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Opko Health Inc

Opko Health Inc (OPK)

Cerrado 09 Marzo 2:00PM
Fuera de horario: 5:59PM


StrikeCompraVentaUltimo PrecioP. MedioVariaciónVariación %VolumeInt AbiertoÚltimo Operado
0.500. %00-
1.000.901.000.950.950.055.56 %10133,89807/3/2025
1.500.050.450.450.250.0615.38 %93135,50007/3/2025 %00-
2.500. %921,73907/3/2025 %00-
3.500.000.750. %00- %0178-

Herramientas de nivel profesional para inversores individuales.


StrikeCompraVentaUltimo PrecioP. MedioVariaciónVariación %VolumeInt AbiertoÚltimo Operado
0.500. %00- %00-
1.500. %0108,255- %00-
2.500.350.800.660.5750.000.00 %01- %00-
3.501.351.750.001.550.000.00 %00- %00-


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OPK Discussion

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homeboy homeboy 3 horas hace
Sold our position for a 70% gain. Will buy it back if it comes lower. Selling the lab will be a catalyst. I don’t see that happening soon. OPKO is set to lose somewhere in the vicinity of 140 million for the remainder of the year and with the debt on hand and the 300 million plus share dilution, for us, seemed like a good time to exit.
homeboy homeboy 4 días hace
I disagree Mike. Their WGS investment is way of making profit. Not all entities within the business are losses. I strongly believe that if they can, and the word can is key, sell the lab for say a billion the stock will go up dramatically. They need to get the lab on all cylinders to be interesting for a potential suitor. With a lab sale (at least a billion), all debt could be repurchased, except for the notes..which Frost and Friends will want to keep IMO. The business WILL be sold at some point. I have no doubt about it. Frost sounded frail on the conference call..he’s nearly 90.
MIKE18181 MIKE18181 1 semana hace
Opk- Regarding net income : One time gain on the sales of WGS stock was 52 million. Also other income added to the 4th Quarter net inco.e statement. " Trickery ".. Opko lost approximatly 62 million. Net income +.01 cent of 14 million is like watching a comedy show. More deceit for Honest shareholders..
MIKE18181 MIKE18181 2 semanas hace
Funeral home has more action than Opko, geez what a. Giant bag of Phlem
homeboy homeboy 3 semanas hace
If it closes above 1.75 it should establish a higher trading range.
game7alcs game7alcs 2 meses hace
For anybody still here Hindenburg closed shop. One of OPKOs old short sellers. I must be bored to post here. Hope most of you got out.
JJ8 JJ8 2 meses hace
Opko share price Low Pole Reversal on 31-Dec-2024. Surprise, surprise.
This is positive and could reverses price to a breakout!
JJ8 JJ8 2 meses hace
Opko Health Inc. share price had a Descending Triple Bottom Breakdown on 27-Dec-2024.
Day order to buy at $1.40. I don't know why.
homeboy homeboy 3 meses hace
Shorts are not covering because they are hedging with options..that’s my thoughts.
PonkenPlonken PonkenPlonken 3 meses hace
Clear tug of war here
Why does crooked Mr Frost continue to buy shares? And why do shorts not leave? About 30% of the float has been sold short, practically for ages.
homeboy homeboy 4 meses hace
EARNINGS: will probably show a profit with the part lab sale if they can Mickey Mouse the accounting. Cash reserve will be strong, but the real key is the forecast with the lab. Frost with his pig headed stubbornness has held on to this money sucking failure to OPKO’s demise. From nearly 20 at the time of purchasing the lab to a penny stock now.
Poor management …company runs on Frost’s money and not on making money.
tredenwater2 tredenwater2 5 meses hace
He can sell and leave yet, Dr. Frost needs to batten down the hatches on Star Island at his 60-80(?) million dollar mansion first from the ensuing Hurricane.

Almost like its Gods cleansing mechanism.
MIKE18181 MIKE18181 5 meses hace
Sell the company Phil and Leave the planet !
tredenwater2 tredenwater2 7 meses hace
Nice throwback. So, the gentleman that wrote the article back in 2019 (who was short on more than a few of Frost/honig stocks) was possibly a future “friend” of Frosts as he was quoted assaying in his past endeavors how many of those that bet against me (ie shorts) ended up becoming friends with him in the end.
homeboy homeboy 7 meses hace

Old article..some relevance today
MIKE18181 MIKE18181 7 meses hace
Yes, his age woukd be a reason also.
If its gonna do anything it soon.
homeboy homeboy 7 meses hace
Seems like the same story..we think they are setting up to sell the company. After the part sale closes, the remaining part of the lab could be sold to some other entity and Opko would become a research and development company (Modex). As a stand alone like this, it would be attractive to other pharma companies. We’ll be trading this from here on out. Synergies have momentum to the upside time being.
MIKE18181 MIKE18181 7 meses hace
Accounting made the -10m loss look smaller.
Curveball acconting since you like baseball. Closing of BRL not yet, so streamling was Not the real reason. Why, easy one you would have seen a loss in revenue as assets were sold.
So - 25,000,000 per quater minus axtual revene.
^Remember 100m in revs gone, as the unloaded BRL business segment.. 10% buy back is needed as the Dead Dog is obese with too many shares..
game7alcs game7alcs 7 meses hace
I decided to listen to todays call. It’s like listening to a call 10 years ago with different promising pipelines or should I say pipe dreams. Put your money to work elsewhere. You will be able to come back years from now and buy at these prices with your profits from actual investments.
MIKE18181 MIKE18181 7 meses hace
Bottom Line is the Bottom Line !
No earnings= No Action.
homeboy homeboy 8 meses hace
We expect some short covering with today’s news. Not earth shattering news, but positive in the short term.
homeboy homeboy 8 meses hace
WGS on the move higher and higher. This gives OPKO some much needed cash. It will be interesting to see how the part lab sale will affect the rest of the lab share OPKO retains…will they finally start making a consistent profit?
homeboy homeboy 8 meses hace
Hey Mike. I think the 80 million is the value of their holdings in WGS. Not bad,
MIKE18181 MIKE18181 8 meses hace
Frost made Money by having others perform the Finance. Hes Incompetant look at the resulrs. Frost got a free ride of otjers expertise.He is a Liar, farce, bullshetter.m He nows zip about financial mgmt. Hes a Fraud, and harmed shareholders. Going concern rating on broke Opk is a FACT !! A Fact !!!
MIKE18181 MIKE18181 8 meses hace
IMO, the 80million shares of Genedx is going to be unloaded. Word on the street is Opko is insolvent.. 155m in adj revenue and - 81million loss this is a horror show.
game7alcs game7alcs 8 meses hace
Hey Tred, good to hear from you. Yea it’s kind of a moot point that regardless of what is going on here, the shareholders are the ones getting the shaft. As usual.
homeboy homeboy 8 meses hace
OPK (Opko) short interest is very high.
homeboy homeboy 8 meses hace
Current Issues with OPK:
1). The part lab sale will lead to more cash on hand, but will it lead to better management and profitability of the remaining lab structure? 2) OPK last quarter issued 250 million shares to the treasury. OPKO is running out of cash on hand and will use these shares to fuel the company if needed. 3). WE expect that if the sale of the part lab is not done before the next conference call the stock will sell off and investors will take a wait and see approach.
tredenwater2 tredenwater2 8 meses hace
Game and Mike there is a possible chance that HF’s and other BP are suppressing the shareprice as a takeover maneuver to get at Opko’s IP. Dr. Frost Im sure has made or attracted many “future friends” along the way. History and God will be his judge and yes, I feel sorry for those that over invested and got taken to the cleaners and agree that not holding ones breath waiting for the halls of justice to save us is a good idea. We are but sucker fish on the smallest of bait in the sea when it comes to their priorities if ever.


game7alcs game7alcs 9 meses hace
If you think Dr Frost is corrupt you should take a look at our DOJ, SEC and other govt agencies. They make Dr Frost look like Mother Theresa. They aren’t going to help the shareholders here recover from a bad investment in a highly speculative company.
MIKE18181 MIKE18181 9 meses hace
Department of justice (DOJ, SEC and more). We dont want an anti trust or monopoly or unfair business / competion that hurts consumers !!!

Ok, listen.. but you allow a CEO Phillip Frost to control the common stock, Mislead, Lie , Harm hardworkibg shareholders..
Look at the results since 2006.
Should have been fired for losses to all Opk shareholders. " to be held accoutable for lack of performance "...
MIKE18181 MIKE18181 9 meses hace
Takeout price is 3.00 IMO
homeboy homeboy 9 meses hace
Looks like a positive turn of events while we were away. They are setting this up for an eventual sale..perhaps not this year, but I think it’s coming. Probably an all stock offer from some other Pharma company. I don’t see anyone offering them cash for a company that hasn’t and isn’t making money. This endeavor for the Dr. has been a colossal failure for most investors. A lot of hype over the years and not delivering on the goods. Take care everyone. We’ll hold our position until we see a good exit point.
tredenwater2 tredenwater2 11 meses hace
Makes one wonder after looking at the trading pattern of CDXC (whom Dr. Frost is connected with) if OPK will do the same in the near future. Transfer of wealth in a very coordinated manner imo.
tredenwater2 tredenwater2 11 meses hace
What a shet show! Millions and millions of shares trade on Monday and 10 million plus today and the stock barely climbs. Let me guess, it was a quadruple whitching Monday and the moon was full? I have to admit I have never seen trading like this, is this even legal?

This stock is flat out evil. Whoever is manipulating it is surely going to hell in a hand basket. Outright greed imo strip mining shareholders of absolutely any chances here. Not even fun to watch the crazy shenanigans going on.

Ive lost the last 2.5% respect I had for Dr. Frost and team of which 1.5% of it was for Dr. Jane Hasao. They could solve world hunger and I wouldnt even bat an eye. This is text book bullshet!
tredenwater2 tredenwater2 11 meses hace
If that is true it is very sad to hear Mike. I lost money a couple of times but was able to profit very early in 2015/16 before the HFT AI trading took over. You are but one of many that have been systematically “cycled” out of their money. The trading of this stock appears to be so robotic, almost programmed through AI squeezing every last penny out of investors. Maybe one day Dr. Frost will have to answer here on earth for why he was so incompetent at the helm of a company he holds and continues to buy many millions of shares of stock of.

Do not worry, God will “settle” his trades.

Happy Easter!

MIKE18181 MIKE18181 11 meses hace
I sold every Opko share and Lost 437,000 dollars and my retirement money is all gone.
I sold all of it at 90 cents down to 86 cents.
Wiped out.. and then it went up to 1.25
Even at 1.25 I still lost 95 % .
Frost got away with it! SEC would not award me 1.00 buck
MIKE18181 MIKE18181 12 meses hace
88 cents and dropping. Chart momentum was showing it even with Frost buying.
Not looking good.
MIKE18181 MIKE18181 12 meses hace
Yes, I wrote about Yvonne Briggs IR, and said as I asked a simple question, I started to probe other harder.
Result backed off, and told me to read the Q reports . I called you, because you the Investir relation support. I got more calls gotta go.
This will be sold and the time frame to me looks like 2 qtrs
homeboy homeboy 12 meses hace
The reason we ask questions directly to management is there is an underlying tone that is not open with this company. I highlighted that with Adam Logal during the conference call mentioning the repurchase of shares. That was a deflection from what was really going on… Yvonne tries to come across as being open at the investor relations department. As a former business owner, I can assure you what you get from investor relations is scripted to what has been publicly released only. Behind the scenes is a different world. We (our team of investors) are betting on some type of buyout. Elias is in his 70s, Frost is near 90. Those are the main characters. Both cut from the same mold…grow the business, then sell it. Very common practice.
What Yvonne tells about the current outstanding shares is only part of the story. In a buyout, many of those reserved shares would also have to be honored. So, being conservative 1,000,000,000 shares at this point would be the buyout amount. For example: a buyout at 7 dollars would represent a 7 billion dollar purchase. Modex has value potential we think. As many here have said, the lab has been a nemesis and OPKO has not reacted fast enough. There was a reason the former owner was happy to sell Bio for 1.5 billion. We can see clearly now. But what remains a mystery is why OPKO continues to fund it at a deficit in the hundreds of millions? On another note…
We will be traveling for a while until mid June to China. Until then, hopefully OPKO will have some good fortune during the interim.
MIKE18181 MIKE18181 12 meses hace
Good information Homeboy, I talk about that a while back. I knew that the casflow statements and Income statement never were fixed.... Issuance was the only quick savior.
This 1,000,000 share buying is not going to solve the perception from the destroyed Audience.
A sold company would...
homeboy homeboy 12 meses hace
I inquired about the specifics to increase the share count:

“The Board has unanimously adopted and declared advisable, and has recommended that the Company's stockholders approve, the Charter Amendment, which would amend the Certificate of Incorporation to increase the number of authorized shares of common stock from 1,000,000,000 to 1,250,000,000.

In addition to the 726,764,700 shares of common stock issued and outstanding (including treasury shares) as of the record date, the Board has reserved an aggregate of 418,733,078 additional shares for future issuance, consisting of the following: (a) 53,731,069 shares reserved for issuance upon the exercise of outstanding employee stock options; (b) 32,912,579 shares reserved for future issuance of awards under the 2016 Equity Incentive Plan; (c) 48,295 shares reserved for issuance upon conversion of the Company's outstanding 4.50% convertible senior notes due 2025 issued in February 2019; (d) 8,489 shares reserved for issuance upon conversion of the Company's outstanding 2033 convertible senior notes issued in January 2013; and (e) 332,032,646 shares reserved for issuance upon conversion of the Company's outstanding 3.75% Convertible Senior Notes due 2029 issued in January 2024.

As a result, the Company currently has no authorized but unissued shares of common stock (including treasury shares) that are unreserved and available for future issuance.”
MIKE18181 MIKE18181 12 meses hace
This stock Opko is getting spanked , I hope something is coming. . 775m @ 2bucks 3 4 5 6 7 8 × the outstanding or unload BRL.
Genedx holdings went way up after 1.16 slide.
So, they don't need just cash they need a SANE financial plan..
game7alcs game7alcs 1 año hace
Dr Frost has absolutely nothing zero nadda up his sleeve. I check back once in a while and still the same nonsense. Sell. Get out with what little you have left.
homeboy homeboy 1 año hace
Frost must have something up his sleeve. He alluded to that without letting the cat out of the bag during the conference call. We are holding our position. A little under water.
MIKE18181 MIKE18181 1 año hace
Yes, I also paid attention to what Elias said.
And the chang up to this year. I heard last year by the 1st quarter of 24. . These continued misses is why recommending from a brokerage to clients, Institutional and the public they sold and lowered holdings . Did here it right.
1.4 m on pfe 3rd qtr / and 12m on q4 pfe
Covering the expenditures from this, needs a budget . Weight loss drug, good luck !
homeboy homeboy 1 año hace
Elias, whom I like, a year ago talked about being at break even with the lab by 2024. That didn’t happen and in the last conference call he regurgitated his remarks from a year ago that to be profitable sometime this year. Price reflects the lack of execution. The lab is the cause for the price as you say has been choking OPKO since the purchase. Frost mentioned the lab was making 100 million a year at the time of purchase…I am starting to have my doubts about that statement.
With the new note deal, Frost will have/has more than 300 million shares. Logal wanted to highlight during the recent conference call that OPKO bought back 50 million shares with the note deal. That is just part of the deal. He failed to mention OPKO also had to reserve approximately 200 million just in case the notes are not repurchased. Dilution possibly to the tune of 150 million shares give or take.
Like you mentioned Mike, something has to give. One of the stocks we owned was KOPN and during the pandemic it went below 40 cents and on a squeeze went to 12 bucks before retreating. Frost stated the repurchase of the 50 million shares would put a floor in on the stock price right about where it is. There is 94 cents below the floor??
MIKE18181 MIKE18181 1 año hace
.93 cents Dude.. Does the cash on hand and upcoming losses gonna give this a down draft.
Some analyst believe .-30 for 2024 FY
Dicey or play the rocking chair trades
Back and forth. Back to 1.00 or 1.01
Regardless, IMO this can't last much longer
homeboy homeboy 1 año hace
“Market makers can influence stock prices by buying or selling stocks in large trading volume.”
MIKE18181 MIKE18181 1 año hace
Exactly, I said 3 quarters of cash. Yes concern for the burn. If you being choked, pull the hand from your throat. The point is they will collapse without action. This is Bad man.
Cheap got cheaper, and more cheaper.
Wedsday trading will be down

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