RNS Number:4933A
Project Telecom PLC
29 August 2002

                                 Press Release

                            Thursday, 29 August 2002

                              Project Telecom plc

              Interim results for the 6 months ended 30 June 2002

Financial highlights (figures in #millions)

Six months ended 30 June                                               2002             2001   Growth       Year ended
                                                                                 as restated                  31.12.01
Turnover                                                                185              158   +17%                330
Operating profit (pre-exceptionals/post goodwill)                       5.7              3.4   +67%                8.9
Pre-tax profit (pre-exceptionals/post goodwill)                         6.2              3.9   +61%                9.8
Exceptional items                                                       0.2              0.5   -                   0.1
Earnings per ordinary share (pence) (pre-exceptionals/post             1.65             1.04   +59%               2.77
Dividend (pence)                                                       0.30             0.25   +20%               0.65

*      During the first half of 2002 Project Telecom has continued to grow and
delivered another good set of results, despite challenging market conditions.
This was achieved by continuing to make the expansion of the Corporate Services
division its number one priority.

*      Corporate Services increased turnover by 54% to #54.9m, with operating
profit post goodwill more than doubling to #5.1m.  The division continued to
expand organically and has made two acquisitions growing the customer base and
extending geographic reach. At 30 June 2002, total customers had increased since
the end of 2001 by 27,000 to 165,000.

*      Retail Services turnover grew by 6% to #130m but operating profit fell by
48% to #0.7m.

*      In the light of continuing margin pressure and difficult trading
conditions experienced in the prepay market, the board has decided that the
strategic objectives of the Group will be best served by withdrawing from the
distribution of prepay services and closing the Retail Services division. It is
expected that the closure of the division will result in exceptional costs of
less than #1 million. No closure costs have been borne in the first half.

*      The progress made in 2001 by Network Services, established to focus on
non-mobile services, is continuing and the division is now profitable.  It has a
clear mandate to develop its service offering, concentrating on a range of fixed
line voice and data services and expanding its sales resource.

Chief Executive, Tim Radford said:  "We have ambitious growth plans which will
be focused on achieving strong growth within our Corporate Services division."

"The second half has started well and we are confident that 2002 will be a year
of further progress."

For further information contact:

Tim Radford
Chief Executive, Project Telecom
Tel: 07831 642911

Richard Cunningham
Finance Director, Project Telecom
Tel: 07785 707070

Simon Bloomfield
Partner, Bankside Consultants
Tel: 020 7444 4177
Mobile: 07771 758517

Interim Report

Chairman's Statement


The first half of 2002 has seen Project Telecom make further progress on the
delivery of its strategy. Despite challenging market conditions, the Group has
continued to grow and has delivered another set of good results.

The Group has made the expansion of the Corporate Services division its number
one priority and the results reflect the excellent progress that has been made.

However, in light of continuing margin pressure and difficult trading conditions
experienced in the prepay market, coupled with management's focus on expanding
the Corporate Services division, the board has decided that the strategic
objectives of the Group will be best served by closing the  Retail Services
division. It is expected that the closure of the division will result in
exceptional costs of less than #1 million. No closure costs have been borne in
the half year results.

The result of these actions will be to focus the Group on the development of its
Corporate Services business, significantly reduce the risk profile of the Group,
improving both the visibility and quality of earnings.

Results and dividend

Turnover for the 6 months to 30 June 2002 grew by 17% to #185 million (2001-
#158 million) and operating profits, after amortisation of goodwill and before
exceptional items, rose 67% to #5.7 million (2001 - #3.4 million).

Pre-tax profits after goodwill amortisation and before exceptional items rose
61% to #6.2 million (2001 - #3.9 million). On a similar basis earnings per share
rose 59% to 1.65p per share (2001 - 1.04p per share as restated).

At 30 June 2002 the Group had net funds of #21.2m (2001- #7.7m).

In recognition of these results the board has declared an interim dividend of
0.3p per share (2001 - 0.25p per share) which will be paid on 31 October 2002 to
shareholders on the register at the close of business on 4 October 2002.

Trading and Financial Review

Corporate Services

Turnover rose by 54% to #54.9 million (2001 - #35.6 million) and operating
profits, after goodwill amortisation, more than doubled to #5.1 million (2001 -
#2.2 million).

Corporate Services has made excellent progress during the first half and has
continued to expand both organically and through acquisition.

At 30 June 2002 the corporate customer base had grown to over 165,000, an
increase of 27,000 on the number at the year end. We expect to achieve further
strong organic growth as the Group develops its sales and distribution strategy.

On 9 April 2002 the Group announced the acquisition of TW Telecom Limited. The
business, based in Manchester, supplies telecommunication services to corporate
customers in the North West and provides an ideal platform from which to expand
into this area.  The acquisition has now been successfully integrated into the

On 31 July 2002 the Group announced the acquisition of Ternhill Communications
Limited, a business focused mobile communications dealership based in
Shrewsbury.  This acquisition is consistent with our strategy of extending our
geographic reach.

The Group expects sales through indirect sales channels to make a significant
contribution to the future growth of the business and Chris Tombs, the director
currently responsible for Retail Services, will take responsibility for this
part of the business.

Retail Services

Turnover for the Retail Services division grew by 6% to #130 million (2001 -
#123 million) but operating profit fell by 48% to #0.7 million (2001 - #1.3

Retail Services has continued to operate in an extremely competitive market
place, with constant pressure on margins. The decision to close this division
has been taken after a detailed review of the business and its market and after
close consultation with our main trading partners.

Network Services

The progress made during 2001 in establishing and developing a Network Services
business to focus on the sale of non-mobile related services into our corporate
customer base has continued. This division is now profitable and has a clear
mandate to grow its service offering, which has been focused predominantly on
developing a range of fixed line voice and data services and expanding the sales

It is our belief that penetration of value added services is key to reducing
customer churn and improving operating profitability and we expect further
progress to be made during the second half of the year.

Our People

Once again I would like to thank all our staff who have worked hard to produce
another set of excellent results.

Unfortunately the closure of Retail Services will inevitably mean that a number
of redundancies will be made.  However, we are ensuring that wherever possible
affected members of staff are given the opportunity to transfer internally
within the Group.


We believe that our decision to focus on our core business and to concentrate on
the growth of our customer base and build the Project Telecom brand in the
corporate market is the right one.  We will continue to look for further growth
opportunities and to broaden the range of products and services that we can

We look forward to the future with confidence and expect further progress to be
made during the second half.

Philip Rogerson


27 August 2002



We have been instructed by the company to review the financial information for
the six months to 30 June 2002 which comprises the profit and loss account, the
balance sheet, the cash flow statement and related notes 1 to 13.  We have read
the other information contained in the interim report and considered whether it
contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the
financial information.

Directors' responsibilities

The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is
the responsibility of, and has been approved by the directors.  The directors
are responsible for preparing the interim report in accordance with the Listing
Rules of the Financial Services Authority which require that the accounting
policies and presentation applied to the interim figures should be consistent
with those applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts except where any
changes, and the reasons for them, are disclosed.

Review work performed

We conducted our review in accordance with the guidance contained in Bulletin
1999/4 issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom.  A
review consists principally of making enquiries of group management and applying
analytical procedures to the financial information and underlying financial data
and based thereon, assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation
have been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed.  A review excludes
audit procedures such as tests of controls and verification of assets,
liabilities and transactions.  It is substantially less in scope than an audit
performed in accordance with United Kingdom Auditing Standards and therefore
provides a lower level of assurance than an audit.  Accordingly, we do not
express an audit opinion on the financial information.

Review conclusion

On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that
should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months to
30 June 2002.

Deloitte & Touche
Chartered Accountants
27 August 2002

6 MONTHS TO 30 JUNE 2002

                                                                      6 months              6 months           Year to
                                                                    to 30 June       to 30 June 2001  31 December 2001
                                                     Note                 2002           as restated
                                                                                        (see note 5)   
                                                                          #000                  #000              #000
TURNOVER:                                            2
Continuing operations                                                  182,743               158,259           329,865
Acquisitions                                                             2,011                     -                 -
                                                                     _________            __________        __________
                                                                       184,754               158,259           329,865
Cost of sales                                                        (165,667)             (143,575)         (296,189)
                                                                     _________            __________        __________
Gross profit                                                            19,087                14,684            33,676
Administrative expenses:
Other                                                                 (11,510)              (10,307)          (21,842)
Exceptional items                                    3                     172                   457                78
Amortisation of goodwill                                               (1,834)                 (939)           (2,923)
                                                                     _________            __________        __________
                                                                      (13,172)              (10,789)          (24,687)
                                                                     _________            __________        __________
Continuing operations                                                    5,953                 3,895             8,989
Acquisitions                                                              (38)                     -                 -
                                                                     _________            __________        __________
                                                                         5,915                 3,895             8,989
Interest payable and similar charges                                      (85)                 (127)             (214)
Interest receivable and similar income                                     556                   547             1,102
                                                                     _________            __________        __________
PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION        2                   6,386                 4,315             9,877
Tax on profit on ordinary activities                                   (2,617)               (1,734)           (3,789)
                                                                     _________            __________        __________
PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES AFTER TAXATION                             3,769                 2,581             6,088
Dividend                                             6                   (677)                 (544)           (1,421)
                                                                     _________            __________        __________
RETAINED PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD                                           3,092                 2,037             4,667
                                                                      ========             =========         =========

Basic earnings per ordinary share                    4                   1.71p                 1.19p             2.79p

Diluted earnings per ordinary share                  4                   1.65p                 1.13p             2.67p

Earnings per ordinary share before 
 exceptional items                                   4                   2.49p                 1.47p             4.11p
and amortisation of goodwill

Earnings per ordinary share before 
 exceptional items                                   4                   1.65p                 1.04p             2.77p

There are no recognised gains or losses or movements on shareholders' funds
other than the results for the period and prior periods and the issue of shares.

AT 30 JUNE 2002

                                                                 At 30 June 2002       At 30 June 2001  At 31 December
                                                                                           as restated            2001
                                                                              #000                #000            #000

Intangible assets                                                           14,854              13,500          14,606
Tangible assets                                                             10,981               9,910           9,663
                                                                          ________            ________        ________
                                                                            25,835              23,410          24,269
                                                                          ________            ________        ________

Stock                                                                       15,639              15,105          11,164
Debtors: amounts falling due within one year                                36,822              35,128          34,436
Debtors: amounts falling due after more than one year                        6,713               3,260           4,618
Cash at bank and in hand                                                    23,799              10,770          31,650
                                                                          ________            ________        ________
                                                                            82,973              64,263          81,868

CREDITORS: amounts falling due within one year                            (74,910)            (58,954)        (74,763)

                                                                          ________            ________        ________
NET CURRENT ASSETS                                                           8,063               5,309           7,105
                                                                          ________            ________        ________
TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES                                       33,898              28,719          31,374

CREDITORS: amounts falling due after more than one year                    (1,968)             (2,548)         (2,184)

PROVISION FOR LIABILITIES AND CHARGES                                        (530)               (618)           (957)
                                                                          ________            ________        ________
NET ASSETS                                                                  31,400              25,553          28,233
                                                                          ========            ========        ========
Called up share capital                                                        554                 544             546
Share premium account                                                       17,651              17,599          17,622
Other reserves                                                                  38                   -               -
Profit and loss account                                                     13,157               7,410          10,065
                                                                          ________            ________        ________
TOTAL EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                                            31,400              25,553          28,233
                                                                          ========            ========        ========

6 MONTHS TO 30 JUNE 2002

                                                                       6 months to        6 months to            Year
                                                                      30 June 2002       30 June 2001        31
                                                           Note               #000               #000              

Net cash (outflow) / inflow from operating                    9            (1,049)              6,900            

Returns on investments and servicing of finance
Interest received                                                              556                501             
Interest paid                                                                 (58)               (82)             
Interest element of finance lease rental payments                             (27)               (45)              
                                                                          ________           ________          
Net cash inflow from returns on investments and                                471                374               
servicing of finance
                                                                          ________           ________          
Corporation tax paid                                                       (1,946)              (658)           
                                                                          ________           ________          
Tax paid                                                                   (1,946)              (658)           
                                                                          ________           ________          
Capital expenditure
Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets                                  (2,333)            (1,827)           
Receipts from sales of tangible fixed assets                                    27                 15                
                                                                          ________           ________          
Net cash outflow from capital expenditure                                  (2,306)            (1,812)           
                                                                          ________           ________          
Purchase of subsidiary undertaking                                         (2,252)                  -                 
Net cash acquired with subsidiary                                              259                  -                 
Adjustment to purchase price of previously acquired                             86                  -                 
business undertaking
Purchase of business undertaking                                                 -           (13,852)          
                                                                          ________           ________          
                                                                           (1,907)           (13,852)          
                                                                          ________           ________          
Equity dividends paid                                                        (886)              (609)           
                                                                          ________           ________          
Net cash (outflow)/inflow before financing                                 (7,623)            (9,657)            
                                                                          ________           ________          
Issue of shares                                                                 75                  -                
Repayment of loans                                                            (53)               (46)             
Capital element of finance lease rentals                                     (250)              (277)             
                                                                          ________           ________          
Net cash (outflow) from financing                                            (228)              (323)             
                                                                          ________           ________          
(Decrease) / increase in cash                                10            (7,851)            (9,980)            
                                                                          ========           ========          


6 MONTHS TO 30 JUNE 2002

1.     On 9 April 2002, the Group acquired T W Telecom Limited for a cash
consideration and costs of #2,252,000.  The resulting goodwill is being
amortised over its estimated useful economic life which the directors consider
to be 5 years.

2.              Segmental Analysis

                                                                   6 months to 30   6 months to 30 Year to 31 December
                                                                        June 2002        June 2001                2001
                                                                                       as restated
                                                                             #000             #000                #000
Corporate services:

Continuing operations                                                      52,865           35,567              87,706

Acquisitions                                                                2,011                -                   -
Retail services:

Discontinued operations                                                   129,878          122,692             242,159
                                                                         ________         ________            ________
                                                                          184,754          158,259             329,865
                                                                         ========         ========            ========
Profit before tax:
Corporate services operating profit:

Continuing operations                                                       6,953            3,111               9,263
Acquisitions                                                                 (38)                -                   -
Retail services operating profit                                              662            1,266               2,571
                                                                         ________         ________            ________
Operating profit before exceptional items and

amortisation of goodwill                                                    7,577            4,377              11,834
Amortisation of goodwill                                                  (1,834)            (939)             (2,923)
Exceptional items                                                             172              457                  78
                                                                         ________         ________            ________
Operating profit                                                            5,915            3,895               8,989
Net interest receivable                                                       471              420                 888
                                                                         ________         ________            ________
Group profit before tax                                                     6,386            4,315               9,877
                                                                         ========         ========            ========
Net assets:
Corporate services                                                          8,272            4,131               5,328
Retail services                                                             5,600            4,285               5,324
Group                                                                      17,528           17,137              17,581
                                                                         ________         ________            ________
Group net assets                                                           31,400           25,553              28,233
                                                                         ========         ========            ========

All turnover and profits originate from activities within the United Kingdom.

3.     Exceptional Items

                                                                   6 months to 30   6 months to 30 Year to 31 December
                                                                        June 2002        June 2001                2001
                                                                             #000             #000                #000

NIC on unapproved share options                                               172              457                  78
                                                                         ________         ________            ________
                                                                              172              457                  78

The company has provided for the National Insurance Contribution liability
arising on unapproved share options outstanding at 30 June 2002.  The liability
has been calculated based on the closing mid-market price of an ordinary share
in the capital of the company at 30 June 2002 of 66.5p (30 June 2001 : 47p; 31
December 2001 : 78p) and is reflected in the credit of #172,000 to the profit
and loss account.

4.    Earnings Per Share

a.              Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing profits after
tax of #3,769,000 by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue
during the period. The weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue was
220,420,229 (6 months to 30 June 2001 : 217,570,229; year to 31 December 2001 :

b.     Diluted earnings per share is calculated by adjusting the weighted
average number of ordinary shares in issue on the assumption of conversion of
all dilutive potential ordinary shares.  Dilutive potential ordinary shares
comprise the difference between the number of shares subject to share options
and the number of shares that would have been issued at estimated average fair
values in each period. The resulting adjusted average number of ordinary shares
was 228,809,181 (6 months to 30 June 2001 : 228,460,440; year to 31 December
2001 : 228,160,377).

c.     Both earnings before amortisation of goodwill and exceptional items and
earnings post amortisation of goodwill and pre-exceptional items are presented
in addition to the basic earnings per share calculated in accordance with FRS 3
and FRS 14 since, in the opinion of the directors, they present a better
like-for-like comparison of the earnings of the Group between the relevant

Basic earnings per share may be reconciled to earnings per share before
amortisation of goodwill and exceptional items and earnings per share post
amortisation of goodwill and pre-exceptional items as follows:

                                                                   6 months to 30   6 months to 30 Year to 31 December
                                                                        June 2002        June 2001                2001
                                                                                       as restated
                                                                                p                p                   p

Earnings per share before amortisation of goodwill and                       2.49             1.47                4.11
exceptional items
Amortisation of goodwill                                                   (0.84)           (0.43)              (1.34)
                                                                         ________         ________            ________
Earnings per share post amortisation of goodwill and                         1.65             1.04                2.77
pre-exceptional items
Exceptional items                                                            0.08             0.21                0.03
Tax related to exceptional items                                           (0.02)           (0.06)              (0.01)
                                                                         ________         ________            ________
Basic earning per share - FRS 3 basis                                        1.71             1.19                2.79
                                                                          =======          =======            ========

5.    Tax on Profit on Ordinary Activities

FRS 19 was adopted for the year ended 31 December 2001.  The adoption of FRS 19
has required a change in the method of accounting for deferred tax.  As a result
the comparative figure for the tax on profit on ordinary activities for the 6
months to 30 June 2001 has been restated from the previously reported amount of
#1,899,000 to #1,734,000.  The impact of adopting FRS 19 on the year to 31
December 2001 results is a reduction in the tax charge of #478,000 and the
impact on the 6 months to 30 June 2002 is a reduction in the tax charge of

6.    Dividends

                                                                   6 months to 30   6 months to 30 Year to 31 December
                                                                        June 2002        June 2001                2001
                                                                             #000             #000                #000

Interim Proposed - 0.3p per ordinary share                                    665              544                 547
(6 months to 30 June 2001 - 0.25p;
 year to 31 December 2001 - 0.25p)
Final Paid                                                                      -                -                 874
(year to 31 December 2001 - 0.4p)
Under provision from prior year                                                12                -                   -
                                                                         ________         ________            ________
                                                                              677              544               1,421
                                                                         ========         ========            ========

The interim dividend will be paid on 31 October 2002 to shareholders on the
register at the close of business on 4 October 2002.

7.     Accounting policies are as stated in the last annual financial

8.     Movement on reserves

#38,000 has been transferred from the share premium account to other reserves.
This relates to the transfer of share premium held by a subsidiary.

9.     Reconciliation of Operating Profit to Net Cash (Outflow)/Inflow from
Operating Activities

                                                                   6 months to 30   6 months to 30 Year to 31 December
                                                                        June 2002        June 2001                2001
                                                                             #000             #000                #000

Operating profit                                                            5,915            3,895               8,989
Depreciation                                                                1,189            1,146               2,374
Amortisation of goodwill                                                    1,834              939               2,923
Loss on sale of fixed assets                                                   48               32                 317
(Increase) / decrease in stocks                                           (4,400)            2,880               6,821
(Increase) in debtors                                                     (3,310)          (7,212)             (6,607)
(Decrease) / increase in creditors                                        (1,898)            5,677              20,813
(Decrease) in provision                                                     (427)            (457)               (117)
                                                                         ________         ________            ________
                                                                          (1,049)            6,900              35,513
                                                                         ========         ========            ========

10.            Analysis of Changes in Net Funds

                                                  At         Cash      Acquisition    Other non-cash               At  

                                      1 January 2002         flow        excluding           changes     30 June 2002
                                                #000         #000             #000              #000             #000

Cash at bank and in hand                      31,650      (7,851)                -                 -           23,799
Hire purchase                                  (751)          250             (72)                 -            (573)
Debt due within one year:
Loans                                          (224)           53                -              (53)            (224)
Debt due after one year:
Loan                                         (1,883)            -                -                53          (1,830)
                                             _______      _______          _______           _______          _______
                                              28,792      (7,548)             (72)                 -           21,172
                                             =======      =======          =======           =======          =======

11.  The figures for the year ended 31 December 2001 are extracted from the
audited accounts for that period, on which the auditors to the Group have issued
an unqualified audit report which did not contain a statement under section 237
(2) or (3) of Companies Act 1985, and which have been delivered to the Registrar
of Companies.

12.  The directors approved this Interim Report on 27 August 2002.

13.  Post Balance Sheet Events

On 31 July 2002, the Group acquired Ternhill Communications Limited for a cash
consideration of #350,000 plus allotment of shares to the value of #150,000.

The Board has decided that the strategic objectives of the Group will be best
served by closing the Retail Services division.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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