Conservatorship. If the shares go to $ 200 that is awesome and it will mean that my shares will be worth $ 8.5 million but I would prefer that they go to $ 30 if it best supports what DJT is trying to do for the USA. God, Country and my personal wealth are my priorities - in that order.
navycmdr navycmdr 1 hora hace
preferred holders for YEARS been abdicating for the SCREWING OVER

of COMMON Shares instead of accepting their rightful place as part of the

entire picture of the GSEs ... (we get our Par - Common get Dilution CRAP)

they started the internal strife with their proclaiming they were A SAFER RISK

than COMMON when IDIOTS were actually talking about RECEIVERSHIP & BK

for the GSEs ... even the most uneducated knew -THERE WAS NO REPLACEMENT


neither Common or Preferred has recieved ANYTHING AT ALL during the


the unanimous JURY 8-0 has VALIDATED the GOVT VIOLATED the CONTRACT


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Wingsjr Wingsjr 2 horas hace
Why talk about warrants and SPS? If they try taking more shareholder value the release is over. 10 year court battle begins.
I’m not willing to except it and some 47 hating judge will be easy to find for an injunction. 10-15-30/share? I won’t come to the negotiating table for anything less than 90/shr.
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JOoa0ky JOoa0ky 2 horas hace
JPS holders are not betting on the ethicality of Treasury's actions.
We are betting on the most probable outcome.
navycmdr navycmdr 2 horas hace
Trump discussed privatizing Fannie & Freddie new FHFA Pulte is moving  in that direction. Thurs he fired  CEO, COO, & head of HR at Freddie , along w COO & head of HR at FHFA, Davis is likely to support reducing federal oversight of these institutions.— Cmdr Ron Luhmann (@usnavycmdr) March 22, 2025
Angelmin Angelmin 3 horas hace
The total represents 90%, with 79% of warrants and 11% from Senior preferred shares to be converted to common shares.
Rodney5 Rodney5 3 horas hace
Good morning FOFreddie,
The mindset of a number of the JPS shareholders has not changed after all these years. What the Treasury did is either right or it is wrong.

08/11/22 2:17 PM
Post #728887 on Fannie Mae-No Politics (FNMA)
At the start of the conservatorship, there were many (not all) JPS holders calling for receivership, throwing the common shareholders under the bus! Well, it backfired, the Net Worth Sweep took place and the Treasury was determined to wipe out both common and JPS. AND still today many JPS holders want the common shareholders wiped out by making the common holders pay the Treasury twice.

Fannie and Freddie already have repaid their senior preferred stock, with 10 percent interest. I ask again, Is it ethical, morally good or correct, to make the companies’ repay their indebtedness to Treasury twice? What's amazing many JPS holders think the whole company revolves around them only. And the old tired argument, 'we have to protect the taxpayer'... that is laughable.

Fannie Mae is a 'Cash Generator' The Intrinsic Value of the Earnings Power of the Business is worth $263 billion using a price to earnings ratio of 14 in the amount of net earning per year $18.8 billion, if we calculated the earnings power with a lower multiple and the net earning per year lower, the company is still worth far more than the holdings of the JPS. The JPS are on the books at a small amount of company equity in the amount of $19.1 billion. If the Market Cap calculates at $263 billion or at $230 billion either way the company is worth a lot of money and the money due the JPS is small in comparison.

The three equity owners that have rights to the Intrinsic Value of Fannie Mae are Treasury, JPS Holders and Common Shareholders. I have said all along the fight will be how much equity each owner will receive.

The Treasury has received $301 billion from the company, the JPS are due $19.1 billion, and the common shares own the company. Will this be settled where all three owners are satisfied?? It can be if the Sin of Greed is put out of the way!
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BREAKER098 BREAKER098 7 horas hace
It’s closer to 10 than 5. There is so much wrong with what that author wrote. For example, he says GOVT retains 51% and also sells some. But somehow doesn’t understand that by doing that it means exercising warrants which means he has to adjust his shares outstanding in his calculations. For this reason alone, he is an amatuer. Go figure…
EclipseProphet62 EclipseProphet62 8 horas hace
what do you mean the gov would take 90% ? Purchase from existing shareholders? Thx
TightCoil TightCoil 9 horas hace
Go Fannie Mae - All The Way
Recap of our PPS since Mar 7 which was Day 39 of over $5 when we were at $5.84. Then the next trading Day (Mar 10)) we went BELOW $5 to $4.91, but rebounded swimmingly the next Day (Mar 11) to $5.19 and hit $6.11 on Mar 14...
Mar 21 - $6.38 - 8,510,618 today
Mar 20 - $6.25 - 8,037,839
Mar 19 - $6.03 - 8,071,667
Mar 18 - 5.65 - 10,339,547
Mar 17 - $5.82 - 9,309,100
Mar 14 - $6.11 - 16,518,200
Mar 13 - $5.50 - 5,951,400
Mar 12 - $5.65 - 9,589,600
Mar 11 - $5.19 - 10,480,900
Mar 10 - $4.91 - 16,783,700
Mar 7 -- $5.84 - 23,007,600
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Bostonsesco Bostonsesco 9 horas hace
What a hell of a close going into the weekend You would have thought something would have leaked like we could have expected some type of weekend activity either way it was positive
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RickNagra RickNagra 10 horas hace
This makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
“To steal a line from the film Bull Durham, Bill Pulte has announced his presence with authority,” said “It is easy to speculate what caused the shakeup at the BODs of the GSEs and Freddie Mac’s management team. What we do know is that the Trump administration has big plans for the GSEs. And that a shake-up of the BODs and leadership could be just a matter of wanting to place people in key roles to minimize the resistance to changes that are warming up in the bullpen.”
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RickNagra RickNagra 10 horas hace
The author assumes a PE ratio 5-10.  Is that reasonable ?
navycmdr navycmdr 11 horas hace
This week, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the FHFA have joined the trend of government downsizing prioritized by the Trump administration, ramping up efforts to close government offices and dismissing several top-ranking executives.— Cmdr Ron Luhmann (@usnavycmdr) March 22, 2025
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Spicoli Spicoli 11 horas hace
In a scenario where the U.S. Treasury sells a portion of its @FannieMae and @FreddieMac stock but retains 51% ownership in each company, placing the retained stock in a sovereign wealth fund to collect dividends, Grok estimates the following price ranges for the stocks:

Fannie…— Free Fannie (@FreeFannie) March 22, 2025
👍 1
TightCoil TightCoil 11 horas hace
Let;s stop making conjecture and
get down to some serious Pumping
Fannie ready to Launch Big
Freddie making good gains more than Fannie
Ladies - Why not put some of these
gems into your investment basket?
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Clark6290 Clark6290 11 horas hace
Exactly. Folks pump thinking they know what will happen. Bottom line, none of us do. We remain in the dark about any way forward.
Angelmin Angelmin 11 horas hace
Yes, more than 79%. That's what Paulson said the government would take 90% or more of the FNMA & FMCC stocks.
For an individual like me, I am satisfied with PPs at $30 regardless of what and how much they take.
jog49 jog49 12 horas hace
"He works hand in hand with those who have been trying to steal Fannie and Freddie for the last 17 years."

Then he's worked at Goldman-Sachs! LOL!
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jog49 jog49 12 horas hace
"How about the pps as it used to be ($80s). Otherwise, share holders will ask for $325 is reasonable."

Tell the monument maker to go ahead with the granite engraving:

- Despite the best efforts of shareholders, when the dust settled, they got screwed! -
💤 1
jog49 jog49 12 horas hace
"FHFA will get rolled up into either HUD or treasury."

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EternalPatience EternalPatience 13 horas hace
Sovereign wealth fund will not be floated the way you are envisioning. There are multiple ways of floating that fund
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RickNagra RickNagra 13 horas hace
Does that mean the government would own more than 79.9% of the companies ?
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EternalPatience EternalPatience 13 horas hace
For those pumping The sovereign wealth fund, you are going to get both the warrants shares as well as senior preferred shares converted into the sovereign wealth fund. Be careful about what you ask for and pump for
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RickNagra RickNagra 13 horas hace
Great article.  Great find.  We will be green on Monday.
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tm3141 tm3141 13 horas hace
"... Davis may also influence tax policy, particularly regarding the mortgage interest deduction. Trump has proposed cutting this deduction in his upcoming tax overhaul, a move Davis might endorse. In his paper, Davis notes that the mortgage interest deduction primarily benefits individuals with above-median incomes who would likely be able to buy a home regardless. The administration's focus on fiscal responsibility aligns with Davis' calculations that privatizing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and ending the mortgage interest deduction could save taxpayers approximately $2.5 trillion."
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navycmdr navycmdr 13 horas hace
@pulte Some perspective on the week since Bill Pulte’s confirmation

The Director of the Federal Housing Financial Administration is a cabinet position nominated by the President and confirmed with the advice and consent of the Senate. The director serves at the will of the…— Tim Pagliara (@timpagliara) March 21, 2025
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navycmdr navycmdr 13 horas hace
Freddie Mac employees just received another email from interim CEO Mike Hutchins, also shared with me — this one informing them Michele Espada will serve as interim head of HR.

"I am confident that she will provide the dynamic HR leadership that the company needs at this time"— Eleanor Mueller (@Eleanor_Mueller) March 21, 2025
navycmdr navycmdr 14 horas hace
A logical orderly first step should be relisting Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac from the OTC (OTCQB) to the NYSE, where they likely meet the financial and governance criteria.

$FNMA $FMCC The Treasury has promised an orderly release of the GSEs from conservatorship, yet months have passed without updates on a plan or timeline. Transparency is overdue. A logical orderly first step should be relisting Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac from the OTC (OTCQB) to…— Rory Stock Values (@IV_Index) March 21, 2025
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FOFreddie FOFreddie 14 horas hace
New CEA Advisor who favors privatization

🚨BREAKING: Morris Davis, prof. at Rutgers Bus. School, picked as White House CEA chief housing economist🚨
His past comments suggest he's for reducing gov't oversight & privatization of $FNMA & $FMCC —paired with cutting the MID could save taxpayers $2.5T!— G Buckman (@g_buckman) March 21, 2025
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FOFreddie FOFreddie 14 horas hace
Hi Rodney - I owned FMCC in 2008 and I started buying during the summer with the expectation that the UST would get warrants in exchange for infusing more capital. I had expected the UST to keep paying the dividends on JPS because all of the small banks that owned the JPS would be wiped out. FMCC had traded in the $25 to $30 range for most of 2008 but then nose dived with the rest of the financial sector starting in July and I bought shares in the $ 5 to $ 10 range and I bought FNMA also accumulating a position worth approximately $ 500,000. When the Conservatorhsip happened I was ok with the 79.9% warrants but thought that the 10% interest rate was unnecessarily punitive and that the write offs were grossly overstated and punitive. That being said I expected a recovery in about 5 years and sold my common for tax losses and purchased more JPS starting in October 2008 through 2009. I am not sure about the Charter considerations back then but do not remember that being an issue and I also do not think that Mike Kelly has used your legal logic in his suit in the COFC. I think your suit will be the first time that the Charter would be used to potentially invalidate the warrants. You might be right but I would have expected the Kelly lawsuit to have included the Charter as a cause of action. In any event I do not think the inevitable dilution by the UST will be stealing nor do I think you are being greedy. My point is that as a shareholder of FMCC in the summer of 2008 - I expected the UST to get at least 40% of the equity via warrants and did not think it was unreasonable at the time of the Conservatorship because I expected an exit and I expected the JPS to be paid at PAR. My hope in the summer of 2008 was for a stock price in the $ 20 range after the UST took a position via warrants.
stockprofitter stockprofitter 15 horas hace
keep dreaming boy
FOFreddie FOFreddie 15 horas hace
Congress can just change the Charter if they need to. It will take years of litigation and millions of dollars to even try to prove your point. Your best way forward is to go on X and educate everyone. Just let everyone know that not all GSE shareholders thinks DJT is stealing.
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FOFreddie FOFreddie 15 horas hace
It is now or never probably - need to file for a TRO ASAP - really. Especially if you think if POTUS is stealing. I understand the claim but I think it is too far to accuse the DJT of "Stealing". You can argue that it is not fair and that you think it is against the Charter but personally I thank God that DJT was elected - if it means that I get $ 20 to $ 30 on my common and I am made whole on my JPS that I paid $ 25 for then I am happy that the US Taxpayer can get 79.9% because it gives DJT a win to continue to do the great work that he is doing. I have waited my whole life for a POTUS like POTUS47 and I am going to stand up for him.
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bradford86 bradford86 15 horas hace
A boy can dream
💤 1
JOoa0ky JOoa0ky 15 horas hace
Hopefully Barron is ready to go with his lawsuit.
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Semper Fi 88 Semper Fi 88 15 horas hace
Well here is how we could all win better than the $35.00 give away AcKman suggests. If they release us, lower cap rate, uplist and let the market decide what the shares are worth I bet we get a lot higher than $ 35.00 At that time if the Govt wants to lock up it's much more valuable shares into a SWF then go for it. I don't see the Govts need to seed the SWF with shares in the single digits when they could do it with shares many multiples of todays PPS.
RickNagra RickNagra 15 horas hace
What happened to Freddie end of day ?  The same action did not happen to Fannie.  The story of my life.  I never get any action.
navycmdr navycmdr 15 horas hace
Fannie, Freddie Speculation Mounts on Bessent Remark On Sovereign Wealth Fund

Scott Carpenter- Fri, March 21, 2025

(Bloomberg) -- Wall Street is weighing in on the possible fate of home loan giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, after a fleeting suggestion by Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent earlier this week that the government’s stakes could eventually become part of the proposed US sovereign wealth fund.

Billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackman, who has long sought to profit from the re-privatization of the so-called government-sponsored enterprises, called the idea “superb” on social media, while noting that it would have to be done in a way “respecting the shareholders’ place in the hierarchy of claims.”

Stifel Financial Corp. Chief Executive Officer Ronald Kruszewski wrote in the Financial Times that transferring the government’s stakes in the two entities could “bolster the financial stability of the nation.” And mortgage bond strategists at JPMorgan Chase & Co. suggested investors should take the idea seriously, if cautiously.

The chatter began earlier this week when, on an episode of the “All In” podcast, Bessent was asked about President Donald Trump’s recent proposal to create a US sovereign wealth fund. In his answer, Bessent seemed to suggest the administration has at least looked at using the government’s stakes in the two companies as assets for the fund.

The Federal Housing Finance Agency, which oversees Fannie and Freddie, didn’t respond to a request seeking comment.

The companies were originally created by Congress to help boost homeownership by making mortgages more available. In 1968, Fannie was converted into a private company, yet Washington’s implicit backstop remained. The US acquired massive stakes in the pair as part of a roughly $190 billion bailout during the financial crisis.
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Rodney5 Rodney5 15 horas hace
Trump wants quid pro quo in all of his transactions. He will expect to monetize the warrants as a result of ending the conservatorship. The warrants are an illegal fee. But more importantly, the warrants granted to Treasury violate the Charter Act directly, as the Charter Act statute requires that FNMA issue common shares for “appropriate” capital. The amount the Treasury will pay the companies to exercise the warrants is no where near appropriate capital. I’ll go so far as saying it’s stealing.
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blossom3 blossom3 16 horas hace
is there going to be more lawsuits?
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Robert from yahoo bd Robert from yahoo bd 16 horas hace

"Takeaways NEW. Wall Street is weighing in on the possible fate of home loan giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, after a fleeting suggestion by Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent earlier this week that the government's stakes could eventually become part of the proposed US sovereign wealth fund."

"Billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackman, who has long sought to profit from the re-privatization of the so-called government-sponsored enterprises, called the idea “superb” on social media, while noting that it would have to be done in a way “respecting the shareholders’ place in the hierarchy of claims.”

Stifel Financial Corp. Chief Executive Officer Ronald Kruszewski wrote in the Financial Times that transferring the government’s stakes in the two entities could “bolster the financial stability of the nation.” And mortgage bond strategists at JPMorgan Chase & Co. suggested investors should take the idea seriously, if cautiously.

The chatter began earlier this week when, on an episode of the “All In” podcast, Bessent was asked about President Donald Trump’s recent proposal to create a US sovereign wealth fund. In his answer, Bessent seemed to suggest the administration has at least looked at using the government’s stakes in the two companies as assets for the fund."
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navycmdr navycmdr 17 horas hace
despite the Freddie Executive Suite being seriously Fired

BODES well for Freddie & Fannie's future gains ...
👍️ 15 💚 1 💤 1 💯 5
Semper Fi 88 Semper Fi 88 17 horas hace
FNMA Closed 4.58% higher for the week. FMCC closed 6.88% higher for the week

I'll take it with a 😁
navycmdr navycmdr 17 horas hace
Freddie nice move w VOLUME to NEW HOD $5.44+.28 @ close ...

👍️ 5
CptB CptB 17 horas hace
DayTr DayTr 17 horas hace
Will re-testing $7 next week.
👍️ 4
Ricco79 Ricco79 17 horas hace
This price trend today. At first I thought it was going to be an M and a W.
But now, what kind of sign is that?
duckdynasty duckdynasty 18 horas hace
AIPAC controls congress and senate
AIPAC controls the banks
AIPAC controls treasury
Not to mention SEC and all the other 3 letter
😴 1
CCSAB CCSAB 18 horas hace
WTF does AIPAC have anything to do with this?
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