Voices of Reason
13 años hace
FYI - Both former Presidents and Chairman of GSLO, Thomas Massey and John David Brotherton, are both pushing a new company called ONYX.ob - same story as GSLO with claims of "Made in USA" solar products (made in China). Massey and Brotherton are working with ONYX's CEO, Malcolm Burleson, who you may recall was previously involved with supplying GSLO's sister company, EVSO (also suspended by the SEC the same time as GSLO), some solar panels in North Carolina. Their new venture is in Honduras claiming to have been "awarded" an $84 million dollar solar plant - one that magically will be funded by unknown sources, and magically transmit electricity to people's homes without connecting to the existing electric grid....amazing, isn't it?
13 años hace
My apologies for not getting back to all of you. I have a full time job like most of you and a family to raise.
Like all of you, I lost most of my retirement savings from believing in GSLO. I promise you I am not a scam and I am not looking for any money to file my/our claim. I was advised by a lawyer to post a message on an invesment hub to find any other investors that are in my position. I have another busy week with the job and then I will have some time to start this process. This will be a lengthy process. Once filed with the SEC, it may take 1 to 5 years to recover our losses. Just the other day, I received a postcard about being elgible to recover losses for my investment in a mutual fund back between 1999 and 2004. My point is this is going to be a long process. If you are looking for instant results, stop looking.
I will keep you posted if I find out anything new. If I don't reply right away to your question or comment, please dont' get mad or discouraged. It's the holidays and there is a lot going on.
While this is frustrating, please try to enjoy the holidays and time with family and friends. If you have any suggestions or ideas to post to the group, please do so.
Thank you all for sharing.
13 años hace
JEFF~ If you were really scammed by GSLO, and "Tyson", then please like younginlv, leave your email address.
So, a REAL person, like myself, can reach out to you.
I tried to contact this Youninlv person on his (or her) hotmail email address. A WEEK ago. No response. He (and you) might have another agenda. Who knows what it could be. But, don't hold your breath on a response. Unless y'all know one another.
I am extremely weary of ALL. Thanks to GSLO. It completely bittered me. One good thing that came out of my GSLO experience is that I look at all things like a scam now. So I am sure not to ever be in that naieve boat again.
Voices of Reason
13 años hace
A few facts for you in your quest:
Thomas Massey, former CEO and Board of Director at GSLO, is now on the Board of Directors of ONYX. ONYX had the same corporate address as GTSO in Liverpool, NY. BTW - Massey just arranged a merger with ONYX with a company called SGPC. SGPC has a business address the same as Kathleen Delaney's EHSI (also suspended by the SEC) and has a corporate registered address at 2710 Thomes Ave in Wyoming: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/43561575/ns/business-us_business/
Based on past experience your best bet for litigation will be to partner with the SEC to try and disgorge ill gotten gains.
First steps - document the alleged fraud:
The SEC investor complaint site:
and for FINRA:
Here are the contact names listed in the SEC suspension notice for GSLO:
Glenn S. Gordon, (305) 982-6360 or gordong@sec.gov Associate Regional Director, Miami Regional Office
Elisha L. Frank, (305) 982-6392 or franke@sec.gov Assistant Regional Director, Miami Regional Office
Be sure to copy these guys as they are familiar with GSLO's sister companies: CYGX, EHSI, EVSO:
Andrew M. Calamari, (212) 336-0042 or calamaria@sec.gov Associate Regional Director, New York Regional Office
Michael Paley, (212) 336-0145 or paleym@sec.gov Assistant Regional Director, New York Regional Office
Specific information they will be looking for is any misleading/false press releases, email spam, or company website statements that induced you to buy into this stock. Additional information they will want to know is false statements from their financial filings, such as if you think they are hiding the beneficial ownership (John Thomas Cloud) through sham entities in Panama, sham debt deals that resulted in toxic conversion to shares, etc....
For clarity, let me spell the relationships out for you all on the beneficial ownership of GSLO and other related companies:
THOCLOUD Company Corp (aka Thomas Cloud)
JOTHOCLO CORPORATION (aka John "JT" Thomas Cloud)
MASCLO INVESTMENT CORP. (aka Thomas and JT Cloud)
Sederot Ventures, Inc. (beneficial owner of sister company ADBI.pk, f/k/a CNFO.pk)
Continental Connections, Inc. (a Gilchrist, David Mordekhay company tied to the acquisition of Celulas Geneticas with sister company EHSI.pk, and beneficial owner of GWND.pk - another sister company)
Montego Blue Enterprises (beneficial owner of sister company GSLO.pk as well as GTSO.pk)
BLUE BAYOU VENTURES, INC. (beneficial owner of sister company EVSO.pk)
BLAKEY VENTURES INTERNATIONAL, INC. (Beneficial owner of sister company GWND.pk)
WISCONSIN OPPORTUNITY FUND, SA (beneficial owner of sister company NACF.pk)
OKLAHOMA VENTURES, INC. (beneficial owner of sister companies GWND.pk and Southfield Energy)
SOROS II SOUTH AMERICA, CORP. (former beneficial owner of one of GTSO's sister companies)
SILVERSTAR HOLDINGS, SA (beneficial owner of sister company BERX)
CAMBRIDGE SECURITIES OF PANAMA, SA (Beneficial owner of sister company GSLO.pk and GTSO.pk) - registered owner is non other than Mr. John Thomas Cloud.
HOMASUD HOLDING CORP. (shown as Oxford Funding as principal - reference EHSI.pk - f/k/a OXFD.pk)
EPSTEIN INTERESTS, INC. (beneficial owner of sister company GWND.pk)
In summary, we now have a clear and documented link to John Thomas Cloud, his son Thomas Cloud, and the rest of these miscreants to the following companies: GTSO, GWND, EVSO, EHSI, GSLO, BERX, NACF, and ADBI - all of which appear to be hiding their real ownership via controlled entities in Panama.