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Hosai Hosai 3 minutos hace
My point was it was an Eisai educational video and yet he says they expect 1 in 5 to take a monoclonal which is pretty low leaving 80% still with the older AD treatments and if you are correct in saying he is paid to give a rosier picture of things then even 1 in 5 may be optimistic.
Trinityz1 Trinityz1 4 minutos hace
LOL! that's hilarious seeing as how MSNBC is on the chopping block
Comcast is putting them up for sale due to ratings tank
Trinityz1 Trinityz1 5 minutos hace
Casey blew it
badguy3101 badguy3101 5 minutos hace
Ignore Buttholechaser and wait until the entire MJ/Hemp sector reignites. It has been dead since 2019. Just look at any 5 year chart of a company involved with MJ/Hemp. Quite self-explanatory.

Patience! And again, ignore SSI income Buttholechaser


Trinityz1 Trinityz1 5 minutos hace
Kash to head the FBI
Trinityz1 Trinityz1 6 minutos hace
he quickly nominated the ex-AG of Florida
Diamondhands45 Diamondhands45 6 minutos hace
Umm who finfa them enlightening.  Most people have you blocked and the rest of us keep you around for comedic relief on SPZI
Trinityz1 Trinityz1 6 minutos hace
I hear he's going to be like 2nd in appointment
Trinityz1 Trinityz1 7 minutos hace
he's guilty as hell
and is getting out
Diamondhands45 Diamondhands45 7 minutos hace
Yes for retail.  No retail shorts OTC.  MMS do as everyone who knows anything knows
hedge_fun hedge_fun 7 minutos hace
Why does something that is very well known…..

by those who actually follow the industry need to be proven?

The Hedge Fund Manager Searching for Deep-Sea Treasure: Big Take

By Rebecca Greenfield
November 16, 2023 at 11:08 AM EST

Iwasbornpoor Iwasbornpoor 8 minutos hace
How many people are aware he is a scam artist?
Trinityz1 Trinityz1 8 minutos hace
and is also threatening a US base in Poland
Hoskuld Hoskuld 8 minutos hace
Dr. Sabbagh is compensated for this kind of thing. He says things for Eisai. He says things for Anavex. He says things for other companies.
Hoskuld Hoskuld 10 minutos hace
SAVA's OL results were manipulated and, in total, appeared not effective. Anytime P3 AD patients finish a trial they willingly go into the OLE because there is nothing out there for AD. The participation rate among compellers is the same as for 2-73 - except that SAVA has zero side effects so the b
Bull_Dolphin Bull_Dolphin 10 minutos hace
That's exactly how I see it MG. She did a fine job as AG in Florida and has been very loyal to Trump. That said, she just doesn't have the aggressiveness, or (IMO) intellect that is needed to bust the DOJ wide open.

Nice lady, I hope I'm wrong.
MiamiGent MiamiGent 14 minutos hace
Thanks ks. As is often the case, I was on my cell phone. Tonight, in the Walmart lot eating a hot meal of chicken fingers and double mashed potatoes and gravy, reading the online news after a chilly afternoon delivery.
BigOleDerek BigOleDerek 14 minutos hace
Restatement due to prohibited auditor lol. Tard
Crabby!! Crabby!! 14 minutos hace
Stinger2014 Stinger2014 14 minutos hace
FWIW, I’m buying when I can, and holding. Good night everyone! Tomorrow? 🙏
surfkast surfkast 15 minutos hace
Because I hate scams and scumbag pumpers.
I tend to believe I helped bust another one this week.
Better find a new analysis! There are many ones that are bullish. Here is a couple!
Trading Expectations (IGPK) For The Upcoming Trading Day Of Friday 22nd
For the upcoming trading day on Friday, 22nd we expect Integrated Cannabis Solutions Inc to open at $0.0038, and during the day (b
Halkid Halkid 16 minutos hace
Nice to see the gang’s still around, as we used to say see ya at 5 bucks and beyond!
Bubae Bubae 17 minutos hace
Had a great four years under Trump. Then the Canadian styled libs took over and the country for four years and everyone now understands what happens under such policies. Given the landslide win you must be calling most of the U.S ignorant? 🙄 Now your own Trudeau is going MAGA on your border
surfkast surfkast 17 minutos hace
Management has evaluated subsequent events through the date these financial statements were available to be issued. Based on our
evaluation, there are no material events that have occurred that require further disclosure.

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