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Pulse Network Inc (CE)

Pulse Network Inc (CE) (TPNI)

( 0.00% )
Actualizado: 18:00:00

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TPNI Discussion

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TB TB 3 años hace
$TPNI ...We're in the process of upgrading TPNI! Stay tuned for more or call me at 781-688-8039 for answers to your questions now!...

We're in the process of upgrading TPNI! Stay tuned for more or call me at 781-688-8039 for answers to your questions now!— TPNI (@ThePulse) August 2, 2022
TB TB 3 años hace
$TPNI little added .0001
LonesomeGeorge LonesomeGeorge 4 años hace
TPNI to be dropped because in violation of Rule 15c2-11 amendments?

"Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!"
okwife okwife 4 años hace
doesn't that mean something?,2);ACCUM;MFI(14,100);STOSL(14,3)&sym=TPNI&grid=1&height=500&studyheight=100
LonesomeGeorge LonesomeGeorge 4 años hace
Plans from Management for the new week and month?

Get 'um boys. I know you're chomping at the bit.

LonesomeGeorge LonesomeGeorge 4 años hace
Any word from the crapweasel Management about what they've got planned for this week to increase the long-suffering shareholder value?

Do they give two $hits?

LonesomeGeorge LonesomeGeorge 4 años hace
Any word from these clowns what they are doing this week to increase shareholder value?

LonesomeGeorge LonesomeGeorge 4 años hace
Do I rust these clowns? Remember: This is the same State whose voters gave us repeatedly Teddy Kennedy and John Kerry.

Renee Renee 4 años hace
You're quite welcome, and thank you for your acknowledgement.
Unicorns r Clowns Unicorns r Clowns 4 años hace
Your posts are invaluable. More than most may realize.

Renee Renee 4 años hace
TPNI: Admin. Proceeding to revoke registration dismissed since the company had filed a FORM 15 to deregister.
JP313 JP313 4 años hace
Hold on this actually has a product to sell?
LonesomeGeorge LonesomeGeorge 4 años hace
Well, this week is blown. Any word from Management what a full week of announcements and activities they have planned for next week to increase shareholders value?




Wakey wakey.
LonesomeGeorge LonesomeGeorge 4 años hace
Any word from Management what they are working on this week to increase shareholders value?


Press Conference?

Conference Call?

News release?


Getting ahead of the curve?

Being pro-active?



LonesomeGeorge LonesomeGeorge 4 años hace

SMT1 SMT1 4 años hace
My question is who bought over 8 million shares today and why?!
LonesomeGeorge LonesomeGeorge 4 años hace
Is the dog$hit still alive? Or is the corporate office littered with rotting COVID-19 corpses that died a year ago and haven't been checked on for some time?

Inquiring minds want to know.
lucky, mydog lucky, mydog 4 años hace
Dinofast Dinofast 4 años hace
I think you have the wrong website. Try
Ratface Ratface 4 años hace
The pictures on the website are hilarious. The most unprofessional group ever. Bunch of slim balls
gobluetrader gobluetrader 4 años hace
May have, I just hope they get reinstated and can start trading again and see the L2.
Maniana Maniana 4 años hace
Have you seen pictures of these.clowns? Did a 10 year old made that website?
gobluetrader gobluetrader 4 años hace
It's attached to their Twitter, so I'm assuming it's not fake. Why fake a webpage to a CE company that some brokers don't even let you purchase stock
Maniana Maniana 4 años hace

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Maniana Maniana 4 años hace
A least bagholders can get out, thats good!
Maniana Maniana 4 años hace
Can this look more fake?
Maniana Maniana 4 años hace
What are these scammers up to these days?
gobluetrader gobluetrader 4 años hace
gobluetrader gobluetrader 4 años hace
Something is brewing a lot going at .0003 today!!!
rmilman rmilman 4 años hace
Criminals here. Do not send them money here
Dklosinski Dklosinski 4 años hace
Wrong stock
Chyna9 Chyna9 5 años hace
The as is only 1B and less than 800M os. Ta verified this month.

I dunno what went down here but billions weren't dumped lol
LonesomeGeorge LonesomeGeorge 5 años hace

....only efforts here was to dump billions of worthless shares on us sheeples....

Do you mean to say sir that they don't care about the shareholder?

NO! Say it ain't so!!!!!!

lifeonthefarm lifeonthefarm 5 años hace
only efforts here was to dump billions of worthless shares on us sheeples
LonesomeGeorge LonesomeGeorge 5 años hace
Has Management issued their usual weekly press release with more scintillating news about their herculean 24/7/365 efforts on behalf of their loyal shareholders yet?

Oh well, it's only Tuesday. I'll check back tomorrow.
Ratface Ratface 5 años hace
And boom!
1Bologna 1Bologna 5 años hace
Maniana Maniana 5 años hace
Scamming shareholders.
find them find them 5 años hace
Silence is deafening here.
Is TPNI been laid to rest ????
Looking at the PPS it has...
1Bologna 1Bologna 5 años hace
I've completely forgot what this company even does...
TB TB 5 años hace
TB TB 5 años hace
TB TB 5 años hace
yes - Volume ???? .0001
CJ Investor CJ Investor 5 años hace
$TPNI Action today ??? What’s up??
lifeonthefarm lifeonthefarm 5 años hace
finra prob wouldnt let them r/s.....its how these scams operate....r/s wash rinse repeat....99.9 % of pinks are and alwaYS have been scambolas
xtyleradx xtyleradx 5 años hace
It looked like that they were trying to get up to date and current, then they filed to give up on that
lifeonthefarm lifeonthefarm 5 años hace
just another pinky scam
okwife okwife 5 años hace
TPNI what happened here?
CJ Investor CJ Investor 5 años hace
$TPNI WOW ALMOST 12 milly volume . No PPS movement’s. Anyone know why ?
Dklosinski Dklosinski 5 años hace
Let's see him test them back with more filings please