3 años hace
C.A. No. 12843-VCL
IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, this ___ day of February 2022, as follows:
1. Pending further order of the Court, Thomas Braziel shall not take any
action with respect to the Company unless he first provides ten business days’ notice
to the Special Master.
2. For the avoidance of doubt, Braziel shall not transfer or remove any
funds from the Company’s bank account without complying with paragraph (1)
3. Braziel will post a copy of this order to within
twenty-four hours of entry.
4. Braziel will immediately provide a copy of this order to WSFS Bank.
Vice Chancellor Laster
3 años hace
Hi guys - sorry for being slow in getting materials out on the receivership website. Post-receivership the idea was to look for and consider any and all transactions that would create value for shareholders (whether that be via buying a business, investing the capital, or simply liquidating the Company in the most cost effective way). That said, in order to retain as much of the recoveries from the receivership as possible, we had a take an aggressive NOL position, and with that comes potential audit challenges. This was in the 2017, 2018, and 2019 taxes, and the lookup periods are generally 3 years, so in order to liquidate I have to allow for the audit periods to pass. Anyway, I posted a bunch of new information on the receivership website.
Cash Balance: 2.1m USD (Note: Does Not Include Any Costs To Liquidate)
NOL Position: 8.1m USD
Share Outstanding: 669,539 (Note: Subject to Change)
If anyone has questions, please feel free to email me (
Thanks, Thomas
Captain Marvel
4 años hace
Here are some of the relevant Rules of the Chancery Court of the State of Delaware, which are posted online. Are any of you aware if Thomas followed any of them? If no, it means all of the financial details of the company have been hidden from us. Moreover, under Rule 151(3) the Receiver was required to give the names and addresses of the shareholders to the Register in Chancery unless ordered otherwise by the Court and that while he was exempted because he did not have the money to pay the Transfer Agent for a list of their names and addresses at the outset of the receivership, he subsequently obtained this information but never turned it to over to the Register, thereby precluding the shareholders from communicating with one another about the actions of the Receiver, including whether he complied with the foregoing Rules, how much money he had collected for the sale of each of the company's assets, where the money is, why he has not communicated with the shareholders for the past 16 months on the website he created for this purpose, etc etc etc. Here are some of the relevant Rules of the Delaware Chancery Court that the Receiver was required to comply with:
Rule 158: "... notice of all sales to be made by the receiver shall be sent by the receiver by mail at least 15 days prior to the day of sale to all creditors who have filed claims, and to all stockholders."
Rule 161: "Every receiver shall within 3 months of being appointed submit to the Court a full report of the receiver's proceedings and the state of the affairs of the company,and thereafter make like report at the expiration of each year during the pendency of the receivership."
Rule 162: "Accounts rendered by receivers shall ... show in detail(1) all moneys received, when, from whom or from what source; 2) gains or losses on sales made of the property included in the inventory; (3) payments made, to whom and for what purpose. Every such account shall be accompanied by oath of the receiver that the account is just and true, and shall be filed in the office of the Register in Chancery...."
Captain Marvel
4 años hace
In response to many posts, the Receiver has no authority to do anything with the assets other than monetize them (and resolve any debt, if there was any, which there is not). In other words, he cannot do anything with the cash other than keep it safe and he has no authority to do anything with the shell other than sell it or keep it as an asset if he cannot sell it. As to the shell, he must at least try to sell it rather than hold on to it for his own purposes. The assets belong to the shareholders, not the Receiver. As to the delay, the Receiver has a duty to advise the shareholders as to the status, but he has not advised them of anything in 16 months, an obvious violation of his fiduciary duties.
Captain Marvel
4 años hace
I would like to see proof that the receivership has been terminated. There is nothing in the FNDM court filings to this effect. Also, if the receivership was terminated, the Receiver had an obligation to post it on the website. I see no such post. Moreover, the Receiver, would be legally obligated to set a shareholders' meeting.
Some of you have talked about the Receiver investing in Bitcoin. I assume you were joking because the Receiver's legal duty is limited to collecting the assets for the shareholders and not investing in anything. His duties are the same as a trustee in bankruptcy. If he invests any money that he has collected, he has committed a felony as that investment is tantamount to theft. If he did that as a trustee in bankruptcy in federal court, he would be removed from his position by the judge and held in contempt of court and thrown in jail. Both attorneys of record have the same legal responsibility that the Receiver has, which is to do the right thing with the money or be held in contempt of court also.
Moreover, when you invested in FNDM the purpose of that investment for most of you was to invest via Fund in conservative ETFs held by Advisor Shares, not to invest in risky, distressed assets of the type that the the Receiver is in the business of investing in in his own personal business. Once the assets of Fund have been monetized, as most have been, those assets should be distributed to the shareholders based upon the number of shares that they hold. The shareholders can then invest in whatever they want (stocks, bonds, pay bills, buy their spouses a present, put back into their personal bank account or their pension plan, take a vacation, or do whatever they desire with the money). The money is theirs to do with as they please. It belongs to them, not to the Receiver. If the Receiver still holds the corporate shell, including the net operating losses, which are worth one million dollars or more, they should have been sold long ago. Any rumor that the Receiver plans to use the corporate shell and any NOLs is misplaced as they belong to the shareholders and should have been sold and become part of the assets for distribution to the shareholders.