RNS Number : 0627B

Park Group PLC

14 June 2016



("Park", "Park Group" or "the Company")

14 June 2016

Preliminary Results for the Year Ended 31 March 2016


Park Group plc is the UK's leading multi-redemption voucher and prepaid card business focussed on the corporate and consumer markets. Sales are generated through our direct sales force, e-commerce and agents.

Financial highlights

 --   Operating profit increased by 7.3 per cent 
       to GBP10.4m (2015 - GBP9.7m) 
 --   Profit before tax increased 8.5 per cent to 
       GBP11.9m (2015 - GBP10.9m) 
 --   Billings increased 3.3 per cent to GBP385.0m 
       (2015 - GBP372.9m) 
 --   Earnings per share increased 13.3 per cent 
       to 5.28p 
 --   Proposed raising of final dividend by 18.8 
       per cent to 1.90p per share (2015 - 1.60p), 
       making a total dividend for the year of 2.75p 
       per share (2015 - 2.40p per share) 
 --   Total cash balances peaked at GBP206m (2015 
       - GBP189m). Year end cash balance was GBP28.8m 
       (2015 - GBP23.2m) with a further GBP75.2m (2015 
       - GBP65.7m) of monies held in trust 

Operational highlights

 --   Maintained the growth of the strong first half, 
       delivering another impressive trading performance 
 --   Corporate business made sound progress, increasing 
       billings by approximately GBP14m to GBP170m, 
       excluding sales to the consumer credit sector 
 --   Consumer business delivered another year of 
       growth, with billings increasing 7.5 per cent 
       to GBP212m; the order book for Christmas 2016 
       is ahead of last year 
 --   Ongoing investment and development in e-commerce 
       - the majority of orders are now received via 
       a smartphone or tablet 
 --   Relationship with MasterCard, initiated last 
       year, has made excellent progress, as has our 
       innovative 'Combi' offering to the consumer 
 --   Everyday Benefits, our employee voluntary benefit 
       product, achieved another strong performance, 
       with billings up more than 36 per cent compared 
       with the previous year 
 --   Love2shop Business Services and Love2shop Holidays 
       divisions both won industry awards, recognising 
       excellence and creativity 

Laura Carstensen, Chairman, commented: "Early indications for the current year are encouraging. Park's financial position remains solid, with cash balances well ahead of the equivalent period last year. We have a consistent and sustainable strategy executed by experienced, highly capable management and a sound business that meets our customers' needs.

"We look forward with confidence and remain focussed on delivering yet another year of progress."

Chris Houghton, Chief Executive Officer, added: "We continue to see the benefits of investment in our systems and products, while our customers on both the consumer and corporate sides of our business show a sustained and growing enthusiasm for our broad range of products and programmes.

"Park has evolved significantly since its beginnings. We are now utilising all available technologies in our business, enabling us to make rapid progress in our specialist markets. We have developed the capability to anticipate and dynamically respond to a rapidly changing market place. This will drive future growth as we continue to move forward."

 Park Group plc     Arden Partners     Tavistock Communications 
   Chris Houghton     Steve Douglas      Jeremy Carey 
   Martin Stewart     Benjamin Cryer     Andrew Dunn 
   Tel: 0151 653      Tel: 020 7614      Tel: 020 7920 
   1700               5920               3150 

Chairman's Statement

In my first statement as Chairman, I am pleased to report that Park has maintained its growth record and delivered another impressive trading performance for the year to 31 March 2016.

Our business

Park is a strong, long established and forward-looking business with leading market positions.

The rapid and relatively recent advances in information technology (IT) and mobile smart devices have changed the way customers want to interact with us and use our products. We are committed to keeping ahead of these trends. During the previous few years, our leadership team has revolutionised the business and the services we provide, to maximise the benefits we bring to our customers and the returns to our shareholders.

The Group's principal operations continue to focus on consumer prepayments and corporate reward and incentive programmes. In these areas, year-upon-year, Park has achieved a very successful trading record by consistently applying its strategy and utilising technological change to become a substantial e-commerce and financial services business.

Financial performance

Profit before taxation for the year to 31 March 2016 advanced by 8.5 per cent to GBP11.9m (2015 - GBP10.9m) while operating profit increased to GBP10.4m (2015 - GBP9.7m). Finance income was higher at GBP1.5m (2015 - GBP1.2m); cash balances continue to increase and this has enabled the Company to place funds for longer maturity to deliver better returns. The advance in cash balances to GBP104m at the year end (2015 - GBP89m) provides more than sufficient liquidity for planned increases in investment. In addition it has provided us with sufficient working capital to support the rapid growth of the e-money business through the sale of prepaid cards, which are required to be cash-backed. Money market interest rates remain low and although higher returns may be available from certain products, investing in them would be incompatible with the Company's prudent approach to cash management, driven by our core commitment to consumer protection.

Total billings rose by 3.3 per cent to GBP385.0m (2015 - GBP372.9m) while revenue increased to GBP302.5m (2015 - GBP293.3m). As highlighted in previous reports, we consider billings to be a more appropriate measure of the performance of the Company than revenue.


The board is recommending raising the final dividend by 18.8 per cent to 1.90p per share (2015 - 1.60p) making a total dividend for the year of 2.75p per share (2015 - 2.40p). This uplift reflects the growth of the Company's cash resources and the robust trading performance. Shareholder approval will be sought at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held on 22 September 2016 to pay the final dividend on 3 October 2016 to shareholders on the register on 26 August 2016.

Operating performance

Both our corporate and consumer divisions made further good progress during the year against the backdrop of a broadly stable economic environment in the UK.

The corporate business provides innovative, cost-effective, tailored products to around 28,000 organisations, which use Park's products to incentivise employee performance or reward the loyalty of their customers.

Park delivered significant increases in billings in most areas within the corporate business, but overall could not fully offset the significant reduction in demand from the consumer credit sector, which had previously been an important driver of demand for these products. Billings to the consumer credit sector were GBP3.9m, compared with GBP20.4m in the previous year. Although our involvement with this sector has reduced significantly over recent years, it remains a market in which we have strong capabilities that remain attractive to customers.

The consumer business continued to grow strongly with billings and profit well ahead of the previous year. The business supplies traditional prepayment products that enable customers to prepare for the festive season in a safe and controlled way, yet the products provided and the manner in which it serves its customers are constantly evolving as technology progresses.

Over 429,000 customers currently enjoy the Company's consumer budgeting schemes. Park constantly seeks to enhance existing products and where necessary, develop new ones to serve its customers' needs. Recently introduced products which proved particularly popular during the year are: 'Combi', a card combination that gives customers access to major retailers such as Asda and Primark, that otherwise would not have been available to them; and, our 'Anywhere' card. 'Anywhere' is a prepayment card which can be used at outlets, whether traditional retail or online, that accept MasterCard, not just retail groups previously linked to our Love2shop brand.

Retirement of our founding Chairman

Peter Johnson founded the business in 1966 and led it through four decades, until the appointment of Chris Houghton as Group Managing Director in 2004. Chris, who became Chief Executive Officer of Park in 2012, and his team have maintained Peter's entrepreneurial spirit, transforming the business to create a modern and specialist company, using the latest in technology to respond quickly to the changing needs and preferences of our customers.

Following his long and successful career, Peter retired as Non-Executive Chairman of Park on 3 June 2016. I am delighted to have been appointed as his successor, having worked with him in my capacity as a non-executive director since I joined the board in September 2013. Over recent years, his experience and encouragement have been of great benefit to our progress.

Everyone associated with Park is grateful to Peter for his hard work and vision and we wish him a long, healthy and enjoyable retirement.


Our success is delivered by the talent and commitment of our people and we are committed to ensuring that Park remains a great place to work. Park's employees are motivated by a desire to be the best in their field by delivering excellence to customers and consequently, value to our shareholders. I would like to thank everyone at Park for their enthusiasm and dedication to our collective achievements and look forward to future successes together.


Early indications for the current year are encouraging. The consumer order book continues to grow year-on-year and we anticipate that the success of our corporate business will continue going forward as we develop and launch new products into this market.

Park's financial position remains solid, with cash balances well ahead of the equivalent period last year. We have a consistent and sustainable strategy executed by experienced, highly capable management and a sound business that meets our customers' needs.

We look forward with confidence and remain focussed on delivering yet another year of progress.

Laura Carstensen


14 June 2016

Chief Executive's Review


The financial year to 31 March 2016, has been another pleasing period of advancement for Park Group. We have built on previous successes and extended our already large customer base through excellent service and product development.

We serve our markets through the provision of a broad range of products including paper vouchers, prepaid cards and e-codes to give customers access to thousands of retail outlets and online across the UK, Ireland and continental Europe.

The majority of our business is in the UK where economic stability and consumer confidence have improved over recent years. This environment, together with our successful management strategy and commitment to our customers, has generated a steady rise in billings, which have increased close to 30 per cent since 2011, while profit before tax and other operating income has advanced almost 70 per cent. This performance reflects the benefits of our investment in IT infrastructure, digital platforms and new product development.

The Company's balance sheet is positive and our cash position remains strong with sufficient funds available to comfortably finance working capital and further investment. Total cash balances at the year end, including monies held in trust, reached GBP104m (2015 - GBP89m).

Strategic Overview

Adherence to Park's well-established strategy for growth remains the bedrock of the business and over time, additional strands were introduced to this ethos as the organisation has developed and expanded. In my review last year the key aims of our consistent strategy were defined as:

 --   to enhance our retailer proposition; 
 --   to grow our multichannel offering; 
 --   to expand the customer base; and, 
 --   to develop and exploit our infrastructure. 

These core goals remain unchanged and I am pleased to report that the business has made further impressive progress in each area.

The board stays abreast of acquisition opportunities, as they arise. Potential purchases are carefully considered and assessed against our strict market, financial and strategic objectives. Park is well positioned to undertake acquisitions but we will only do so when a good fit has been identified, which can add value to our business and its prospects.

Our evolution

The transformation of Park is highlighted by the change in the business mix over the years and the achievement of developmental milestones:

 --   The original Park business was associated mainly 
       with Christmas hampers. Today, this accounts 
       for less than 2 per cent of total revenue; 
 --   The introduction, some 30 years ago, of paper 
       vouchers, which could be redeemed at major 
       retailers, was a major innovation and an important 
       step in our transition; 
 --   A further significant product and technical 
       development was the introduction, in 2010, 
       of our highly innovative flexecash(R) prepaid 
       card platform, which connects directly with 
       retailer's tills. This has enabled the Company 
       to enter the regulated prepaid card market, 
       quickly becoming a major presence; and, 
 --   The recent establishment of our relationship 
       with MasterCard, has allowed Park to offer 
       broader-use products such as the 'Anywhere' 
       and 'Online' cards. 

Today, Park is a progressive, specialist and successful business, able to anticipate and dynamically respond to a changing market place.

Our prepaid card system, flexecash(R), has been extremely successful. It was launched after three years of in-house development and testing and this capability has given Park access to trading areas which previously had been closed to the Company.

Since its launch, flexecash(R) cards have had over GBP418m of value loaded, with 66 brands accepting the card through 13,000 UK outlets. The card is available alongside our Love2shop voucher, which is supported by 151 brands at 20,000 outlets.

Our relationship with MasterCard, initiated last year, has signalled further excellent progress, allowing us to offer particularly useful products to our customers such as the 'Anywhere' and 'Online' prepaid cards. The customer pays a small premium for the 'Anywhere' card, however, as the name suggests, the card offers the freedom of choice to spend the embedded value at any outlet that accepts MasterCard, not just those where a relationship with Love2shop exists.

Detailed analysis indicates that approximately half our customer base does not own a credit card, so developments such as the relationship with MasterCard gives them access to many new outlets. Customers of our consumer business contribute weekly to purchase prepaid cards and vouchers in preparation for the festive season. The cards and vouchers are then despatched in October and November, giving customers the additional opportunity to take advantage of any pre-Christmas sales.

The 'Online' card can be spent online with any retailer that accepts the card.

The number of customers using direct debits in the consumer sector continues to increase. This benefits Park as it facilitates customers' annual renewals and is efficient, maintaining the relationship with minimal effort from the customer or intervention by Park. It also delivers the business a reduction in cash collection costs as it carries a lower transaction fee than more traditional methods such as paying at the bank or Post Office.

Digital trends and the internet

The changing and fast developing trends in computer and smart device usage are reflected in the manner in which customers interact with Park. The majority of orders now come via a smartphone or tablet, as the numbers using desktop computers and other, more traditional means, continue to fall. Park's websites and applications (apps) undergo a process of continuous development and improvement and are tailored to be informative and easy-to-use on a range of the latest devices.

Customising sites for ease of use on smartphones and tablets is vital and our websites have been rebuilt to be mobile friendly and responsive. We are giving customers the platforms they want and have now introduced standalone apps for Android and Apple users. These apps give Park a direct relationship with customers and therefore responses can be personalised by harnessing individual preferences.

Social media, particularly Facebook, provides a crucial link with users and also gives the Company an insight into customer opinions and issues. The number of Facebook "likes" is currently 80,000, up from last year's 72,000. Social media is a very effective customer service channel and an early indicator of emerging issues. It often also allows our customers to answer the queries of others, minimising Park's involvement. Social media also plays an important role in helping to increase orders, as it is used to promote products, post competitions and encourage recommendations to friends and family.

Park is constantly interacting with its customers and monitoring feedback. We regularly commission third party research to keep fully informed regarding customer profiles, requirements and issues. The careful and targeted use of this information allows us to tailor product development and services to match customer expectations. SMS texting is a very effective and inexpensive communication tool and the Company sends over one million messages annually to maintain contact and inform its customers.

The information produced by our market and customer research, together with analysing socioeconomic trends, drives our consumer marketing programmes, including our advertising strategy. A six month campaign usually commences in the September of any given year, targeting the festive season in the following year. The advertising programme is tightly controlled and targeted to maximise the cost benefit and comprises a combination of direct response television, search marketing and effective use of the internet. Our research tells us that printed media and radio no longer offer sufficient reach for us. As a campaign progresses, analysis of customer reaction and order patterns allow us to make adjustments to fine-tune the programme to maximise its effect.

Our corporate business

The corporate business offers an extensive portfolio of tailor-made products and programmes. Customer requirements cover many different areas including, employee benefits, performance recognition awards, motivation programmes and customer loyalty rewards. Park is one of the largest providers of such programmes in the UK, and has been offering market-leading reward and incentive products for well over 20 years. The market we serve has been estimated by the independent UK Gift Card & Voucher Association to be worth in the region of GBP5bn in 2015, and increased by approximately 6 per cent over the previous year.

During the year

The corporate business made sound progress, increasing billings by approximately GBP14m, excluding sales to the consumer credit sector. The growth in sales to the incentive and reward market was not sufficient to offset the reduction in demand from the consumer credit sector entirely and consequently total billings were lower at GBP173.5m (2015 - GBP176.1m). Operating profit was GBP6.0m (2015 - GBP6.5m).

We have reported previously how exposure to the credit sector has influenced the overall results of our corporate business. We have sought to mitigate this impact by building sales in other areas over recent years. Sales to the consumer credit sector were less than GBP4m this year, a reduction of over GBP16m on the previous 12 months. We are confident that consumer credit business will not influence Park's future trading, as it now accounts for only one per cent of total billings.

Client retention is a significant measure of our performance as it reflects across all aspects of the business. In the year under review, the overall customer retention level was an impressive 83 per cent, unchanged from that of the previous twelve months. Our sales force is very active in seeking new business while maintaining strong relations with existing customers.

Our e-commerce operations, including highstreetvouchers.com and love2shop.co.uk, continued to advance. These platforms offer customers the convenience and flexibility they require, whilst minimising ongoing involvement from us. Customers expect Park's systems and processes to be available and accessible online at any time so that they can self-manage all aspects of the order process.

Everyday Benefits, our employee voluntary benefit product, delivered another strong performance with billings up more than 36 per cent compared with the previous year. This product enables employers to give their staff a Love2shop card, usually with value already loaded, which can then be used at over 13,000 retail outlets across the UK. A new development allows the user to load additional value online or via a smart device. This feature is particularly attractive to users who, for example, may be in a shop wishing to purchase an item; the convenience of being able to load value instantly and at a discount enables them to complete the transaction quickly and efficiently.

Our performance in the corporate space during the year was acknowledged by the industry. Our Love2shop Business Services division received the prestigious 'Company of the Year' award from the Institute of Promotional Marketing, which recognises excellence and creativity.

Love2shop Holidays, Park's full service travel agency, provides another attractive and convenient outlet for redeeming value embedded in Love2shop prepaid cards and vouchers. This operation has delivered steady growth since it was introduced in 2004 and commission on holiday bookings showed a 7 per cent rise year-on-year, with the number of bookings up by 4 per cent.

Love2shop Holidays also received a pleasing endorsement during the period, as it was awarded 'Independent Travel Agent of the Year' at the 2015 Brit Travel Awards.

Product development

Last year, we completed development and launched 'Engage', a new, completely digital platform for the corporate incentive and reward market. This innovative and cost-effective modular platform allows corporate users to create and control exclusively web and smart device based programmes for their customers or staff. The system can also incorporate any existing schemes each business may be running and provides real-time statistics and information on the uptake and success of a programme.

A further important innovation has been the development of our 'Evolve' product. 'Evolve' was launched in early June 2016 and is an online fully responsive digital reward medium that provides instant and branded gratification to customers and employees alike. Based on the development of digital flexecodes, the system delivers a broad range of choice, offered cost effectively, and if required in a fully branded experience, to large numbers of people.

Our consumer business

Park has been offering the consumer ways to safely budget for Christmas ever since the business was founded, although today's offering is vastly different from our beginnings, in both content and delivery.

The only remaining link with the past is the supply of hampers, which now account for just 2 per cent of total revenue. However, the concept of making weekly contributions over a 45 week period, to ensure that funds are available to spend ahead of the festive season, is still attractive to our customers. The steady prepayment for products over the contribution period allows customers to prepare for the season in a stress-free and confident manner. When the period ends, customers receive their products in whichever form they select. Park's vouchers or prepaid cards, for redemption at more than 20,000 retail outlets, are the preferred option for the majority of customers, while others select hampers or gifts chosen from our extensive catalogue.

Innovation is essential as technology and lifestyle changes drive transformation in the shopping habits of the nation. While the majority of customers spend their vouchers or prepaid cards at retail outlets, an increasing number choose to shop online. The Love2shop Online Gift Card is perfect for those who prefer to order online, giving access to participating retailers' entire range including many special offers only available on their websites.

During the year

The consumer business delivered another year of good growth with billings rising 7.5 per cent to GBP211.5m (2015 - GBP196.8m) and operating profit increasing by 15.0 per cent to GBP6.8m (2015 - GBP5.9m). Customer numbers increased to 429,000 (2015 - 424,000) while customer accounts rose during the year to 158,000 (2015 - 145,000). More than 64 per cent of new accounts came through our websites, compared with 60 per cent in the previous year. Product distribution was particularly efficient this year and contributed to the high retention rates. The average order size was up 5.6 per cent on the previous year, reaching GBP489 (2015 - GBP463).

The annual marketing programme usually ends in February with most orders placed by May, which gives us good visibility on the likely outcome for the coming year. The campaign for the 2016 festive season has now ended and orders are approximately 4 per cent ahead of the same point last year. While a limited number of cancellations are typical, indications are that this will be another year of progress for the business.

An encouraging feature of the year has been the popularity of the 'Combi' offer. This innovative product gives customers two cards; one is our market-leading Love2shop card and the other is for a national retailer, which previously had not been available to our customers. Last year, the scheme was launched with Asda and Morrisons and this year we added Primark and Sainsbury's. Amazon and Tesco have joined for the 2016 season and discussions are ongoing with other major retailers. 'Combi' billings for the year were well ahead of the previous year and are expected to grow further.

Park's relationship with MasterCard, giving users of our 'Anywhere' prepayment card access to outlets accepting MasterCard, is another example of our commitment to innovation. Our research identified that customers were prepared to pay a small premium for the opportunity to shop at outlets that accepted MasterCard and this has been demonstrated by the very large and growing take up of the 'Anywhere' card during the reporting period.

Our business in Ireland, traditionally representing a comparatively small source of revenue, had a challenging year following a rationalisation of the product range with orders reducing to EUR4.2m (2015 - EUR4.6m) However, it was encouraging to note that sales of the Love2shop voucher increased by more than 20 per cent compared with the previous year.

The Irish operation affords Park the strategic opportunity to transact business in the Euro currency and while we continue to cautiously examine opportunities to exploit this capability in a wider European context, in the near-to-medium term, the management team is firmly focused and committed to maintaining our growth and success in the UK.

Product development

Our consumer customers regularly enquired as to the availability of a Park mobile app, to make staying in touch with us and learning of our latest products even easier. During the last year we have developed and built an app to service their needs, which is currently undergoing extensive testing. A soft launch to a small number of users is planned for July of this year and we are working toward a full launch in the first quarter of the 2017 calendar year. The app will be beneficial to our customers and also to Park, as the decision to order will be made simpler and more convenient for the consumer, while setting up an account and processing payments will become quicker and easier.

Following launch, we plan to constantly look at ways to update and improve our consumer app so that it brings even more functionality, convenience and choice to our customers in future, developing alongside the customers' requirements.


It has been another good year for Park as we deliver against all our strategic goals. We continue to see the benefits of investment in our systems and products, while our customers on both the consumer and corporate sides of our business show a sustained and growing enthusiasm for our broad range of products and programmes.

Park has evolved significantly since its beginnings. We have shown agility to stay ahead of trends in customer needs and have embraced the changes which the internet, digital communication and social media have brought to our markets. Our offering has been developed steadily and sensibly and we remain committed to ongoing innovation to bring the best for our customers; in doing so, we safeguard the future growth and success of our business and generate increasing returns for our loyal shareholders.

We will continue to build on our heritage, sustain our momentum and look forward to the future with confidence.

Chris Houghton

Chief Executive Officer

14 June 2016

Financial Review

Profit from operations

The group's operations are divided into two operating segments:

 --   consumer, which represents the group's sales 
       to consumers, utilising its Christmas savings 
       offering; and 
 --   corporate, comprising the group's sales to 
       businesses, offering primarily sales of the 
       Love2shop voucher, flexecash(R) cards and other 
       retailer vouchers to businesses for use as 
       staff rewards/incentives, marketing aids and 
       prizes and all online sales. 

All other segments comprise central costs and property costs.

Billings have increased when compared to the prior year by 3.3 per cent to GBP385.0m, with revenue increasing on the same basis by 3.1 per cent to GBP302.5m. The increase in revenue is smaller than the increase in billings year on year, due to the higher proportion of billings arising from flexecash(R) cards. Revenue earned from the sale of flexecash(R) cards is recognised differently from all other customer billings, as explained below.

Revenue and margin from sales of Love2shop vouchers and flexecash(R) cards are generated from both operating segments. Operating profit is detailed below:

                           2016       2015     Change 
                        GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000 
--------------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Consumer                 6,823      5,933        890 
 Corporate                6,013      6,465      (452) 
 All other segments     (2,436)    (2,710)        274 
--------------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Operating profit        10,400      9,688        712 
--------------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 

Operating profit for the year ended 31 March 2016 has increased by GBP0.7m to GBP10.4m.

In the consumer business, customer billings have increased by 7.5 per cent to GBP211.5m. Revenue has also increased by 5.1 per cent to GBP173.0m. Operating profit at GBP6.8m has increased by GBP0.9m from that achieved in the prior year reflecting the improved level of billings in the year. The increase in billings of GBP14.7m primarily reflects the higher level of customer prepayment orders fulfilled in the UK for Christmas 2015 at GBP202.5m (Christmas 2014 - GBP189.3m). Billings in respect of flexecash(R) cards totalled GBP38.9m (2015 - GBP32.5m).

In the corporate business, customer billings have decreased by GBP2.6m (1.5 per cent) in the year to GBP173.5m. Revenue has increased by 0.7 per cent to GBP129.5m. Growth in billings in the incentive sector was again strong, up GBP5.6m (5.2 per cent) in the year and in the employee benefits sector up GBP4.5m (44.5 per cent) in the year. In contrast, billings in the credit sector were GBP16.5m lower than last year. The decline in operating profit of GBP0.5m to GBP6.0m reflects a small decline in margins arising from a change in the mix of products sold and an increase in administration costs associated with a growth in marketing and systems based costs. Billings in respect of flexecash(R) cards totalled GBP51.7m (2015 - GBP54.0m).

The decreased costs in other segments of GBP0.3m from the prior year arises from a reduction in management incentive costs recorded in the income statement.

Finance income

Finance income increased to GBP1.5m from GBP1.2m reflecting the increase in average total cash held, including that held in trust from almost GBP121m to GBP140m. This increase was assisted by the maturing of deposits in the first three months of the year at higher rates of interest than that currently being achieved.


The effective tax rate for the year was 18.3 per cent (2015 - 22.3 per cent) of profit before tax. This rate is lower than the standard rate of corporation tax due to the release of an overprovision made in respect of prior year's trading.

Earnings per share

Basic earnings per share (eps) increased to 5.28p from 4.66p.


The board has recommended a final dividend of 1.90p per share. An interim dividend of 0.85p per share was paid on 6 April 2016. Subject to approval of the final dividend at the AGM, the total dividend for 2016 will be 2.75p per share representing an increase of 14.6 per cent over the prior year.

Cash flows

At the end of March 2016 GBP32.7m (2015 - GBP26.3m) of cash and cash equivalents was held by the group. This would have been GBP2m higher as monies held within the Park Prepayments Trustee Company Ltd in respect of the Christmas 2015 season was not received by the group until 1 April 2016. A further GBP0.5m (2015 - GBP0.5m) was held as deposits with a maturity period of greater than three months but less than 12 months. In addition, GBP56.1m (2015 - GBP50.9m) was held by the Park Prepayments Trustee Company Limited. The trust holds payments received in respect of orders for delivery the following Christmas. The conditions for the release of this money to the group are detailed in the trust deed, which is available at www.getpark.co.uk. In addition, at 31 March 2016, the group held GBP19.1m (2015 - GBP14.9m) of cash in the Park Card Services Limited E money Trust (PCSET) to support the e-money float in accordance with regulatory requirements.

The total amount of cash and deposits net of any overdraft position held by the group combined with the monies held in trust has increased in the year to GBP104.5m from GBP89.5m as at 31 March 2015. These total balances peaked at just over GBP206m in the year, representing an increase of over GBP17m from last year. This was due to the increased volumes of cash receipts associated with higher level of cash receipts into the Park Prepayments Protection Trust (PPPT) in respect of the consumer business.


At the year end, provisions had increased from GBP43.2m to GBP44.8m. This was mainly due to a decrease in the provision for unspent vouchers of GBP0.8m, accompanied by an increase in the amounts provided in respect of flexecash(R) cards of GBP2.4m. The value of unspent vouchers included in the provision, arises primarily from sales in the corporate business. Included within provisions is an amount of GBP20,000 (2015 - GBP80,000) in respect of future expected settlements of claims arising from the mis-selling of payment protection insurance. The group ceased to sell this insurance in 2007 when it closed its loan broking business.

Accounting policies

Revenue recognition

Revenue from cards is recorded differently to revenue from paper vouchers and comprises the fees earned based on customer billings, recognised when the value loaded on the card has been redeemed. Where cards are sold to businesses for onward gifting to consumers with no right of redemption, revenue also includes an estimate of projected balances remaining on the card at expiry. The amount included in this year's income statement as revenue from flexecash(R) cards is GBP8.8m (2015 - GBP7.4m).


The group continues to operate two defined benefit pension schemes, where pensions at retirement are based on service and final salary. These schemes are now closed to future accrual of benefit arising from service with the group. The net pension deficit based on the valuation under IAS19 Employee Benefits (2011 revised) performed at 31 March 2016 has decreased to GBP0.3m (2015 - GBP1.3m).

The group has recognised a cost of GBP146,000 (2015 - GBP42,000) in the income statement, including an amount of GBP109,000 in respect of past service costs in relation to the augmentation of pensions in respect of equalisation agreed with the trustees in 2014. In addition the group has recognised re-measurements in the statement of comprehensive income (SOCI) of a gain of GBP0.4m (2015 - loss of GBP0.6m) net of tax.

In the year ended 31 March 2016, contributions by the group to the schemes totalled GBP0.7m (2015 - GBP0.7m). The latest actuarial valuations performed as at 31 March 2013 indicated that one scheme had a technical provisions deficit (reflecting the liabilities to pay pension benefits in relation to past service as they fall due) of GBP3.8m and one had a surplus on the same basis of GBP0.6m. Future group contributions to the scheme that is in deficit are expected to be GBP0.7m per annum.

Martin Stewart

Group Finance Director

14 June 2016

Risk factors

  Financial risks 
  Risk area        Potential impact               Mitigation 
---------------  -----------------------------  ---------------------------------------- 
  Group funding    The Group, like                The Group manages its capital 
                    many other companies,          to safeguard its ability to 
                    depends on its                 operate as a going concern. 
                    ability to continue            Whilst the Group has net current 
                    to service its                 liabilities, it has access to 
                    debts as they                  funds for working capital from 
                    fall due and to                the PPPT for a defined period 
                    have access to                 in the year although the Group 
                    finance where                  has not used this facility in 
                    this is necessary.             either of the last two years. 
                                                   This enables it to operate without 
                                                   bank borrowings. In addition 
                                                   the Group has a high level of 
                                                   visibility of future revenue 
                                                   streams from its consumer business. 
                                                   The funding requirements of 
                                                   the business are continually 
                                                   reforecast to ensure that sufficient 
                                                   liquidity exists to support 
                                                   its operations and future plans. 
---------------  -----------------------------  ---------------------------------------- 
  Treasury         The Group has                  The Group treasury policy ensures 
   risks            significant funds              that funds are only placed with 
                    on deposit and                 and spread between high quality 
                    as such is exposed             counterparties and where appropriate 
                    to interest rate               any exchange rate exposure is 
                    risk, counterparty             managed to minimise any potential 
                    risk and exchange              impact. 
                    rate movements 
                    following the 
                    of operations 
                    in Ireland. 
---------------  -----------------------------  ---------------------------------------- 
  Banking          Disruption to                  The Group seeks wherever possible 
   system           the banking system             to offer the widest possible 
                    would adversely                range of payment options to 
                    impact on the                  customers to reduce the potential 
                    Group's ability                impact of failure of a single 
                    to collect payments            payment route. 
                    from customers 
                    and could adversely 
                    affect the Group's 
                    cash position. 
---------------  -----------------------------  ---------------------------------------- 
  Pension          The Group may                  The Group's pension schemes 
   funding          be required to                 are closed to future benefit 
                    increase its contributions     accrual related to service. 
                    to cover any funding           Funding rates are in accordance 
                    shortfalls.                    with the actuaries' recommendations. 
---------------  -----------------------------  ---------------------------------------- 
  Financial        The business model             The Group has a regulatory team 
   services         may be compromised             that monitors and enforces compliance 
   and other        by changes in                  with existing regulations and 
   market           existing regulation            keeps the Group up to date with 
   regulation       or by the introduction         impending regulation. The Group 
                    of new regulation.             shares the objectives of Government 
                    Possible new regulation        in treating customers fairly 
                    could include                  and in the protection of customer 
                    a requirement                  prepayments. The Group operates 
                    to ring fence                  a number of trusts to safeguard 
                    funds for vouchers             funds held on behalf of customers. 
                    sold to consumers.             In the event of new regulation 
                    This could adversely           being introduced that requires 
                    affect the Group's             additional cash to be segregated, 
                    cash position.                 the Group has access to other 
                                                   potential sources of funds, 
                                                   if required. 
---------------  -----------------------------  ---------------------------------------- 
  Credit           Failure of one                 Customers are given an appropriate 
   risks            or more customers              level of credit based on their 
                    and the risk of                trading history and financial 
                    default by credit              status, a prudent approach is 
                    customers due                  adopted towards credit control. 
                    to reduced economic            Credit insurance is used in 
                    activity.                      the majority of cases where 
                                                   customers do not pay in advance. 
---------------  -----------------------------  ---------------------------------------- 
  Operational risks 
  Risk area           Potential impact             Mitigation 
------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
  Business            Failure to provide           The Group plans and tests its 
   continuity          adequate service             business continuity procedures 
   and IT              levels to customers,         in 
   systems             retail partners              preparation for catastrophic 
                       or other suppliers,          events and for the existence 
                       resulting in a               of counterfeit vouchers or cards. 
                       failure to maintain          Our focus is on the elimination 
                       services that                of any single point of failure 
                       generate revenue.            in our 
                                                    IT systems. 
                                                    The Group maintains three separate 
                                                    data centres in relation to 
                                                    its core infrastructure to ensure 
                                                    that service is maintained in 
                                                    the event of a disaster 
                                                    at its primary data centre. 
                                                    Developed software is extensively 
                                                    tested prior to implementation. 
------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
  Loss of             The Group depends            Existing key appointments are 
   key management      on its directors             rewarded with competitive remuneration 
                       and key personnel.           packages including long term 
                       The loss of the              incentives linked to the Group's 
                       services of any              performance and shareholder 
                       directors or other           return. 
                       key employees 
                       could damage the 
                       Group's business, 
                       financial condition 
                       and results. 
------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
  Relationships       The Group is dependent       The Group has a dedicated team 
   with high           upon the success             of managers whose role it is 
   street              of its Love2shop             to ensure that the Group's products 
   and online          voucher and flexecash(R)     have a full range of retailers. 
   retailers           card. These products         They also work closely with 
                       only operate provided        all retailers to promote their 
                       the participating            businesses to Park's customers 
                       retailers continue           who utilise Park's vouchers 
                       to accept them               and cards to drive forward incremental 
                       as payment for               sales to their retail outlets. 
                       goods or services            Contracts which provide minimum 
                       provided. The                notice periods for withdrawal 
                       failure of one               are in place with all retailers 
                       or more participating        and are designed to mitigate 
                       retailers could              any potential impact on Park's 
                       make these products          business. 
                       less attractive 
                       to customers. 
------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
  Failure             The failure of               Wherever possible the Group 
   of the              the distribution             seeks to utilise a wide range 
   distribution        network during               of geographically spread carriers 
   network             the Christmas                to mitigate the failure of a 
                       period, for example          single operator. 
                       a Post Office 
                       strike, road network 
                       disruption or 
                       fuel shortages 
                       could adversely 
                       impact the results 
                       and reputation 
                       of Park's brands. 
------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
  Brand perception    Adverse market               Ongoing investment in television 
   and reputation      perception in                advertising. Operation of a 
                       relation to the              process 
                       Group's products             of continual review of all 
                       or services, for             marketing material and websites 
                       example, following           to promote transparency to customers. 
                       the collapse of              Extensive testing and rigorous 
                       a competitor.                internal 
                       This could result            controls exist for all Group 
                       in a downturn                systems to maintain continuity 
                       in demand for                of online customer service. 
                       its products and 
------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
  Promotional         The success of               Detailed management processes 
   activity            the Group's annual           that are designed to optimise 
                       promotional campaign         the cost of recruiting are in 
                       is essential to              place. The effectiveness of 
                       ensure the continued         each individual television advert 
                       recruitment of               is assessed separately and future 
                       customers. Failure           plans amended where appropriate. 
                       to recruit would 
                       result in loss 
                       of revenue to 
                       the Group. Promotional 
                       activity must 
                       also be cost effective. 
------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
  Competition         Loss of margins              The Group has a broad base of 
                       or market share              customers and no single customer 
                       arising from increased       represents more than 3 per cent 
                       activity from                of total customer billings. 
                       competitors.                 Significant resources are dedicated 
                                                    to developing and maintaining 
                                                    strong relationships with customers 
                                                    and to developing new and innovative 
                                                    products which meet their precise 
------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 

Park Group plc



                                           2016        2015 
                                        GBP'000     GBP'000 
 Billings                               385,031     372,887 
                                     ----------  ---------- 
 Revenue                                302,545     293,329 
 Cost of sales                        (274,060)   (265,966) 
                                     ----------  ---------- 
 Gross profit                            28,485      27,363 
 Distribution costs                     (2,909)     (2,761) 
 Administrative expenses               (15,176)    (14,914) 
                                     ----------  ---------- 
 Operating profit                        10,400       9,688 
 Finance income                           1,523       1,246 
 Finance costs                             (66)         (1) 
                                     ----------  ---------- 
 Profit before taxation                  11,857      10,933 
 Taxation                               (2,169)     (2,434) 
                                     ----------  ---------- 
 Profit for the year attributable 
  to equity holders of the parent         9,688       8,499 
                                     ----------  ---------- 
  Earnings per share (see note 
 : basic                           5.28p   4.66p 
 : diluted                         5.18p   4.60p 

Park Group plc



                                                   2016      2015 
                                                GBP'000   GBP'000 
 Profit for the year                              9,688     8,499 
 Other comprehensive income 
 Items that will not be reclassified 
  to profit or loss: 
  Remeasurement of defined benefit 
  pension schemes                                   533     (731) 
 Deferred tax on defined benefit 
  pension schemes                                  (96)       146 
                                               --------  -------- 
                                                    437     (585) 
                                               --------  -------- 
 Items that may be reclassified subsequently 
  to profit or loss: 
 Foreign exchange translation differences          (21)        17 
 Other comprehensive income for the 
  year net of tax                                   416     (568) 
                                               --------  -------- 
 Total comprehensive income for the 
  year                                           10,104     7,931 
                                               --------  -------- 

Park Group plc


                                     As at       As at 
                                  31.03.16    31.03.15 
                                   GBP'000     GBP'000 
 Non-current assets 
 Goodwill                            1,320       1,320 
 Other intangible assets             3,036       3,168 
 Investments                             -           8 
 Property, plant and 
  equipment                          8,003       8,143 
 Retirement benefit 
  asset                              1,390       1,293 
                                    13,749      13,932 
                                ----------  ---------- 
 Current assets 
 Inventories                         2,182       3,186 
 Trade and other receivables         8,729      11,212 
 Other financial assets                500         500 
 Monies held in trust               75,219      65,728 
 Cash and cash equivalents          32,735      26,333 
 Assets held for sale                    -          39 
                                ----------  ---------- 
                                   119,365     106,998 
                                ----------  ---------- 
 Total assets                      133,114     120,930 
                                ----------  ---------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables         (79,022)    (73,569) 
 Tax payable                       (1,019)     (1,435) 
 Provisions                       (44,767)    (43,186) 
                                ----------  ---------- 
                                 (124,808)   (118,190) 
                                ----------  ---------- 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Deferred tax liability              (181)       (273) 
 Retirement benefit 
  obligation                       (1,700)     (2,634) 
                                ----------  ---------- 
                                   (1,881)     (2,907) 
                                ----------  ---------- 
 Total liabilities               (126,689)   (121,097) 
                                ----------  ---------- 
 Net assets/ (liabilities)           6,425       (167) 
                                ----------  ---------- 
   Equity attributable 
   to equity holders 
   of the parent 
 Share capital                       3,674       3,650 
 Share premium                       6,132       6,132 
 Retained earnings                 (3,070)     (9,638) 
 Other reserves                      (311)       (311) 
 Total equity                        6,425       (167) 
                                ----------  ---------- 

Park Group plc


                             Share      Share        Other     Retained      parent   Non-controlling       Total 
                           capital    Premium     reserves     earnings      equity         interests      equity 
                           GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000     GBP'000           GBP'000     GBP'000 
 Balance at 
  1 April 2015               3,650      6,132        (311)      (9,638)       (167)                 -       (167) 
 Total comprehensive 
  income for 
  the year 
 Profit                          -          -            -        9,688       9,688                 -       9,688 
   Other comprehensive 
  of defined 
  benefit pension 
  schemes                        -          -            -          533         533                 -         533 
 Tax on defined 
  benefit pension 
  schemes                        -          -            -         (96)        (96)                 -        (96) 
 Foreign exchange 
  adjustments                    -          -            -         (21)        (21)                 -        (21) 
                         ---------  ---------  -----------  -----------  ----------  ----------------  ---------- 
   Total other 
   income                        -          -            -          416         416                 -         416 
                         ---------  ---------  -----------  -----------  ----------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Total comprehensive 
  income for 
  the year                       -          -            -       10,104      10,104                 -      10,104 
                         ---------  ---------  -----------  -----------  ----------  ----------------  ---------- 
  with owners, 
  recorded directly 
  in equity 
 Equity settled 
  payment transactions           -          -            -          868         868                 -         868 
 LTIP shares 
  awarded                       24          -            -         (24)           -                 -           - 
 Dividends                       -          -            -      (4,380)     (4,380)                 -     (4,380) 
                         ---------  ---------  -----------  -----------  ----------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Total contributions 
  by and distribution 
  to owners                     24          -            -      (3,536)     (3,512)                 -     (3,512) 
                         ---------  ---------  -----------  -----------  ----------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Balance at 
  31 March 2016              3,674      6,132        (311)      (3,070)       6,425                 -       6,425 
                         ---------  ---------  -----------  -----------  ----------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Balance at 
  1 April 2014               3,650      6,132            -     (13,606)     (3,824)             (311)     (4,135) 
 Total comprehensive 
  income for 
  the year 
 Profit                          -          -            -        8,499       8,499                 -       8,499 
 Other comprehensive 
  of defined 
  benefit pension 
  schemes                        -          -            -        (731)       (731)                 -       (731) 
 Tax on defined 
  benefit pension 
  schemes                        -          -            -          146         146                 -         146 
 Foreign exchange 
  adjustments                    -          -            -           17          17                 -          17 
                         ---------  ---------  -----------  -----------  ----------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Total other 
  income                         -          -            -        (568)       (568)                 -       (568) 
                         ---------  ---------  -----------  -----------  ----------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Total comprehensive 
  income for 
  the year                       -          -            -        7,931       7,931                 -       7,931 
                         ---------  ---------  -----------  -----------  ----------  ----------------  ---------- 
  with owners, 
  recorded directly 
  in equity 
 Equity settled 
  payment transactions           -          -            -          235         235                 -         235 
 Purchase of 
  interest                       -          -        (311)            -       (311)               311           - 
 Dividends                       -          -            -      (4,198)     (4,198)                 -     (4,198) 
                         ---------  ---------  -----------  -----------  ----------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Total contributions 
  by and distribution 
  to owners                      -          -        (311)      (3,963)     (4,274)               311     (3,963) 
                         ---------  ---------  -----------  -----------  ----------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Balance at 
  31 March 2015              3,650      6,132        (311)      (9,638)       (167)                 -       (167) 
                         ---------  ---------  -----------  -----------  ----------  ----------------  ---------- 

Park Group plc



                                               2016      2015 
                                            GBP'000   GBP'000 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
 Cash generated from operations              12,184    14,106 
 Interest received                            1,405     1,177 
 Interest paid                                 (66)       (1) 
 Tax paid                                   (2,490)   (2,132) 
                                           --------  -------- 
 Net cash generated from operating 
  activities                                 11,033    13,150 
   Cash flows from investing activities 
 Sale of investment property and 
  assets held for sale                           43        41 
 Proceeds from sale of investments                9         - 
 Purchase of intangible assets                (599)     (212) 
 Purchase of property, plant and 
  equipment                                   (527)     (385) 
 Net cash used in investing activities      (1,074)     (556) 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Dividends paid to shareholders             (4,380)   (4,198) 
 Net cash used in financing activities      (4,380)   (4,198) 
                                           --------  -------- 
 Net increase in cash and cash 
  equivalents                                 5,579     8,396 
                                           --------  -------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
  of period                                  23,238    14,842 
                                           --------  -------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at end 
  of period                                  28,817    23,238 
                                           --------  -------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents comprise: 
 Cash                                        32,735    26,333 
 Bank overdrafts                            (3,918)   (3,095) 
                                           --------  -------- 
                                             28,817    23,238 
                                           --------  -------- 


(1) Basis of preparation

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS's) as adopted by the European Union (EU) including International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) interpretations and with those parts of the Companies Act 2006 applicable to companies reporting under IFRS.

Park Group plc is incorporated and domiciled in the United Kingdom. The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention, as modified by the accounting for financial instruments at fair value where required by IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement. The Group and Company financial statements are presented in sterling and all values are rounded to the nearest thousand (GBP'000) except where otherwise stated.

The accounting policies have been applied consistently to all periods presented in these financial statements and by all Group entities.

(2) Going concern

The Group's business activities, together with factors likely to affect its future development, performance and position, are set out in the Chief Executives Review. The financial position of the Group, its cash flows, liquidity and solvency position and financial risks are described in the Financial Review.

The Group's forecasts and projections, taking into account reasonably possible changes in trading performance and customer behaviour, show that the Group has sufficient financial resources to fund the business for the foreseeable future despite the Group's net current liabilities. Funds are available for working capital purposes as permitted under the terms of the PPPT. The Group's working capital requirements are dependent upon a continuing level of prepaid sales to corporate customers and, at certain times during the year, amounts drawn from the PPPT to meet its working capital requirements. The Group's positive cash flow from its ongoing customer base, together with the capability to drawdown funds from the PPPT at certain times of the year, enables it to operate without reliance on any external funding. The Group continues to trade profitably and early indications for growth in the current year are positive. Accordingly, the directors continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the consolidated financial statements.

(3) Changes to International Financial Reporting Standards

Interpretations and standards which became effective during the year

The following accounting standards and interpretations, that are relevant to the Group, became effective during the period:

  IAS   Defined Benefit Plans: Employee 
    19    Contributions (amendment) 

Adoption of these amendments and interpretations to standards has not had a material impact upon the Group's financial performance or position.

Interpretations and standards which have been issued and are not yet effective

The following standards have been adopted by the EU but are not yet effective for the year ended 31 March 2016 and have not been applied in preparing the financial statements. Those standards that have relevance to the Group are mentioned below:

 IAS     Clarification of Acceptable Methods      1 Jan 
  16 &    of Depreciation and Amortisation         2016 
  IAS     (amendment) 
 IAS     Equity Method in Separate Financial      1 Jan 
  27      Statements (amendment)                   2016 
 IAS     Disclosure Initiatives (amendment)       1 Jan 
  1                                                2016 
 IFRS    Investment Entities: Applying the        1 Jan 
  10,     Consolidation Exception (amendment)      2016 
  12 & 
 IAS     Disclosure Initiative (amendment)        1 Jan 
  7                                                2017 
 IAS12   Recognition of Deferred Tax Assets       1 Jan 
          for Unrealised Losses (amendment)        2018 
 IFRS    Financial Instruments                    1 Jan 
  9                                                2018 
 IFRS    Leases                                   1 Jan 
  16                                               2019 

The directors anticipate that the adoption of these standards and interpretations in future periods will not have a material impact on the financial statements when the relevant standards and interpretations come into effect.

IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers was released on 28 May 2014. The board of directors is currently considering the impact of this standard on the Group's financial statements including the timing of revenue recognition, income in respect of vouchers and balances on cards which will never be spent and whether revenue should be recognised on a gross or net basis in respect of certain revenue streams.

   (4)   Accounting policies 

The financial information in this preliminary announcement has been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies described in the annual report and accounts for the year ended 31 March 2015. The annual report and accounts for the year ended 31 March 2015 can be found on our website at www.parkgroup.co.uk.

   (5)   Segmental analysis 

All other segments are those items relating to the corporate activities of the Group which it is felt cannot be reasonably allocated to either business segment.

The amount included within the other segments/elimination column reflects vouchers sold by the corporate segment to the consumer segment. They have been included in other segments/elimination so as to show the total revenue for both segments.

                                             All other                                            other 
                                             segments/       2016                             segments/      2015 
                   Consumer   Corporate    elimination      Total   Consumer   Corporate    elimination     Total 
                    GBP'000     GBP'000        GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000        GBP'000   GBP'000 
  billings          211,522     173,509              -    385,031    196,796     176,091              -   372,887 
  billings                -     143,152      (143,152)          -          -     135,667      (135,667)         - 
                  ---------  ----------  -------------  ---------  ---------  ----------  -------------  -------- 
 Total billings     211,522     316,661      (143,152)    385,031    196,796     311,758      (135,667)   372,887 
                  ---------  ----------  -------------  ---------  ---------  ----------  -------------  -------- 
  revenue           173,045     129,500              -    302,545    164,682     128,647              -   293,329 
  revenue                 -     143,152      (143,152)          -          -     135,667      (135,667)         - 
                  ---------  ----------  -------------  ---------  ---------  ----------  -------------  -------- 
 Total revenue      173,045     272,652      (143,152)    302,545    164,682     264,314      (135,667)   293,329 
                  ---------  ----------  -------------  ---------  ---------  ----------  -------------  -------- 
 Inter-segment sales are entered into under normal 
  arm's length commercial terms and conditions. 
  profit/(loss)       6,823       6,013        (2,436)     10,400      5,933       6,465        (2,710)     9,688 
                  ---------  ----------  -------------  ---------  ---------  ----------  -------------  -------- 
  income                                                    1,523                                           1,246 
  costs                                                      (66)                                             (1) 
                                                        ---------                                        -------- 
  taxation                                                 11,857                                          10,933 
 Taxation                                                 (2,169)                                         (2,434) 
                                                        ---------                                        -------- 
 Profit                                                     9,688                                           8,499 
                                                        ---------                                        -------- 
 (6) Taxation                    2016     2015 
                              GBP'000    GBP'000 
 Charge for the year 
  - current and deferred        2,169    2,434 
                            ---------  --------- 

Comments on the effective tax rate can be found in the Financial Review.

   (7)   Earnings per share 

The calculation of basic and diluted eps is based on the profit on ordinary activities after taxation of GBP9,688,000 (2015 - GBP8,499,000) and on the weighted average number of shares, calculated as follows:

                                          2016           2015 
 Basic eps - weighted average 
  number of shares                 183,658,227    182,501,219 
 Diluting effect of employee 
  share options                      3,544,265      2,202,818 
                                  ------------  ------------- 
 Diluted eps - weighted average 
  number of shares                 187,202,492    184,704,037 
                                  ------------  ------------- 
   (8)   Reconciliation of net profit to net cash inflow from operating activities 
                                        2016      2015 
                                     GBP'000   GBP'000 
 Net profit                            9,688     8,499 
 Adjustments for: 
 Tax                                   2,169     2,434 
 Interest income                     (1,523)   (1,246) 
 Interest expense                         66         1 
 Research and development 
  tax credit                            (46)         - 
 Depreciation and amortisation         1,382     1,497 
 Impairment of investment 
  property                                 -        95 
 Impairment of other intangibles          13        16 
                                    --------  -------- 
 Impairment of assets held 
  for sale                                 -        14 
                                    --------  -------- 
 Profit on sale of investments           (1)         - 
 Profit on sale of assets 
  held for sale                          (4)         - 
 Decrease/ (increase) in 
  inventories                          1,004   (1,629) 
 Decrease/ (increase) in 
  trade and other receivables          2,599   (1,072) 
 Increase in trade and other 
  payables                             4,634     8,118 
 Increase in provisions                1,581     5,952 
 Increase in monies held 
  in trust                           (9,491)   (8,214) 
 Decrease in retirement 
  benefit obligation                   (497)     (611) 
 Translation adjustment                 (21)        17 
 Share-based payments                    631       235 
                                    --------  -------- 
 Net cash inflow from operating 
  activities                          12,184    14,106 
                                    --------  -------- 
   (9)   Responsibility Statement 

To the best of each director's knowledge:

 --   the financial statements, prepared in accordance 
       with the applicable set of accounting standards, 
       give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, 
       financial position and profit or loss of the 
       Company and the undertakings included in the 
       consolidation taken as a whole; and 
 --   the management report includes a fair review 
       of the development and performance of the business 
       and the position of the issuer and the undertakings 
       included in the consolidation taken as a whole, 
       together with a description of the principal 
       risks and uncertainties that they face. 

(10) The financial information set out above does not constitute the Group's statutory accounts for the years ended 31 March 2016 or 2015 but is derived from those accounts.

Statutory accounts for 2015 have been delivered to the registrar of companies. The auditor, Ernst & Young LLP, has reported on the 2015 accounts; the report (i) was unqualified, (ii) did not include a reference to any matters to which the auditor drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their report, and (iii) did not contain a statement under section 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006.

The statutory accounts for 2016 will be delivered to the registrar of companies following the AGM. The auditors have reported on these accounts; their report is unqualified and does not include a statement under either section 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006.

The annual report will be posted to shareholders on or before 28 July 2016 and will be available from that date on the Group's website: www.parkgroup.co.uk.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

June 14, 2016 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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