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Vystar Corporation (PK)

Vystar Corporation (PK) (VYST)

( -23.66% )
Actualizado: 09:41:48

Herramientas de nivel profesional para inversores individuales.

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silkman silkman 3 semanas hace
At its 52 week high
silkman silkman 4 semanas hace
Active updates from company recently this is good looks like ship is lowly turning around just need to see this back at $3 again
rattlestock rattlestock 4 semanas hace
Just look at what Greg Rotman did to UVFT. History will repeat with VYST.
rattlestock rattlestock 4 semanas hace
That is a big word pile of Greg Rotman hopium! If you know, you know!
dukeb dukeb 1 mes hace
Yes, no one knows. But to expect the Rotman family (especially Greg and now Jamie, too) to do anything for shareholders I'm afraid that is wishful thinking.

IMO, the Rotman clan has proven to be a bunch of scoundrels and anything they say or do should be seen through that lens.

And I think it very unlikely that any legitimate business will want the albatross of existing shareholders.
silkman silkman 1 mes hace
no one know whats really going hoping for the best here after 5 years.
dukeb dukeb 1 mes hace
The ability of a company that acquires a shell to use the target's NOLs is very limited and acquiring a shell specifically to take advantage of their NOLs will almost certainly trigger an IRS problem.

And if a "real business" with real profits wanted to reverse into the VYST shell, you can be sure that they aren't going to want prior shareholders getting any significant piece of the merged entity. They will reverse split to virtually wipe everyone out.

Greg is going to use the shell to try to pull off another scam. It's in his DNA.
silkman silkman 1 mes hace
Recent updates look good, would be happy with $3 but still need VYST to realize this need others see value here.
King Zurich King Zurich 1 mes hace
Vystar as a public entity in full SEC compliance has value. The EMA lawsuit is still active with respect to Vystar’s claims and all EMA’s claims are gone and the Company has a $60M loss carry forward that has value. At only 13M shares outstanding this is worth almost $5 per share to a merging entity that could benefit from this tax loss carry forward
King Zurich King Zurich 1 mes hace
For what it is worth, you have to give the Company some credit for now being in full SEC compliance and eliminating $6M in debt to clean up the balance sheet. See recent 8K. Stock is trading again albeit at minimal volumes
dukeb dukeb 1 mes hace
Not sure it's her but if you google her name there is a Jamie Rotman who is a "metabolism coach" and a weightlifter.

If they are the same person the SEC will have to cut her some slack because she's busy with her other ventures. The VYST scam is a part-time thing for her.
dukeb dukeb 1 mes hace
The company exists solely to funnel money into the pockets of the Rotman family. Anything they do is to further that goal.

silkman silkman 1 mes hace
Think it's a positive that company is filing still and trying to get on etc quote system.
TenKay TenKay 1 mes hace
That 8K is about a month overdue…lol.
dukeb dukeb 1 mes hace
So the company announces that some unnamed third party entity has purchased Rotman's Furniture and the net result for VYST is that $ 6k of assets come off the books along with almost $ 5 million in liabilities. What sort of entity agrees to take on meager assets and huge liabilities?


My guess is the unnamed entity is controlled by Greggy-boy who is looking to clean up the VYST balance sheet so he can run a new scam to sucker in newly minted investors.

And his sister is complicit.

Papa Rotman should be very proud of the two turds that he raised.

Effective December 31, 2024, Vystar transferred and assigned its ownership interest in Rotmans Furniture to a third party for nominal value. As such, the balance sheet and financial statements for the Company, for the year ended 2024, will reflect a decrease in assets of approximately $6,000 and a decrease in liabilities of approximately $4,742,000.
silkman silkman 1 mes hace
OTCBB application filed this is a good thang
👍 1
Chazz5150 Chazz5150 2 meses hace
silkman silkman 2 meses hace
.10 blue sky
dukeb dukeb 3 meses hace
$5 per share or $ 5 value for the entire float?

$5 in 2025
silkman silkman 3 meses hace
$5 in 2025
rattlestock rattlestock 3 meses hace
Not a Santa Rally for VYST, instead
A big fat Rotten Rotman 54% Dump!

silkman silkman 4 meses hace
.035 only has to go up 5000% for me to be even lol
👍 1
silkman silkman 4 meses hace
10Q filed
👍️ 1 🤞 1
silkman silkman 5 meses hace
rattlestock rattlestock 5 meses hace
Quarterly Check In:
$0.001 / Share! GO JAMIE ROTMAN!! That sure is "Building Shareholder Value.."

Oh, but it is really just Greg Rotman continuing to be a failure at everything he does being the Defacto CEO of Vystar, Corp. I am actually surprised it has taken Greg this long to come up with a new shiny carrot to dangle for a cash investment infusion, which he will just grift off, anyway. Maybe, just maybe, he has already used up the bottom of the barrel OTC Toxic Lenders and run out of High Net Worth Investors that will even talk to him. I mean, imagine presenting this resume to potential investors...

PAYD- Promised a $2-3B Valuation and got kicked out by a family member. (From people I know that invested)

UVFT- Never brought shareholder value, failed. Blamed the CEO and replaced him with a puppet. Still failed at shareholder value and placed brother in law as chairman of the BOD and steels all the UVFT technology and puts into Vystar Corp. and for compensation sends millions of worthless VYST shares to UVFT as payment that he knows are worthless and that will never be distributed to shareholders because he left UVFT with no $$$. Thus, basically stealing the UVFT Technology and screwing all the UVFT investors & note holders.

VYST- Greg and his father Steven Rotman FAIL bringing shareholder value by FAILING to:
1. Sell Vytex foam Mattresses, Toppers, and Pillows in their own family furniture store in Worcester, MA.
2. Secure Vytex foam licensing deals in the furniture industry (which they said they could accomplish)
3. Secure any of the many, many other licensing Vytex possibilities in other industries.. (Condoms, Gloves, Balloons, Threads for Clothing which was highly touted, and many others)
4. UVFT Technology- They could not sell Air Purifiers during a GLOBAL PANDEMIC! I mean of all the setups business wise you could ask for... A Global Pandemic from a virus and they could not capitalize on a UV Air Purifier with some of the best patents. A monkey could have sold more on a street corner durring the pandemic!

So, why?? My 100 person DD Team has boiled it down to the following after crunching all the data...
1. They don't pay their debts. Thus, manufacturers and resellers don't want to work with them.
2. They think they are smarter than everyone else and keep renegotiating until the other party is tired and backs out.
3. They over promise and NEVER deliver.
4. They are actually lazy, don't really work, and spend all their time trying to figure out how to make others work while they make $$.

The only way to make money in a Public Company that a Rotman, Specifically Greg Rotman is involved with is to Short it, if you can.
pepeoil pepeoil 6 meses hace
Right. Rotmans was the ticker, part of the scam
dukeb dukeb 6 meses hace
It makes as much sense as "if my grandmother had wheels she would be a bicycle."

Typical OTC fantasy land thinking going on there.
pepeoil pepeoil 6 meses hace
That makes no sense
velveeta512 velveeta512 6 meses hace
Because they could potentially scoop the ticker symbol up for fractions of a penny on the dollar as an entry to the marketplace... Or, at least, they could have, before this went to expert vs OTC vs NASDAQ...
pepeoil pepeoil 6 meses hace
Putting Rotmans in this shell was the way Rotmans liquidated. LOL
dukeb dukeb 6 meses hace

It is amazing to me how stuckholders in various companies get excited at the prospect of some white knight coming along to save them.

Bringing the dying Rotman's Furniture store into VYST was a signal that the end was near. Meanwhile the Rotman family (especially Greggy) put millions into their own pockets.
pepeoil pepeoil 6 meses hace
Yep, I just simplified what you said. I am a redneck
dukeb dukeb 6 meses hace
The bigger question is why anyone with a viable business would want to fold that entity into VYST and its existing shareholders. Existing shareholders own a shell that is essentially worthless.

If I wanted to take my company public I surely wouldn't want to share my equity with people whose capital contribution was squandered away long ago by prior management.

Why would anyone stick a real business under bubbies disaster?
pepeoil pepeoil 6 meses hace
Why would anyone stick a real business under bubbies disaster?
velveeta512 velveeta512 6 meses hace
The only way this ticker turns around is if somebody else buys it and sticks a real business under it.
pepeoil pepeoil 6 meses hace
Oh yea, exciting times. Nepotism 102 here bruh. Can’t wait,
silkman silkman 6 meses hace
Im been in this for years average price over $4 this may turn around with little luck and new fearless leader?
😅 1 😆 2
dukeb dukeb 6 meses hace
In addition to Jamie being on the payroll, Greg Rotman is still part of the grift:

Blue Oar Consulting, Inc. (“Blue Oar”) provides business consulting services to the Company. This entity is owned by Gregory Rotman, who is the son of the Company’s CEO, Steven Rotman. Blue Oar provides business consulting services to the Company. In exchange for such services, the Company has entered into a consulting agreement with the related party entity. Per the consulting agreement, Blue Oar is to be paid $15,000 per month in cash for expenses, and $12,500 per month to be paid in shares based on a 20-day average at a 50% discount to market. During the year ended December 31, 2023, the Company expensed approximately $580,000 related to the consulting agreement. As of December 31, 2023, the Company had a stock subscription payable balance of $1,030,112, or approximately 72,612,000 shares to be issued in the future and $225,000 of consulting expenses in accounts payable.
silkman silkman 6 meses hace
Awesome finally filed
kickedoffagain kickedoffagain 6 meses hace
DLT - Dead, long time.









👍️ 1
kickedoffagain kickedoffagain 6 meses hace
New ticker is DED
pepeoil pepeoil 6 meses hace
Old Jamie for CEO of the year. Weeeeeeeeeee
pepeoil pepeoil 6 meses hace
Old Jamie must not know how to file. Lol
pepeoil pepeoil 6 meses hace
Who will be the next ceo? Bubbies wife?
pepeoil pepeoil 7 meses hace
Yep, fun, exciting times
pepeoil pepeoil 7 meses hace
This turd was about a nickel when Jamie was going to ficus in shareholder value…. I guess she meant to reduce it
pepeoil pepeoil 7 meses hace
Old Jamie, creating shareholder value, nice
pepeoil pepeoil 7 meses hace
How is that $1 pps coming along? Bwahaaaaa
pepeoil pepeoil 7 meses hace
Well, after more than a few months, it worse than before. Should we wait a few more years rather than months?
silkman silkman 7 meses hace
If she can get stock above $1 again then I say she deserves it.

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