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Gex Management Inc (PK)

Gex Management Inc (PK) (GXXM)

Cerrado 12 Marzo 2:00PM

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Lime Time Lime Time 6 días hace
.0001 correct. The chance of profit here greatly outweighs a loss. I'm in.
👍 1
NoScaredMoneyHere NoScaredMoneyHere 6 días hace
Yep but a simple 3 minute call and bought a couple million over the phone. Why not? 🤷🏽‍♂️ lotto play, a lot of hoops to become current, they gotta have a plan.. right? Right?
👍 1
Lime Time Lime Time 1 semana hace
Can't buy on Schwab website. Maybe after Form 15 effectiveness
Backstabbed Backstabbed 2 semanas hace
Has anyone tried contacting this POS CEO? ==> Sri Vanamali
Backstabbed Backstabbed 2 semanas hace
CEO is an asshole. He needs to stop f*cking diluting at $0.0001
Ribo Ribo 2 semanas hace
OS Update, OS= 2,505,301,931
EarthLord2020 EarthLord2020 4 semanas hace
The market maker system is so corrupt... That these cheats and cowards get by constantly hiding the bid.
Backstabbed Backstabbed 4 semanas hace
Hopefully we see some news soon like RS cancellation 
Joefyffe Joefyffe 4 semanas hace
Absolutely! They don't want to show their hand. Trying to keep a poker face! lol
EarthLord2020 EarthLord2020 4 semanas hace
They're hiding the bid to discourage it from taking off.
Joefyffe Joefyffe 4 semanas hace
When I had looked at L2 prior to close, there were 4 MMs on the ask. Two of them were hidding their number of shares as 10k, one showed around 12.5M and the other showed less than 15M (I don't remember exactly what it was now).
Backstabbed Backstabbed 1 mes hace
Was there a lot of shares left at $0.0002?
Patrick Bateman Patrick Bateman 1 mes hace
You like or hate?
JackAskSlap JackAskSlap 1 mes hace
C ya 😈
👍 1 🤑 1
Lime Time Lime Time 1 mes hace
Great to hear from you buddy. Yes, this looks good for a lotto play. Very good SS and a good .0001 pick if you like to play the greater fool theory game like I do. It was at zero bid yesterday, but bid came back. Not much on .0002. Also, the company might wait until March when the Form 15 becomes effective to give updates. RS never went through. Form 15 was last ditch to save the company. I'm confident with my holdings here.
Backstabbed Backstabbed 1 mes hace
$GXXM - bro! Good to see you here! Let's win some!
stervc stervc 1 mes hace
Lime Time, with your GXXM thought...

I'm hoping so with GXXM too. I would hate to think that they recently filled all of their filings to get current to just come back from the dead of not trading to trading again for nothing... or why come back? That's why I thought it was a good "Lotto Play" at .0001 per share until more is learned and confirmed from the company. I'm guessing that they must have some kind of operational plans for growth to move forward.

I'm guessing that the reverse split they had planned back in 2023 has expired. Also, their OS looks good too at 2,405,609,162 shares as of 02/05/2025:

👍️ 1 💥 1
Lime Time Lime Time 1 mes hace
This has pennies written all over it. Maybe they are loading the 0001s first.

I remember these when they were Stop Sign stocks. They always hit hard
👍 1
Backstabbed Backstabbed 1 mes hace
$GXXM - why go through all this trouble and not release news?

Let's go!!!!
Lime Time Lime Time 1 mes hace
I'm right with you. Could see this pump bigtime. Love a gamble like this.
👍️ 1
Backstabbed Backstabbed 1 mes hace
Stilll holding bro! Have not sold! Diamond hands here!
Lime Time Lime Time 1 mes hace
A lot of .0001s traded. If you didn't get your .0001 fill yet, then it might start hitting .0002s
👍 1
Backstabbed Backstabbed 1 mes hace
$GXXM - I can now see level 2 on iHub! Beautiful!
Backstabbed Backstabbed 1 mes hace
$GXXM - let's not bid whack please and be patient!
Lime Time Lime Time 1 mes hace
Grabbed a few .0001

In for a lotto. See what it does.

Must say, this scenario has always rewarded.
👍 1
tapioca tapioca 1 mes hace
Is this company still doing biz management and consulting, or I wonder if they’ll be changing gears. No idea.
Backstabbed Backstabbed 1 mes hace
$GXXM - I can't see level 2 on iHub but I believe that it takes a few days for it to happen!

What a relief!! 
Backstabbed Backstabbed 1 mes hace
$GXXM - Pink current now! No problem!
Backstabbed Backstabbed 1 mes hace
I am not selling 
koolmc koolmc 1 mes hace
have it on watch too bad cdel is stacking it, see if they update shareholders with no r/s then it will go, if not will churn here
Chartmaster Chartmaster 1 mes hace
$GXXM - pink current today!
👍️ 1 💥 1
Backstabbed Backstabbed 1 mes hace
$GXXM - pink current baby! 
👍️ 1
EarthLord2020 EarthLord2020 1 mes hace
I believe the new lunar year will bring great wealth and riches to us all.
👍 1
Lime Time Lime Time 1 mes hace
Many catalysts can come here. The OS is still low within my liking. Cancel RS news will send it up 1000% from here. I guess we see what happens.
👍 1 🚀 2
Backstabbed Backstabbed 1 mes hace
Most likely dead beats. Let them sell here. We won't have to deal with them at higher prices 
Lime Time Lime Time 1 mes hace
Looks like it's valid. Surprised some .0001 is still dumping?
👍 1
Backstabbed Backstabbed 1 mes hace
$GXXM - yearly filed just now bro!
Cretanboy Cretanboy 2 meses hace
V.P. Posted Friday. Should be current next week. Waiting for OTCM to remove the delinquent SEC reporting badge. We are now an alternate filer. Grabbed more trip1s . Let’s hope the reverse split is or will be canceled.
👍 1
Rainer Rainer 2 meses hace
yeah, on close, it could happen
👍 1
Ribo Ribo 2 meses hace
$GXXM, Form 15-12g

What happens when a company is no longer required to publish reports with the SEC?

OTC Markets Group policy requires that companies report suspensions and/or terminations of their SEC reporting obligations before providing information pursuant to the Alternative Reporting Standard. Such issuers must file a Form 15 (or other applicable Form) to indicate to investors and to OTC Markets Group that the Company is no longer subject to SEC reporting obligations. OTC Markets’ policy regarding the filing of a Form 15 is also applicable in the case of an “automatic” suspensions of reporting obligations pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 12h-3. (See SEC Question 108.01).

OTC Markets will generally update a Company’s reporting standard from “SEC Reporting” to “Alternative Reporting” when the Form 15 becomes effective, typically 90 days from the date a Form 15 is filed. During the 90 day window, OTC Markets may continue to look to the Company’s available SEC filings to determine its current information status under SEC Rule 15c2-11. For example, if the Company fails to file a quarterly report during the 90 day window, it may be designated as “Limited Information” or moved to the Expert Market. OTC Markets may update the Company’s reporting standard prior to the effective date, upon written confirmation from the Company that its SEC reporting obligation has ceased and all required filings have been made.

How does a company continue to provide required information under Rule 15c2-11 after it files a Form 15?

Companies that file a Form 15 will generally be considered Alternative Reporting and may subscribe to the OTC Disclosure & News Service. The service allows companies to publish information pursuant to the Alternative Reporting Standard and update company profile information (including company location, business description, etc.). OTC Markets may ask that companies that have filed a Form 15 to publish its most recent Annual Report (10K) via the OTC Disclosure & News Service
tapioca tapioca 2 meses hace
Be interesting to see if this ever gets off the Greys. Not always easy once it goes there.
Backstabbed Backstabbed 2 meses hace
$GXXM - 3 Q's filed today!

Lime Time Lime Time 2 meses hace
It's 90 days for Form 15 effectiveness, but I believe they can get current via OTCIQ in the interim. The SEC shouldn't bother them going forward. And any RS plans are most likely off the table. It's up from here. All .0001 bought out today.
👍️ 1
Backstabbed Backstabbed 2 meses hace
$GXXM - They did on December 26, 2024 bro!

JMoneyHoops JMoneyHoops 2 meses hace
They first need the 15-12G to become effective then it'll flip to Pink 
Lime Time Lime Time 2 meses hace
Exactly. This is the scenario that you'd want to be invested in.
Backstabbed Backstabbed 2 meses hace
$GXXM - We may see a merger! 
Lime Time Lime Time 2 meses hace
Looks like it's coming back 🚀
👍 1
Backstabbed Backstabbed 2 meses hace
2 quarterly filings filed bro! Should be pink limited tomorrow!
👍 1
EarthLord2020 EarthLord2020 2 meses hace
Bet we see movement in January.. I feel a merger coming on.
👍️ 1