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Investview Inc (QB)

Investview Inc (QB) (INVU)

Cerrado 01 Marzo 3:00PM

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The Night Stalker The Night Stalker 4 meses hace
The Night Stalker The Night Stalker 5 meses hace
TommyBoyTrader9460 TommyBoyTrader9460 8 meses hace
ulmadi ulmadi 1 año hace
GDorn GDorn 3 años hace
SEC Update

From yesterday's 10-KT:

During the nine months ended December 31, 2021 we were not involved in any material legal proceedings, however, we have received a subpoena from the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) for the production of documents.

We have reason to believe that the focus of the SEC’s inquiry involves whether certain federal securities laws were violated in connection with, among other things, the offer and sale of our now discontinued Apex sale and leaseback program, the operation of our direct selling network now known as iGenius, and the offer and sale of cryptocurrency products.

In the subpoena, the SEC advised that the investigation does not mean that the SEC has concluded that we or anyone else has violated federal securities laws and or any other law.

We believe that we have complied at all times with the federal securities laws. However, we are aware of the evolving SEC commentary and rulemaking process relative to the characterization of cryptocurrency products under federal securities laws that is sweeping through a large number of businesses that operate within the cryptocurrency sector.

We intend to cooperate fully with the SEC’s investigation and will continue to work with outside counsel to review the matter.

So the investigation is about Apex, which crashed near two years ago. And or, iGenius, the multi level marketing dollar spinner for INVU. Well in part iGenius is a straight up pyramid scheme but that is FTC territory not SEC.

Again, and or their cryptocurrency products. NDAU feels like a standard pump and dump scheme. But CRYPTOelete really gives the SEC something to sniff around. A pure passive income opportunity soliciting US investors without any US securities registration.

To say INVU would never be stupid enough to be on the wrong side of the law like that are forgetting 2018 settlement between INVU and the CFTC in which "Wealth Generators" (iGenius' previous name) would up drop one of their "product offerings," a passive income FX deal and paying out a $150K fine.

So as things stand we don't know which of iGenius' product offerings has drawn the ire of the SEC but eventually it will be revealed.
Zippoty Zippoty 3 años hace
Headed back up today, continues to show solid revenue and profit
aussiekevin aussiekevin 3 años hace
> The existence of an SEC investigation and its potential outcome could have a material adverse effect on us and our business and operations.

Lol. Now that's an understatement.

GDorn GDorn 3 años hace
SEC Subpoena

From the Q3 10Q:


We have received a subpoena from the SEC.

On November 9, 2021, we received a subpoena from the SEC for the production of documents. We have reason to believe that the focus of the SEC’s inquiry involves whether we have violated the federal securities laws in connection with, among other things, the offer and sale of cryptocurrency products and the operation of our subscription-based multi-level marketing business now known as iGenius. We intend to fully cooperate with the SEC in this matter. Responding to the subpoena will and may continue to entail cost and management’s attention. The existence of an SEC investigation and its potential outcome could have a material adverse effect on us and our business and operations.
urge2surge urge2surge 3 años hace
CEO fired and currently in jail. Press released after close today.
aussiekevin aussiekevin 3 años hace
That is false.

Divide the market cap (currently 218 million) by last years earnings, or even 4x the most recent quarter's earnings just to be generous, and you get a number nowhere near 6 or 10.

ap17 ap17 3 años hace
anything new here?
1hot toddy 1hot toddy 3 años hace


aussiekevin aussiekevin 3 años hace


And how do you get a PE of 6 from that?

1hot toddy 1hot toddy 3 años hace



$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ I BOUGHT A BUNCH FOR THE BIG RIDE UP
aussiekevin aussiekevin 3 años hace
LOL ... pe of 6? Absolutely false. Show your math if you disagree.

This company basically has no earnings.
1hot toddy 1hot toddy 3 años hace
u guys dont know what ur talking about. stock has a 6 pe and thats just using last qrtr record numbers. im using numbers that say they dont grow their 3 mill net profit which they will.

better cover shorties as ur days r over. company has alot going for it.

its also at a double bottom. UP WE GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

urge2surge urge2surge 3 años hace
Your probably right. They've disconnected from Bitcoin and the market cap is over bloated.
aussiekevin aussiekevin 3 años hace
Even taking their most optimistic predictions into account (which are almost certainly false / fraudulent) and ignoring the criminal accusations and the possibility that many of the company's assets do not exist, the best case reasonable valuation probably puts this company at about 0.03-0.04. Given that there will likely be over-correction to the negative, I would suggest looking for an entry sub 0.03.
urge2surge urge2surge 3 años hace
Read their latest press release on increasing Bitcoin miners..
99willard 99willard 3 años hace
urge2surge urge2surge 3 años hace
There's a lot of upside here. Bitcoin revenues will only accelerate and share structures are respectable for OTC. Glta
aussiekevin aussiekevin 3 años hace
I might consider buying back in at 0.02 or so.
Marauder65 Marauder65 3 años hace
lmao this is what you get from a scam company..
ulmadi ulmadi 3 años hace
Whether there are also corpses at Invu?
aussiekevin aussiekevin 3 años hace
Glad I made a ton of money on this back in the day. No way I'm putting any money in this turd going forward.
AD1251 AD1251 3 años hace
SEC complaint! This is our leader!
Ryguy008 Ryguy008 4 años hace
Looking strong this morning!

Let's go $INVU
aussiekevin aussiekevin 4 años hace
No way - it was completely overvalued at 0.5, and only got there as the result of a pump and dump that was very widely known.

This is a dead cat bounce and we will be back around 0.1 soon. Plan accordingly.
bigbell609 bigbell609 4 años hace
Hold, this will go back to $.50.
ap17 ap17 4 años hace
NDAU Available on Liquid Exchange
We're thrilled to announce our exciting news: NDAU is now available to trade and buy on Liquid Cryptocurrency Exchange, a popular Asian cryptocurrency exchange. The NDAU markets are open for trading with the NDAU/USDT market pair.

“We’re excited to be added to the Liquid exchange, which is so important to the Asian community of cryptocurrency traders. NDAU opens doors for more people to participate in the opportunities we’re creating as an adaptive store of value. Anyone with a smartphone can easily purchase NDAU without needing access to a bank account.” – Rob Frasca, director at NDAU developer Oneiro.

Liquid is a leading global fintech company founded in 2014, with Japan, Singapore, and Vietnam offices. Liquid was the first exchange licensed by the Japan Financial Services Agency in 2017, and in 2019 the exchange's yearly trading volume exceeded 60bn USD. The company is continuing its focused expansion into 2021 with the development of the "Liquid Stablecoin Exchange," which is a trading and payments platform focused on leveraging the growth of stablecoins.

“We are happy to move forward with the NDAU token listing. Such a blessing to be a part of their successful journey and offer NDAU to Liquid’s trading community.” – Mike Kayamori, co-founder and CEO at Liquid.
aussiekevin aussiekevin 4 años hace
This is holding up decently, but I'm planning on buying closer to 0.1.
ap17 ap17 4 años hace
Interesting email about Ndau.
NDAU Continues Steady Growth
CoinQuora recently featured NDAU highlighting its stability in the ever-changing cryptocurrency market.
Long-term holders have long been looking into alternative stores of value, and the attention has begun to shift to those that offer greater stability and appeal to more conservative investors. NDAU is such an asset. CoinMarketCap shows that NDAU has maintained its price in the $24 range despite the steep drop in technically every other offering on the market. Ciarán Hynes, Managing Partner at NDAU investor COSIMO X, has called the asset “the only green in a sea of red” after its performance amid the current market correction.

Read the full article here

Demand for NDAU has soared over the past few weeks after the listing on the Bittrex Global exchange and a $1 million investment by Investview.

Finance Magnates sat down with Rob Frasca to learn more about what makes NDAU so appealing.

rob frasca headshot
Read the full article to learn:

Why an adaptive store of value is becoming an increasingly appealing to institutional investors
How NDAU fits into the general digital currency space
The size of the market and why it's going to go up five times
What NDAU's built-in monetary policies are and what they mean for holders

In case you missed it, check out the NDAU AMA with Rob Frasca and Stephen Stonberg, from Bittrex Global.
Screen Shot 2021-05-24 at 12.56.50 PM

Moving up the Bonding Curve!

The last tranche of Axiom Foundation issued NDAU at a price of $26.5838 has been sold, which has driven the next issue price up to $26.6096. This represents a very positive trend as the price of NDAU is now solidly moving up the bonding curve. The next issue price and other useful data can always be found on the NDAU Blockchain Explorer.
ap17 ap17 4 años hace
Agreed, and thanks. GLTY
happyglass happyglass 4 años hace
My original post was about how we humans decide the value of things by adopting them as valuable in our daily lives. Crypto has potential, so do hockey cards lol! It is the market that decides :) staying entrenched in old thinking blinds us from new opportunities. I have little trust in the security of virtual money....yet. It is evolving and as challenges are met with real solutions it will get better and more trustworthy which will make more people comfortable using it. Gold is a thing that people see as valuable but I have never seen anyone whip out a scale and chip a gold coin to pay for anything at the grocery store lol! We change with the times in a rational way and we will all thrive :) good luck to you what ever way you buy your pizza :)
ap17 ap17 4 años hace
Exactly, well said. So funny to see the obit of BTC and other cryptos.
Definitely an asset class that entrenched wallstreeters have no clue about, or don't want to have a clue. Love the quote below:

In order of those who get it the least to those that fully understand:

1. The entrenched wall street fat cats 20+ years experience don't get it.
2. The same group above, plus those who DON'T want to get it.
3. The wallstreet Pro's who not only get it, their already on board.
4. Last but definitley not least, the early adopters and youngsters, aka millenials.

The last two groups will leave groups # 1 & 2 in the dust, and personally, nothing.....absolutely NOTHING thrills me more. Those are they very ones that stole from retail cheating and/or manipulating for decades. Now groups 3 & 4 will make the money 1 & 2 left at the door.
happyglass happyglass 4 años hace
I gave my personal experience with this company. I said nothing about how wonderful or horrible crypto is. INVU is following the crypto craze for good or for ill. If they set up their ecosystem around their coin and have enough people adopt and use it, it could be a thing. Trading and crypto are the new shiny objects right now it is the wild west and this could bust or go ballistic that is the great thing about the market. If you want solid and predictable investments, the pinks are not the place to look. This is where the lotto tickets are bought. I would suggest that if you make gains here you sell and lock them in. I am playing with house money so this can do what ever it does and I’m still ahead.
aussiekevin aussiekevin 4 años hace
Nothing that you have said entails that any bitcoin company is a buy at any price. I assume you are not silly enough to believe that.

If you have anything to say about that later issue then it would be valuable. But refusing to go beyond the mantra 'bitcoin = $$$' is going to lose a lot of people a lot of money.
happyglass happyglass 4 años hace
I have no illusion that this is a company with any depth. They do provide some education about financial management but it is basic. They give stock tips and were helping millennials get free of their student debt and an option to get into the stock market easily. I went to one of their home parties and saw the value being given. They charge a monthly fee and they have now made their own coin they are leading the way through new territory. Things become valuable because people accept it as valuable. Look at gold ( shiny dirt), bank currency of any kind ( used to be backed by shiny dirt now backed by government promise), bitcoin (backed by the promise of scarcity) and the Doggie coin (started as a joke and has made people millions) With this as the reality we are living why would this not thrive?
I went to the party, hard pass on becoming a member but bought a 1 month fee in stock at 3 cents. INVU has been good to me.
It is important to know what you own and why you own it.
ap17 ap17 4 años hace
Sure ya will, then pass go and collect 200. OTFL. Learn the coin, see sticky above! Seems I hit paydirt without a doubt!
aussiekevin aussiekevin 4 años hace
All that nonsense aside, I will nevertheless buy in the teens.
ap17 ap17 4 años hace
Exactly!! the entrenched 20yr+ wallstreeter's don't get it.
This group describes it well:
RE: BTC, and the related miner stocks.(pinkyland)

1. The entrenched wall street fat cats 20+ years experience don't get it.
2. The same group above, plus those who DON'T want to get it.
happyglass happyglass 4 años hace
Not in micro penny stocks. Now, small caps, mid, large.... different ballgame. This is pinky land and sentiment rules here. If you are nimble you can do very well
aussiekevin aussiekevin 4 años hace
As someone who sold in the 60s, I can assure you that no nerve has been struck.

I will buy again in the teens.

ap17 ap17 4 años hace
Sometimes the truth strikes a nerve, did I hit paydirt?

The OTC will teach many a lesson.
ap17 ap17 4 años hace
NOPE! It will cost you money. Learn the coin. Like I said time and again:
I get it! Don't be group 1 or 2. warning, this tends to strike a nerve.

1. The entrenched wall street fat cats 20+ years experience don't get it.
2. The same group above, plus those who DON'T want to get it.
3. The wallstreet Pro's who not only get it, their already on board.
4. Last but definitley not least, the early adopters and youngsters, aka millenials.

The last two groups will leave groups # 1 & 2 in the dust, and personally, nothing.....absolutely NOTHING thrills me more. Those are they very ones that stole from retail cheating and/or manipulating for decades. Now groups 3 & 4 will make the money 1 & 2 left at the door.
aussiekevin aussiekevin 4 años hace
Thinking that concepts like 'valuation' and 'price to sales ratio' or 'operating income' are somehow meaningless when we are talking about bitcoin companies is a way of thinking that is going to end up losing you a lot of money.

You can enjoy the ride, but don't mistake it for something else. The veterans know this, and will make a lot of money at the expense of those who don't.
ap17 ap17 4 años hace
Exactly!! Those that do not understand cyrpto and/or BTC apply analysis that is mostly meaningless down here in the wild wild west of OTC land.
Some day they will get, I suppose some never will.

Stable investment and penny stocks do not go together.
aussiekevin aussiekevin 4 años hace
OK, so you use no valuational metric whatsoever, got it.

happyglass happyglass 4 años hace
I use giddy enthusiasm for a new idea that catches on and becomes an answer to a problem. Waiting until it is tried and true does not serve in an economy that is pivoting. Stable investment and penny stocks do not go together. It is still better odds here than a lotto ticket
aussiekevin aussiekevin 4 años hace
> I, and others look to the company's intrinsic value based on its own financial statements, projects and upcoming projects to determine an investment in INVU.

So what valuational metrics do you specifically use?

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