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Lightwave Logic Inc

Lightwave Logic Inc (LWLG)

Cerrado 22 Marzo 2:00PM
Fuera de horario: 5:59PM

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tedpeele tedpeele 16 minutos hace
Listening now - will finish this evening. 20min in. So far - it's great info.

WooptdooU WooptdooU 19 minutos hace
The Friday after the close thingy needs to be rethought. This delivery only supports a negative build up that really doesn't go away.
Gifter marcinobodi and his family are pushing the DILUTION SOLUTION to keep their GRIFT. PITIFUL, REALLLY.
WooptdooU WooptdooU 23 minutos hace
The group of investors that owns 25% has a helplessly hopeful pennylong (hhpl) cost basis, likely. That is what it is. A company investment needs to rescue this from a rs if the GRIFTERS don't.
WooptdooU WooptdooU 26 minutos hace
INSIDERS buying 750,000 shares at market with their own money will buy some time, imo. Without that, it's a trap door at some moment, pity, really.
Grifters are in charge.
x993231 x993231 43 minutos hace
So cool, MMTLP merger where they issued a dividend is exactly what I write about often where shares in a new private entity are issued to actual shareholders and that shorts would need to pry loose shares before the ex-dividend date or they are trapped. This is what I'd like to see Lightwave do with a deal (no matter how small) and dividend us shares in a private entity. Private shares are exactly that, not available on the open market so the shorts would need to convince the longs to sell them a share with that private dividend attached.

MMTLP engaged Christian Attar to explore and investigate any and all potential claims related to harassment, business disparagement, libel, slander, tortious interference, conspiracy, obstruction of justice and violations of the Administrative Procedures Act. I think he would find some of that behavior on this message board. I have yet to hear of any changes under the Trump administration to the SEC but we will probably see one of those executive orders on TV being signed one night.

One of the problems was that some of the shorts covered after Ex-dividend which meant the shares did not have that dividend attached.
Naked shorts were another problem.
Not understanding T+2 some longs thought that they could sell right up to the end but the SEC shut it down.

It is a complex mess for the shorts.

Understand that if Lightwave does a deal and issues a dividend in cash the shorts could just cover that by reaching in their pockets, if they do a deal with a public company they could cover post ex-dividend then buy shares on the open market in that public company to provide to whomever they borrowed their shares from, where it gets tricky if a shares in a private company are issued as a dividend, there is no market to buy those shares and the broker is on the hook to pry the LWLG share from us before the ex-dividend date

X I wonder how many deals LWLG will they make? I'm guessing 3 for the year, I think that it would be funny to see at least one structured this way.
👍️ 4 💯 2
KCCO7913 KCCO7913 46 minutos hace
Regarding innovation happening at a rapid pace, Yves said something like 3 years ago TSMC wasn't thinking about photonics. Now, they're able to mass manufacture 200G ring modulators for Nvidia as revealed in the last few weeks. That is bonkers.

I think Yves wants to get Perkinamine in the hands of companies that have immense resources to be able to accomplish something similarly remarkable in a relatively short time period like that.

But yes, that is 'long-term' for investors to see the results of that.

We know the material works, they accomplished wafer scale poling (Yves's comments made it sound like yields were actually pretty high...need to relisten), made progress with ALD, produced individual 200G modulators that survived at least many months with no hermetic package (meaning the material, process, and ALD works) from a technology standpoint they accomplished a lot the last couple years. They just didn't have the expertise to complete their own PIC. Fine. Time to let someone else do that and LWLG can hand over the material and their experience.
👍️ 4 💯 1
WooptdooU WooptdooU 1 hora hace
They should buy 100,000 share EACH at market, with their own money...Or WALK...GRIFTERS say anything, even the truth, to keep it going.
WooptdooU WooptdooU 1 hora hace
Money talks, Yves buys NO SHARES with his own money. The interviewer was really good exposing him as a Grift team player also. It's unfortunate but that was GLARING!!!
👍️ 1 💯 1
WooptdooU WooptdooU 1 hora hace
Bocci GRIFTER enabled the great CASH TAKE also!!
WooptdooU WooptdooU 1 hora hace
They BUY NO SHARES, at market with THEIR OWN MONEY...what part of that do you not understand? Grifters like lebby and the marcinobodi jerk should give the HUGE CASH back. They flat out misguided!
👍️ 1
rikkie rikkie 1 hora hace
2 Years in a row they won the ECOC Industry Innovation Award for Hybrid PIC/Optical Integration Platform, recognizing the company's EO polymer material and technology as a leading innovation amongst the industry.
That says enough for me!!
And then we haven't even talked about the patents that are necessary to achieve all this.
I have patience because I know what I have!
👍 2 💯 1
tedpeele tedpeele 2 horas hace
Just remember, there is no such thing as long-term. Short term is all we have. Every day the market bows to the short term sentiment.

This may seem shortsighted, but it is the reality. That’s the reason so many have lost so much money here. They don’t understand especially today’s market where things change so quickly.

The short term really is the thing to look at. The long-term certainly can be in the back of your mind, but nothing is guaranteed anymore. Nothing.

The idea that they have the best material and therefore they are guaranteed to prevail is naive given the reality that we now live in with AI and incredible innovation happening in such a rapid pace.
👍️ 1 💯 1
tedpeele tedpeele 2 horas hace
Awarding only partial bonuses for 2024 was a pretty big clue, among many many other clues as to how things were progressing.

People who thought I was just being negative or twisting words we’re blinded. I wasn’t. I was giving it an honest appraisal based on the knowledge that this company always made things sound better than they really were. There was no question about that. That wasn’t biased. That was fact.

Time to watch the video.
Scope08 Scope08 2 horas hace
I've only been an investor here for 13 years. Do your research, short.
Polymer Paul Polymer Paul 2 horas hace
Buy the dip! Lmao again! 4 years of buying the dip!! No wonder you seem abit mental
👍️ 1 💯 1
More Belgians More Belgians 2 horas hace
whoever you think "we" is
"we" are NOT in the same boat

watch your blood pressure, stock might go lower next week 😀
jeunke22 jeunke22 2 horas hace
Liked the part when LeMaitre referred to Jensen Huang being on stage this week and announcing a next best thing for NVIDIA, a silicon photonics roadmap, silicon photonics and 8 x 100 g = 800 G compound, pam 4, possibly eliminating the DSP, and CPO moving to fiber and hopefully to be launched end of 2025.
Aren’t we here at this exquisite board “ analyzing and judging with our in depth engineering know how on the merits, issues and roadblocks on achieving 200, 400, 800 G per lane and beyond ? I think Jensen has literally seen the “light”, now we only have to convince some boys and girls here on this board .
👍 6 💥 2
Polymer Paul Polymer Paul 2 horas hace
You lot have been saying this for 20 years ! You act like this is the only stock out there too. knowing what is coming up in the next 12 months.. why would anyone invest in this? Just why? You can buy Tesla on the dip right now ... Guaranteed profit over next 6 months . the cult is dead... Your game is over till 2026.
spartex spartex 2 horas hace
Scope, 100% These negative posters are creating "chaff" to distract serious and well informed longs from continuing to believe in the truth of this industry, the new Leader at Lightwave and his revised strategic business plan, as well as Lightwave's advancement over the years to become the "best in the class" material, as well as "best in the class" polymer. Just see what's happening with LWLG and Polaritron. 🚀

Just a bunch of FUD they produce over and over, for who knows what reasons, other than likely their own greed (traders) and/or receiving support from shorts or others competing in this sector (inorganic materials).

Yves LeMaitre's message and direction is 100% crystal clear. News will be forthcoming, when there is real news. No fluff from this man!
👍 4 💯 1
Scope08 Scope08 2 horas hace
If LWLG continues to have the goods, and execute this refined business pivot successfully, nothing else will matter.
Delist, LPC, JM, bonuses, dilution...none matter. LWLG will still be hugely successful.
Longs understand this.
Traders and shorts do not. Understand that their words and opinions change according to their agenda at the time.

I'm not concerned with the short term...52 lows....or raising of funds...or Florida homes.

I was concerned with why? Yves explained that satisfactorily. He also explained what he's going to do about it. I like that.

In my opinion, there may not be a better time to buy LWLG stock and be an investor.
👍️ 4 💯 2
spartex spartex 3 horas hace
Thanks. Glad I listened to it last night, as the link on youtube now says this video is private, so it was probably pulled because of Safe Capital subscription only reasons? LeMaitre's responses to the questions asked to him was extremely high level, deeply informed, clear, cogent, and showed in Spades why he's been a very successful leader in this industry in the past decades. 💪

Very much looking forward to the execution of the new business strategy under Yves LeMaitre's leadership, along with the team's new focus. This will be a much more exciting, fast moving and dynamic process once their interested partners from foundries and silicon photonics design teams start to advance progress on this new and best class material (polymer or otherwise!) into PICs. 18-24 months before it will be ready for scaling according to LeMaitre, and his deep experience doing this a number of times with other related materials (inorganic, Lithium Niobate). I believe that the talks by Zelibor at ROTH sessions last week (and future institutional conferences) along with LeMaitre's interaction with Tier-1s and institutions will start to cement a strong interest in the share price, along with rejuvenated and awareness of new retail investors over the next 1-2 years. Some news on design win agreements will be another key to officially kicking off this process and shareprice appreciation. 🚀 Like buying a $1 call contract with no expiration. Unbelievable compared to the much richer billions market cap levels priced into private pre-IPO companies. I'm going to continue to buy more of these calls. Let this baby incubate under his skilled "full court press" leadership. And don't forget, he did say some positive things about how Dr. Lebby had advanced many things during his Lightwave tenor with the polymer, devices, reliability and PIC development (progress which can be used when they work material deals with new partners to accel advancement), but the one negative is he was trying to do too much at once (costs, time, complexity) and it was creating them as a competitor once it was realized how fast AI was driving this market and need for much higher speed modulator solutions by the big Boyz. Best to stick to their key, and best in the class product, the Perkinamine polymer. He did call them the big boys!! 😎 And now he will be working with as many of these big Boyz, as he can convince to invest and use this material for their competitive advantage.
👍️ 5 💥 2
ElectricMountain53 ElectricMountain53 3 horas hace
You seem to love calling people dumb while you´re in the same boat as us. That´s a sign of frustration and not be able to ventilate it elsewhere. Makes you more pathetic than us FYI! We´re just pointing out the obvious. Which is maybe difficult to understand from your narrow point of view and causes some cognitive dissonance which you have to ventilate. We got it, we know your kind 🫠
👍️ 2 ❤️ 2
Polymer Paul Polymer Paul 3 horas hace
Great interview.... Shows you the new road map! Dilution... Stock split .. delist .. all in the next 12 months .. then .. IF Yves does what he says ... There's some light to look forward to. Until then though... It's a world of pain. Possibly worth swing trading in a few months time. I expect 80 cent stock price by next Friday. All you longs giving it the big one ... Need to look in the mirror. Your embarrassing yourselfs... You've had egg on your face for 4 solid years now and it's gonna get worse. Yves is a multi millionaire.... With no skin in the game .. even at these prices. Tells me everything I need to know about the next 18 months. Never been so happy
prototype_101 prototype_101 3 horas hace
More said, Yves Lemaitre and Dr. Lebby are not "grifters", contrary to what a certain group of posters here keeps claiming.

They're not in this to cash a paycheck while misleading retail shareholders.

That entire narrative is dead in the water after this call.

And who keeps pushing it?

A small, vocal group who keep on spewing vulgarity and arrogance, pretending they know better, and would “do it all differently” if they were in charge.

This post should be a Yellow Sticky!! And those A-hole Short Basher posters should all be banned here!! All part of the manipulation that is going on daily here, I would love to know how many phantom shares have been created, the SEC should investigate the Short criminals at work here!!! Ruud gave an example of these criminal tactics already here

Just for information how rotten the stock market is and especially the shorting:

MMTLP went to $25,000 the last day it was traded before it was U3 halted and the trades busted. 1 hedge fund admitted to 10 million short shares owed in court. Only 2.5 million shares in total are reported short... So a single hedge fund has 5x the REPORTED short interest... MMTLP has a lot of similarities with GME, shorted over a decade and a huge amount of naked short shares. The hedge fund told the court we didn't understand the rules and we didn't need to borrow the short shares b/c it was part of an arbitrage trade……

Realise the impact of this confession for a minute….
👍️ 2 💯 2
Scope08 Scope08 3 horas hace
More Belgians, this just might be the greatest post, ever made on this board. Thanks.
👍️ 3 💯 1
Scope08 Scope08 3 horas hace
Well said LutherTiggs....good synopsis, although I've only completed watching 45 min so far. (early T time)
Yves seems to be no-nonsense and I picked up on his confidence in the new direction. As if he's felt that way for a fair amount of time.
(Seems he identified the need for change, a while handed the ball...and is running with it)
No fluff....he commented on the areas of concern LWLG has recognized through their efforts the last 18 months or so and said that the time spent was not necessarily wasted, as it allows for a greater understanding of customer needs.

However, I'm not as concerned with the timeline on significant news prior to the shareholder meeting, as you are. I want it, but the simple fact that the ship seems to be pointed in the right direction is satisfying to me.

Inside the first 30 minutes or so, he commented to the effect of announcing news when they have news to announce. I liked that.
I'd rather not see one mention of LWLG unless it's something to truly get things rolling.

I'll watch the remainder of the interview soon. So far so good.
👍️ 4 💯 1
gio gio 3 horas hace
silicon photonics ecosystem collaboration

👍️ 2 💯 1
More Belgians More Belgians 4 horas hace
And elsewhere in the call, he takes full responsibility for that!
👍 1
WooptdooU WooptdooU 4 horas hace
A very good listen, thank you for whoever is responsible for posting.
I thought the interviewer was really good. He cut Yve off too early for me a couple of times, but, overall, an A+.
Yve's honesty was confirming, good and poor.

There is no vertical so tell the x poster.
Opportunity window is at hand. Yves wants the challenge. We shall see.
Grifters stick together. No insider buys says it all. I wish he was asked in a different way about no insider skin in the game, but, that might shorten their stays. I want to understand their thinking on why no skin in the game? That needs prodded. Shareholders can possibly force insiders buys. It's not easy, but possible.

The interviewer certainly knows how important that is. We shall see.
Not jinxing, but Yves seems like he can get some of those shares coming to market absorbed via some deal. If not, he is too narrowly focusing on "the window of opportunity" and could lose it all by being flanked with bad perception.
M600 M600 5 horas hace
Another important quote which says it all from CEO Yves:
The reason that i joined the company personally, is because i believe in it. I’ve done it before, it wasn’t easy, i feel exactly the same, that we have a fantastic opportunity in front of us, it’s all about our ability to execute and deliver to the customers on the value of this material, if we are able to that, there is no question in my mind that we will get traction in the market and success in the market.
👍️ 11 💯 1
Dead On Arrival Dead On Arrival 5 horas hace
Insiders made a nice score while letting an alien and a used car salesman pilfer close to 5. 5 million from the company. The BOD is as complicit as the creeps that ran this company. Go back and look at the stock sales the BOD made. Retail had no clue how poorly this company was functioning but I am guessing the BOD did and they sat on their hands.BOD job is the best thing going. Do nothing and get paid. Just ike many that work in government.

Have a great time going to the ASM in May and looking at the creeps who took your money. That should be fun. You also get to listen to X tell you to enjoy life and not worry about going broke. After the meeting breaks up, some of the lucky shareholders will participate in a game of chasing down Astro in the mountains around Boulder while doing manly things. Proto has been looking forward to this for a year.
👍️ 1
Polymer Paul Polymer Paul 5 horas hace
Only problem with his speed dial is it's gonna take 2 years to get a reply!!! Lmao
walterc walterc 5 horas hace
Listening to the video is better than reading the transcript;

One quote "there is a window in the market that is of a size that never existed before and the fact that this window is is so big and such high volume opens up the fact , for us to accelerate potentially the timing by moving with people who have more resources to make it happen than of we stand alone"
👍️ 19 💀 1 💯 5
More Belgians More Belgians 5 horas hace
great post
Yves is a grifter....

The man has the industry on speed dial....

You are pathetic
Too dumb and lazy to understand basic things

On ignore from now on
👍️ 7 💀 1 💯 1
Polymer Paul Polymer Paul 5 horas hace
I loved how Yves said ', they hadn't wasted the last two years and can pass knowledge and experience on' .. yet the reliability testing time frame doesn't change ! Lol... It's 18-24 months. So obvious the last two years where a total waste ... If lebby the liar went this path straight away then his timelines would have been intact ??? Makes you wonder doesn't it.
More Belgians More Belgians 5 horas hace
as you said yourself, the stock impacts your mood and your health
you clearly over invested
the most stupid thing one can do

with that, all is said
about you
👍 1 💀 1
Dead On Arrival Dead On Arrival 5 horas hace
I have 22 nov 1 calls at present. So no exposure. For Yves, this is a can't lose situation. Gets credit when they turn it around or says I tried but I was here too late. They will likely have to do a r/s and then it will drift back down. It appears they are starting relationships all over again and that is going to take time. What the hell was Lebby doing for 8 years. He played hardball with a wiffle ball bat.

Marcelli- cancer
Proto- lol

Add in the brain dead Belgians and this is what you wind up with.
👍️ 1
jeunke22 jeunke22 5 horas hace
It’s not for me to judge, but I do think a few may actually have an ‘overheating’ and/ or a ‘ reliability and stability’ issue themselves,
👍️ 6 😊 1 🤣 1
Polymer Paul Polymer Paul 5 horas hace
I don't care if you sell or buy... I'm just stating the obvious.. and due to some longs bull crap on here .. I hope this company folds. Bunch of lying weasels for years. Resp what you sow. And I don't know what you was listening to... Because near term .. there is nothing but crickets !!!
ElectricMountain53 ElectricMountain53 5 horas hace
They still have a loooong way to go to commercialise this. If they get accepted by the industry that is...I´m not holding my breath anymore for short term catalysts tbh...
Ppastis Ppastis 5 horas hace
Is that all you heard in the interview ??? If this is your resume of the interview, it proves your stupidity ! And if you want people to sell their shares, well I believe they are not so stupid to listen to a poster like your type  I suggest you watch it again and listen to the interview in its whole !! Not just a single line ! 
And trust me/us ... with your stupid posts, arrogant behaviour and vulgar language, you will not convince 1 long investor to sell 1 single share !!! 
👍️ 11 💯 1
Polymer Paul Polymer Paul 5 horas hace
I've no doubt lightwave is getting taken to the cleaners rest of this year now. Time to go in for the kill
More Belgians More Belgians 5 horas hace
Watched and listened to the video twice
My initial impression of Yves has been fully confirmed

There’s a huge difference between Yves and Dr. Lebby when it comes to business acumen

I said it in December and I’ll say it again now Dr. Lebby is a scientist, an academic. He lacks that true business instinct — things like clear communication, persuasion, trust-building, making deals. (Many people underestimate how crucial that is.)

Yves has it, and he’s proven it multiple times in his career.

He understands that everything starts with crystal-clear strategy and positioning, followed by driving customer value:

“Clarity of strategy and market position. I felt that was kind of number one when I took over the job.”

He openly acknowledges mistakes were made:

“When I came, actually, I'll be very, very honest with you... coming from the industry, of course I knew the company... but I was not inside.”
“My main concern was about the readiness of the materials. Because the industry had that question.”

He did a good job explaining the “why” behind those past issues — and more importantly, he has already addressed them:

“That is what we have addressed... Now customers know that we are not a competitor anymore.”

And he’s clear about what matters now:

“I think we have to deliver results. I think that’s the right strategy for the company at this time.”
“My job is not financial engineering. My job is to build the products, build the customer base.”

The message is clear and repeated:

“It’s all about our ability to execute and deliver to the customers on the value of this material.”

So no more fluffy language. No more mixed signals. Just execution and action.

And thanks to the way Yves explained the market dynamics and internal decisions, I’m not blaming Dr. Lebby.

Yes, mistakes were made.
But let’s not forget: this is an extremely technical product in a highly complex market — with enormous money and power involved.

Also: Lebby has achieved important things. He had a near-impossible job.
In hindsight, it’s always easy to criticize.

Which brings me to point 2.

2. About the constant negative posters on this board

I don’t know what the final outcome for LWLG will be — I don’t know the market well enough.
(Side note: I will be buying more at these levels, because I understand and believe in it more than ever.)

But here’s one thing I now know with absolute certainty:

Yves Lemaitre and Dr. Lebby are not "grifters", contrary to what a certain group of posters here keeps claiming.

They're not in this to cash a paycheck while misleading retail shareholders.

That entire narrative is dead in the water after this call.

And who keeps pushing it?

A small, vocal group who keep on spewing vulgarity and arrogance, pretending they know better, and would “do it all differently” if they were in charge.

Many of them are just frustrated because they lost money — money they clearly overexposed themselves to without thinking.
Now that they’re sitting on losses, it turns out they took risks they couldn’t afford.
And instead of owning that, they spend their time posting the same angry message 100 times a day. Nothing better to do apparently.

Then there’s people like Polymer Paul — a guy who seriously thinks his tone and language might scare longs into selling.
He pretends to understand what’s happening inside the Belgian/Dutch investor group, while knowing absolutely nothing.

And whether it’s deliberate dishonesty or just basic incompetence, he continues to twist facts and misrepresent what the company actually says — like he did again this morning.

I can smell the dishonesty from a mile away.

Calling people like Yves Lemaitre a grifter and other words?

Yves, who has the key players in this billion-dollar industry on speed dial?

What does that say about their credibility?

Keyboard warrior nonsense.
Big talk. No substance.
Anonymous wannabes hiding behind message boards.

These people are a joke.
And completely irrelevant.

Best of luck to all longs — we’re getting there.

“Our material is better than anything else you've touched for electro-optics.”
“We bring the path to the next generation, whatever that will be — 800 Gbps or terabit per lane. Nobody else has that.”
👍️ 21 💯 8 🤙 2
Polymer Paul Polymer Paul 5 horas hace
You will need alcohol this year ! Lmao... You and a few others. Shorts have you at their mercy now. Watch this space
Dead On Arrival Dead On Arrival 5 horas hace
The interviewer looks like he just went on a 5 day binge. I do not blame him as his investments have evaporated.Between Niocorp and LWLG, it would appear the Euro team has taken a shellacking. Smith and the Vulcan used their trips over there to keep up the charade and the idiots buying. Job well done.
👍️ 1 🤣 1
RuudSaltis RuudSaltis 5 horas hace
I smell alcohol
👍️ 2 🤣 1
Polymer Paul Polymer Paul 5 horas hace
The interviewer states retail can't support the price if your kicked off Nasdaq ! Did you watch the video?
👎️ 1
RuudSaltis RuudSaltis 6 horas hace
In the coming weeks it will be already clear what the direction of the industry will be. Nvda has showed everybody the way…. Lightwave will follow shortly!
👍️ 9 💯 3
RuudSaltis RuudSaltis 6 horas hace
Reading and understanding of sec files is not for everybody! And to be clear there is a massive solidair retail base. Wait and see maybe already next week?
👍️ 8 💯 3
rikkie rikkie 6 horas hace
Jeunke ,
I have mentioned it before. If you have the best product to realize that it is not surprising that LWLG is shorted and bashed so much. I am sure that everything is done to destroy LWLG, no matter how much it costs. The fear of the competition is very big!!
A top product without competition . Can you imagine that all other manufacturers are pushed out of the market because of inferior products?
LWLG will get what it deserves, they will all have to follow because there is no other solution with the best of the best namely "perkinamine"!!! I am really curious about the comments that will follow this but the clowns will not be far away
👍️ 11 💯 3