Penny Roger$
13 años hace
Franklin Electric Co., Inc. (Franklin Electric), together with its subsidiaries, is engaged in designing, manufacturing and distributing groundwater and fuel pumping systems, consists of submersible pumps and motors, electronic controls and related parts and equipment. The Company’s business consists of two segments: the Water Systems segment and the Fueling Systems segment. The Company includes unallocated corporate expenses in an other segment that together with Water and Fueling represent the Company. The Company’s products are sold in North America, Europe, the Middle East, South Africa, Brazil, Mexico, Australia, Japan, China, and other world markets. During the fiscal year ended January 2, 2010 (fiscal 2009), the Company acquired Vertical S.p.A. (Vertical), a pump component manufacturer in Italy. In May 2011, the Company acquired 80% of Impo Motor Pompa Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S.