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Zhuding International Ltd (PK)

Zhuding International Ltd (PK) (ZHUD)

( 0.00% )
Actualizado: 07:30:00

ZHUD Discussion

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Craig305 Craig305 20 horas hace
JJ Walker says it is DY-NO-MITE.  😄
DJS1 DJS1 20 horas hace
Based on what? Please give me some kind of fact behind your kaboom. 
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Babubd Babubd 21 horas hace
🥴 2
BigMoneyChalupa BigMoneyChalupa 21 horas hace
Bring on the large holders!! Would like to get beyond 2 million if possible here soon.
👍️ 2 😎 3 🤑 1
getmoreshares getmoreshares 22 horas hace
fyi-we already have some large holders.
BigMoneyChalupa BigMoneyChalupa 22 horas hace
Alright so I’m almost at 1.6 million shares or 1% of the company. Now imagine if 5 or even 10 more people and/or institutional money decide they want a piece of the pie and want to own 1%, 2%, 3%, or 5%+ and Schedule 13G this thing.

There simply are NOT enough shares to go around. Get em’ while you can and while they are still cheap

All imho
👍️ 3
getmoreshares getmoreshares 22 horas hace
OTC still has not reflected the name change
getmoreshares getmoreshares 22 horas hace
think or swim has a name change-- Automated Water Solutions
penguin007 penguin007 2 días hace
These are interesting questions, and I wish we could get a clearer understanding of the details. The somewhat limited information we have available at this time, does still paint a positive outlook. I'm optimistic of future results here, and how it will benefit the early investors of $ZHUD / AWS.
👍 3
oldguy oldguy 3 días hace
It may be. But it seemed the way it was presented to begin with that this was new innovation. I know nothing. The people behind this are presented as being long time operators of water cleaning systems. If the true information is not vague, it still seems opaque to me.
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lman24 lman24 3 días hace
Can someone confirm if the ZHUD Merger into AWS has occurred yet?
penguin007 penguin007 3 días hace
So I'm a bit confused on my understanding of the timeline of experimentation/testing or actual performance of this Water Filtration System, and how this fits together with what I see as boasting about AWS systems results. They make is sound like it has been tested/used and has proven results. At least this is what it sounds like when reading the investors page on AWS website. Are these Water Filtration Systems in place somewhere at this time, and if so for how long have they been performing these services? Just trying to understand the objectives of Co, and where we are today? Link here....

oldguy oldguy 4 días hace
For what it is worth. If we pick a starting date of 6 months ago. They make there plan and start to execute it. At the end of the first 3 months they have their the money to order their first unit. Three months later, which is now. They get it and set it up. How fast and when and where, we do not know. Now on the way to the Forum, funny things happen. They use a back flush system. How often does it operate, we do not know. Maybe it has to back flush 2 or 3 or 4 more times more then they thought it would. Also may be different in different locations. Until it is up and running for 3 months. I don't know, you don't know and they don't know if their projections are spot on or not. So,three to 6 months from now, we will know what we have. Best of luck to all.
👍️ 3
fink fink 4 días hace
ElectricJester54 ElectricJester54 4 días hace
The share buyback for AZRH was advertised as they "could" start as early as March 3rd and that they plan to take out as many as 5M shares over Q2, Q3 and Q4. He stated a couple days ago that they likely won't begin share buyback until volume increases as they are limited to how much they can buy per day based on the 30 day average volume.

ZHUD is a different management team and I believe he addressed this on the American Industries X account and stated that at this time ZHUD would not have a share buyback. Although AZRH and ZHUD are linked, they are still two separate entities so the actions of one don't necessarily dictate what the other will do. There are just some overlap in some leadership roles but overall they are separate and function separately.
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AlwaysKing AlwaysKing 4 días hace
When are they initiating the share buy back? Wasn't it supposed to start this week in AZRH? Are they planning on doing a share buy back in ZHUD also? Those are my Q's. I'm looking forward to the huge announcement(s) that the CEO said they're going to publish this month.
fink fink 4 días hace
His focus is getting the Qs out.
Then everything else resumes.

I always felt this was going to be the cash cow.
penguin007 penguin007 4 días hace
That meeting sounds interesting, and promising. I really do appreciate your sharing of these insights with what's going on. Thanks. Have a great weekend! And let's hope we get an MFA on $ZHUD soon!
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ElectricJester54 ElectricJester54 4 días hace
I don't have ihub premium so I can answer here. Audit for ZHUD is an answer I don't have but you could probably ask Cohen directly. Only audit I for sure know they have discussed on here/X/instagram is for AZRH but I assume if they plan to uplist here as well then it will be required. But you can reach Cohen on his instagram account He would probably also respond through the American Industries X account as well. But he has posted his phone number and email and even has a site to set up a meeting with him linked somewhere. He is generally very open and responsive so as long as he has the answer you are looking for I expect he will let you know. Hope that helps!
ElectricJester54 ElectricJester54 5 días hace
For sure, I totally understand. I just think his focus at the moment is shoring things up for AZRH. At least that's my best guess but I agree, it's really nice to get all that inside info and look into operations. I sincerely hope that starts up again as well once things die down a bit. Only thing I'm aware of is the American Industries X account mentioning last week that a meeting with the ZHUD people occured and news should be coming so ya, hopefully next week we get a whirlwind of news for all 3 tickers.
penguin007 penguin007 5 días hace
Okay, I appreciate your reply. I will dig a bit deeper, and reach out on X for any information that is available. I remain optimistic, and I'm just feeling somewhat uncomfortable with looking back at the drastic change in communications of today, compared to how we were privy to most information as it was happening, back when the merger was first announced. We we're included in receiving some of the "behind the scenes information, and it made us feel like part of the team, if you know what I mean, and now we're kind of being left out of the sharing of really any/all information. I feel we're being treated as outsiders, and we shouldn't be, after all we should be respected and appreciated as early the investors of $ZHUD?!
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ElectricJester54 ElectricJester54 5 días hace
Tag the controlled account here or perhaps reach out on the American Industries X account or to Cohen personally through his instagram. He is usually very responsive so he may be able to give a timeline on things but honestly I think their focus is the Q report for AZRH at the very least. If anything else is lined up for ZHUD I don't know but next week there should be some development at least on the AZRH front so it is likely ZHUD will get some love as well.
penguin007 penguin007 5 días hace
Are there any updates reported, is there any communication from Co lately? Does anyone know anything about current status of progress with AWS creating revenues? What's happening???????????? Help...anyone...please share something.
ElectricJester54 ElectricJester54 5 días hace
Was gonna say, I already went through all this with another poster so I stickied all of that stuff on the page haha glad you found it but ya for future reference all that is stickied up top.
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lovethatgreen lovethatgreen 5 días hace
I found it on Dec 31 tweet .
lovethatgreen lovethatgreen 5 días hace
I looked at the report . I don't see 20 cents anywhere by may 31 I did see QX by Q2 and nasdaq by Q4 2025
They also mention and equity raise of $12 million at some point that they claim will have minimal dilution in the process
BigMoneyChalupa BigMoneyChalupa 6 días hace
160 million shares outstanding. This thing could fly to .30 or .50 and still be under a $100 million valuation. Wow. In the right market conditions, this makes for a zip code changer imo
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BigMoneyChalupa BigMoneyChalupa 6 días hace
Thanks for the shares today. I stand by as a proud market maker for $ZHUD
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penguin007 penguin007 6 días hace
That scenario would make perfect sense, based on all things happening in our crazy World these days.
ElectricJester54 ElectricJester54 6 días hace
I suppose that is at their discretion. I'm just speculating given that about a week ago he explicitly stated there was a meeting regarding ZHUD and relevant news. I am just guessing that they are probably waiting for things to die down a bit with the market "crash". I have no insight beyond that unfortunately.
DJS1 DJS1 6 días hace
If there's a material event, they need to release it. There would be no reason not to. 
ElectricJester54 ElectricJester54 6 días hace
My best guess is that given the alrger stock market down turn they may be delaying the release of news to a more optimal time. Since people are getting shaky on the stock market this week and may not be willing to throw more money in it may be best to give some time to cool before posting a major catalyst that way we can best capitalize on it. Just my guess though. Ultimately news will come but when is anyones guess here.
BigMoneyChalupa BigMoneyChalupa 6 días hace
I’m in the mood for another 35,000 shares
penguin007 penguin007 6 días hace
I don't mind some of the hype and optimism. What I don't get is the lack of follow through with solid information to back up these statements. I still have a very good feeling about the future of ZHUD with AWS creating revenues and profits going forward. Can't wait! Go $ZHUD!
peteypickem peteypickem 7 días hace
Looks like people got tired of his “ major fu&&in announcements “,,, after he yells he goes into hiding 🤣🤣🤣, quite comical
👍️ 2
penguin007 penguin007 7 días hace
Does anyone know what our Fiscal Year end date is? And if it's 12/31/24, can we expect the Annual to be filed by 4/15/25? Just hoping to find out something, really anything word from Co at this point would be amazing. $ZHUD
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penguin007 penguin007 1 semana hace
I'm hoping we get more news of any updates. Just looking back, noticing most recent news was released on 9/11/24. In just 1-week, we're sitting without news, (official PR's) for 6-months? Don't get me wrong, I'm not leaving $ZHUD anytime soon!
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peteypickem peteypickem 1 semana hace
Yelling “major fu&&in announcements and don’t produce does not help this stock.. buy that guy a new choo choo hat
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Babubd Babubd 1 semana hace
ZHUD To Da Moon any day folks!
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Babubd Babubd 1 semana hace
Big Things Coming! ZHUD is gonna be rolling! It Could Be The Greatest Pick of Our Time!!🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
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DJS1 DJS1 2 semanas hace
Wake me up when we get some volume. I'm talking millions in volume, not thousands. One person holding millions of shares can take this back down to sub penny. I love the cheerleading, but let's be realistic 
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Babubd Babubd 2 semanas hace
The real share price momentum is just around the corner. Longs will Cash Out Big Time.
👍️ 2 🥴 1
March is going to be huge. It all starts with OTCmarkets being updated.

Once y see that ... You know the chase is on 
👍️ 4
ProfitChaser ProfitChaser 2 semanas hace
I didnt get any of the .0066 this round. I was watching it move back up from there and started buying at .0075. This was on Valentines day.

👍 1
ElectricJester54 ElectricJester54 2 semanas hace
And that person that caught the microsend trade of buying like 20k shares for 0.0014 or whatever it was. Not like that is a ton of shares in a relative sense at the moment but if they hold those to even the projected May price target of $0.20 per share, what a gain haha
penguin007 penguin007 2 semanas hace
I missed seeing the ask at .0066, I noticed it around .0088 or so. If you were able to buy at .0066 you own this for much less than almost everyone else here. Kudos to you! Today's our day....Go $ZHUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ProfitChaser ProfitChaser 2 semanas hace
Nice day. Looks like I got lucky and caught the bottom. Looking like that .0066 was the bottom this round. IMO just the start.
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penguin007 penguin007 2 semanas hace
I'm liking the daily up ticks here, and at the rate we're moving we should get closer to .02 or maybe better on Friday!
👍 2 💪 1
getmoreshares getmoreshares 2 semanas hace
yes- looking better-- bid jumped to .0155! good sign!
👍 3 💪 1
investingnotgambling investingnotgambling 2 semanas hace
Crazy last 10 minutes. Still strong here. I am looking forward to an incredible 2025.

👍 3 💪 1