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Moon Equity Holdings Corporation (PK)

Moon Equity Holdings Corporation (PK) (MONI)

Cerrado 06 Marzo 3:00PM

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WarMachine WarMachine 9 horas hace

If you use the link associated with his picture, in the garbage ibox, it takes you to a site with his information, BUT, if you click on THEIR MEET THE TEAM link
Brian Lewis seems to be no longer with THE TEAM. More dead connections? Hmmmmmmm
sissyjane1 sissyjane1 10 horas hace
wondering if moni mgt is awake ? cant even do simple things update info on web site.
sissyjane1 sissyjane1 12 horas hace
WM...will you send a compassion statement for me if i get my bo bo hurt lol
JPetroInc JPetroInc 12 horas hace
last OTC Sept. 30th MONI Qtrly. Filing appears incomplete on the Pref. Series B distribution
SunshineSmiles SunshineSmiles 15 horas hace
Dang MONI let's get the ball rollin.
WarMachine WarMachine 23 horas hace
So very true! These GIANTS OF INDUSTRY sure are making a bad impression. How could they possibly fail to add Brian Lewis? Or did he not make it even a week? Hmmmmmm
But, at least we have Reggie
Maria56 Maria56 1 día hace
Oh, thank you. Too kind. I admit I was quite broken up for five seconds ... before I remembered that I don't care.At least I was talking about $mONI.

Speaking of $mONI, I wondered why Brian Lewis, President of Pulsewire, hasn't yet appeared on $mONI's Board of Directors on the OTC profile....They've had four months to get him listed.

Just sayin ... let the mockery commence.

As part of this acquisition, Brian Lewis will join MONI as President of, as well as joining the MONI Board of Directors.
WarMachine WarMachine 1 día hace
Checking to see if you are ok after that childish passive aggressive mockery. LOL You dared talk about $mONI LOL
sissyjane1 sissyjane1 1 día hace
if this position by the end of month does not increase because of 1st qr infor , its going to be parachute time for me, plain and simple, tired of the silent BS.
👍 1
sissyjane1 sissyjane1 1 día hace
I would like to know something about something even if its news about changing the TOILET PAPER IN THE RESTROOMS !!!!!!!!!!!!
There's a lot of things which have gone stale. Bound to happen after sitting out for years.

Doubt that changes due to this post.
👍️ 1
Maria56 Maria56 1 día hace getting stale. I mean, how long will new $mONI management link "Start Free Trial" and "View Demo" to a "Coming Soon" window?

Let's see if it changes after this post. LOL
stolles8 stolles8 2 días hace
As he said he can be replaced - he does have connections so hate seeing him go and does cast a doubt when we’re not getting updates.
bigsur25 bigsur25 2 días hace
Mypress will end up being a great tool for podcasts. And it should be advertised as such strongly.
👍️ 1
sissyjane1 sissyjane1 2 días hace
since DF left pps has been below .01 and dont have any news ,so whats up with that ?? oh yeah PRE AUDIT .
sissyjane1 sissyjane1 2 días hace
WarMachine WarMachine 3 días hace
Looking for a share price. I think ASCM may have dropped it somewhere around here. Anybody seen it lately? $mONI
sissyjane1 sissyjane1 3 días hace
BAD DAY AT BLACKROCK.......has management forgot how to talk ???
WarMachine WarMachine 3 días hace
Yeah, HOT air. LOL $$mONI
stolles8 stolles8 3 días hace
Wish I had more cash to buy at this level. I’ll just sit on my 2 mill shares and hope for the best unless I see something that tells me otherwise
Taur1112 Taur1112 3 días hace
Moves on air, paper thin stock! Substantive update/news and back above .02 in a flash 
sissyjane1 sissyjane1 3 días hace
lot of buying this AM
benyam benyam 3 días hace
moni sild -50 lost this carbage never again
JoeForkeyBolo JoeForkeyBolo 4 días hace
Will MONI close above $0.01 this week?

1maga1 1maga1 5 días hace
Well they haven't updated in a minute so the only logical explanation is it's all gone.
Maria56 Maria56 6 días hace
Next Generation Technologies

We are far ahead of the competition. Our partnerships are with the world’s foremost experts in AI, radio technology, and data analytics. We focus on expertise. We only collaborate with best of the best. In addition we are working closely with academic institutions, major defense contractors and top level engineers, to ensure the development of unique, user-friendly products that will blow away our competitors in quality and performance.

What happened to ya, $mONI? Where did all this go?
SunshineSmiles SunshineSmiles 6 días hace
Majority of free shares went to Willy T.

Willy the consultant, the accountant and whatever other hat he wears.

JPetroInc JPetroInc 6 días hace
right you are sir...!

way too many free cheap dirty shares issued to crony's

sad $MONI...!

WarMachine WarMachine 6 días hace
Go $mONI WOOHOO! 2 for 2 on the restores! LOL

stolles8 stolles8 6 días hace
Boom! 11% increase daily starting at .0085 we’re at .19 in 30 days 😂
Let’s do it!
👍️ 1
1984ISHERE 1984ISHERE 6 días hace
These people all they do is LIE and make things up
No one believes anything they say their agenda is clear

But for the stupid ones who do believe them, i don't feel bad taking their shares
👍️ 2
Huh? You said Mypressalert search wasn't working and it is working perfectly fine. I even posted a screen shot proving so.

I am all for a real conversation, but No reason to lie...
WarMachine WarMachine 6 días hace
by certain posters on this board

You mean the one who speculates then chews out other people who are speculating? Or maybe the ANTIINTELLIGENCE guy? Or maybe the known fantasy numbers calculating dude? ALL THE ABOVE?


Maria56 Maria56 6 días hace
I don't disagree, but that doesn't mean that observations within posts aren't true. I think some of the website decisions lately have been .... odd. You know, for the internet wizards, not to mention the military geniuses, that the new $mONI management has been cracked up to be by certain posters on this board.
sissyjane1 sissyjane1 6 días hace
Maria56...I dont think anyone on this board actually knows the TRUTH just yet
Maria56 Maria56 6 días hace
I can always tell when the truth hits a nerve or two on this board.
Maria56 Maria56 6 días hace
I was talking about the mypressalert website specifically.
Taur1112 Taur1112 6 días hace
Think that's sound advice you have. She should heed it and relieve herself from all this stress and worry. Or just keep using the board as a diary lol
sissyjane1 sissyjane1 6 días hace
1984..what I do is my business ...worry about yourself ..#####ball
👍️ 1
1984ISHERE 1984ISHERE 6 días hace
You got 50k shares you worry a lot, why not just SELL and buy a 10 yr treasury so you can sleep at night
lol DF left sky is falling
🤣 1
sissyjane1 sissyjane1 6 días hace
SS....your definitely right we need some new info on progress right now
👍️ 1
Tisk tisk.  Geez Maria, I come by to see what the board is doing and I spreading those lies again..

SunshineSmiles SunshineSmiles 6 días hace
The search function works for me.

MyPressAlert is a product of Pulsewire and on the Pulsewire Website it states it is a subsidiary of MONI still.

Tell the whole story for once but we do need news from MONI for the future.

More to the point, what happened to MyPressAlert? Sure there's still a lame website, but no mention on it of Moan Equity Holdings that I can find. Oh, and the search function is dead,

Search function working fine, and I am still getting my alerts I setup.  So where is the fire when it comes to Mypressalert?
1984ISHERE 1984ISHERE 7 días hace
Sellers Tariffs coming OMG Sell now are be Tariffed
The sky is falling boooo hooooo
1984ISHERE 1984ISHERE 7 días hace
Sellers Hit Bid panic you want out , you need $ for weekend Lattes
1984ISHERE 1984ISHERE 7 días hace
Where did all the SELLERS go?
ME hungry
👍️ 1
WarMachine WarMachine 7 días hace
has removed ALL mentions of Moon Equity Holdings and has not mentioned IndexR either.
Has MONI lost that one too?
Maria56 Maria56 7 días hace
Really? Reeeeeely? Why didn't I think of that?

More to the point, what happened to MyPressAlert? Sure there's still a lame website, but no mention on it of Moan Equity Holdings that I can find. Oh, and the search function is dead, so, uh, no searching the site for this wonderful investment opportunity. I guess investors will have to rely of the $mONI

One does wonder what SM and "the rest of the team" are thinking....
WarMachine WarMachine 7 días hace
MONI closed at 1.14

Japanese YEN


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