AEGON announces Q2 2011 net income of EUR 404 million 
- Growth offset by unfavorable currency movements and anticipated exceptional 
  * Underlying earnings before tax of EUR 401 million; growth offset by 
unfavorable currency movements (EUR 44 million), higher provisioning for 
longevity in the Netherlands (EUR 23 million) and UK customer redress charges 
(EUR 14 million) 
  * Net income amounts to EUR 404 million, supported by realized gains on 
  * Return on equity of 8.0% in the first half year of 2011 
- Continued strong sales in fee-based businesses in line with strategic focus 
  * Total sales1 decline to EUR 1.3 billion, due mainly to unfavorable currency 
  * New life sales total EUR 431 million; declines in the Americas and the UK 
following repricing of products 
  * Gross deposits amount to EUR 6.7 billion, supported by strong variable 
annuity and pension deposits 
- Strong capital position and healthy cash flows 
  * Excess capital of EUR 1 billion at the holding after full repurchase of core 
capital securities from Dutch State 
  * IGD solvency ratio of 200% reflection of strong capitalization 
  * Capital base ratio of 73%; full repurchase of core capital securities partly 
offset by retained earnings 
  * Operational free cash flow of EUR 283 million 
Statement of Alex Wynaendts, CEO 
"During the second quarter, we made solid progress in delivering on AEGON's 
key strategic priorities, not least of which was the completion of repayment 
to the Dutch State. The particularly strong sales of variable annuities and 
pension and retirement products in the United States are a result of the 
successful repositioning of our business toward more fee-generating income. 
Our pursuit of growth opportunities in AEGON's new markets led to strong new 
life sales in Central & Eastern Europe, as well as expanded distribution in 
Spain, where we recently strengthened our life insurance and pension 
partnership with Unnim, a leading savings bank in the northeastern region of 
the country. 
"The weakening of the US dollar had a notable impact on AEGON's reported 
results. Net income was strong for the quarter, however, underlying earnings 
were negatively affected by anticipated exceptional items in the United 
Kingdom and the Netherlands. 
"Clearly, the current economic environment poses considerable challenges. 
However, over the past years we have implemented measures to strengthen and 
protect AEGON's balance sheet by reducing our exposure to equity and credit 
markets, as well as interest rate risks. At the same time, we are 
restructuring our businesses in our key markets. These actions, along with our 
very limited exposure to peripheral European countries, support our confidence 
in AEGON's growth prospects going forward." 
amounts in EUR millions b)     Notes Q2 2011 Q1 2011    % Q2 2010    % YTD 2011 YTD 2010    % 
Underlying earnings before tax     1     401     414  (3)     483 (17)      815      929 (12) 
Net income                         2     404     327   24     413  (2)      731      785  (7) 
Sales                              3   1,261   1,411 (11)   1,475 (15)    2,672    2,917  (8) 
Value of new business (VNB)        4     103     118 (13)     138 (25)      221      276 (20) 
Return on equity                   5    8.1%    7.8%    4    8.5%  (5)     8.0%     8.4%  (5) 
1 To reflect all of AEGON's sales in one sales indicator, AEGON 
introduced a composite sales number consisting of new life sales, new premium 
production of both accident & health insurance and general insurance and 1/10 
of gross deposits. 
For notes see page 22. 
- AEGON further detailed strategy and reiterated targets at Analyst & Investor 
- Repayment to Dutch State completed 
- Divestment of Transamerica Reinsurance concluded 
- Appointment of Jaime Kirkpatrick as CEO of AEGON Spain 
Sustainable earnings growth with an improved risk-return profile 
AEGON's transformational process to deliver sustainable earnings growth with 
an improved risk-return profile is on track with the completion of full 
repayment to the Dutch State in June. The company reiterated its targets1 at 
its recent Analyst & Investor Conference in London: 
- Grow underlying earnings before tax on average by 7%-10% per annum; 
- Achieve a return on equity of 10%-12% by 2015; 
- Increase fee businesses to 30%-35% of underlying earnings before tax by 
2015; and 
- Increase 2010 normalized operating free cash flow by 30% by 2015. 
AEGON also announced its intention to achieve structural cost reductions in 
its established markets. In the Netherlands, a 20% reduction in operating 
expenses as compared to the 2009 base is targeted by the end of 2012. In the 
United Kingdom, AEGON is on track to reduce costs by 25% by the end of 2011. 
In the United States, AEGON aims to grow its life and protection business 
faster than the industry, while keeping operating expenses flat throughout the 
period until 2015. 
1 Main economic assumptions embedded in targets: annual gross equity 
market return of 9%, 10-year US interest rate of 5.25% in 2015 and EUR/USD 
rate of 1.35. 
AEGON's ambition 
AEGON's ambition to be a leader in all of its chosen markets by 2015 is 
supported by four strategic objectives: Optimize Portfolio, Enhance Customer 
Loyalty, Deliver Operational Excellence and Empower Employees. 
These key objectives have been embedded in all AEGON businesses and provide 
the strategic framework for the company's ambition to become the 
most-recommended life insurance and pension provider by customers and 
distributors, as well as the most-preferred employer in the sector. 
Optimize portfolio 
In Spain, AEGON has finalized an agreement to expand its life and health 
insurance and pension partnership with Unnim. The agreement includes the 
acquisition of a 50% stake in the life insurance business of Caixa Sabadell, 
expanding into the network of Caixa Manlleu and strengthening of AEGON's 
existing partnership with Caixa Terrassa. These three savings banks joined 
together earlier this year to form Unnim. The agreement gives AEGON the 
exclusive right to distribute its life insurance and pension products through 
Unnim's network of 623 branches. Unnim is a leading savings bank in the 
northeastern part of Spain, with a significant presence and more than one 
million customers. 
Also, AEGON has closed an agreement to jointly develop health insurance 
business with Caja Navarra, part of Banca Cívica. 
AEGON continues to closely monitor the process of consolidation and 
restructuring in the financial sector in Spain. 
AEGON has appointed Jaime Kirkpatrick to the role of CEO of AEGON Spain effective 
July 1, 2011. Mr. Kirkpatrick has played a key role in expanding AEGON's presence 
across the Spanish market in his previous capacity of director of bancassurance 
for AEGON Spain. 
On August 9, 2011, AEGON completed the divestment of its life reinsurance 
activities, Transamerica Reinsurance, to Scor. The total after-tax 
consideration amounted to USD 1.4 billion, consisting of cash proceeds of USD 
0.9 billion from Scor and a further USD 0.5 billion of capital released. AEGON 
estimates that this transaction will have a positive impact on its IGD 
solvency ratio of approximately 13% in the third quarter of 2011. 
Enhance customer loyalty 
In its aim to develop a stronger and more consistent brand portfolio globally, 
with shared purposes and core values, AEGON has sharpened its brand 
proposition in the United States. The company will bring together its North 
American retail businesses under one name, Transamerica. A new advertising 
campaign will be launched in September. 
AEGON has also decided to rebrand its asset management activities in the 
United Kingdom as Kames Capital to enhance its distinctive investment 
propositions while supporting accelerated growth of the business. 
Deliver operational excellence 
In the Netherlands, AEGON has decided to combine its pension service centre 
with its corporate & institutional clients sales unit into one pension 
business with the aim of increasing efficiency, providing better service and 
strengthening AEGON's leading position in the Dutch pension market. The new 
unit will serve three customer groups - small and medium sized enterprises, 
institutional clients and pension plan participants. 
AEGON has established a target to reduce the CO2 emissions of its offices by 
10% by 2012. The goal is part of AEGON's continuing efforts to manage all 
assets - including those that affect the environment - in a responsible way. 
In the long run, the changes that are implemented to meet the target will 
reduce costs as well as CO2 emissions. Setting a goal in this respect will 
also help the company meet the growing expectations of its stakeholders. 
EUR millions                        Notes  Q2 2011  Q1 2011    % Q2 2010    % YTD 2011 YTD 2010     % 
Underlying earnings before tax 
Americas                                       325      347  (6)     398 (18)      672      735   (9) 
The Netherlands                                 74       81  (9)      97 (24)      155      201  (23) 
United Kingdom                                  10       12 (17)      22 (55)       22       50  (56) 
New markets                                     59       57    4      40   48      116       86    35 
Holding and other                             (67)     (83)   19    (74)    9    (150)    (143)   (5) 
Underlying earnings before tax                 401      414  (3)     483 (17)      815      929  (12) 
Fair value items                              (23)     (85)   73       3    -    (108)     (13)     - 
Realized gains / (losses) on                   204       91  124     148   38      295      274     8 
Impairment charges                           (100)     (62) (61)    (77) (30)    (162)    (227)    29 
Other income / (charges)                      (16)      (3)    -    (60)   73     (19)     (37)    49 
Run-off businesses                              10       22 (55)    (10)    -       32     (28)     - 
Income before tax                              476      377   26     487  (2)      853      898   (5) 
Income tax                                    (72)     (50) (44)    (74)    3    (122)    (113)   (8) 
Net income                                     404      327   24     413  (2)      731      785   (7) 
Net income / (loss) attributable 
Equity holders of AEGON N.V.                   403      327   23     413  (2)      730      784   (7) 
Non-controlling interests                        1        -    -       -    -        1        1     - 
Net underlying earnings                        339      333    2     350  (3)      672      695   (3) 
Commissions and expenses                     1,500    1,513  (1)   1,375    9    3,013    2,961     2 
of which operating expenses            11      847      837    1     841    1    1,684    1,653     2 
New life sales 
Life single premiums                         1,189    1,726 (31)   1,922 (38)    2,915    3,841  (24) 
Life recurring premiums annualized             312      328  (5)     362 (14)      640      673   (5) 
Total recurring plus 1/10 single               431      501 (14)     554 (22)      932    1,057  (12) 
New life sales 
Americas                               12      104      113  (8)     131 (21)      217      241  (10) 
The Netherlands                                 40       65 (38)      41  (2)      105      103     2 
United Kingdom                                 217      247 (12)     308 (30)      464      573  (19) 
New markets                            12       70       76  (8)      74  (5)      146      140     4 
Total recurring plus 1/10 single               431      501 (14)     554 (22)      932    1,057  (12) 
New premium production accident and            145      159  (9)     148  (2)      304      296     3 
health insurance 
New premium production general                  14       13    8      15  (7)       27       29   (7) 
Gross deposits (on and off balance) 
Americas                               12    5,014    5,629 (11)   5,154  (3)   10,643   10,556     1 
The Netherlands                                442      462  (4)     624 (29)      904    1,367  (34) 
United Kingdom                                  17       19 (11)      19 (11)       36       55  (35) 
New markets                            12    1,242    1,267  (2)   1,787 (30)    2,509    3,380  (26) 
Total gross deposits                         6,715    7,377  (9)   7,584 (11)   14,092   15,358   (8) 
Net deposits (on and off balance) 
Americas                               12      426    (233)    -     758 (44)      193    1,293  (85) 
The Netherlands                              (113)    (115)    2      55    -    (228)      122     - 
United Kingdom                                  14        2    -      10   40       16       39  (59) 
New markets                            12  (2,487)  (1,719) (45)     187    -  (4,206)      308     - 
Total net deposits excluding               (2,160)  (2,065)  (5)   1,010    -  (4,225)    1,762     - 
run-off businesses 
Run-off businesses                           (527)    (880)   40 (1,849)   71  (1,407)  (4,059)    65 
Total net deposits                         (2,687)  (2,945)    9   (839)    -  (5,632)  (2,297) (145) 
                                          June 30, Mar. 31, 
                                              2011     2011    % 
Revenue-generating investments             391,276  399,882  (2) 
Investments general account                132,837  136,991  (3) 
Investments for account of                 142,672  144,296  (1) 
Off balance sheet investments third        115,767  118,595  (2) 
Underlying earnings before tax 
AEGON's underlying earnings before tax amounted to EUR 401 million in the 
second quarter. The decline, compared with the same quarter last year, was 
mainly due to unfavorable currency exchange rate movements, higher 
provisioning for longevity in the Netherlands and charges related to the 
customer redress program in the United Kingdom. 
Underlying earnings from the Americas decreased to EUR 325 million. The 
decline was the result of a weakening of the US dollar against the euro and a 
lower contribution from fixed annuities as balances are being managed lower. 
Lower earnings from Life & Protection were offset by higher fee-based 
earnings, consistent with AEGON's strategy. 
In the Netherlands, underlying earnings decreased to EUR 74 million as a 
result of higher provisioning for longevity of EUR 23 million and investments 
in developing new distribution capabilities. AEGON expects to provision on 
average EUR 20 million per quarter in 2011 in addition to previous levels of 
In the United Kingdom, underlying earnings declined to EUR 10 million. The 
decrease was mainly due to charges of EUR 14 million related to an ongoing 
program to correct historical issues within customer policy records. Expenses 
related to the execution of this program amounted to EUR 7 million. In 
addition, investments in developing new propositions amounted to EUR 8 
Underlying earnings from New Markets increased to EUR 59 million driven mainly 
by strong earnings in Central & Eastern Europe and AEGON Asset Management. 
Costs for the holding amounted to EUR 67 million as lower interest income and 
increased expenses related to the preparation for implementation of Solvency 
II were more than offset by a one-time benefit of EUR 14 million in the second 
quarter of 2011. 
Net income 
Net income decreased slightly to EUR 404 million. Higher net income for the 
Americas and New Markets was offset by lower net income for the Netherlands 
and the United Kingdom. 
Fair value items 
In the second quarter, fair value items recorded a loss of EUR 23 million. 
Negative results in the Americas, mainly related to lower interest rates and 
equity market volatility, were partly offset by positive fair value movements 
of derivatives related to debt issued by the holding. 
Realized gains on investments 
Realized gains on investments amounted to EUR 204 million for the quarter and 
were the result of a strategic reallocation of equities into fixed income in 
the Netherlands in addition to normal trading in the investment portfolio. 
Impairment charges 
Impairment charges amounted to EUR 100 million and were linked to residential 
mortgage-backed securities in the United States and the result of exchange 
offers on specific holdings of European banks in the United Kingdom. 
Other charges 
Other charges amounted to EUR 16 million and are mostly related to 
restructuring charges in the United Kingdom (EUR 15 million), the Netherlands 
(EUR 10 million) and New Markets (EUR 3 million). 
Run-off businesses 
The results of run-off businesses increased to 
EUR 10 million, mainly as a result of a lower amortization yield paid on 
internally transferred assets related to the institutional spread-based 
Income tax 
Tax charges for the quarter amounted to EUR 72 million. These charges included 
EUR 4 million in tax benefits related to cross-border intercompany reinsurance 
transactions and a favorable tax settlement of EUR 15 million in the United 
Return on equity 
In the first half of 2011, AEGON's return on equity declined to 8.0%, mainly 
the result of higher average shareholders' equity excluding revaluation 
reserves.The increase in average shareholders' equity was mainly the result of 
an equity issue of EUR 0.9 billion in February 2011. 
Operating expenses 
As a result of movements in currency exchange rates, operating expenses 
remained level at EUR 847 million. Excluding restructuring charges and 
employee benefit plans and at constant currencies, operating expenses remained 
level as well. 
AEGON's total sales decreased 15% to EUR 1.3 billion due mainly to unfavorable 
currency movements. At constant currencies, total sales declined 7%. New life 
sales were mainly impacted by lower production in the United Kingdom and the 
Americas following repricing of products, only partly offset by growth in 
Central & Eastern Europe. 
Gross deposits amounted to EUR 6.7 billion, or a decline of 2% at constant 
currencies. Strong variable annuity and stable value deposits in the United 
States were more than offset by the effects of a weaker US dollar, lower asset 
management inflows and less savings account deposits in the Netherlands. 
Value of new business 
Compared with the second quarter 2010, the value of new business declined 
considerably to EUR 103 million. This was the result of higher 
mortgage-related funding costs and updated mortality assumptions in the 
Netherlands, lower new business volumes in the United Kingdom and Spain, 
discontinuance of new mandatory pension sales in Hungary and unfavorable 
currency exchange rates. 
Revenue-generating investments 
Revenue-generating investments declined 2% compared with the end of the first 
quarter of 2011 to EUR 391 billion, the result of a weakening of the US dollar 
against the euro and the transfer of over EUR 2 billion of pension assets to 
the Hungarian State during the second quarter 2011. 
Capital management 
At the end of the second quarter, AEGON's core capital, excluding revaluation 
reserves, amounted to EUR 15.9 billion, equivalent to 73%6 of the company's 
total capital base. The decline from the previous quarter was mainly due to 
the repurchase of all remaining convertible core capital securities from the 
Dutch State for an amount of EUR 750 million plus a premium of EUR 375 
million. AEGON is on target to achieve the proportion of core capital to be at 
least 75% of total capital by the end of 2012. 
Shareholders' equity remained level compared with first quarter-end 2011 at 
EUR 16.8 billion as net income in the second quarter was offset by the premium 
paid on the repurchase of the final tranche of convertible core capital 
securities from the Dutch State. 
The revaluation reserves at June 30, 2011, increased to EUR 1 billion, mainly 
the result of a decrease in risk-free interest rates which had a positive 
effect on the value of fixed income securities. This positive effect was 
offset by a decline in the foreign currency translation reserve, primarily the 
result of a weakening of the US dollar against the euro. 
AEGON aims to maintain at least 1.5 times holding expenses as a buffer at the 
holding, currently equivalent to approximately EUR 900 million. During the 
second quarter, excess capital in the holding decreased to EUR 1 billion. The 
EUR 1.125 billion payment to the Dutch State, holding costs, interest payments 
and the preferred dividend were partly offset by EUR 1.4 billion in dividends 
received from the company's operating units. 
At June 30, 2011, AEGON's Insurance Group Directive (IGD) ratio amounted to 
200%, a slight decline from the level of 210% at the end of the first 
quarter. Solvency ratios in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom were 
relatively flat, while the solvency ratio in the United States declined. The 
main driver of this decline was up-streaming of dividends to repurchase all 
remaining convertible core capital securities provided by the Dutch State for 
an amount of EUR 1.125 billion. The proceeds related to the divestment of 
Transamerica Reinsurance will be accounted for in the third quarter. 
Cash flows 
AEGON's subsidiaries generated EUR 564 million in operational cash flows 
during the second quarter of 2011. Operational free cash flows, which reflect 
excess capital generation, were relatively stable as the impact of realized 
gains in the Netherlands was offset by increased capital requirements in the 
United States related to low interest rates. After deduction of EUR 281 
million for investments in new business, operational free cash flow totaled 
EUR 283 million for the quarter. This brings the total for the first half year 
of 2011 to EUR 547 million of operational free cash flows. 
APPENDIX I -- Americas --The Netherlands --United Kingdom --New Markets 
                                                             The  United     New activities & 
EUR millions                                Americas Netherlands Kingdom Markets eliminations Total 
Underlying earnings before tax by line of 
Life                                             147          55      20      19            -   241 
Individual savings and retirement                119           -       -     (4)            -   115 
Pensions                                          58          16     (8)       4            -    70 
Non-life                                           -           -       -      11            -    11 
Distribution                                       -         (1)     (2)       -            -   (3) 
Asset Management                                   -           -       -      18            -    18 
Other                                              -           -       -       -         (67)  (67) 
Share in underlying earnings before tax of         1           4       -      11            -    16 
Underlying earnings before tax                   325          74      10      59         (67)   401 
Fair value items                                (52)           2       -     (3)           30  (23) 
Realized gains / (losses) on                      51         142      11       -            -   204 
Impairment charges                              (53)         (3)    (40)     (4)            - (100) 
Other income / (charges)                         (3)        (11)       1     (3)            -  (16) 
Run-off businesses                                10           -       -       -            -    10 
Income before tax                                278         204    (18)      49         (37)   476 
Income tax                                      (41)        (35)       -    (10)           14  (72) 
Net income                                       237         169    (18)      39         (23)   404 
Net underlying earnings                          256          67      15      47         (46)   339 
                                            June 30,    Mar. 31, 
                                                2011        2011 
Employees excluding agents                    23,639      23,990 
Agents                                         2,892       2,990 
Total number of employees excluding           26,531      26,980 
AEGON's share of employees (including          3,561       3,932 
agents) in Associates 
Total                                         30,092      30,912 
- Underlying earnings before tax decline to USD 469 million; a result of lower 
fixed annuity earnings 
- Net income increases to USD 342 million 
- New life sales decline to USD 151 million as a result of lower universal 
life sales due to repricing 
- Gross deposits increase to USD 7.2 billion driven by strong variable annuity 
and stable value deposits 
Underlying earnings before tax 
Underlying earnings from the Americas decreased to USD 469 million for the 
second quarter 2011. 
- Earnings from Life & Protection in the Americas amounted to USD 194 million. 
The decrease, as compared to the same quarter last year, was mainly due to 
unfavorable persistency and lower spreads, while the comparable quarter last 
year included reserve releases. 
- Individual Savings & Retirement earnings amounted to USD 170 million. Fixed 
annuity earnings decreased to USD 77 million as a result of lower spreads and 
declining asset balances as the product is de-emphasized. Variable annuity 
earnings increased as a result of continued strong net inflows and higher 
asset balances to USD 87 million. Earnings from retail mutual funds also 
increased as a result of higher account balances and amounted to USD 6 
- Earnings from Employer Solutions & Pensions increased to USD 83 million 
mainly as a result of continued growth of the business. 
- Earnings from Canada amounted to USD 19 million and included a one-time 
benefit of USD 7 million. The joint ventures in Latin America contributed USD 
3 million. 
Net income 
Net income from AEGON's businesses in the Americas increased to USD 342 
million in the second quarter. Lower underlying earnings and lower earnings 
from fair value items were more than offset by higher realized gains on 
investments and a positive contribution from run-off businesses. In addition, 
the second quarter 2010 included a one-time charge of USD 140 million for 
settlement of a dispute related to a BOLI policy in the United States. 
The loss of USD 72 million for fair value items in the Americas was mainly 
related to lower interest rates and equity market volatility. 
Gains on investments of USD 71 million were realized as a result of normal 
trading activity. Net impairments amounted to USD 76 million and were largely 
linked to residential mortgage-backed securities. 
The results of run-off businesses increased to USD 15 million. This was 
mainly a result of a lower amortization yield paid on internally transferred 
assets related to the institutional spread-based business. 
Net income contained a tax expense of USD 60 million in the second quarter, 
including a favorable tax settlement of USD 20 million and USD 6 million in 
tax benefits related to cross-border intercompany reinsurance transactions. 
Return on capital 
In the first half of 2011, the return on average capital, excluding 
revaluation reserves, invested in AEGON's businesses in the Americas declined 
to 7.1%, mainly the result of lower net underlying earnings. Excluding the 
capital allocated to the run-off businesses, the return on capital in the 
Americas would amount to 9.3%. Return on capital of AEGON's businesses 
excludes the benefit of leverage at the holding. 
Operating expenses 
Operating expenses increased 4% to USD 502 million, mainly as a result of 
higher employee benefit plan expenses. Operating expenses increased 2% 
excluding restructuring charges and employee benefit plan expenses. 
New life sales declined to USD 151 million, mainly 
the effect of the discontinuance of single premium universal life sales in the 
bank channel during the second half of 2010, as well as repricing of certain 
universal life products this year to reflect the current interest rate 
environment. New premium production for accident & health insurance increased 
to USD 201 million. 
Gross deposits increased to USD 7.2 billion as a result of higher fee-based 
deposits. In addition to organic growth in traditional distribution channels, 
the introduction during the first quarter of a new variable annuity rider, 
Retirement Income Max, drove an 8-year record level of variable annuity 
deposits of USD 1.4 billion in the second quarter. Stable value and retirement 
plan deposits also continued to be strong during the quarter. 
Net deposits for the ongoing businesses totaled USD 0.6 billion as continued 
net inflows for the pension and variable annuity businesses were only partly 
offset by fixed annuity outflows. AEGON is de-emphasizing sales of fixed 
annuities as part of a strategic repositioning and incurred net outflows 
for this business as a result. 
Value of new business 
Value of new business increased to USD 73 million, mainly as a result of 
improved margins on variable annuities. The internal rate of return on new 
business was 15%. 
Revenue-generating investments 
Revenue-generating investments were stable at USD 325 billion as compared to 
the first quarter of 2011. The decline in general account assets as a result 
of a fixed annuity coinsurance transaction of USD 1.5 billion and lower 
run-off balances was compensated for by higher variable annuity and pension 
account balances. 
USD millions                        Notes  Q2 2011  Q1 2011    % Q2 2010    % YTD 2011 YTD 2010    % 
Underlying earnings before tax by line 
of business 
Life and protection                            194      195  (1)     241 (20)      389      435 (11) 
Fixed annuities                                 77       90 (14)     125 (38)      167      246 (32) 
Variable annuities                              87       93  (6)      50   74      180      119   51 
Retail mutual funds                              6        6    -       -    -       12        -    - 
Individual savings and retirement              170      189 (10)     175  (3)      359      365  (2) 
Employer solutions & pensions                   83       81    2      79    5      164      148   11 
Canada                                          19       11   73      15   27       30       26   15 
Latin America                                    3      (2)    -       1  200        1        2 (50) 
Underlying earnings before tax                 469      474  (1)     511  (8)      943      976  (3) 
Fair value items                              (72)     (17)    -    (39) (85)     (89)    (159)   44 
Realized gains / (losses) on                    71       35  103      21    -      106       54   96 
Impairment charges                            (76)     (80)    5    (73)  (4)    (156)    (264)   41 
Other income / (charges)                       (5)        -    -   (140)   96      (5)    (140)   96 
Run- off businesses                             15       30 (50)    (13)    -       45     (37)    - 
Income before tax                              402      442  (9)     267   51      844      430   96 
Income tax                                    (60)     (83)   28    (12)    -    (143)       42    - 
Net income                                     342      359  (5)     255   34      701      472   49 
Net income / (loss) attributable 
Equity holders of AEGON N.V.                   342      359  (5)     255   34      701      472   49 
Non-controlling interests                        -        -    -       -    -        -        -    - 
Net underlying earnings                        368      346    6     361    2      714      719  (1) 
Commissions and expenses                     1,210    1,209    -     961   26    2,419    2,316    4 
of which operating expenses                    502      492    2     484    4      994      985    1 
New life sales                         12 
Life single premiums                            78      147 (47)     278 (72)      225      457 (51) 
Life recurring premiums annualized             143      139    3     138    4      282      274    3 
Total recurring plus 1/10 single               151      154  (2)     166  (9)      305      320  (5) 
Life & protection                              114      121  (6)     134 (15)      235      255  (8) 
Employer solutions & pensions                    7        6   17       4   75       13       12    8 
Canada                                          18       17    6      16   13       35       31   13 
Latin America                                   12       10   20      12    -       22       22    - 
Total recurring plus 1/10 single               151      154  (2)     166  (9)      305      320  (5) 
New premium production accident and            201      199    1     180   12      400      364   10 
health insurance 
Gross deposits (on and off balance)    12 
by line of business 
Life & protection                                3        3    -       3    -        6        6    - 
Fixed annuities                                 71       83 (14)     124 (43)      154      309 (50) 
Variable annuities                           1,401    1,179   19   1,028   36    2,580    1,837   40 
Retail mutual funds                            765      775  (1)     957 (20)    1,540    1,933 (20) 
Individual savings & retirement              2,237    2,037   10   2,109    6    4,274    4,079    5 
Employer solutions & pensions                4,913    5,554 (12)   4,311   14   10,467    9,528   10 
Canada                                          83       97 (14)     118 (30)      180      404 (55) 
Total gross deposits                         7,236    7,691  (6)   6,541   11   14,927   14,017    6 
Net deposits (on and off balance)      12 
by line of business 
Life & protection                             (10)     (14)   29    (12)   17     (24)     (27)   11 
Fixed annuities                              (810)    (801)  (1)   (653) (24)  (1,611)  (1,196) (35) 
Variable annuities                             471      220  114     217  117      691      194    - 
Retail mutual funds                            (5)     (50)   90     357    -     (55)      775    - 
Individual savings & retirement              (344)    (631)   45    (79)    -    (975)    (227)    - 
Employer solutions & pensions                1,048      485  116   1,264 (17)    1,533    2,650 (42) 
Canada                                       (105)    (158)   34   (197)   47    (263)    (679)   61 
Total net deposits excluding                   589    (318)    -     976 (40)      271    1,717 (84) 
run-off businesses 
Run-off businesses                           (772)  (1,202)   36 (2,332)   67  (1,974)  (5,390)   63 
Total net deposits                           (183)  (1,520)   88 (1,356)   87  (1,703)  (3,673)   54 
                                          June 30, Mar. 31, 
                                              2011     2011    % 
Revenue-generating investments             324,919  324,849    - 
Investments general account                121,723  124,185  (2) 
Investments for account of                  83,383   82,459    1 
Off balance sheet investments third        119,813  118,205    1 
- Underlying earnings before tax decrease to EUR 74 million due to higher 
provisioning for longevity 
- Net income amounts to EUR 169 million 
- New life sales were level at EUR 40 million 
Underlying earnings before tax 
Underlying earnings from AEGON's operations in the Netherlands decreased to 
EUR 74 million as higher results in Life & Savings were more than offset by 
higher provisioning for longevity in Pensions and a decline in non-life 
- Earnings from AEGON's Life & Savings operations in the Netherlands were 
strong and amounted to EUR 55 million as a result of favorable mortality and a 
higher contribution from mortgages compared to the second quarter of 2010. 
- Earnings from the Pension business declined to EUR 16 million primarily due 
to higher provisioning for longevity of EUR 23 million. AEGON expects to 
provision approximately EUR 20 million on average per quarter in 2011, in 
addition to 2010 levels of provisioning. 
- Earnings from Non-life were nil, a decrease from the comparable quarter of 
2010 as a result of higher claims and investments made in the business to 
increase efficiency. 
- The Distribution businesses recorded a loss of EUR 1 million, while 
associates contributed EUR 4 million. 
Net income 
Net income from AEGON's businesses in the Netherlands remained level and 
amounted to EUR 169 million. Fair value items amounted to EUR 2 million, as 
the negative movement in market value of real estate was offset by other fair 
value items. Gains on investments totaled EUR 142 million for the quarter and 
were primarily a result of a strategic reallocation of equities into fixed 
income. Other charges of EUR 11 million included EUR 10 million of charges 
related to the restructuring of AEGON's bank and distribution businesses. The 
reorganization is expected to save EUR 20 million per annum in costs when 
Return on capital 
In the first half of 2011, the return on capital excluding revaluation 
reserves, invested in AEGON's businesses in the Netherlands, remained level 
compared to the same period last year at 7.3%. Return on capital of AEGON's 
businesses excludes the benefit of leverage at the holding. 
Operating expenses 
Operating expenses increased to EUR 201 million in the second quarter of 2011, 
mainly as a result of restructuring charges and investments in the further 
development of new distribution capabilities. Excluding restructuring charges, 
operating expenses would have been level with the second quarter of 2010. 
New life sales remained level at EUR 40 million during the second quarter of 
2011. Individual life sales increased 19% to EUR 25 million driven by 
mortgage-related product sales. Through successful mortgage production AEGON 
increased its market share in the individual life insurance market to above 
11%. New mortgage production for the quarter amounted to EUR 1.1 billion, 
equivalent to an estimated market share of approximately 9%. Pension sales 
were lower than in the comparable quarter last year as the market is waiting 
for a final outcome of the national pension debate and pricing became more 
competitive in this market. AEGON was one of the first parties to adjust its 
pricing policy to reflect updated mortality tables. 
Premium production for accident & health and non-life products amounted to EUR 
11 million and increased slightly compared with the second quarter of 2010. 
Gross deposits decreased to EUR 442 million as AEGON offered less competitive 
interest rates on savings accounts. Following the transfer of activities, 
third-party pension deposits are included in AEGON Asset Management's gross 
deposits from the second quarter of 2011. 
Value of new business 
The value of new business declined to EUR 20 million, mainly as a result of 
higher mortgage-related funding costs and updated mortality assumptions. The 
internal rate of return on new business amounted to 17%. 
Revenue-generating investments 
Revenue-generating investments decreased 18% 
to EUR 60 billion compared with the previous quarter. This was mainly driven 
by the transfer of EUR 12 billion of assets related to third-party pension 
asset management operations from AEGON 
The Netherlands to AEGON Asset Management. 
EUR millions                        Notes  Q2 2011  Q1 2011    % Q2 2010    % YTD 2011 YTD 2010    % 
Underlying earnings before tax by line 
of business 
Life and Savings                                55       43   28      42   31       98       81   21 
Pensions                                        16       22 (27)      29 (45)       38       76 (50) 
Non life                                         -        5    -      19    -        5       26 (81) 
Distribution                                   (1)       11    -       6    -       10       17 (41) 
Share in underlying earnings before              4        -    -       1    -        4        1    - 
tax of associates 
Underlying earnings before tax                  74       81  (9)      97 (24)      155      201 (23) 
Fair value items                                 2     (60)    -      68 (97)     (58)      159    - 
Realized gains / (losses) on                   142       35    -      23    -      177      119   49 
Impairment charges                             (3)      (2) (50)     (6)   50      (5)      (7)   29 
Other income / (charges)                      (11)      (8) (38)      33    -     (19)       33    - 
Income before tax                              204       46    -     215  (5)      250      505 (50) 
Income tax                                    (35)      (7)    -    (45)   22     (42)    (112)   63 
Net income                                     169       39    -     170  (1)      208      393 (47) 
Net income / (loss) attributable 
Equity holders of AEGON N.V.                   169       39    -     170  (1)      208      393 (47) 
Net underlying earnings                         67       66    2      57   18      133      134  (1) 
Commissions and expenses                       278      272    2     263    6      550      527    4 
of which operating expenses                    201      189    6     182   10      390      364    7 
New life sales 
Life single premiums                           217      457 (53)     241 (10)      674      638    6 
Life recurring premiums annualized              18       19  (5)      18    -       37       40  (8) 
Total recurring plus 1/10 single                40       65 (38)      41  (2)      105      103    2 
Life and Savings                                25       26  (4)      21   19       51       48    6 
Pensions                                        15       39 (62)      20 (25)       54       55  (2) 
Total recurring plus 1/10 single                40       65 (38)      41  (2)      105      103    2 
New premium production accident and              4       10 (60)       4    -       14       15  (7) 
health insurance 
New premium production general                   7        8 (13)       6   17       15       14    7 
Gross deposits (on and off balance) 
by line of business 
Life and Savings                               442      382   16     534 (17)      824    1,217 (32) 
Pensions                                         -       80    -      90    -       80      150 (47) 
Total gross deposits                           442      462  (4)     624 (29)      904    1,367 (34) 
Net deposits (on and off balance) 
by line of business 
Life and Savings                             (113)    (142)   20      50    -    (255)      132    - 
Pensions                                         -       27    -       5    -       27     (10)    - 
Total net deposits                           (113)    (115)    2      55    -    (228)      122    - 
                                          June 30, Mar. 31, 
                                              2011     2011    % 
Revenue-generating investments              60,005   73,393 (18) 
Investments general account                 36,810   37,448  (2) 
Investments for account of                  23,195   23,627  (2) 
Off balance sheet investments third              -   12,318    - 
- Underlying earnings before tax of GBP 9 million due to anticipated 
exceptional charges and expenses 
- Net income amounts to GBP (15) million 
- New life sales decrease to GBP 191 million as a result of lower pension 
Underlying earnings before tax 
In the United Kingdom, underlying earnings before tax amounted to GBP 9 
million as a result of charges relating to the customer redress program (GBP 
12 million) and expenses related to the execution of this program (GBP 6 
million), the development of new product propositions (GBP 7 million) and 
expenses related to regulatory changes. These exceptional expenses are 
expected to continue throughout the remainder of 2011. 
- Earnings from Life increased to GBP 17 million, mainly as a result of cost 
- Pensions recorded a loss of GBP 7 million as the benefits from further 
business growth and improved market conditions were more than offset by 
charges of GBP 12 million relating to the customer redress program, expenses 
related to the execution of this program of GBP 6 million and investments of 
GBP 7 million in the development of new propositions. 
- Distribution recorded a loss of GBP 1 million, level with the results in the 
same quarter last year. 
In May 2009, AEGON began the implementation of a program to identify and 
correct historical issues within its customer policy records. The immediate 
priority of the program has been to deal with issues that resulted in 
financial detriment and to return affected customers to the financial position 
they would have been in had the issue not occurred. The program of determining 
the full scope of customer redress is expected to continue throughout the 
remainder of the year and could lead to additional charges. AEGON is on track 
to resolve all issues and expects to have repaid the majority of the customer 
detriment by the end of 2011. 
Net income 
Net income declined to GBP (15) million, as lower underlying earnings and 
higher impairments were only partly offset by better results on fair value 
items and higher gains on investments. 
Gains on investments amounted to GBP 10 million as a result of a continuing 
shift from corporate bonds into gilts. Impairments in the second quarter 
increased to GBP 35 million as a result of exchange offers on specific 
holdings of European banks. Net income also contained a charge of GBP 13 
million related to the restructuring of AEGON's operations in the United 
Return on capital 
In the first half of 2011, the return on average capital invested in the 
United Kingdom, excluding the revaluation reserves, declined to 3.8%. The 
decrease was the result of higher average capital invested in the unit in 
combination with lower net underlying earnings. Return on capital of AEGON's 
businesses excludes the benefit of leverage at the holding. 
Operating expenses 
Operating expenses increased to GBP 109 million, mainly driven by charges 
relating to the restructuring program of GBP 13 million, as well as 
investments in the new proposition development of GBP 7 million. Operating 
expenses in the second quarter of 2011 also include expenses of GBP 6 million 
relating to the execution of the customer redress program. The restructuring 
aims to reduce operating expenses by 25%, or GBP 80-85 million, by the end of 
2011. It is expected that further restructuring charges will arise in coming 
quarters. To date, AEGON has enacted cost savings of GBP 58 million. 
New life sales decreased to GBP 191 million during the quarter as a result of 
a planned decrease in sales of individual pensions, new group schemes and 
annuities following repricing, partially offset by an increase in group 
pension new entrants. 
Value of new business 
Value of new business in the United Kingdom declined to GBP 10 million, mainly 
driven by lower sales. The internal rate of return on new business for the 
second quarter was 11%. 
Revenue-generating investments 
Revenue-generating investments remained level at GBP 58 billion compared with 
the first quarter 2011. 
GBP millions                        Notes  Q2 2011  Q1 2011    % Q2 2010    % YTD 2011 YTD 2010    % 
Underlying earnings before tax by line 
of business 
Life                                            17       21 (19)      15   13       38       33   15 
Pensions                                       (7)      (9)   22       5    -     (16)       14    - 
Distribution                                   (1)      (2)   50     (2)   50      (3)      (4)   25 
Underlying earnings before tax                   9       10 (10)      18 (50)       19       43 (56) 
Fair value items                                 -      (1)    -    (11)    -      (1)      (9)   89 
Realized gains / (losses) on                    10       25 (60)       3    -       35        5    - 
Impairment charges                            (35)        -    -     (1)    -     (35)      (8)    - 
Other income / (charges)                7        1      (5)    -      19 (95)      (4)       40    - 
Income before tax                             (15)       29    -      28    -       14       71 (80) 
Income tax attributable to                    (15)      (1)    -    (19)   21     (16)     (40)   60 
policyholder return 
Income before income tax on                   (30)       28    -       9    -      (2)       31    - 
shareholders return 
Income tax on shareholders return               15       18 (17)      15    -       33       13  154 
Net income                                    (15)       46    -      24    -       31       44 (30) 
Net income / (loss) attributable 
Equity holders of AEGON N.V.                  (15)       46    -      24    -       31       44 (30) 
Net underlying earnings                         14       33 (58)      31 (55)       47       53 (11) 
Commissions and expenses                       193      172   12     181    7      365      351    4 
of which operating expenses                    109       98   11      95   15      207      190    9 
New life sales                          8 
Life single premiums                           711      841 (15)   1,050 (32)    1,552    2,189 (29) 
Life recurring premiums annualized             120      127  (6)     158 (24)      247      279 (11) 
Total recurring plus 1/10 single               191      211  (9)     263 (27)      402      498 (19) 
Life                                            15       16  (6)      23 (35)       31       49 (37) 
Pensions                                       176      195 (10)     240 (27)      371      449 (17) 
Total recurring plus 1/10 single               191      211  (9)     263 (27)      402      498 (19) 
Gross deposits (on and off balance) 
by line of business 
Variable annuities                              14       17 (18)      16 (13)       31       48 (35) 
Total gross deposits                            14       17 (18)      16 (13)       31       48 (35) 
Net deposits (on and off balance) 
by line of business 
Variable annuities                              12        2    -       9   33       14       34 (59) 
Total net deposits                              12        2    -       9   33       14       34 (59) 
                                          June 30, Mar. 31, 
                                              2011     2011    % 
Revenue-generating investments              58,319   57,717    1 
Investments general account                  7,952    7,855    1 
Investments for account of                  50,367   49,862    1 
- Underlying earnings before tax increase 48% to EUR 59 million mainly driven 
by higher results in CEE 
- Net income increases to EUR 39 million 
- New life sales decline to EUR 70 million driven by lower single premium 
sales in Poland and Spain 
Underlying earnings before tax 
In New Markets, AEGON reported underlying earnings before tax of EUR 59 
million as a result of higher underlying earnings before tax from Central & 
Eastern Europe and AEGON Asset Management. 
- Earnings from Central & Eastern Europe increased to EUR 29 million, largely 
driven by higher earnings in Hungary, as an improvement in the claim 
experience more than offset the negative impact from pension legislation 
changes. The comparable quarter in 2010 included higher claims related to 
storms and floods in Hungary. 
- Results from AEGON's operations in Asia improved to EUR (8) million. Higher 
contributions from the in-force business were only partly offset by continued 
investments in the company's joint ventures in China, India and Japan. The 
results for the Asia regional office have been included in the Asia results 
since the first quarter of 2011, following the implementation of the new 
operational structure for the Asian operations. 
- Earnings from Spain & France increased to EUR 20 million as a result of 
business growth in Spain following the successful strategic focus on the 
bancassurance channel. 
- Earnings from Variable Annuities Europe amounted to nil as a result of a 
true up of deferred policy acquisition costs. 
- AEGON Asset Management reported increased earnings of EUR 18 million driven 
by higher performance fees and lower expenses. 
In June, over EUR 2 billion of pension assets were transferred to the 
Hungarian State. As part of the new pension legislation in Hungary, asset 
management and administration fees have been reduced. In Poland, the 
government reduced contributions to private pension funds. AEGON expects the 
measures in Hungary and Poland to have a negative impact on underlying 
earnings of approximately EUR 20 million in 2011, much of which is expected to 
occur during the second half of the year. 
Net income 
Net income from New Markets increased to EUR 39 million during the quarter, 
primarily as a result of higher underlying earnings. In addition, lower 
realized gains were offset by lower other charges. Impairment charges declined 
to EUR 4 million and were mainly related to mortgages in the CEE. 
Return on capital 
In the first half of 2011, the return on capital invested in New Markets, 
excluding revaluation reserves, increased to 8.2%, mainly the result of higher 
net underlying earnings. AEGON's businesses reported under New Markets are in 
different stages of development and therefore generate different returns. The 
majority of the capital is allocated to Central & Eastern Europe and Spain & 
France, which posted returns of 15.6% and 6.0% respectively. Return on capital 
of AEGON's businesses excludes the benefit of leverage at the holding. 
Operating expenses 
Operating expenses increased to EUR 132 million in the second quarter, mainly 
as a result of higher operating expenses in Spain, Asia and Variable Annuities 
Europe as a result of growth of the business. 
New life sales declined 5% to EUR 70 million. 
- In Central & Eastern Europe, new life sales increased by 25% to EUR 30 
million driven by Hungary and Turkey. A decline in single premium production 
in Poland was offset by an increase in life recurring premium production, 
mainly as a result of increased focus on life insurance in Hungary and Poland. 
- In Asia, new life sales declined to EUR 7 million as growth in India was 
offset by lower new life sales in China, primarily as a result of new 
- New life sales in Spain & France declined 20% to EUR 33 million, largely as 
a result of lower production at one of the distribution partners in Spain. 
New premium production from AEGON's general insurance and accident & health 
businesses decreased to EUR 8 million, driven by lower motor insurance 
production due to increased competition. 
Gross deposits in New Markets declined to EUR 1.2 billion, primarily driven by 
lower asset management deposits. 
Value of new business 
Value of new business in New Markets decreased to EUR 20 million as a result 
of combined negative effects of adverse pension legislation in Hungary, lower 
production at one of the distribution partners in Spain and margin pressure 
for Variable Annuities Europe. 
Revenue-generating investments 
Revenue-generating investments increased 31% compared with the first quarter 
of 2011 to EUR 42 billion, driven by the transfer of EUR 12 billion of assets 
related to third-party pension asset management operations from AEGON The 
Netherlands to AEGON Asset Management, which were only partly offset by net 
outflows in Hungary. 
EUR millions                        Notes  Q2 2011  Q1 2011     % Q2 2010    % YTD 2011 YTD 2010     % 
Underlying earnings before tax 
Central Eastern Europe                          29       26    12      19   53       55       46    20 
Asia                                           (8)     (11)    27    (11)   27     (19)     (17)  (12) 
Spain & France                                  20       23  (13)      19    5       43       39    10 
Variable Annuities Europe                        -        5     -       1    -        5      (1)     - 
AEGON Asset Management                          18       14    29      12   50       32       19    68 
Underlying earnings before tax                  59       57     4      40   48      116       86    35 
Fair value items                               (3)        -     -     (4)   25      (3)      (1) (200) 
Realized gains / (losses) on                     -        2     -       8    -        2       11  (82) 
Impairment charges                             (4)      (2) (100)     (9)   56      (6)     (11)    45 
Other income / (charges)                       (3)       11     -    (11)   73        8     (11)     - 
Income before tax                               49       68  (28)      24  104      117       74    58 
Income tax                                    (10)     (26)    62     (9) (11)     (36)     (22)  (64) 
Net income                                      39       42   (7)      15  160       81       52    56 
Net income / (loss) attributable 
Equity holders of AEGON N.V.                    38       42  (10)      15  153       80       51    57 
Non-controlling interests                        1        -     -       -    -        1        1     - 
Net underlying earnings                         47       38    24      30   57       85       62    37 
Commissions and expenses                       175      180   (3)     169    4      355      344     3 
of which operating expenses                    132      141   (6)     127    4      273      260     5 
New life sales                         12 
Life single premiums                           117      174  (33)     234 (50)      291      342  (15) 
Life recurring premiums annualized              58       59   (2)      51   14      117      106    10 
Total recurring plus 1/10 single                70       76   (8)      74  (5)      146      140     4 
Life                                            64       62     3      66  (3)      126      119     6 
Associates                                       6       14  (57)       8 (25)       20       21   (5) 
Total recurring plus 1/10 single                70       76   (8)      74  (5)      146      140     4 
Central Eastern Europe                          30       27    11      24   25       57       43    33 
Asia                                             7       11  (36)       9 (22)       18       19   (5) 
Spain & France                                  33       38  (13)      41 (20)       71       78   (9) 
Total recurring plus 1/10 single                70       76   (8)      74  (5)      146      140     4 
New premium production accident and              1        3  (67)       4 (75)        4        8  (50) 
health insurance 
New premium production general                   7        5    40       9 (22)       12       15  (20) 
Gross deposits (on and off balance)    12 
Central Eastern Europe                         167      182   (8)     249 (33)      349      475  (27) 
Asia                                             7       11  (36)      10 (30)       18       35  (49) 
Spain & France                                  11        8    38      12  (8)       19       56  (66) 
Variable Annuities Europe                      159      131    21     175  (9)      290      363  (20) 
AEGON Asset Management                         898      935   (4)   1,341 (33)    1,833    2,451  (25) 
Total gross deposits                         1,242    1,267   (2)   1,787 (30)    2,509    3,380  (26) 
Net deposits (on and off balance)      12 
Central Eastern Europe                     (1,972)      108     -     149    -  (1,864)      218     - 
Asia                                             4       11  (64)       9 (56)       15       34  (56) 
Spain & France                                (43)     (11)     -       4    -     (54)       29     - 
Variable Annuities Europe                       63       26   142      47   34       89      126  (29) 
AEGON Asset Management                       (539)  (1,853)    71    (22)    -  (2,392)     (99)     - 
Total net deposits                         (2,487)  (1,719)  (45)     187    -  (4,206)      308     - 
                                          June 30, Mar. 31, 
                                              2011     2011     % 
Revenue-generating investments              42,154   32,211    31 
Investments general account                  2,819    2,926   (4) 
Investments for account of                   6,203    6,210     - 
Off balance sheet investments third         33,132   23,075    44 
                                                                     The  United     New activities & 
EUR millions                                        Americas Netherlands Kingdom Markets eliminations Total 
Underlying earnings before tax by line of business 
Life                                                     297          98      44      38            -   477 
Individual savings and retirement products               258           -       -     (4)            -   254 
Pensions                                                 117          38    (18)       7            -   144 
Non-life                                                   -           5       -      22            -    27 
Distribution                                               -          10     (4)       -            -     6 
Asset Management                                           -           -       -      32            -    32 
Other                                                      -           -       -       -        (150) (150) 
Associates                                                 -           4       -      21            -    25 
Underlying earnings before tax                           672         155      22     116        (150)   815 
Fair value items                                        (64)        (58)     (1)     (3)           18 (108) 
Realized gains / (losses) on investments                  76         177      40       2            -   295 
Impairment charges                                     (111)         (5)    (40)     (6)            - (162) 
Other income / (charges)                                 (3)        (19)     (5)       8            -  (19) 
Run-off businesses                                        32           -       -       -            -    32 
Income before tax                                        602         250      16     117        (132)   853 
Income tax                                             (102)        (42)      20    (36)           38 (122) 
Net income                                               500         208      36      81         (94)   731 
Net underlying earnings                                  509         133      54      85        (109)   672 
Underlying earnings before tax 
AEGON's underlying earnings before tax amounted to EUR 815 million for the 
first six months of 2011. The decline compared with the same period last year 
was mainly due to unfavorable currency exchange rates, higher provisioning for 
longevity in the Netherlands and charges related to the customer redress 
program in the United Kingdom. 
Underlying earnings from the Americas decreased to EUR 672 million. The 
decline was the result of a weakening of the US dollar against the euro and a 
lower contribution from fixed annuities as balances are being managed lower. 
Lower earnings from Life & Protection were offset by higher fee-based 
earnings, consistent with AEGON's strategy. 
In the Netherlands, underlying earnings decreased to EUR 155 million as a 
result of higher provisioning for longevity of EUR 47 million and investments 
in developing new distribution capabilities. AEGON expects to provision on 
average EUR 20 million per quarter in 2011, in addition to 2010 levels of 
In the United Kingdom, underlying earnings declined to EUR 22 million. The 
decrease was mainly due to charges of EUR 39 million related to an ongoing 
program to correct historical issues within customer policy records. 
Underlying earnings from New Markets increased to EUR 116 million driven 
mainly by growth in Central & Eastern Europe and AEGON Asset Management. 
Higher funding costs and increased expenses related to the preparation for 
implementation of Solvency II increased costs for the holding company to EUR 
150 million in the first six months of 2011. 
Net income 
Net income decreased to EUR 731 million. Higher net income for the Americas 
and New Markets was offset by lower net income for the Netherlands and the 
United Kingdom. 
Fair value items 
In the first six months of 2011, fair value items recorded a loss of EUR 108 
million. An improvement in the Americas related to strong results from real 
estate and private equity was more than offset by an exceptional loss on 
strategic allocation funds in the Netherlands. In addition, results related to 
the interest rate hedging program in the Netherlands contributed less than in 
the comparable period. 
Realized gains on investments 
Realized gains on investments increased to EUR 295 million for the first half 
of the year and were the result of normal trading in the investment portfolio 
and a reallocation of equities into fixed income in the Netherlands. 
Impairment charges 
Impairment charges improved considerably to EUR 162 million and were linked to 
residential mortgage-backed securities in the United States and the result of 
exchange offers on specific European bank holdings in the United Kingdom. 
Other charges 
Other charges amounted to EUR 19 million and are mostly related to the annual 
Hungarian bank tax of EUR 20 million and restructuring charges in the United 
Kingdom (EUR 23 million), the Netherlands (EUR 18 million) and New Markets 
(EUR 9 million). These charges are partly offset by a EUR 37 million benefit 
related to the settlement of legal claims. 
Run-off businesses 
As of the first quarter of 2011, AEGON's run-off line of business in the 
Americas comprises the institutional spread-based business, structured 
settlement pay-out annuities, BOLI/COLI and life reinsurance. The results of 
the combined run-off businesses for the first six months of 2011 increased to 
EUR 32 million, mainly as a result of a lower amortization yield paid on 
internally transferred assets related to the institutional spread-based 
business, favorable mortality results in the pay-out annuities block of 
business and strong BOLI/COLI earnings. 
Income tax 
Tax charges for the first six months of 2011 amounted to EUR 122 million. 
These charges included EUR 21 million in tax benefits related to cross-border 
intercompany reinsurance transactions and one-time tax credits the United 
States and the United Kingdom totaling EUR 38 million. 
Return on equity 
In the first half of 2011, AEGON's return on equity declined to 8.0%, mainly 
the result of higher average shareholders' equity excluding revaluation 
The increase in average shareholders' equity was mainly the result of an 
equity issue of EUR 0.9 billion in February 2011. 
Operating expenses 
Operating expenses increased 2% to EUR 1,684 million. Cost savings in AEGON's 
established markets were more than offset by restructuring charges in these 
businesses. At constant currencies and excluding restructuring charges and 
employee benefit plans, operating expenses remained level. 
AEGON's total sales decreased 8% to EUR 2.7 billion. New life sales declined 
mainly as a result of lower production in the United Kingdom and the Americas 
following repricing of products, only partly offset by growth in Central & 
Eastern Europe and the Netherlands. Growth of gross deposits in the Americas 
was offset mainly as a result of a weakening of the US dollar, lower asset 
management inflows and less savings account deposits in the Netherlands. 
Value of new business 
Compared with the first six months of 2010, the value of new business declined 
20% to EUR 221 million. This was the result of higher mortgage-related funding 
costs and updated mortality assumptions in the Netherlands, lower new business 
volumes in the United Kingdom and Spain, discontinuance of new mandatory 
pension sales in Hungary and unfavorable currency exchange rates. 
Revenue-generating investments 
Revenue-generating investments declined compared with the end of 2010 to EUR 
391 billion, the result primarily of weakening of the US dollar against the 
euro and over EUR 2 billion of pension assets that have been transferred to 
the Hungarian State during the second quarter 2011. 
Capital management 
At June 30, 2011, AEGON's core capital position, excluding revaluation 
reserves, amounted to EUR 15.9 billion, equivalent to 73% of the company's 
total capital base. The decline from the year-end 2010 was mainly due to the 
repurchase of EUR 1,500 million of convertible core capital securities from 
the Dutch State, related premium of EUR 750 million and unfavorable currency 
movements, partly offset by net income of EUR 0.7 billion and an equity issue 
of EUR 0.9 billion in February 2011. AEGON aims the proportion of core capital 
to be at least 75% of total capital by the end of 2012. 
Shareholders' equity declined compared with year-end 2010 at EUR 16.8 billion 
as net income and the proceeds of the equity issue were offset by the premium 
paid on the repurchase of the final tranche of convertible core capital 
securities from the Dutch State in addition to unfavorable currency movements. 
The revaluation reserves at June 30, 2011 remained level compared with 
year-end 2010 at EUR 1 billion. 
AEGON aims to maintain at least 1.5 times holding expenses as a buffer at the 
holding, equivalent to approximately EUR 900 million. During the first six 
months of 2011, excess capital in the holding decreased to EUR 1 billion as a 
result of a EUR 2.25 billion payment to the Dutch State only partly offset by 
dividends received from the company's operating units and an equity issue of 
EUR 0.9 billion. 
At June 30, 2011, AEGON's Insurance Group Directive (IGD) ratio amounted to 
approximately 200%. 
Cash flows 
AEGON's subsidiaries generated EUR 1,103 million in operational cash flows 
during the first half of 2011. After deduction of EUR 556 million for 
investments in new business, operational free cash flow totaled EUR 547 
million for the period. 
                                   VNB     VNB               VNB               VNB      VNB 
EUR millions, after tax        Q2 2011 Q1 2011        %  Q2 2010        % YTD 2011 YTD 2010        % 
Americas                            51      63     (19)       52      (2)      114       96       19 
The Netherlands                     20      23     (13)       30     (33)       44       80     (45) 
United Kingdom                      11       9       22       24     (54)       20       37     (46) 
New Markets                         20      23     (13)       32     (38)       43       63     (32) 
Total                              103     118     (13)      138     (25)      221      276     (20) 
                                 IRR %    IRR%              IRR% 
EUR millions, after tax        Q2 2011 Q1 2011           Q2 2010 
Americas                          14.8    16.0              12.9 
The Netherlands                   17.3    13.9              17.0 
United Kingdom                    10.6    10.0              11.9 
New Markets                       36.5    35.1              35.3 
Total                             19.5    18.8              18.4 
                                  Premium                                          Premium business 
                                   APE                                                  APE 
EUR millions            Notes  Q2 2011 Q1 2011        %  Q2 2010        % YTD 2011 YTD 2010        % 
Americas                           231     248      (7)      238      (3)      479      454        6 
The Netherlands                     45      75     (40)       58     (22)      120      150     (20) 
United Kingdom                     227     237      (4)      303     (25)      464      569     (18) 
New Markets                         88      95      (7)       97 (9)           183      177        3 
Total                              592     655     (10)      696     (15)    1,247    1,351      (8) 
                                  Deposit                                          Deposit business 
                              Deposits                                             Deposits 
EUR millions            Notes  Q2 2011 Q1 2011        %  Q2 2010        % YTD 2011 YTD 2010        % 
Americas                         4,223   4,636      (9)    4,325      (2)    8,859    8,250        7 
United Kingdom                      17      19     (11)       17        -       36       51     (29) 
New Markets                        258     216       19      303     (15)      474      610     (22) 
Total                            4,498   4,871      (8)    4,645      (3)    9,369    8,911        5 
                                  Premium                        Premium business 
                                   VNB   PVNBP    VNB /    VNB /      VNB    PVNBP    VNB /    VNB / 
                                                  PVNBP      APE                      PVNBP      APE 
EUR millions            Notes  Q2 2011                %        %          YTD 2011        %        % 
Americas                            18     742      2.5      7.9       48    1,568      3.1     10.1 
The Netherlands                     20     370      5.5     45.2       44    1,007      4.3     36.5 
United Kingdom                      11   1,329      0.8      4.9       20    2,818      0.7      4.3 
New Markets                         21     641      3.3     23.6       42    1,335      3.2     23.2 
Total                               71   3,082      2.3     11.9      155    6,728      2.3     12.4 
                                  Deposit                        Deposit business 
                                VNB      PVNBP  VNB /    VNB /     VNB       PVNBP  VNB /    VNB / 
                                                PVNBP   Deposits                    PVNBP   Deposits 
EUR millions            Notes  Q2 2011                %        %          YTD 2011        %        % 
Americas                            32   5,240      0.6      0.8       65   11,717      0.6      0.7 
United Kingdom                       0      17      0.6      0.6        0       36      0.5      0.5 
New Markets                        (0)     312    (0.1)    (0.2)        1      629      0.1      0.1 
Total                               32   5,569      0.6      0.7       66   12,381      0.5      0.7 
1)  For segment reporting purposes underlying earnings before tax, net underlying earnings, 
    commissions and expenses, operating expenses, income tax including associated companies, 
    income before tax including associated companies and value of new business (VNB) are 
    calculated by consolidating on a proportionate basis the revenues and expenses of certain 
    of our associated companies in Spain, India, Brazil and Mexico. We believe that our 
    non-IFRS measures provide meaningful information about the underlying operating results of 
    our business including insight into the financial measures that our senior management uses 
    in managing our business. Among other things our senior management is compensated based in 
    part on AEGON's results against targets using the non-IFRS measures presented here. While 
    other insurers in our peer group present substantially similar non-IFRS measures, the 
    non-IFRS measures presented in this document may nevertheless differ from the non-IFRS 
    measures presented by other insurers. There is no s 
2)  Net income refers to net income attributable to equity holders of AEGON N.V. and minority 
3)  Sales is defined as new recurring premiums plus 1/10 of single premiums plus 1/10 of gross 
    deposits plus new premium production accident and health plus new premium production 
    general insurance. 
4)  The present value of future distributable earnings on the block of business sold in the 
    reporting period. Value of new business is calculated using beginning of year economic 
    assumptions and assumptions outside of management control, and beginning of quarter 
    operating assumptions 
5)  Return on equity is calculated by dividing the net underlying earnings after cost of 
    leverage by the average shareholders' equity excluding the preferred shares and the 
    revaluation reserve. 
6)  Capital securities that are denominated in foreign currencies are, for purposes of 
    calculating the capital base ratio, revalued to the period-end exchange rate. All ratios 
    exclude AEGON's revaluation reserve. 
7)  Included in other income/(charges) are charges made to policyholders with respect to 
    income tax in the United Kingdom. 
8)  Includes production on investment contracts without a discretionary participation feature 
    of which the proceeds are not recognized as revenues but are directly added to our 
    investment contract liabilities. 
9)  APE = recurring premium + 1/10 single 
10) PVNBP: Present Value New Business 
11) Reconciliation of operating expenses, used for segment reporting, to our IFRS based 
    operating expenses. 
                                            Q2 2011 YTD 2011 
 Employee expenses                              517    1,054 
 Administrative expenses                        313      597 
 Operating expenses for IFRS reporting          830    1,651 
 Operating expenses related to                   17       33 
 Operating expenses in earnings release         847    1,684 
12) New life sales, gross deposits and net deposits data include results of 
    our associated companies in Spain, India, Brazil and Mexico which are 
    consolidated on a proportionate basis. 
13) Operational free cash flow reflect the sum of the return on free 
    surplus, earnings on in-force business, release of required surplus on 
    in-force business reduced by new business first year strain and 
    required surplus on new business. Refer to our Embedded Value 2010 
    report for further details. 
a)  The calculation of the IGD (Insurance Group Directive) capital surplus 
    and ratio are based on Solvency I capital requirements on IFRS for 
    entities within the EU (Pillar 1 for AEGON UK), and local regulatory 
    solvency measurements for non-EU entities. 
    Specifically, required capital for the life insurance companies in the 
    US is calculated as two times the upper end of the Company Action Level 
    range (200%) as applied by the National Association of Insurance 
    Commissioners in the US. The calculation of the IGD ratio excludes the 
    available and required capital of the UK With-Profit funds. In the UK 
    solvency surplus calculation the local regulator only allows the 
    available capital number of the With-Profit funds included in overall 
    local available capital to be equal to the amount of With-Profit funds' 
    required capital. 
b)  The results in this release are 
c)  The comparative 2010 earnings and sales information has been revised to 
    reflect the transfer of the Life Reinsurance and BOLI/COLI businesses 
    to the Run-off businesses line to make the information consistent with 
    the current period figures. 
Income statement items: average rate 1 EUR = USD 1.4025 (2010: USD 1.3279). 
Income statement items: average rate 1 EUR = GBP 0.8670 (2010: GBP 0.8696). 
Balance sheet items: closing rate 1 EUR = USD 1.4499 (2010: USD 1.2271; year-end 2010: USD 1.3362). 
Balance sheet items: closing rate 1 EUR = GBP 0.9031 (2010: GBP 0.8175; year-end 2010: GBP 0.8608). 
The Hague, August 11, 2011 
Press conference call 
8:00 am CET: Audio webcast on www.aegon.com 
Analyst & investor presentation / conference call 
9:00 am CET: Audio webcast on www.aegon.com 
Call-in numbers 
United States: +1 480 629 9673 
United Kingdom: +44 207 153 2027 
The Netherlands: +31 45 631 6902 
Two hours after the conference call, a replay will be available on 
www.aegon.com and on the following phone numbers: 
United Kingdom: +44 207 154 2833, access code: 4458655# 
United Sates: +1 303 590 3030, access code: 4458655# 
AEGON's Q2 2011 Financial Supplement and Condensed Consolidated Interim 
Financial Statements are available on www.aegon.com. 
About AEGON 
As an international life insurance, pension and asset management 
company based in The Hague, AEGON has businesses in over twenty 
markets in the Americas, Europe and Asia. AEGON companies employ 
approximately 26,500 people and have some 40 million customers 
across the globe. 
Key figures - EUR        Second quarter 2011         2011 Full year 
Underlying earnings 
before tax               401 million                    1.8 billion 
New life sales           431 million                    2.1 billion 
Gross deposits           6.7 billion                     33 billion 
investments (end of 
period)                  391 billion                     413 billion 
Contact information 
Media relations: 
Greg Tucker 
+31(0)70 344 8956 
Investor relations: 
Willem van den Berg 
+31 (0)70 344 8305 
877 548 9668 - toll free USA only 
  Cautionary note regarding non-GAAP measures 
  This press release includes certain non-GAAP financial measures: underlying earnings 
  before tax, net underlying earnings, commission and expenses, operating expenses and 
  value of new business (VNB). The reconciliation of underlying earnings before tax to 
  the most comparable IFRS measure is provided in Note 3 "Segment information" of our 
  Condensed consolidated interim financial statements. VNB is not based on IFRS, which 
  are used to report AEGON's primary financial statements, and should not be viewed as 
  a substitute for IFRS financial measures. We may define and calculate VNB 
  differently than other companies. Please see AEGON's Embedded Value Report dated May 
  12, 2011 for an explanation of how we define and calculate VNB. AEGON believes that 
  these non-GAAP measures, together with the IFRS information, provide meaningful 
  supplemental information that our management uses to run our business as well as 
  useful information for the investment community to evaluate AEGON's business 
  relative to the businesses of our 
  Local currencies and constant currency exchange rates 
  This press release contains certain information about our results and financial 
  condition in USD for the Americas and GBP for the United Kingdom, because those 
  businesses operate and are managed primarily in those currencies. Certain 
  comparative information presented on a constant currency basis eliminates the 
  effects of changes in currency exchange rates. None of this information is a 
  substitute for or superior to financial information about us presented in EUR, which 
  is the currency of our primary financial statements. 
  Forward-looking statements 
  The statements contained in this press release that are not historical facts are 
  forward-looking statements as defined in the US Private Securities Litigation Reform 
  Act of 1995. The following are words that identify such forward-looking statements: 
  aim, believe, estimate, target, intend, may, expect, anticipate, predict, project, 
  counting on, plan, continue, want, forecast, goal, should, would, is confident, 
  will, and similar expressions as they relate to our company. These statements are 
  not guarantees of future performance and involve risks, uncertainties and 
  assumptions that are difficult to predict. We undertake no obligation to publicly 
  update or revise any forward-looking statements. Readers are cautioned not to place 
  undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which merely reflect company 
  expectations at the time of writing. Actual results may differ materially from 
  expectations conveyed in forward-looking statements due to changes caused by various 
  risks and uncertainties. Such risks and unce 
o Changes in general economic conditions, particularly in the United States, the 
  Netherlands and the United Kingdom; 
o Changes in the performance of financial markets, including emerging markets, such as 
  with regard to: 
  - The frequency and severity of defaults by issuers in our fixed income investment 
  portfolios; and 
  - The effects of corporate bankruptcies and/or accounting restatements on the 
  financial markets and the resulting decline in 
  the value of equity and debt securities we hold; 
o The frequency and severity of insured loss events; 
o Changes affecting mortality, morbidity and other factors that may impact the 
  profitability of our insurance products; 
o Changes affecting interest rate levels and continuing low or rapidly changing 
  interest rate levels; 
o Changes affecting currency exchange rates, in particular the EUR/USD and EUR/GBP 
  exchange rates; 
o Increasing levels of competition in the United States, the Netherlands, the United 
  Kingdom and emerging markets; 
o Changes in laws and regulations, particularly those affecting our operations, the 
  products we sell, and the attractiveness of certain products to our consumers; 
o Regulatory changes relating to the insurance industry in the jurisdictions in which 
  we operate; 
o Acts of God, acts of terrorism, acts of war and pandemics; 
o Changes in the policies of central banks and/or governments; 
o Lowering of one or more of our debt ratings issued by recognized rating 
  organizations and the adverse impact such action may have on our ability to raise 
  capital and on our liquidity and financial condition; 
o Lowering of one or more of insurer financial strength ratings of our insurance 
  subsidiaries and the adverse impact such action may have on premium writings, policy 
  retention, profitablity of its insurance subsidiaries and liquidity; 
o The effect of the European Union's Solvency II requirements and other regulations in 
  other jurisdictions affecting the capital we are required to maintain; 
o Litigation or regulatory action that could require us to pay significant damages or 
  change the way we do business; 
o Customer responsiveness to both new products and distribution channels; 
o Competitive, legal, regulatory, or tax changes that affect the distribution cost of 
  or demand for our products; 
o The impact of acquisitions and divestitures, restructerings, product withdrawels and 
  other unusual tems, including our ability to integrate acquisitions and to obtain 
  the anticipated results and synergies from acquisitions; 
o Our failure to achieve anticipated levels of earnings or operational efficiencies as 
  well as other cost saving initiatives; and 
o The impact our adoption of the International Financial Reporting Standards may have 
  on our reported financial results and financial condition. 
  Further details of potential risks and uncertainties affecting the company are 
  described in the company's filings with Euronext Amsterdam and the US Securities and 
  Exchange Commission, including the Annual Report on Form 20-F. These forward-looking 
  statements speak only as of the date of this document. Except as required by any 
  applicable law or regulation, the company expressly disclaims any obligation or 
  undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any forward-looking 
  statements contained herein to reflect any change in the company's expectations with 
  regard thereto or any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which any 
  such statement is based. 

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