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Methanex Corporation

Methanex Corporation (MEOH)

Cerrado 14 Marzo 2:00PM
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StrikeCompraVentaUltimo PrecioP. MedioVariaciónVariación %VolumeInt AbiertoÚltimo Operado
25.0010.7013.700.0012.200.000.00 %00-
30.005.708.8024. %01-
35.001.304.000.002.650.000.00 %00- %01- %028- %086- %024-
60.000.450.650.450.550.000.00 %03- %00- %00-

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StrikeCompraVentaUltimo PrecioP. MedioVariaciónVariación %VolumeInt AbiertoÚltimo Operado %00- %00-
35.000.351.050.900.700.000.00 %012-
40.002.605.704. %045-
45.007.3010.308.718.800.000.00 %022-
50.0012.3015.301.8013.800.000.00 %038-
55.0017.4019.900.0018.650.000.00 %00-
60.0022.3024.900.0023.600.000.00 %00-
65.0027.3029.900.0028.600.000.00 %00-
70.0032.3034.700.0033.500.000.00 %00-


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AAGRAfrican Agriculture Holdings Inc
US$ 0.1326
AADRAdvisorShares Dorsey Wright ADR ETF
US$ 74.475
AADIAadi Bioscience Inc
US$ 1.93
AACGATA Creativity Global
US$ 0.9463
AACBUArtius II Acquisition Inc
US$ 10.06
AAGRAfrican Agriculture Holdings Inc
US$ 0.1326
AADRAdvisorShares Dorsey Wright ADR ETF
US$ 74.475
AADIAadi Bioscience Inc
US$ 1.93
AACGATA Creativity Global
US$ 0.9463
AACBUArtius II Acquisition Inc
US$ 10.06
AAGRAfrican Agriculture Holdings Inc
US$ 0.1326
AADRAdvisorShares Dorsey Wright ADR ETF
US$ 74.475
AADIAadi Bioscience Inc
US$ 1.93
AACGATA Creativity Global
US$ 0.9463
AACBUArtius II Acquisition Inc
US$ 10.06

MEOH Discussion

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nowwhat2 nowwhat2 4 años hace

nowwhat2 nowwhat2 4 años hace
Commodities 7 months later.....Methanol

Cup.......Wedge......Drop to 32........50/200 EMA Death Cross.....Red Line TL DG Clonk !

Building a better future together

nowwhat2 nowwhat2 4 años hace
Brutal analysis (of yours' back then)......

Remember THAT day ?......You ridiculed me when I shared it.

nowwhat2 nowwhat2 4 años hace
Next Day = Breakout

Monitoring the November $ 36 Calls (the Octobers (no doubt) are like 3x more wilder)

nowwhat2 nowwhat2 4 años hace

Taurus69 Taurus69 5 años hace
$meoh $19.83 v -0.74 (-3.60%)
fung_derf fung_derf 5 años hace
The only update here is, this stock sucks and it's headed lower. So happy I put this one in the rear view mirror long ago.
nowwhat2 nowwhat2 5 años hace
Update :

3 months earlier

nowwhat2 nowwhat2 5 años hace
Okay - So now it's shot up here like quite a whole lot.....(over 25% today).....
Wonder why......

nowwhat2 nowwhat2 5 años hace

nowwhat2 nowwhat2 5 años hace
Helps explain the recent volatility in the precious metals sector.........

Called that 4.25 top to the very minute......whilst this shareholder was (snottily) ridiculing my TA

Yeah ?......Well he just went from 4.35 to 1.50 over the course of about 10 days

Just hours before the Meltdown :

Buy in, hold and hang on -- and shut up. Geez. You post more nonsense on this board than I thought was humanly possible.

fung_derf fung_derf 5 años hace
yes, you are a true humanitarian. Too bad no one listens to you enough to find out.
nowwhat2 nowwhat2 5 años hace
Speaking of egos.....(this time yours')

Am just waiting for you to admit that this chart is a very astute observation.

Or rather - Pardon me - You DID (hence nevermind)

What's so shocking is your utter reluctance to opine.

Whereas me I share my views whether I like folks or not.

One small caveat

fung_derf fung_derf 5 años hace
Just say you have too much ego to admit your mistakes and get it over with.
nowwhat2 nowwhat2 5 años hace
But why would I ask you like anyways right ?.....
Since I've never yet seen any TA from you

I was just striving to ASSIST once again.....
That's my way of being polite.

One small caveat :

Everyone (and their dogs) are now calling for that level

fung_derf fung_derf 5 años hace
Dumbest thing I've ever read. Good thing our club, due to Coronavirus are turning over the cups and declaring all you have to do is hit them and it's good.
Thanks to you, my handicap will be coming down. There! See how easy it is to say thank you.....BTW, still waiting for you to apologize for your misstatements regarding both XOM and BA as well.
fung_derf fung_derf 5 años hace
But not polite enough to apologize.
I see you as a totally waste of my help. Don't ever ask me again as you are not worthy.
nowwhat2 nowwhat2 5 años hace
Because I was being polite (Lord knows why)

Just think of as me you get your clubs out of the trunk.

And of how my predictions don't affect you in the least......

You can thank me later - I look forward to your apology
fung_derf fung_derf 5 años hace
Like all your predictions, they don't affect me in the least.

Why did you ask my opinion if you don't worship it, like you should?
nowwhat2 nowwhat2 5 años hace
Would I like another crack at it?



Hey - Just think of me the next time you have Out of Bounds on your right

Or a Lake on your left - Or a delicate chip over a bunker......

Just think of ME during those events

Just think of ME standing right on behind you......

As you tremble over your next 5' putt (for bogey)

And make those my "apology"......LoL

There !......I have "cursed" you.....Now go play some golf !
fung_derf fung_derf 5 años hace
A very poor attempt at an apology. Would you like another crack at it?

Wednesday, 03/18/20 09:54:17 PM
Re: fung_derf post# 153
Post # of 156

I dunno - I'm not an expert in this chit - I thought YOU were.....
'At's why I was asking.
nowwhat2 nowwhat2 5 años hace
I regularly asked for your assistance........ha-ha-ha-ha

Funny guy
fung_derf fung_derf 5 años hace
Yeah, before I start helping you again, I'm going to need some sort of apology. This board all turned ugly because one day I dared to question one of your charts and you were offended. Before that, you regularly asked for my assistance.
I have zero interest in giving you my opinion, just so you can hope for the chance to either misunderstand my point or tell me how wrong I am.
The fact that I don't even own this stock any more, gives me even less interest in playing your game. Too many other good opportunities around.
Your last attempt to criticize me for BA and XOM was poorly conceived.
nowwhat2 nowwhat2 5 años hace
I dunno - I'm not an expert in this chit - I thought YOU were.....
'At's why I was asking.

fung_derf fung_derf 5 años hace
Very pretty. So what are you deducing from it?
nowwhat2 nowwhat2 5 años hace

nowwhat2 nowwhat2 5 años hace
Don't have TIME for this here really.....

Just wanted to find out whether you felt MX could be long-able

fung_derf fung_derf 5 años hace
Were you wanting to discuss the puts I sold this morning on Boeing? Might prove dumb, but I'm protected down to $90 a share.
fung_derf fung_derf 5 años hace
So, you just gloss over the fact that you were wrong about me with both CLX and BA and just move on?
I'm guessing you're not the type to ever admit you're just plain wrong...or plum dumb.
Gee, you only predicted a downturn in the market 6 months after I did, but go on with your point.

Friday, 08/23/19 11:56:41 AM
Re: None
Post # of 98120

Ð.....On Tuesday, I moved about half my money to bonds. Still this doesn't feel good at all.
Oh and Trump really needs to shut up already. Sheesh!
nowwhat2 nowwhat2 5 años hace
You don't do your homework well........

Predicted the virus in November

Feb 28th

2 weeks later :

fung_derf fung_derf 5 años hace
Here ya go, since you're not good at research...

Tuesday, 10/01/19 02:38:44 PM
Re: None
Post # of 98120

Ð.....Need to keep an eye on CLX as a possible nice quality add to the portfolio. Currently $151.34 would like to see it back over $154. Currently 2.8% dividend and they increase every year.
November 1st seems to typically be a low point for the stock. Maybe wait until then.

And of course Boeing...

Friday, 08/09/19 10:42:06 AM
Re: None
Post # of 3401

The easiest stock short ever and I watched it without taking part. My scruples are holding me back.

Just my opinion, of course.
fung_derf fung_derf 5 años hace
Dude, you're not even doing your homework right. I don't own Boeing. I do own Clorox and posted as soon as I bought it. What else ya got?
Also, how was my analysis on XOM wrong exactly?

I could give you the full list of all my stocks so you don't have to make false assumptions going forward. But to be honest, you've proven your lack of skill in chart reading already, so why would I?
nowwhat2 nowwhat2 5 años hace
Your analysis of Exon was way wrong.

Hey show us you Clorox recco and buy there then - like, TRY not just TALKING about it (AFTER the fact)

Awwww man - Wait - Okay.....I see now what your problem is....
C'mon. Is now really the time to need to slam Trump politically?

PS - Hey !....How's your Boeing too there doing ?....Beauty gainer man !

So you're in Exon and Boeing.....but to mention just a couple of your (now) (calamities)

fung_derf fung_derf 5 años hace
LOL! Notice you didn't discuss the CLX I bought though.
Shocking! I didn't sell my stocks that would have created a huge tax gain.
nowwhat2 nowwhat2 5 años hace
Decided to hold on to Enron tho eh ?.......LoLoL !

From $75 down to......... Wo !.....Oofta - Whump !

Evidently ya' never saw that (butthurt) comin'

Whereas me I did.

fung_derf fung_derf 5 años hace
We're talking because you got butthurt a while back when I called you out, so you need to post to me every so often for, only God knows why.
Ever since I pointed out one of your charts was way wrong, you've felt the need to try to call me out. But I very rarely get your point. So, if you chose to quit wasting my time, I would not be offended.
I sold my MEOH at $71.60. (that's in American dollars. As God intended)
nowwhat2 nowwhat2 5 años hace
Well if things like are not specific enuf for YOU to base YOUR decisions upon, then why are we even talking ?

Last 21,000

fung_derf fung_derf 5 años hace

Might be right - Who knows ?..............Crazy times

Well that's extremely helpful. And you still haven't posted a single specific so what good are your posts.
fung_derf fung_derf 5 años hace
So wait until it rallies 20% THEN buy in ?

LOL, yes. That's most certainly what I just said. Sheesh. They should postpone the internet in these times.
nowwhat2 nowwhat2 5 años hace
Dow's just busted up thru its' Head-Clonk Zone......
Could THAT have been the/a low ?
Better hold off - Wait till it hits 22 (U say) ?

Last 21,321

Same thing too with Methanex - That COULDN'T have been the/a low right there ?....Better hold off till it hits 24 (U say)

Might be right - Who knows ?..............Crazy times

All it'd take is another (almost inevitable) WHO announcement that things've gotten COMPLETELY out of hand

Slap 'er right back down for dbl / triple / quadriple bottoms
nowwhat2 nowwhat2 5 años hace

But with so many stocks seemingly undervalued at the moment (or maybe not), XOM just does not seem like the stock to buy now.

I'd rather be a tad late than a tad early.

So wait until it rallies 20% THEN buy in ?
fung_derf fung_derf 5 años hace
Since you speak in idioms, I'm not sure what you're trying to say.
How about this. You give specific investment advice and we'll see down the road if you were right.
My advice right now is to wait. I'd rather be a tad late than a tad early.
nowwhat2 nowwhat2 5 años hace
Newspapers ?.....Huh ?

What're THOSE ?.............*I don't need no steenking "papers"

Doom and Gloomers eatin' crow

Super-big Mis-Guiders.....Nah

Give it some time - We'll see how things unfold.....

Should all rallies still be sold ?

Evidence that stock charts are contributing to FEAR :

Release the Virus !..........Buy the Dip !

Close enuf on ALL ?

Buy the dip !

Super-Big Mis-Guiders


Give it some time - We'll see how things unfold.....

fung_derf fung_derf 5 años hace
You wonder why, in this world, a company that deals worldwide, and it's stock price is dropping? Seriously? Do you have newspapers in Canada?
nowwhat2 nowwhat2 5 años hace

Man............Quite the phenomenal collapse !........Wonder why........

nowwhat2 nowwhat2 5 años hace

How's about THAT !
fung_derf fung_derf 5 años hace
yes. Thank you
UKdude UKdude 5 años hace
Well 10% of $23 is $2.30 so the would put it at $20.70 down 10% so down to $18 is definitely more than 10%.

Is that math correct?

nowwhat2 nowwhat2 5 años hace
Check it out / Compare

No - because that'd be using American dollars - and those things are frickin' useless.

Meanwhile :

PS : Did you buy pot stocks stocks today or maybe JP Morgan ?

Closed at 19.95 (up 7.7%)

Closed at 101.70 (up 7.7%)

nowwhat2 nowwhat2 5 años hace
No - because that'd be using American dollars - and those things are frickin' useless.
