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JakBqk JakBqk 21 horas hace
This stinks 😩, but sometimes you just gotta pinch your nose and eat it 😂🥤🍔🍟🍦🎰🤑 I'm not the only fool today 😆
Green Leaf Smoker Green Leaf Smoker 2 días hace
SEC will have this play DELISTED before any monies come to the bottom line of this POS play PHIL....thx Participation_trophy_inc = Henry Dack Fraudster Fahman
Participation_trophy_inc Participation_trophy_inc 2 días hace
Go Henry !!! Any month now I expect that the mere $10.5 in crypto assets will show up in your wallet !!! Patiently waiting for the representative to authorize the transfer to the agent for approval of receipt to send the assets to a wallet to be pending due to receiving wallet procedures and barring the extremely common event of crypto assets being credited to the wrong wallet and other potential documents needing to be resubmitted we should see the assets credited to your account for receipt of funds by maybe new years if no holidays create potential hold ups !!!! It's another opportunity to load cheapies and use the time honored investment strategy of AVERAGING DOWN !!!!!!! Pretty cool haha !!!!!
Participation_trophy_inc Participation_trophy_inc 2 días hace
Because Henry !!!!
Because Henry said !!!!
PPG will join the IFC if the anonymous secret representative of the anonymous secret ultra high net worth luxury investor deposits a mere $12.5 billion dollars to the PGG account !!!!!
Go Henry !!! You can do it !!!! Get that first domino to fall !!!! We are still in the game !!!!! Haha
Green Leaf Smoker Green Leaf Smoker 3 días hace
After several decades of nothing but failures to deliver anything of fundamental value, what's waiting another several months for the same results gonna prove.
Participation_trophy_inc Participation_trophy_inc 4 días hace
If you are referring to the $10.5 million dollar grant it's crypto assets and they take several weeks to process and several months for the receiving bank procedures to take place. After that they will take a few months to determine if the crypto assets were sent to the correct wallet address. Henry is being cautious but it gives you several more months to load cheapies .
DP1011 DP1011 4 días hace
Did that one item close yet?
CrapIsCrap CrapIsCrap 4 días hace
Participation_trophy_inc Participation_trophy_inc 4 días hace
$800 in business today, lads .
KIPK KIPK 4 días hace
WOW? Go back to Class?? that's all you got??

How dumb are you???
Green Leaf Smoker Green Leaf Smoker 5 días hace
Just ask Participation_trophy_inc = Henry Dack Fraudster Fahman by looking in the mirror ....somebody needs to give one a Participation_trophy for the Joke of the day ?
Participation_trophy_inc Participation_trophy_inc 5 días hace
Does anyone know if the $10.5 million dollars free money grant to honest Henry Fahman has arrived at the account yet ??..
Sodapop42 Sodapop42 5 días hace
Motion set for hearing on 3/24/2025 at 08:30 AM for both Kelley & Schmitz
👍️ 2
Participation_trophy_inc Participation_trophy_inc 5 días hace
When is the next court date scheduled ,??..
CrapIsCrap CrapIsCrap 5 días hace
Wow you are hysterical!  Go back to class now. 
JakBqk JakBqk 5 días hace
KIPK KIPK 5 días hace
Sounds like that MED has been doing you good...!!!

Glad you are feeling better!!
CrapIsCrap CrapIsCrap 6 días hace
There is medication that can be taken for dissociative identity disorder. You might want to consider that. 
👍️ 1 🤣 1
Participation_trophy_inc Participation_trophy_inc 6 días hace
I was researching Vietnamese websites but I couldn't find anything about this . Is $10.5 million imaginary crypto assets enough to build an imaginary 11 square mile jewelry store ??
Green Leaf Smoker Green Leaf Smoker 6 días hace
All Lip service, nothing of $$$ transferred to any PHIL bank accounts... Ha Ha.....One is obliviously delusional putting a criminal on a pedestal labeling one as a hero / honest
Participation_trophy_inc Participation_trophy_inc 6 días hace
It looks like my hero honest Henry Fahman is on his was to fulfilling his life's mission of building every single airport, expressway and power plant in Vietnam. Because Henry was born in Vietnam. Because Henry. Because Henry said !!!! You can do it Henry haha
Sodapop42 Sodapop42 6 días hace
All Henry needs to do is drop his wallet address, that's it, very simple. Just cut and paste(LMAO) it. Where is Satoshi when we need him?🤡🤡🤡🤡
Green Leaf Smoker Green Leaf Smoker 7 días hace
All Lip service, nothing of $$$ transferred to any PHIL bank accounts Ha Ha
Participation_trophy_inc Participation_trophy_inc 7 días hace
$10.5 million down
$12.489.5 billion to go !!!!!
The first domino fell !!!!
Bashers put in their place !!!!!
Go Henry !!!!!
You can do it !!!!!
We are still in the game !!!!!!
Pretty cool haha
Sodapop42 Sodapop42 7 días hace
LMAO using crypto again🤡🤡🤡🤡
Green Leaf Smoker Green Leaf Smoker 7 días hace
And yet no market move thus no substance....We are pleased to report the receipt (nothing to indicate to whom will be the recipient of such bogus funds) of US$10.5 million worth of cryptocurrency assets from a philanthrophic grant ....Henry Dack Fraudster Fahman works harder putting out worthless info of nothing vs. running a legit business ...imo
Participation_trophy_inc = Henry Dack Fraudster Fahman = PHIL as all WPOS
FACTS on PHIL.....💩Lot of SELLERS @ O.OOO1 R lining (💩ing) up that r stuck (Phil bagholders) in PHIL, & their major problem is.... few to no buyers r lining up @ O.OOO2 to bail them out 'a of this pile of 💩...FICTON anything coming from the Participation_trophy_inc
Green Leaf Smoker Green Leaf Smoker 7 días hace
And yet no market move thus no substance....We are pleased to report the receipt (nothing to indicate to whom will be the recipient of such bogus funds) of US$10.5 million worth of cryptocurrency assets from a philanthrophic grant ....Henry Dack Fraudster Fahman works harder putting out worthless info of nothing vs. running a legit business ...imo
Participation_trophy_inc = Henry Dack Fraudster Fahman = PHIL as all WPOS
FACTS on PHIL.....💩Lot of SELLERS @ O.OOO1 R lining (💩ing) up that r stuck (Phil bagholders) in PHIL, & their major problem is.... few to no buyers r lining up @ O.OOO2 to bail them out 'a of this pile of 💩...FICTON anything coming from the Participation_trophy_inc
Participation_trophy_inc Participation_trophy_inc 7 días hace
Pretty cool haha
Rainer Rainer 7 días hace
#PHIL We are pleased to report the receipt of US$10.5 million worth of cryptocurrency assets from a philanthrophic grant to advance the Company's transformative initiatives which include the Asia Diamond Exchange and International Financial Center projects in Vietnam and our…— PHILUX GLOBAL GROUP (@PHIGROUP) March 4, 2025
Green Leaf Smoker Green Leaf Smoker 7 días hace
One needs to stop confusing FACTS w/ Bashing.....Participation_trophy_inc = Henry Dack Fraudster Fahman and bandit team of inept individuals don't have the ability to complete anything of value....proof from decades of worthless filings....
Only has ability to corruptly line ones own pockets....
Participation_trophy_inc Participation_trophy_inc 7 días hace
Anyone heard any chit chat ?? Maybe something to do with Dr Prof Benjamin D'Orleans D'France Carl William Benedict Smet III ? The true longs are getting frustrated ,I can't blame them but I believe in you Henry !!!!! I believe in your life's mission !!!!! Prove the bashers wrong !!!! You can do it Henry haha next week works for me or even 3 weeks after the week after next haha
Green Leaf Smoker Green Leaf Smoker 7 días hace
Who??? ..So Insightful ...MIA on all fronts
Who???...So Insightful
👍️ 1 ☺️ 1
Participation_trophy_inc Participation_trophy_inc 7 días hace
Because Henry.
Because Henry said.
Sheddoggie Sheddoggie 1 semana hace
Volume says it all.

This one is toast. Next up a big RS.
Participation_trophy_inc Participation_trophy_inc 1 semana hace
Let's go PGG !!! Im ready for that first domino to fall Henry !!! That would shut up the bashers and prove that we are still in the game !!! Go Henry you can do it !!! This week works fine for me. Patiently waiting haha
Participation_trophy_inc Participation_trophy_inc 1 semana hace
Henry said .
Green Leaf Smoker Green Leaf Smoker 1 semana hace
Zero cred Henry Fahman = Participation_trophy_inc.... Fact....No Henry can't do it !!! Will NEVER get over the finish line haha....proven thru decades of failures attempting to do so all the while deceiving LT investors of this POS play PHIL
Participation_trophy_inc Participation_trophy_inc 1 semana hace
Youust be alluding to the nuclear agreement between Vietnam and Russia ? I don't know how they would pull it off without my hero honest Henry Fahman. First of all Henry was born in Vietnam, secondly no one has more imaginary experience negotiating nuclear agreements than my hero honest Henry Fahman. It's unmatched apart for my hero honest Henry Fahmans imaginary experience building infrastructure. Go Henry !!! You can do it !!! Get us over the finish line haha
Mr. Dragon Mr. Dragon 1 semana hace
"Honest Henry Fahman" is an oxymoron of the proportion of "harmless thermonuclear device."
👍️ 2 🤣 1
Participation_trophy_inc Participation_trophy_inc 1 semana hace
Someone on ST posted a very handsome photo of my hero , honest Henry Fahman working diligently and earnestly at his computer for the benefit of his valued shareholders . We are still in the game !!!! Get us over the finish line, Henry !!! You can do it !!!! Pretty cool haha
Green Leaf Smoker Green Leaf Smoker 1 semana hace
Look for this same message to be redundantly projected decades from now if SEC lets this company survive. Biggest change will be LT PHIL SH'ers portfolio value as it will crater due too MASSIVE RS split enacted.
Well, Well, Well to no ones surprise said stated 💩 head prediction didn't come to fruition... NEXT WEEK is now currently THIS WEEK (2/23/2025 - 03/01/2025) from one (Participation_trophy_inc = Henry Dack Fraudster Fahman) on Getting that first IP closed, it will shut up the the likes of Participation_trophy_inc = Henry Dack Fraudster Fahman !!!! Thank You for putting oneself Officially dead on one ones validity/truthfulness going forward. AMEN !!!
👍️ 1 🤑 1
Participation_trophy_inc Participation_trophy_inc 1 semana hace
Well it's next week haha . Henry please shut up the bashers and close an IP from the secret anonymous ultra high net worth luxury investor !!! You can do it henry . This week works for me haha
Participation_trophy_inc Participation_trophy_inc 1 semana hace
I don't see you asking to give it a break on st , Luiz. Haha
cojoboy cojoboy 1 semana hace
God..give it a break...seriously
🙄 1
Participation_trophy_inc Participation_trophy_inc 1 semana hace
Don't you bashers understand ? My hero honest Henry Fahman explained that the secret anonymous representative of the secret anonymous ultra high net worth luxury investor needs to submit additional documents before the receiving bank credits the account $12.5 billion on value day . This process could take several years so just be patient like the true longs and valued shareholders are . Go Henry !!! Go PGG !!! Next week works for me haha
shotaduck shotaduck 1 semana hace
Shit was in the bank 4 years ago 10 times. What's it going to take for you people to give up....
👍️ 1 😁 1
Green Leaf Smoker Green Leaf Smoker 1 semana hace
The mirror doesn't lie.... Game over for one Participation_trophy_inc = Henry Dack Fraudster Fahman as one has officially exhausted any & all validity
💩Lot of SELLERS @ O.OOO1 R lining (💩ing) up that r stuck (Phil bagholders) in PHIL, & their major problem is.... few to no buyers r lining up @ O.OOO2 to bail them out 'a of this pile of 💩...FICTON anything coming from the 🥶 💩♥️Participation_trophy_inc
👍️ 1 🤑 1
Participation_trophy_inc Participation_trophy_inc 1 semana hace
These bashers will not listen to reason. Come on Henry shut these bashers up and close the $12.5 billion IP from the anonymous secret ultra high net worth luxury investor and build the 11 square mile jewelry store on land you don't own !!! You can do it Henry !!! Peninsulas all over Vietnam are sitting fallow without Vietnams favorite son developing them !!!! Haha
Green Leaf Smoker Green Leaf Smoker 1 semana hace
Game over for one Participation_trophy_inc = Henry Dack Fraudster Fahman as one has officially exhausted any & all validity
Blast from the past "PHIL is a company headed by a CEO who was barred for life"
FACTS:..... Searching filings it turns out that Henry takes about $50,000 salary per year. What a selfless C E O. for running a WP of 💩 company in the ground & alienating LT SHer's of any opportunity of ever pulling a rabbit out of ones hat.
If anyone of these individuals (Dr. Prof. Benjamin D'Orleans D'France Carl William Benedict Smet III) put a penny in this POS play they too will lose 99% of their penny.
👍️ 1 🥶 1
Participation_trophy_inc Participation_trophy_inc 1 semana hace
What about Dr. Prof. Benjamin D'Orleans D'France Carl William Benedict Smet III ??? Surely a man of his immense , almost immeasurable stature wouldn't commiserate with a known scammer. Go Henry !!!! You can do it !!! Build an 11 square mile jewelry store on land you don't own and shut up the bashers haha