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Novation Holdings Inc (CE)

Novation Holdings Inc (CE) (NOHO)

Cerrado 01 Marzo 3:00PM

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getthem1 getthem1 5 días hace
I see some action today 6 mill trading today this board is dead ?????????/
MattyTrader MattyTrader 5 meses hace
Noticed this a few weeks ago fwiw

🚨 $NOHO ? Expert Market ? 💰 $0.000001

🔑 AS:35.00B ? OS:20.04B ? R:5.42B ? UR:14.62B ? DTC:12.97B

👤 Company Officer(s)
🟢 Added
- Michael A. Gelmon, CEO
Nebuchadnezzar Nebuchadnezzar 8 meses hace
lol this junk!!! LOL

hahahahahhha wow 000001 haha
SmellMyFinger SmellMyFinger 10 meses hace
Well said. Articulate. We'll see what happens.
kevin 3 kevin 3 11 meses hace
$VXIT OTC Special Event Theory from Professor Brainiac

What is going on in the OTC and why are there so many mergers being announced and teased? I've discussed this to great lengths and will continue to do so. I label it the #OTCSET, it the OTC Special Event Theory, which surmises that for a number of reasons there's a historical amount of demand for clean shells and the bull market we saw in 2021 was just the first wave of those shells getting repriced to adjust and account for the unprecedented demand.

Why do I believe clean OTCs are on the verge of being overrun with capital? Because they hold an immense amount of potential value as vehicles for private companies to access US capital markets - which is drastically more important for foreign private businesses thanks to the strength of the dollar vs their currencies (dollar milkshake theory, look it up).

Supply in global equities is shrinking:

And meanwhile the demand is only going up at a blistering pace. There's more liquidity in the system than the world knows what to do with, it's why big tech stonks, Bitcoin, shitcoins, etc are seeing insane moves to new ATHs. As the liquidity keeps pouring in, it needs more places to go, and these shells are going to be incredible matches for that demand. That's why you're seeing private businesses with real and immense potential value merging with empty shells with seemingly no value on the surface, that is until you understand just what they are and what they can be used for.

You're seeing companies get denied trying to IPO so these shells are safe havens and cheat codes when used as APOs. For a foreign company who's desperate to access US capital markets in this crazy finacial environment, these shells are going to be beyond just a hot commodity. That's why it doesn't matter if you don't like or trust Frank, a clean shell in this environment is going to see it's value sky rocket, especially when the awareness really takes off. If someone can't make use of their shell, they will easily be able to find a buyer as the market for shells really turns into a seller's market.

To add another layer that almost makes this too good to be true, I believe the MMs systematically naked short high risk equities as part of the status quo and have done so for decades. What I think we're seeing is such a financial paradigm shift for these historically high risk tickers that we're going to see massive short coverings which will only add to the fire for this OTC shell bull market. These MMs short high risk OTCs with the assumption that 99% of them go to zero, which historically is very true (largely thanks to the help of the naked shorts and toxic lenders, but that's another topic). With this paradigm shift taking place, suddenly you have an army of long term turds that suddenly aren't looking like turds any longer, and thus begins the risk of short squeezes to add to the intrinsic value that these shells now have as vehicles for accessing US capital markets.

Don't get too caught up in the ups and downs, this will take time to play out and it will get volatile. Use the swings to your advantage, but understand that I think we're looking at the early stages of a life changing event in the OTC, specifically targeting OTC shells with clean charts/history. Buckle up.
10:40 AM · Apr 12, 2024 5,999 Views

What is going on in the OTC and why are there so many mergers being announced and teased? I've discussed this to great lengths and will continue to do so. I label it the #OTCSET, it the OTC Special Event Theory, which surmises that for a number of reasons there's a historical…

— Professor Brainiac (@ChartDiligence) April 12, 2024

okwife okwife 11 meses hace
SmellMyFinger SmellMyFinger 12 meses hace
Nothing but crickets with this stock.
SmellMyFinger SmellMyFinger 1 año hace
No clue, but would love an update. Been holding this one for quite some time.
Big Benny Big Benny 1 año hace
Sometimes, new things arise under the blanket of secrecy and cynicism. Not saying that any meaningful activity is going on with this company. But you just never know. If it was, it would make my 52 million shares very happy.

Happy New Year to All,
Big Benny
Kyle279 Kyle279 1 año hace
It’s all I can find when searching. Would be nice to know what the plan is here. Not sure if the Finland burger biz is the same NOHO.
12yearplan 12yearplan 1 año hace
Anyone know how fixing that cto is going?..
Big Benny Big Benny 1 año hace
So there's still seems to be evidence that NOHO is hooked up with a hamburger chain in Finland. Is that correct?

Dingbatt Dingbatt 1 año hace
The Bar tender in the ghost town at the saloon says the drinks are on the house
SmellMyFinger SmellMyFinger 1 año hace
LOL, I'm not sure what this company even does, if anything. Just bought in a while back and will hold until delistment or a spike. Honestly, either outcome is fine to me at this point.
Dingbatt Dingbatt 1 año hace
The only reason why I

ask an expert is because it is still trading at the saloon in the ghost town
Dingbatt Dingbatt 1 año hace
once bought a banjo at a pawn shop for $42 do you thing that this company can maybe tune it up with a new pair of strings
SmellMyFinger SmellMyFinger 1 año hace
*...a tumbleweed frolics across the $NOHO forum...* Nothing new here, I guess.
Pulled my money 💰 in 2021 when it skyrocketed…. Hope all is well.. HAVE A GOOD HOLIDAY SEASON
BigDaddyNewbie BigDaddyNewbie 1 año hace
People were dumping thier shares of this dead POS. I wish I had been one of them.
SmellMyFinger SmellMyFinger 1 año hace
No one replied, so I guess not? Strange though.
Big Benny Big Benny 1 año hace
Makes one wonder why suddenly someone would buy almost 110 million shares. Maybe just taking losses and cleaning out accounts, who knows? Anyone here?

Big Benny
Kyle279 Kyle279 2 años hace
What do you think is up with this ticker ? Anyone email the CEO recently ?
kevin 3 kevin 3 2 años hace
SmellMyFinger SmellMyFinger 2 años hace
This place is a ghost town.
SmellMyFinger SmellMyFinger 2 años hace
Haven't heard of that, but possibly?
Kyle279 Kyle279 2 años hace
Is NOHO now a hamburger chain in Finland ?
SmellMyFinger SmellMyFinger 2 años hace
This stock needs to move already.
Hi_Lo Hi_Lo 2 años hace
What was the last scam?
Hi_Lo Hi_Lo 2 años hace
Is he still scamming investors?
Hi_Lo Hi_Lo 2 años hace
What happened to Michael Gelmon?
SmellMyFinger SmellMyFinger 2 años hace
Why you be consolidatin' so much, $NOHO?
Hi_Lo Hi_Lo 2 años hace
Time will tell. If he does that too many more times, he may lose controlling interest in the company. But at that point, he probably doesn't care.
Gelmon has been comitting penny stock fraud with many tickers for decades.
SmellMyFinger SmellMyFinger 2 años hace
$NOHO be chilling in consolidation, yo.
SmellMyFinger SmellMyFinger 2 años hace
To my knowledge, yes. They do so often.
MisterBig MisterBig 2 años hace
Why not, at this price I guess. LOL
Big Benny Big Benny 2 años hace
Thank you GPTT -

I seem to see the same situation. I guess I will keep buying.

Getpaidtotrade Getpaidtotrade 2 años hace
Can't believe people don't see how this is a total dilution scam for Mikey's profit.
Been in since 2014, gotta play the dips and spikes on these stinky pinks.
Sorry to capitalize on the suckers but hey, someone has to take profits besides Mr. Smelmon
HokieHead HokieHead 2 años hace
Fraud? Lmfao. Come back to iHub to discuss fraud. What a hoot!
Big Benny Big Benny 2 años hace
I stand corrected on my other post. The company (aka probably scamster Gelmon) sold 4 billion shares for, I'm guessing a net amount of proceeds of between $600,000 and $800,000. In fantasy land, one would say it was to buy another private company. Maybe that's what it was. More than likely, it was to buy a house in Vegas.

Time will tell. If he does that too many more times, he may lose controlling interest in the company. But at that point, he probably doesn't care.

Big Benny Big Benny 2 años hace
I just kept buying a 500,000 block here and there. I'm just scratching my head like everyone else.

Dilution fraud scheme at this point doesn't seem to hold much water. They have been standing at roughly 20 Billion shares for quite a while. Issue a billion shares so Gelmon can buy a bag of groceries? Really?

I still wonder if there isn't a merger lurking somewhere. But like I say, I'm just guessing like almost everyone else. At such a low price, it's actually kind of fun to mess around. Maybe I'll run it up to 100 million.

See you later,
Big Benny
👍️ 1
HokieHead HokieHead 2 años hace
Fraud? Lmfao!!!! Where’s all the DD?

What a fairytale 4th hoot!!
gmoney909 gmoney909 2 años hace
So is it only mm that can buy below .0001 ?
Kyle279 Kyle279 2 años hace
Why keep it pink ? They will do something. Probably just another pump. But something.
MisterBig MisterBig 2 años hace
When did you make your largest puchase? I mean the volume has been less than 100K/day for a long time. . .$NOHO is a POS dilution scam. I have several million worthless shares myself.
Hi_Lo Hi_Lo 2 años hace
I see that documented master penny stock fraudster Michael Gelmon is still milking and defrauding investors with this scam.

I don't understand how the SEC allows this fraud to continue.
Big Benny Big Benny 2 años hace
I'm up to 50 Million. I guess I'll stop, at least for awhile.
Big Benny Big Benny 2 años hace
So I guess I shouldn't be accumulating at 0.0001. I was, and was thinking of continuing that. What do you think? Are they never going to make the stock go up the old-fashioned way, by actually making it worth something?

SmellMyFinger SmellMyFinger 2 años hace
Got that right. With MMs, expect a LOT of hanky-panky with a hurdy-gurdy. Naked shorting stocks down to below minimum listing requirements so companies have to reverse/split to avoid getting delisted... rinse and repeat. They do this with stinky pinkies because they can buy at $0.000001 and sell to retail at $0.0001. It would be nice if there was a regulatory system in place to hold such people accountable... oh, wait. There is.
Big Benny Big Benny 2 años hace
Obviously, someone is still accumulating shares. If the stock were completely dead, why would it still be traded? As is the case with many other stocks these days, it appears there is a lot of hanky-panky going on involving MM's. JMO,
This POS is almost dry enough to pick with the vacuum.