RNS Number : 5707I

British Portfolio Trust PLC

16 June 2011

For Immediate Release 16th June 2011



For the six months ended 30th April 2011

Interim Management Report

Net Asset Value

A summary of the financial results for the period from 1st November 2010 to 30th April 2011 is set out below. The Net Asset Value (NAV) per Ordinary Share as at 30th April 2011 was 153.5p. This represents an increase of 4.5% over the NAV as at 31st October 2010. Over the same period the capital return on the Company's benchmark index, the FTSE All-Share Index, rose by 7.5%.

Since the half year, the Company's portfolio, reflecting its defensive positioning, has performed better than the benchmark index, and as at 16th June 2011 the NAV performance for the financial year to date was approximately in line with the benchmark, having increased by 2.06% versus 2.24% in respect of the FTSE All-Share Index (Source: Datastream).

Interim Dividend

The Board has declared an interim dividend of 1.80p per Ordinary Share (unchanged from last year), which will absorb GBP550,437 and is payable on 1st September 2011 to all holders of Ordinary Shares on the Register of Members at the close of business on 29th July 2011.

Manager's Review

The UK market performed strongly during the first half of the financial year as the US Federal Reserve unleashed a second round of liquidity via a $600bn quantitative easing programme, improving in the short term investors' appetite for risk assets. Due to our more cautious strategic stance the portfolio underperformed the FTSE All-Share Index. Some stock specific issues in the support services and consumer discretionary sectors were contributory factors. The most significant negative contributor was Xchanging, the business process outsourcing company which cost 0.6% of relative performance. It is now clear that Xchanging made an ill judged acquisition in 2009, which has necessitated a costly restructuring of the business under the new CEO, Ken Lever. We are supportive of these management actions, which should result in a stronger and better managed company. In the consumer discretionary sector weak performances from bwin.party, N Brown and Mothercare were a further drag on returns. This was partly offset by strong share price appreciation from two of the smaller companies in the portfolio, Henry Boot and Energy XXI, the latter of which was sold towards the end of this period.

i) Portfolio Activity

Portfolio activity was concentrated in three areas during the period: financials, media and defensive growth stocks. In general, the financial sector remains lowly valued and unloved following the global financial crisis and this provides an opportunity to buy good franchises at attractive prices. We added new holdings in IG Group, Ashmore, Man Group, Amlin and RBS in the last six months. The media sector continues to benefit from rising investment spending from cash rich corporates and we added new positions in Aegis and UBM. Finally, defensive growth stocks that can achieve modest, but predictable profits growth and have strong balance sheets are attractive in the current environment in our view. As a result, we bought Carillion, Bunzl and Inmarsat. Disposals were focused in the reduction of mid-cap (and in general terms more risky) investments, such as ITV, SVG Capital, Melrose, Valiant, CPP and TalkTalk.

A strong performance by the market from the March lows is not expected to be maintained in the coming months for reasons further discussed below. Gearing was eliminated progressively over the six months via a greater emphasis on sales than new investments. At 30th April 2011 net current assets (cash) represented 2.6% of the net asset value.

ii) Market Review

The six months to 30th April 2011 was a volatile period, driven in the autumn by a strong rally prompted by US quantitative easing, whilst the spring was dominated by unrest in the Middle East and the tragic earthquake and tsunami in Japan. With hindsight it is clear that the speech delivered by the Chairman of the US Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, on 27th August 2010, was the green light for investors to take on risk with a realisation that the Fed was likely to make additional purchases of longer-term securities, as it had in March 2009, marking at that time the low in equity markets. December was a key month for the period as a whole as fears over European sovereign debt risk temporarily abated and additional fiscal stimulus in the US added to the bullish mood of investors.

Some of the optimism was punctured in March as the market focused on the potential for contagion in the Middle East as the 'Jasmine Revolution', that began in Tunisia at the end of 2010, spread to neighbouring countries, most notably Libya. The most immediate impact of the turmoil was on the oil price, which rose over 25% during the first 3 months of 2011. In conjunction with rises in other commodities, including food, the squeeze on disposable consumer income and company margins became an increasing concern for the growth outlook. Furthermore, with inflation rising in developing markets, further monetary tightening became evident in those economies that are driving much of the growth in economic activity. The earthquake in Japan also briefly impacted markets. Although there has been terrible loss of life and some risk of nuclear fallout, the economic impact for the global economy looks to have been fairly muted. It was interesting to observe how quickly equity markets recovered towards the end of this period as abundant liquidity again appeared to trump other concerns.

UK economic growth remains sluggish as consumers continue to pay down debt and the Coalition Government's austerity programme begins to bite. UK GDP grew 0.5% in the first quarter of 2011, which offset the 0.5% fall in the final quarter of 2010 meaning that in real terms the UK economy had not grown since the third quarter of last year. Although headline inflation is in excess of 4%, average earnings are only growing at around 2% per annum currently. Financial markets are pricing in a 50% chance of a 0.25% increase in UK interest rates in August of this year, but there is a great deal of uncertainty, particularly with oil prices in Sterling terms still around the previous peak of 2008. If interest rates do rise at all in 2011 it is likely to be only a token gesture from the Monetary Policy Committee.

The best performing sectors over the six months were industrial cyclicals, particularly those exposed to emerging market growth such as engineering, automotive suppliers and electronics. Oil and oil service companies also performed well. The laggards were mostly amongst the defensive sectors, although banks and retailers were also weak.

iii) Outlook

Our outlook has become more cautious as markets have risen and time has passed. We have been increasingly attentive to the long term risks including consumer deleveraging in the Western world, the high levels of Sovereign debt in the US, Europe and Japan, unstable Chinese growth and rising inflation. These concerns have until now been mitigated by global liquidity, upward surprises to economic growth, and rising corporate profit expectations. However, these short term positives are beginning to wane and we expect markets to question the long term growth outlook more intensely as we move to the second half of 2011. The US quantitative easing programme is due to end in June, Chinese efforts to constrain inflation are becoming more urgent and there are signs that global economic growth expectations are becoming more subdued. Most importantly for equity markets, company profit expectations are no longer rising. This is prompting a rotation to more defensive sectors and we expect this to continue for a while yet. Market positioning is still biased towards risk, perhaps best evidenced by the consensus negative view on the US dollar. This recent change in market environment has had a beneficial impact on relative performance as we move into the second half of our financial year.

Although our outlook is in general cautious, corporate cashflow and balance sheets are strong which will support dividend growth. We expect UK market dividends to grow in both 2011 and 2012, which will help the Company's earnings and reduce reliance on revenue reserves, which have been used to maintain the dividend in recent years. Headline valuations at the market level are also reasonable in the UK, notwithstanding the concern that profit margins have already achieved new peaks in the aftermath of the global financial crisis and may not be sustainable in the long term. Most importantly we can still identify a good number of companies, particularly amongst the large capitalisation shares where absolute valuations are attractive, and this is where the portfolio is focused.

Jeremy Thomas

RCM (UK) Limited

16th June 2011

Share Buybacks and Treasury Share Transactions

During the period under review 362,000 Ordinary Shares were repurchased for cancellation at a cost of GBP516,261, and 100,000 Ordinary Shares were repurchased into treasury at a cost of GBP147,023, at an average discount of around 5%. In addition, during the period 300,000 Ordinary Shares held in treasury were cancelled. In the period from 1st May 2011 until 15th June 2011 a further 313,000 Ordinary Shares have been repurchased for cancellation.

Principal Risks and Uncertainties

The principal risks facing the Company were outlined in the Directors' Report on pages 16 and 17 of the Annual Financial Report of the Company for the year ended 31st October 2010. These risks fall broadly under the following categories: Investment and Strategy, Market, Accounting, Legal and Regulatory, Corporate Governance and Shareholder Relations, Operational and Financial. In the opinion of the Board these principal risks have not changed.

Material Events and Transactions

In the six month period ended 30th April 2011 the following material events and transactions have taken place.

A C Barker retired as Chairman and a Director on 18th April 2011. J H Cartwright was appointed Chairman on the same date.

At the Annual General Meeting of the Company held on 8th February 2011, all the resolutions put to shareholders were passed.

The final dividend of 3.30p per share was paid on 1st March 2011 to shareholders on the register on 28th January 2011. The total dividend payment for the year ended 31st October 2010 was 5.10p per share.

There were no related party transactions in the period.

Responsibility Statement

The Directors confirm to the best of their knowledge that:

-- the condensed set of financial statements contained within the half-yearly financial report has been prepared in accordance with the Accounting Standards Board's Statement 'Half-Yearly Financial Reports';

-- the interim management report includes a fair review of the information required by Disclosure and Transparency Rule 4.2.7R, of important events that have occurred during the first six months of the financial year, and their impact on the condensed set of financial statements, and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the financial year;

-- the interim management report includes a fair review of the information concerning related parties transactions as required by Disclosure and Transparency Rule 4.2.8R.

The half-yearly financial report was approved by the Board on 16th June 2011 and the above responsibility statement was signed on its behalf by the Chairman.

Jonathan Cartwright


155 Bishopsgate

London EC2M 3AD

16th June 2011


As at 30th April 2011

                        Valuation  % of Total 
                         GBP'000s     Assets*  Principal Activities 
GlaxoSmithKline             3,390        7.16  Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology 
BP                          2,962        6.25  Oil & Gas Producers 
HSBC Holdings               2,414        5.10  Banking 
Royal Dutch Shell "B" 
 Shares                     2,086        4.40  Oil & Gas Producers 
Vodafone Group              2,051        4.33  Mobile Telecommunications 
Rio Tinto                   1,904        4.02  Mining 
Unilever                    1,847        3.90  Food Producers 
BG Group                    1,612        3.40  Oil & Gas Producers 
Barclays                    1,540        3.25  Banking 
Diageo                      1,491        3.15  Beverages 
Reed Elsevier               1,421        3.00  Media 
Tesco                       1,332        2.81  Food & Drug Retailers 
Cobham                      1,279        2.70  Aerospace & Defence 
Anglo American              1,073        2.27  Mining 
Resolution                    960        2.03  Life Insurance 
Centrica                      946        2.00  Gas, Water & Multiutilities 
Boot (Henry)                  918        1.94  Construction & Materials 
BAE Systems                   882        1.86  Aerospace & Defence 
Compass Group                 788        1.66  Travel & Leisure 
Aegis Group                   678        1.43  Media 
                           31,574       66.66 
                        ---------  ---------- 


As at 30th April 2011

                     Valuation  % of Total   (FTSE All-Share) 
Sector                GBP'000s     Assets*          % 
Financials              10,080        21.3        22.6 
Oil & Gas                7,208        15.2        17.5 
Industrials              6,746        14.2         7.5 
Consumer Services        6,106        12.9         9.5 
Consumer Goods           3,941         8.3        11.3 
Health Care              3,390         7.2         7.0 
Basic Materials          2,977         6.3        13.2 
Telecommunications       2,688         5.7         6.0 
Utilities                1,813         3.8         3.7 
Technology               1,177         2.5         1.7 
Net Current Assets       1,254         2.6          - 
                        47,380       100.0        100.0 
                     ---------  ----------  ----------------- 

* Total Assets are stated net of current liabilities.



 For the six months ended 30th 
  April 2011 
                                         Revenue    Capital     Return 
                                        GBP'000s   GBP'000s   GBP'000s 
                                                              (Note 2) 
 Net gains on investments at fair 
  value                                        -      2,483      2,483 
 Income                                      826          -        826 
 Investment management fee                  (55)       (89)      (144) 
 Performance fee                               -          -          - 
 Administration expenses                   (103)        (3)      (106) 
 Net return before finance costs 
  and taxation                               668      2,391      3,059 
 Finance costs: interest payable 
  and similar charges                        (3)        (8)       (11) 
                                       ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Net return on ordinary activities 
  before taxation                            665      2,383      3,048 
 Taxation                                      -          -          - 
                                       ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Net return attributable to Ordinary 
  Shareholders                               665      2,383      3,048 
                                       ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Return per Ordinary Share (Note           2.14p      7.66p      9.80p 


As at 30th April 2011

  Investments at fair value through profit or loss      46,126 
  Net Current Assets                                     1,254 
  Total Net Assets                                      47,380 
  Called up Share Capital                                  361 
  Share Premium Account                                 14,819 
  Capital Redemption Reserve                               188 
  Special Reserve                                       29,561 
  Capital Reserve                                          352 
  Revenue Reserve                                        2,099 
  Shareholders' Funds                                   47,380 
  Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share                        153.5p 
  The net asset value is based on 30,859,820 Ordinary Shares in 
  An additional 5,304,664 Ordinary Shares were held in treasury. 



 For the six months ended 30th 
  April 2010 
                                         Revenue    Capital     Return 
                                        GBP'000s   GBP'000s   GBP'000s 
                                                              (Note 2) 
 Net gains on investments at fair 
  value                                        -      5,896      5,896 
 Income                                      997          -        997 
 Investment management fee                  (54)       (88)      (142) 
 Performance fee                               -       (93)       (93) 
 Administration expenses                    (94)        (3)       (97) 
 Net return before finance costs 
  and taxation                               849      5,712      6,561 
 Finance costs: interest payable 
  and similar charges                        (4)       (12)       (16) 
                                       ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Net return on ordinary activities 
  before taxation                            845      5,700      6,545 
 Taxation                                      -          -          - 
                                       ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Net return attributable to Ordinary 
  Shareholders                               845      5,700      6,545 
                                       ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Return per Ordinary Share (Note           2.51p     16.96p     19.47p 


As at 30th April 2010

  Investments at fair value through profit or loss      47,730 
  Net Current Liabilities                                (298) 
  Total Net Assets                                      47,432 
  Called up Share Capital                                  383 
  Share Premium Account                                 14,819 
  Capital Redemption Reserve                               166 
  Special Reserve                                       32,130 
  Capital Reserve                                      (2,445) 
  Revenue Reserve                                        2,379 
  Shareholders' Funds                                   47,432 
  Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share                       144.4 p 
  The net asset value is based on 32,848,820 Ordinary Shares in 
  An additional 5,504,664 Ordinary Shares were held in treasury. 



For the year ended 31st October 2010

                                                Revenue     Capital    Return 
                                               GBP'000s    GBP'000s   GBP'000s 
                                                                      (Note 2) 
 Net gains on investments at fair 
  value                                               -       6,566      6,566 
 Income                                           1,820           -      1,820 
 Investment management fee                        (108)       (175)      (283) 
 Performance fee                                      -       (235)      (235) 
 Administration expenses                          (198)         (6)      (204) 
 Net return before finance costs and 
  taxation                                        1,514       6,150      7,664 
 Finance costs: interest payable and 
  similar charges                                  (12)        (36)       (48) 
                                             ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Net return on ordinary activities 
  before taxation                                 1,502       6,114      7,616 
 Taxation                                           (1)           -        (1) 
                                             ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Net return attributable to Ordinary 
  Shareholders                                    1,501       6,114      7,615 
                                             ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Return per Ordinary Share (Note 1)               4.58p      18.66p     23.24p 
  As at 31st October 2010 
 Investments at fair value through profit or loss                       46,164 
 Net Current Liabilities                                                 (141) 
 Total Net Assets                                                       46,023 
 Called up Share Capital                                                   368 
 Share Premium Account                                                  14,819 
 Capital Redemption Reserve                                                181 
 Special Reserve                                                        30,224 
 Capital Reserve                                                       (2,031) 
 Revenue Reserve                                                         2,462 
 Shareholders' Funds                                                    46,023 
 Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share                                     146.9p 
 The net asset value is based on 31,321,820 Ordinary Shares 
  in issue. 
 An additional 5,504,664 Ordinary Shares were held in treasury. 



For the six months ended 30th April 2011 and comparative periods

                  Called      Share      Capital 
                up Share    Premium   Redemption    Special    Capital    Revenue 
                 Capital    Account      Reserve    Reserve    Reserve    Reserve      Total 
                GBP'000s   GBP'000s     GBP'000s   GBP'000s   GBP'000s   GBP'000s   GBP'000s 
 Six months 
 ended 30(th) 
 April 2011 
 Net Assets 
  at 31(st) 
  2010               368     14,819          181     30,224    (2,031)      2,462     46,023 
  Return               -          -            -          -          -        665        665 
  during the 
  period             (7)          -            7      (663)          -          -      (663) 
 Dividends on 
  Shares               -          -            -          -          -    (1,028)    (1,028) 
  Return               -          -            -          -      2,383          -      2,383 
 Net Assets 
  at 30(th) 
  April 2011         361     14,819          188     29,561        352      2,099     47,380 
               ---------  ---------  -----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Six months 
 ended 30(th) 
 April 2010 
   Net Assets 
    at 31(st) 
         2009        385     14,819          164     34,500    (8,145)      2,641     44,364 
  Return               -          -            -          -          -        845        845 
  during the 
  period             (2)          -            2    (2,370)          -          -    (2,370) 
 Dividends on 
  Shares               -          -            -          -          -    (1,107)    (1,107) 
  Return               -          -            -          -      5,700          -      5,700 
 Net Assets 
  at 30(th) 
  April 2010         383     14,819          166     32,130    (2,445)      2,379     47,432 
               ---------  ---------  -----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Year ended 
 Net Assets 
  at 31(st) 
  2009               385     14,819          164     34,500    (8,145)      2,641     44,364 
  Return               -          -            -          -          -      1,501      1,501 
  during the 
  year              (17)          -           17    (4,276)          -          -    (4,276) 
 Dividends on 
  Shares               -          -            -          -          -    (1,680)    (1,680) 
  Return               -          -            -          -      6,114          -      6,114 
 Net Assets 
  at 31(st) 
  2010               368     14,819          181     30,224    (2,031)      2,462     46,023 
               ---------  ---------  -----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 



For the six months ended 30th April 2011 and comparative periods

                                      Six Months    Six Months 
                                           ended         ended      Year ended 
                                      30th April    30th April    31st October 
                                            2011          2010            2010 
                                        GBP'000s      GBP'000s        GBP'000s 
 Net cash inflow from operating 
  activities                                 271           627           1,209 
 Return on investments and 
 servicing of finance 
 Interest paid                              (11)          (16)            (48) 
 Capital expenditure and financial 
                                    ------------  ------------  -------------- 
 Purchases of fixed asset 
  investments                            (8,686)       (9,039)        (23,142) 
 Sales of fixed asset investments         10,478        12,480          28,870 
                                    ------------  ------------  -------------- 
 Net cash inflow from capital 
  expenditure and financial 
  investment                               1,792         3,441           5,728 
 Equity dividends paid                   (1,028)       (1,107)         (1,680) 
                                    ------------  ------------  -------------- 
 Net cash inflow before financing          1,024         2,945           5,209 
                                    ------------  ------------  -------------- 
 Purchase of Ordinary Shares for 
  cancellation and held in 
  treasury                                 (663)       (2,370)         (4,277) 
 Repayment of loan                       (1,000)             -         (2,000) 
 Drawdown of loan                              -             -           1,500 
 Net cash outflow from financing         (1,663)       (2,370)         (4,777) 
 (Decrease) Increase in cash               (639)           575             432 
                                    ------------  ------------  -------------- 
 Reconciliation of Return on 
 Ordinary Activities before 
 Finance Costs and Taxation to Net 
 Cash Flow from Operating 
 Total Return before finance costs 
  and taxation                             3,059         6,561           7,664 
 Less: Net gains on investments at 
  fair value                             (2,483)       (5,896)         (6,566) 
                                             576           665           1,098 
 Increase in debtors                       (147)         (151)            (60) 
 (Decrease) Increase in creditors          (158)           113             171 
                                    ------------  ------------  -------------- 
 Net cash inflow from operating 
  activities                                 271           627           1,209 
                                    ------------  ------------  -------------- 
 Reconciliation of net cash flow 
  to movement in net debt 
 Net cash (outflow) inflow                 (639)           575             432 
 Repayment of loan                         1,000             -           2,000 
 Drawdown of loan                              -             -         (1,500) 
                                    ------------  ------------  -------------- 
 Movement in net funds                       361           575             932 
 Net funds (debt) brought forward             23         (909)           (909) 
                                    ------------  ------------  -------------- 
 Net funds (debt) carried forward            384         (334)              23 
                                    ------------  ------------  -------------- 

Note 1

The returns per Ordinary Share have been calculated using a weighted average number of shares in issue of 31,097,019 (30th April 2010 - 33,614,501; 31st October 2010 - 32,770,227).

Note 2

The total return column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the Company.

All revenue and capital items derive from continuing operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the period.

A Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses is not required as all gains and losses of the Company have been reflected in the Income Statement.

Included in the cost of investments are transaction costs on purchases which amounted to GBP52,271 (30th April 2010 - GBP49,504; 31st October 2010 - GBP112,703) and transaction costs on sales which amounted to GBP15,534 (30th April 2010 - GBP16,401; 31st October 2010 - GBP34,257).

Note 3

Investments are designated as held at fair value through profit or loss in accordance with FRS 26 'Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement'. Listed investments are valued at bid market prices.

Note 4

In accordance with FRS 21'Events after the Balance Sheet Date' the final dividend payable on Ordinary Shares is recognised as a liability when approved by shareholders. Interim dividends are recognised only when paid.

Dividends paid on Ordinary Shares in respect of earnings for each period are as follows:

                                   Six months     Six months 
                                      ended          ended        Year ended 
                                  30(th) April   30(th) April   31(st) October 
                                      2011           2010            2010 
                                    GBP'000s       GBP'000s        GBP'000s 
 Final dividend 3.30p paid 1st 
  March 2011 (2010 - 3.30p)              1,028          1,107            1,107 
 Interim dividend 1.80p paid 
  2nd September 2010                         -              -              573 
                                         1,028          1,107            1,680 
                                 -------------  -------------  --------------- 

Dividends payable at the period end are not recognised as a liability under FRS 21 'Events after the Balance Sheet Date'. Details of these dividends are set out below.

                                  Six months       Six months 
                                     ended            ended       Year ended 
                                 30(th) April     30(th) April      31(st) 
                                      2011            2010       October 2010 
                                   GBP'000s         GBP'000s       GBP'000s 
 Interim dividend 1.80p payable 
  1st September 2011 (2010 -1.80p)          555            591               - 
 Final dividend 3.30p                         -              -           1,034 
                                    -----------  -------------  -------------- 
                                            555            591           1,034 
                                    -----------  -------------  -------------- 

The proposed dividends above are based on the number of shares in issue at the period end. However, the dividends payable will be based on the number of shares in issue on the record date and will reflect any purchases and cancellations of shares by the Company settled subsequent to the period end. Note 5

The Directors believe it is appropriate to continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the financial statements, as the assets of the Company consist mainly of securities which are readily realisable and accordingly, that the Company has adequate financial resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future.

Note 6

The half-yearly financial report has neither been audited nor reviewed by the Company's auditors. The financial information for the year ended 31st October 2010 has been extracted from the statutory financial statements of the Company for that year, which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The Auditors' Report on those financial statements was unqualified, did not contain an emphasis of matter paragraph and did not contain a statement under Section 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006.

In accordance with the UK's disclosure requirements for listed companies, the Company is required to make limited additional and updated disclosures, mainly relating to the first and third quarters of the financial year. These Interim Management Statements are released via the Regulatory News Service and posted on the Company's website www.britishportfoliotrust.co.uk on or shortly before 19th March and 19th September each year.

The half-yearly financial report will be sent to Shareholders shortly and made available to the public at the Registered Office of the Company, 155 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3AD.

For further information, please contact:-

Peter Ingram

Company Secretary

Tel: 020 7065 1467

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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